a private writing blog for sidney prescott of the scream franchise. established november 2016. written by selena. inbox: 000 / drafts: 000 #SERIALFAME

81 posts


`   *      iv.     THAT’S  MY  EMOTIONAL  SUPPORT  SLASHER‚    OUT . `   *      iv.     TOP  STORY  TONIGHT‚    PSA . `   *      iv.     I’LL  BE  RIGHT  BACK‚    QUEUE . `   *      iv.     I’D  DIE  FOR  YOU‚    PROMO . `   *      iv.     BACK  BY  UNPOPULAR  DEMAND‚    SP .

More Posts from Sf-aa

4 years ago

billy’s  calculated  abuse  and  manipulation  of  sidney  sticks  with  her  for  THREE  YEARS (possibly  longer  but  in  the  movies  it’s  roughly  three  years)  after  the  events  of  the  woodsboro  murders  and  people  wonder  why  I  have  no  interest  in  canon-based  redemption  arcs  where  sidney  forgives  billy

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4 years ago
People Love A Good Trial, Its Like Theater, Theyre Dying For It. And Ive Worked Hard To Give The Audience
People Love A Good Trial, Its Like Theater, Theyre Dying For It. And Ive Worked Hard To Give The Audience
People Love A Good Trial, Its Like Theater, Theyre Dying For It. And Ive Worked Hard To Give The Audience

People love a good trial, it’s like theater, they’re dying for it. And I’ve worked hard to give the audience what they want. That’s what Billy was good at, he knew. It’s all about execution.

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4 years ago

also  I  love  how  sidney’s  signature  when  fighting/killing  ghostfaces  becomes  shooting  them  ( billy,  mickey,  debbie,  jill  esp. )  but  with  roman  she  stabbed  him  and  it  feels  especially  personal  bc  he’s  her  half-brother  and  the  reason  the  murders  happened  to  begin  with

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4 years ago


solitude  is  easier  to  stomach  on  her  own  terms;  at  least,  that’s  what  she  tells  herself  when  she  decides  she’s  better  off  sitting  in  one  of  the  many  ‘ social ’  rooms  the  delta  lambs’  expansive  sorority  house  has  to  offer.  greek  row  isn’t  sidney  prescott’s  scene  at  all,  and  yet  she  had  let  hallie  drag  her  along  to  a  party---something  she  regretted  the  moment  they  set  foot  over  the  threshold.  the  moment  she  saw  the  opportunity  to  retreat,  she  took  it,  placing  herself  beside  a  window  that  had  one  helluva  view  of  campus,  observing  the  partygoers  below,  and  the  stragglers  making  their  way  toward  the  action.  

and  when  an  old  floorboard  creaks  several  feet  behind  her,  she  sits  up  straighter,  spine  turning,  eye  line  landing  on  a  familiar  face;  and  then  shoulders  relax,  and  there’s  almost  a  smile  on  her  lips  as  she  exhales.   ‘  randy,  ’   thank  god  it’s  you,  and  not---no.  no.  don’t  say  it.  don’t  even  think  it.   ‘  don’t  tell  me  you’ve  had  your  fill  of  the  fun  already.  ’


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4 years ago
Countdown To Halloween | Scream (1996)
Countdown To Halloween | Scream (1996)
Countdown To Halloween | Scream (1996)
Countdown To Halloween | Scream (1996)
Countdown To Halloween | Scream (1996)
Countdown To Halloween | Scream (1996)
Countdown To Halloween | Scream (1996)
Countdown To Halloween | Scream (1996)

countdown to halloween | Scream (1996)

We’re gonna play a little game. It’s called “Guess Who Just Called the Police and Reported Your Sorry Motherfucking Ass!”

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