shadow/Vince(nt), bi/pan enby (any pronouns, including it/its and neos). Entering my 20s, white, TME. [icon description: a photo of a white cat's face. end description.] [header description: a photo of a siamese-like cat lying on a desk. end description.]
510 posts
posts below are not tagged with fandoms, because I was lazy. they might miss some other taggings too
I'll try to tag posts more properly from this point
More Posts from Shadow-dracat
Hpw wexactly do you figure out the pallettes for your artwork? The colors are so bold and expressive.
Thanks! I've gotten into the bad habit of referencing from Pinterest a lot lately, but usually I would base it off of something i've seen In real life.

These palettes, in particular, are both inspired by an African wall decor that my mother has in her home.
hi everyone. essays are hard. working as an English tutor, I've started to realize how hard those can be. here is Mickie's Guide To Essays (basic). It has pretty much all the rules I follow, and i do pretty damn well in english. Yipee.