sh0tanzz - shosho

riize + analysis luvr šŸ”† 19

402 posts

Hi Shosho!! Ive Been Reading Alot Abt Astrology These Days And Ive Seen A Lot Of People Online Saying

hi shosho!! ive been reading alot abt astrology these days and ive seen a lot of people online saying bad things abt the 8th house and im quite scared tbh šŸ˜­ i know the 8th house is linked to darker themes such as death and its viewed as the most mysterious one

i have a gemini saturn in the 8th house btw (and i saw some bad things abt that too šŸ˜­) so i want to know what are ur thoughts on that?

tysm!! šŸ©·

while the 8th house is linked to death which can sound scary in general,, the 8th house also represents gains through loss. think about it, the 8th house represents inheritance..something you gain when someone else dies. it rules over taxes, something that either you lose and the govt gains or the govt loses and you gain. it rules over joint and shared assets

gemini saturn in the 8th house could mean you may have some communication issues, miscommunications and restrictions when it comes to money thatā€™s is gained through 8th house themes (inheritance, taxes, joint/shared assets) it could also show miscommunication when it comes to prenups and money deals regarding a spouse, business partner, the govt. you might also have to keep a separate bank account from your spouse

also if youā€™ve seen post saying ā€œsaturn in the 8th house means youā€™ll die a harsh deathā€ itā€™s simply not true especially since saturn is a long life indicator since saturn is associated with longevity and old age

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8 months ago

Iā€™ve been so sad lately because I want to move out the U.S (either to my mother island or canada) soooo bad but know if I do Iā€™ll be leaving my family and I canā€™t imagine being apart from them AAAAH šŸ˜­

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8 months ago

a lot of people online have been saying having a leo venus in the 12th hours is scary and i was just wondering what ur thoughts on that arešŸ˜§šŸ„²

scary no not really

imo venus doesnā€™t exactly suffer in the 12th house but venus has to express itself differently in the 12th house but doesnā€™t exactly (hate) it

leo in the 12th house can be difficult because leoā€™s ruling planet is the sun and the sun does not like being in the 12th house since it rules over darkness, secrecy and hidden things while the sun is light, out in the open and public.

but with leo venus in the 12th you may feel like your romantic, artistic, and creative efforts donā€™t get the acknowledgment or that you have a harder time being noticed in those areas than others. your love life may be very unknown to others or you prefer private but known relationships. your concept of self love or confidence may be something deeper within the subconscious and sometimes hard to tap into due to being self critical or a self perfectionist. you may be subconsciously attracted to people who have a certain image yet still arenā€™t super in the way or show offs. you also might be attracted to people who arenā€™t super available šŸ˜­

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8 months ago

Shosho i had no idea 8th house was related to death! What are your thoughts on Venus in the 8th house? I find it so interesting.

Also, I now find it so funny that when I got a reading I was told that my love was dead šŸ˜­

omg who told you this šŸ˜­ if it reassures you I have a friend and her mother is sighted (has insights and abilities) and one thing Iā€™ve learned from her is that everyone has essentially multiple soulmates or destined partners in their lifetime it just depends on the route in life you take so even if one possible lover is gone there are multiple others

venus in the 8th house however can be a positive omen because itā€™s associated with marrying rich or marrying someone who has an inheritance tied to them through their family. Itā€™s also associated with inheriting spousal money (ex. your spouse dies before you and leaves their money to you) partners who are controlling/possessive are also possible

venus in the 8th house downsides is that you can accidentally attract stalkers/users or people who overall want to benefit from your loss and essentially take parts of you for their own (gain). if in certain signs or aspects to certain planets (mars, pluto, lilith for example) it can also is associated with romantic relationships with darker themes or a sexual/romantic interest in darker themes (bdsm/control fantasies)

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8 months ago

alright I need to speak about this now

for the past few days Iā€™ve received threats, and rude messages in regards to this page. I know my upload schedule is chaotic and that I donā€™t exactly do things on time but as of recently Iā€™ve had a health crisis and on top of that Iā€™m preparing for my next year of college

on top of those things I have a life; recently someone inboxed me threatening to have my blog taken down because I failed to do their requests when they wanted me to, another calling me a riize anti because my description of the members comes off as ā€œfalseā€ and ā€œmisleadingā€ and on top of this for the past 3 uploads of full posts Iā€™ve done people have inboxed me telling me theyā€™re disappointed because they wanted/expected something else

Im not sure of taking a break from this page and I probably wonā€™t but this has been weighing on me and making me pretty much discouraged with even posting on here, Iā€™ll return because Iā€™m stubborn but I had to voice this out before I ended up getting frustrated and deactivating

Love you guys bye <3

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