shockercoco - Courtney đŸ€
Courtney đŸ€

- Who I currently write - Austin Butler / Glen PowellCollege student so be patient 💕20Judgement Free Zone :)woc

47 posts

Seduction By Deception

Seduction by Deception

Feyd Rauth x reader x Lady Margot

Warnings - 18+, smut, threesome, somnophilia?- based from the movie, penetration

Word count - 2177

a/n - request: "passionate kissing and smut after putting his hand in the box, without killing Margot Thank you!" - i hope it's okay that i inserted reader in here too lol, also 10k likes is insane tysm! I hope you enjoy :)

Seduction By Deception

“Why exactly are we here again?” you turn to your close friend Lady Margot who’s sitting in the chair next to you. The two of you were sitting in the Baron’s section, waiting for the fight to begin.  She playfully rolls her eyes at you with a shake of her head.

“I’ve told you a thousand times already, we’re here to preserve the Harkonnen bloodline through Feyd Rautha so the Kwisatz Harderach can be born in the future since the Atreides are no longer living. Reverend Mother sees him as a worthy prospect, and he will eventually become the Baron,” she explains.

“I get that, but why are we here? Couldn’t Reverend Mother do this herself?” you ask as you fan yourself.

“Because given what happened between Feyd and his mother, she didn’t think she would be successful since she is seen as a motherly figure.”

You furrow your eyebrows and tilt your head in confusion. “What happened between him and his mother?”

“He killed her,” she tells you, causing your eyes to widen.

“What do you mean he killed her,” you repeat, “What happened?”

“Who knows,” Lady Margot says as she throws her hands up. “Anyways, that is why we’re here.”

“And what if he kills us, did Reverend Mother think of that?” you ask. You shift in your seat as fear starts to seep into you as you think of what’s to come later tonight. There’s no way you’re going to let yourself go out like that.

“If that happens, at least we died for the cause,” she says. Your mouth falls open at her statement, causing Lady Margot to laugh. “Relax, I doubt that will happen since he’ll be under compulsion.”

“I don’t think this job requires two people, I'm pretty sure one of us would suffice. Preferably you.”

Lady Margot fake gasps. “Would you really leave me alone with him?” 

“Like you said, if anything were to happen to you, at least it was for the cause,” you joke. Lady Margot smiles at you.

Your conversation is interrupted by Feyd’s name being announced throughout the arena and the roar of the crowd. Maybe your head will explode from the noise, then you won't be forced to seduce a killer. When Feyd finally enters the arena, both you and Lady Margot raise your eyeglasses to get a better look at him. 

“Well, at least he’s not bad to look at,” you murmur, Lady Margot humming in agreement.

Later that night as you and Lady Margot walk the halls of the Harkonnen compound, the only thing going through your mind are flashbacks from today's fight. It’s obvious that Feyd enjoys what he does and has no remorse for any one that’s not himself. He was toying with those poor men in the arena and had a smirk on his face all throughout.

You see Lady Margot look at you out of the corner of your eye, causing you to turn and look at her. She raises an eyebrow, silently asking if you’re okay, and you give her a reassuring smile. 

“It should be late enough that Feyd is on his way to his room,” she says as she looks out at the fireworks exploding in the air outside. “Shall we get started?”

You give her a nod as the two of you begin the walk to the private side of the compound. The halls seem to get darker and darker the deeper the two of you go. There are two armed men guarding the entrance of one hallway, which leads you to guess it leads to Feyd’s quarters. The men give both you and Lady Margot a suspicious look as the two of you get closer, and right as one of them opens their mouth to say something, you compel them both to leave.

As the two of you turn a corner, you notice Feyd in the distance, strolling with his hands clasped behind his back. You give Lady Margot a look before hiding in the shadows as she starts walking closer to him.

Feyd, on the other hand, can sense that someone is following him, but he doesn’t know that you are somewhere hiding. With a tilt of his head, he stops walking and listens as Lady Margot gets closer to him. You watch from your hiding place, waiting until you’re needed.

Suddenly Feyd walks away and disappears, leaving both you and Lady Margot confused, only for him to step out from the shadows a moment later behind her. He places a blade against her neck, causing Lady Margot to tilt her head to display more of her skin to him.

“You’re following me,” he says into her ear. 

Lady Margot smirks as she responds, “I am? I hadn’t noticed.”

Feyd allows her to turn around to face him, his blade still at the ready. “How did you get past the guards?”

“What guards?” she innocently smiles up at him. She gives you a discrete hand gesture, signaling you to come out.

Before Feyd has a chance to say anything else, you begin to use the voice on him as you slowly walk towards the pair, sending shockwaves through his mind. Feyd closes his eyes as he winces and subconsciously lowers his blade. He shakes his head, trying to get the feeling in his head to disappear, but it’s no use. He bawls his hands into fists, hoping that the feeling of his nails digging into his skin will keep him grounded.

“I know all about you Bene Gesserit witches, stop this at once,” Feyd commands Lady Margot.

She furrows her brows in fake confusion, “I’m not doing anything to you.”

“Stop the lies woman, I had a dream about you last night. I’m almost certain I have never met you before this moment,” he says. His eyes are now closed as he tries to keep his mind in order, but it’s getting harder and harder for him by the second as you increase your power. The noise from the fireworks outside disorients him more.

Lady Margot turns and begins to walk away, causing Feyd’s feet to follow her without him knowing. “And how do you know that it was me who planted that dream inside of you? There are thousands of Bene Gesserit.”

She swiftly leads Feyd down another hallway and into a giant room with you skulking behind them at a distance. Feyd is hypnotized as he watches the sway of her cloak Once all three of you are inside the room, the door closes. Lady Margot sits down on the bed placed in the center of the room and removes her hood.

Feyd opens his eyes at the sound of the door closing. “I don’t recognize this place.”

“Because you are in the guest quarters, my lord Na-Baron,” says Lady Margot, softly.

Discombobulated, Feyd turns to look around the room to gather his surroundings, and that’s when he notices you standing by the door. “Who are you?”

“That does not matter at the moment, my lord,” you give him a smile as you step closer to the two of them.

Feyd looks between you and Lady Margot, utterly confused and unaware of what’s about to happen. The last thing he hears as his thoughts come to a stop and his mind becomes empty are the words ‘happy birthday’ being whispered into his mind by you. Both you and Lady Margot now have full control over his body as he stands there waiting orders.

“Come to me,” Lady Margot whispers. Feyd slowly moves over to her, his eyes revealing the vacantness in his skull. “Kneel.”

His body lowers to the floor in front of her place on the edge of the bed. 

Lady Margot produces a small box from the inside of her cloak, the gom jabbar. “Place your right hand into the box.”

Feyd obeys as his eyes don’t leave hers. Once his hand is fully inside, Lady Margot moves her unoccupied hand to hover a sharp pin by his neck. As she increases the power inside the box, Feyd’s jaw begins to tense and his eyes fall closed.

“I think
this is arousing him,” Lady Margot tells you, but it comes out like a question.

“Well, you heard what people say about him, he’s a sadistic masochist. I’d probably be more confused if this didn’t turn him on,” you point out.

“I suppose so, how interesting,” she gives you a smile of which you return. “No better time to get started than now.”

“I should be holding the box and you should be the one on the floor,” you joke, causing Lady Margot to laugh.

“Enjoy it while it lasts.”

You take your place beside the hallowed Feyd and begin to kiss the side of his neck, while Lady Margot begins to read his energy through the box. Feyd leans his head to the side to give you more room as you make his way down his jaw. You watch as his hips jerk from the sensations.

He really is enjoying this.

You move a hand and place it over his crotch, and when Feyd bucks his hips again, you take it as a sign to continue. His mouth falls open as you begin to palm him through the fabric of his pants.

When you stick your hand into his pants to wrap your hand around him, he lets out a moan. Lady Margot allows him to fall back into you.

You watch as Feyd’s eyes slowly open as Lady Margot finishes her reading and relinquishes some of her power on him. Suddenly, he turns his head and body to connect his lips with yours, which takes you by surprise at first. He places his hands onto your waist, pulling you closer to him and allowing you to place your hands onto the sides of his face for you to do the same. For a second, you forget that Lady Margot is still in your presence.

When you pull away to catch your breath, Feyd instantly tries to pull you back in, but you softly push him away by his chest with a smile as you stand up and join your friend on the bed. His eyes are filled with hunger as he watches your every move, darting his gaze between you and lady Margot. 

“He probably would’ve done this without having to compel him,” Lady Margot states. You give her a nod in agreement. “Undress for us.”

Feyd wastes no time as he stands up to obey Lady Margot orders, letting his robe fall to the ground along with his pants and undergarments. His toned chest is revealed to you, and you can’t help the attraction you start to feel towards this psychotic man.

“Join us,” you command, causing Feyd to situate himself between the both of you in bed.

Both you and Lady Margot also undress before laying back on the bed on either side of Feyd. She goes to kiss his neck as her hand travels south to wrap her hand around his cock, while you let Feyd pull your mouth towards his. You let your hand slowly drift around his torso as he moans into your mouth from Lady Margot’s hand. You don’t stop him when his tongue darts into your mouth and begins exploring. When Feyd finally deattaches his lips from yours, only taking a second to breathe before joining his lips with Lady Margot.

“Not a bad kisser,” Lady Margot tells you telepathically, and you can’t help but laugh.

When it appears that Feyd is getting antsy with just the kissing and the gentle handjob, Lady Margot takes it as a sign to do the needed action to seal Reverend Mother’s plan. The room fills up with Feyd’s and Lady Margot’s moans while he fills her up as she rides him. You feel arousal dip out of you at the scene unfolding in front of you, suddenly feeling the need to be touched. 

Feyd must’ve gotten the message because he uses a hand to give some attention to the aching bud between your legs. When Feyd pushes a finger inside of your soaked opening, a whimper falls out of your mouth causing Feyd to smirk.

For a moment, you feel a twinge of jealousy at the fact of Lady Margot getting to carry his child before quickly coming back to reality. There’s no way you would want to walk around pregnant.

The next day, when you and Lady Margot arrive back at your homeworld you are welcomed by an eager Reverend Mother.

“So?” Reverend Mother asks, waiting for one of you to answer.

“It was a success. I now carry his heir and the bloodline is secured, just as you requested,” Lady Margot answers.

“And can he be controlled?” 

This time, you speak up. “Easily. You will be pleased to know that he will be a worthy ruler. He loves pain and is sexually vulnerable.”

“Well then
It is done,” says Reverend Mother, before waving the both of you away with a motion of her hand.

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More Posts from Shockercoco

7 months ago

Hi!! If interested can you please do a Benny Cross x reader who is an unofficial member of the gang? The reader might work at a bartender at the bar but she comes from a wealthy background but her parents are somewhat friends with Johnny because her parents never looked down upon them or anything like that. So that are on good terms. Anywho the reader is a sweetheart and doesn’t talk much but she is no pushover. She will standup for herself when need be. She likes wearing pastel colors and her blonde hair is always in a headband. Benny likes her and try’s to give her hints but she thinks that he is just being nice because she had bad luck with guys who only always saw her has a friend and so, he has to be blunt with her one day. And the rest is up to you. Thank you.

Oooh I can do this.

I’m not too descriptive on my characters because I want anyone to be able to read it, but other than that I love this.

Read it here :)

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9 months ago

I Told You So

Timothee Chalamet x reader

Warnings - none, fluff

Word count - 703

a/n -  request: Timothee gets sick halfway through a vacation and worries he’s ruined it but Y/N assures him he didn’t. (They are on vacation so Timothee can take a break from working so much) - it's kind of short, but I hope you enjoy :)

I Told You So

Timothee had been sick for a couple days leading up to the day the two of you were supposed to leave for vacation. You had told him several times that you were fine with canceling the trip or postponing it for a later time when he felt better, but each time he would brush you off and tell you that he was fine.

After all, there were only a handful of times throughout the year where he wasn’t busy filming or attending press events. When he did have time off, he used it to make up for all the lost time between the two of you.

“It’s just a small cold,” Timothee had told you the night before the trip.

His head felt heavy and cloudy, his nose was clogged so he couldn't smell, and his body ached. Overall, he felt like shit, but he didn’t want to let that stop you guys. He knew you had been looking forward to this vacation for months, and he didn’t want you having to take care of him during his time off.

“Babe, just a couple days ago you were telling me how terrible you felt, and now all of a sudden you feel better?” you countered. “ You’re sick, Timothee, just admit it.”

Somehow, he hadn’t gotten you sick, despite being around you practically every minute of the day. Your back was to him as you continued to clean the kitchen. You could hear his feet moving against the tile floor, coming closer to you, but you kept your back facing him. He took the cloth you were using to clean the counters out of your hand, trying to get your attention. You let out a sigh as you lean against the counter and let your eyes meet his. 

“I promise you, I’m good to go on this trip,” he insists as he gives you a reassuring smile, hoping you would just drop it.

Which you do. Against your better judgement, you let Timothee convince you. Throughout the plane ride, you kept looking over at him to make sure he was okay – he had noticed this out of the corner of his eye, but he chose to ignore it.

When the two of you had arrived at your rented villa on the beach, It was Timothee’s idea to not rest and to explore the area. The two of you had even gone for a swim in the ocean later that night.

On the second day of your vacation is when Timothee took a turn for the worse. When he woke up that morning, he felt like had gotten hit by a truck, he had no energy to move. He knew he couldn’t lie to you anymore.

“I’m sorry,” he told you as you gave him some medicine that you had stuffed in your luggage just in case he needed it. And boy did he need it.

“It’s okay, really,” you say as you sit on the bed next to him. You place the back of your hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

“No, it’s not okay. I didn’t want you to have to take care of me on your vacation. I ruined it for you,” he sighs as he looks at you. He felt awful, and it wasn’t from the pounding headache he had.

“You didn’t ruin it, Timothee,” you reassure him.

“But we can’t do any of the things you wanted to do,” he says.

“We’ll be here for another week, I’m sure you’ll feel better in a couple of days. The most important part is that I get to spend time with you,” you say as you run a hand through his curls. 

“Yeah, spend time with your sick boyfriend,” he mumbles.

You playfully roll your eyes. “How about you stop complaining and let someone take care of you for once. It’s about time I pay you back for all the times you took care of me.”

Timothee thinks for a moment before saying, “You know what, you’re right. This is overdue. Remember that time when you had food poisoning and you threw up on- "

“Don’t say another word,” you cut him off. He just gives you a smirk in return.

Like what you see? check out my masterlist :)

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7 months ago

Dangerously Yours

Benny Cross x reader

Warnings - 18+, jealousy smut, fingering, eating out, squirting, multiple orgasms, dirty talk, some swear words

Word count - 2550

a/n - here’s the winner of the poll and part 2 of The Lucky One, but it can be read by itself. I’m so glad you guys enjoyed it enough to want a part 2! tysm and I hope you enjoy :) (I will fix any errors later💀)

Dangerously Yours

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Benny mumbles as you dodge his kiss. “What now?”

Not even five minutes ago, this man was basically teasing you about your jealousy, and now he has the audacity to be confused. You didn’t want to admit the fact that you were jealous of his ex, but it’s Benny – when he wants an answer he’ll make sure he gets it.

You’re not really angry, just slightly embarrassed, so you feel like being petty because why not?

“Nothing, I told you I was tired,” you tell him as you move away from the counter and out of his grasp.

Benny blinks a few times, confused, because he thought he had just resolved the problem that had caused your bitchy attitude.

The tea you had made before Benny interrupted you in the kitchen is now cold, so you pour the tea out and place the cup into the sink before leaving the kitchen. You make a quick stop at the front door to make sure it’s locked before making your way upstairs with Benny hot on your tail.

“I know when you’re tired and this,” he gestures to you, “is not it.”

“Well, it looks like you don’t know me that well then because I am tired,” you shoot him a glare, turning the bedroom light off as soon as you enter the room. Benny comes in behind you and immediately turns the light back on.

You make a move to walk over to your side of the bed, but Benny stops you. He grabs your arm to pull you towards him before pushing you back onto the bed. You roll your eyes making sure to keep your annoyed expression – you’re going to keep up this facade for as long as you can. 

You use your hands to crawl backwards towards the headboard, but again, Benny interrupts your plans. He grabs you at your ankles and pulls you back towards him at the bottom of the bed. When you try to move again, his grip tightens on your ankles.

“Let me go,” you say.

“I know what you’re doing,” he tells you, voice low. He places a knee in between your legs, moving a hand up your body as he moves to hover over you before placing his hands on either side of your head.

Stay strong.

“Really? Enlighten me, then,” you raise your eyebrows as you look up at him, folding your arms across your chest.

“I don’t have to tell you what you already know, sweetheart. You’re not dumb," Benny smirks down at you.

“You know, I’m in the perfect position to knee you right between your legs, right?” you question.

Benny ignores your remark as he moves to travel south. “Since you wanna play games, I don’t mind playing along, but I’m gonna have to add a couple of rules.”

“What are you doing?” you ask as you follow him with your eyes as he places his face in front of your covered pussy. You feel yourself throb as he teasing rubs a hand on your thigh.

Benny playfully tilts his head. “What? Isn’t this what you wanted?”

As Benny moves back to pull your pajama shorts and underwear down your legs, you try to keep your breathing steady.

“No,” you say firmly, but it was a lie. Even though you weren’t exactly planning to end up in this position, you knew this is how Benny liked to deal with you when you had an attitude. 

You watch as Benny moves back to pull you pajama shorts and underwear slowly down your legs. There was a small patch of arousal starting to form in your panties, which caused it to stick to your cunt as Benny pulled them away from you. The corners of his mouth twitched as he notices how wet you are already.

“You sure about that?” he asks as he looks up at you. You breathe in sharply as you feel Benny rub a thumb up and down your already sticky folds. “Because what I’m seeing right now is telling me something completely different.”

Stay strong.

You have to clench your jaw and close your eyes when Benny presses down onto your clit, his eyes watching your every move. You open your mouth to say something but immediately close it when Benny presses again, this time drawing tight circles.

“Nothing to say? You had so much to say just a second ago, what happened?”

You open your mouth to try to speak again, but you again get interrupted when Benny presses down on your clit again, stopping you from speaking on purpose.

What a prick. 

“You don’t have to answer that, baby, I already know,” he smiles. “But what you do have to do is stay quiet for me because, like you said, this isn’t what you wanted, so you obviously won’t be enjoying this.”

Benny suddenly moves his hand down and pushes a finger into you, your slick cunt making it easy to glide in. Your clit is only abandoned for a second before he uses his other hand to give it attention. 

His pace is slow and tantalizing as he thrusts his finger in and out of you. You have to bite your lip when Benny adds a second finger inside of you, curling his fingers into your walls, but when his fingers find that special spot, an involuntary moan leaves your lips.

Benny’s fingers immediately stop as his eyes leave your cunt to look up at you. “I said be quiet, remember?”

He waits for you to nod before continuing, but this time he adds his mouth to the mix. You feel his tongue glide across you before using his mouth to add suction to your clit. Your hips jerk at the feeling.  The speed of his fingers gradually increase, making the sounds escaping your soaked cunt to become louder and louder.

Your resolve is quickly diminishing, making it harder to stay quiet as Benny’s lips attack you. You feel the need to grab onto something, so you finally uncross your arms to grab onto the blanket.

Benny stops again. “No, no, no. You wanted to be petty and fold your arms like you’re tryna to prove something, so keep them folded.”

You let out a whimper, but do as he says. He sends you a look, silently telling you to be quiet, before starting up his fingers again and reattaching his lips. Since you can’t grab onto the bed, you dig your nails into folded arms. You want to scream.

As you feel yourself reaching the end of this tortuous climb, it all becomes too much. Your hips buck away from his face and you try to close your legs, causing Benny to use his unoccupied hand to grab onto one of your thighs to keep you spread. His fingers move even faster inside of your tight, wet hole, and you might actually pass out.

When you tumble over the edge and cum, your eyes roll as your hands move to grip the bed again. Fuck Benny. He uses your fingers to work you through your orgasm, constantly rubbing against that spot along your walls. Your walls are closing around Benny’s fingers, but he doesn’t care, enjoying the way your cunt spasms and flutters and the way your wetness covers his hand. Your back arches as you grind yourself against his face, your head falling back against the bed. 

As you begin to come down from your high, you notice Benny not slowing down. 

“Benny!” you squeak out as you try to move your hips away. 

You try to crawl back, but that doesn’t stop Benny, he just follows your hips as you move. Suddenly you feel yourself gush, squirting onto his face and forcing his fingers out of you. The fabric below you quickly becomes soaked with your mess. Benny quickly rubs his fingers across your clit, prolonging your squirting.

“God, please!” you plead as you continue to try to get out of his grasp. “Benny!”

Benny hums into you as he wraps his arms around your shaking thighs to keep you glued to him. Your legs close around his head as the feeling vibrates through your body. 

Benny eventually stops and allows you to push his head away from you. You quickly close your legs as Benny uses his hand to wipe your mess from his face with a laugh. Your chest heaves up and down as you try to catch your breath, your body trembling.

While you try to calm down, Benny stands up to remove his sweatpants and tank top. You catch a glance of a spot of precum on the fabric of his underwear, before he pulls that down to, letting his hard cock free. This is far from over.

You body feels limp, so you put up no resistance when Benny comes back to hover you and pulls your tank top over your head. Then, he moves to position himself between your legs, and begins to rub his cock against your sticky folds. Your body twitches and you let out a small moan at the action.

“What’s wrong, are you too sensitive?” Benny fake pouts above you, and you don’t have the energy to snap back at him. All you can do is moan in response. “That’s too bad because I haven’t had my release yet. You can take another round, though, right baby?”

He smirks as you glare up at him, but the expression is quickly wiped from your face as he pushes his cock into you. You throw your head back into the bed as your mouth opens to make a noise, but all that comes out is a silence.

Benny groans as he sets his pace inside of you – slow and deep. He grabs ahold of your thighs to prevent them from closing and to help him push inside of you. He looks down at the spot where the two of you are connected to take in the sight of your soaked opening sucking him in. A creamy ring can also be seen forming at the base of his cock 

“Fuck,” you whimper.

“I can’t believe you got jealous of Kay, baby. I mean you, of all people, should know where my heart is,” Benny taunts. “You’re my good girl, isn’t that right?”

You grab a hold of a pillow that’s been tossed to the side as you arch your back. Your eyes are closed and your thighs are shaking as Benny continues his deep thrusts inside of you. He knows exactly what you like and what you need, which is why he decided to use a slow pace to torture you.

Then there’s a rough thrust. He gently caresses one of your thighs as a punched out moan leaves you. “I asked you a question, baby.”

“Yes!” you cry out.

“Yes what?” he asks.

“I’m your good girl.”

“Yeah you are. My sweet, sweet girl.”

Oh my god.

Benny grabs a hold of your hands and lowers it to your stomach and presses down. It’s almost enough to make you come on the spot. 

And you do, causing Benny to laugh as he watches your body convulse.

“You’re the one I’m inside of, baby,” he groans, his voice husky, with his hand still on your stomach.

You clench down around him at his words, causing him to groan. He closes his eyes for a second to collect himself, before opening them back up. Benny then leans down to hover over you, wrapping his arms around your body to help him go even deeper. His head moves to drop into your neck, his hot breath fanning against you.

You think your eyes might get stuck in the back of your head.

“Your pussy is the only one I look forward to having around me,” he whispers into your ear. “Do you know that?”

“Yes, Benny!” 

You can hear the remains of your precious orgasm causing a squishing and squelching sound to leave your dripping cunt. You can feel some of your mess leaking down and onto the already damp blanket beneath. You feel Benny’s deep moan fill your ear.

“You sure because it didn’t seem that way earlier,” he tells you. 

Fuck his ex. Well, maybe you should be saying thank you at the moment.

You feel like you’re holding onto for dear life.

“I do, I do, I do,” you answer breathlessly, your eyelids heavy.

He pulls his head away from your neck to place a sloppy, wet kiss against your lips. You’re too far gone to do anything but let out a needy whimper into his mouth.

“I belong only to you, ain’t that right?” he mumbles against your lips. 

All you can say is, “Uh huh,” while giving him a nod.

Benny notices your distant expression and grabs your head into his hands, making you look him in the eyes while he continues to rock into you.

“Look at you, so gorgeous. No one compares to you. Wanna make you mine officially, wanna marry you,” he tells you. You shudder against him. “You like that idea, huh?”

You nod again.

“Use your words, sweetheart,” he smirks.

“Yes,” you manage to say.

“I know you do,” he tells you.

Eventually you feel his thrusts get needy and more sloppy, his hold on you becoming tighter.

“Wanna make you mine,” he repeats, his head back in the crook of your neck as he pounds into your overly sensitive cunt. Your body is limp, a constant string of noises leaving your lips, but you can feel drool dribbling out the side of your mouth. “Wanna make you mine.”

Benny snakes his hand between your two bodies, landing on your clit. Your body jerks at the feeling. “Are you gonna give me another one, sweetheart,” he pants as he rubs circles into you.

He fucks you deeper into the mattress, humping you with need.

“No, I can’t!” you pathetically cry out.

“Yes, you can,” he grunts, and when he gets no response, he says, “that’s my girl.”

You feel your third orgasm quickly approaching, “Please, Benny, please,” you moan.

“I got you,” he tells you.

Suddenly your walls are clamping around him, and you're gushing, your squirt coming out with every thrust. Your body arches up into him as Benny chases his own high. You're a trembling wet mess underneath him.

Then you feel Benny throbbing inside of you, your repeated clenching throwing him over the edge. When he pulls out, you shudder, causing Benny to give you a quick sorry.

He collapses with his head on your stomach, and the two of you lay in a comfortable silence. The room is filled with nothing but heavy breaths, until you decide to speak up. There’s a serious question running through your mind.

“Do you actually wanna marry me?” you ask as you look down at him, your hands in his hair.

“Yeah,” Benny nods with a genuine smile, then adds, “I kinda have to after all this, don’t you think?”

You give him a look as you find the energy to hit him with a pillow. He quickly sits up and stops you from hitting his face with a laugh.

“You know i'm just kiddin’,” he smiles.

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9 months ago

Please can you write an Austin smut where he's really possessive? Maybe you and him bump into one of your exes?

I was actually just thinking about doing something like this lol

read it here!

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7 months ago

Rainbow vs. Leather

Benny Cross x reader

Warnings - some swearing, flirty! and nervous! Benny

Word count - 2397

a/n - request: Hi!! If interested can you please do a Benny Cross x reader who is an unofficial member of the gang?. . .Benny likes her and try’s to give her hints but she thinks that he is just being nice because she had bad luck with guys who only always saw her has a friend and so, he has to be blunt with her one day. And the rest is up to you. Thank you." - read the full request here. i think 2k words is just gonna be my average at this point lol, i hope you enjoy :)

Rainbow Vs. Leather
Rainbow Vs. Leather

“Do I have to?” You had asked your parents one night at dinner — they had basically turned it into an intervention.

Your parents weren’t a huge fan of you just lounging around the house all the time with nothing to do, although you had no problem with just kicking back and watching a little television. They thought you needed to get out and socialize and make some friends. 

You weren’t necessarily opposed to the idea, but making friends wasn’t an easy thing for you. You came off as shy at first, but once you got comfortable in your environment you became pretty talkative and outgoing. This was also a problem when having conversations with people because sometimes they thought you didn’t want to talk, or even worse, that you didn’t like them for some reason. 

You wanted to come out of your shell, so when your parents told you that they wanted you to get a job, you were hesitant but you agreed. 

At least they weren’t kicking you out of the house.

What they didn’t know is that you would get a job at the local bar where all the Vandals hung out, the town’s motorcycle club. It was easy for you since Johnny, a close family friend —  leader and owner of the club — practically owned the bar, so when you had asked him for a job, he was completely fine with it.

Your parents thought you would get a job at something like the grocery store or the book store down the street, but since they loved Johnny they were okay with you working at the bar. 

So now here you are, your third week as a bartender and you enjoyed it. For the most part, the guys were pretty respectful and you rarely had any problems — mainly because Johnny basically threatened them into treating you right before you even started. 

There was this instance a couple days ago with a drunk guy, though. He kept getting closer and closer to you, and when it became clear he wasn’t going to leave you alone, Johnny interrupted and kicked the guy out of the bar.

You told Johnny that you had it handled, but he had just dismissed you and said, “No lady should have to deal with that.”

It was pretty obvious that this wasn’t your usual crowd. You enjoyed wearing colorful clothes and jewelry, but you did try and tone it down a little so that you didn’t stick out too much. Thankfully, you had made a couple of friends so you didn’t feel too out of place.

“You should come out riding with us later,” Kathy, a new friend, tells you from the other side of the bar counter.

“On a motorcycle? Are you crazy?” You ask as you lean against the counter. A lot of the guys had already gotten their drinks, and they didn’t want to get too drunk for the ride later, so you didn’t have too much to do.

“What else would I be talking about?” she playfully rolls her eyes.

“I don’t know, maybe a car ride?”

“When was the last time you had fun?” She asks you as she taps the ashes off the end of her cigarette.

“Yesterday while watching some game show,” you joke, and Kathy just laughs.

“How are you two doing over here?” Benny walks up with a glass in his hand, taking a seat next to Kathy.

Benny was another one of your new friends, and you enjoyed whenever he was around. Mostly because you liked how he made your heart flutter just by looking at you or giving you that smirk of his. You hate to admit it, but you were a goner the first day you had met him.

He wasn’t your usual type, but who cares. The whole point of this job was to get you to become more open. You highly doubted that the feelings were reciprocated on his end, though.

But little did you know they were. Just like you, Benny had fallen for you as soon as he laid eyes on you. He had just entered the bar and joined a game of pool with some of the other Vandals.

As he was lining up his shot, he heard a laugh that he hadn’t heard before. All the laughs he was used to were from the other Vandals or the raspy laughs from the girls that hung around and smoked.

Your laugh was different — light and airy and sometimes started off as just a giggle and got interrupted with a snort. It was also loud enough to be heard over the regular chatter of the bar, making Benny miss his shot.

The guys had joked and asked if he was distracted, but he just brushed it off and tried to regain his focus.

When he looked up furrowed eyebrows to see who was causing the noise powerful enough to throw him off his game, he noticed you standing there behind the bar. You are laughing at something Johnny had said to you as you poured him a drink.

Benny ended up missing his next two shots, and he surprisingly wasn’t upset when he lost the game.

Benny needed to know who you were, and he made that his mission from then on. He tried to send you signals that he was interested in you, but for some reason you weren’t picking them up. He loved the way you giggled at something he said or how your soft hand accidentally brushed his as you handed him his drink. 

He was trying so hard to be patient, including now as he saw you talking with Kathy with a gentle smile.

“I’m trying to get her to join us later tonight for the night ride,” Kathy answers him.

“And?” Benny asks hopefully, his eyebrows raised as he looks at you with humor written across his face.

“Not happening,” you shake your head.

“Why not?” he continues.

“Because she doesn’t like fun,” Kathy butts in before you can answer.

“Hey, I do like to have fun. It’s just that my version of fun and yours is different,” you defend.

“Have you ever been on a motorcycle?” Benny asks you as he rubs his hand over his chin. When you shake your head in response, he asks, “Do you want to?”

“Not really a huge fan of putting my life on the line like that,” you tell him. Benny chuckles, Kathy joining in. 

“It’s not that dangerous, we don’t always drive fast. Tonight’s just a cruise. Come on,” Benny says.

His intense gaze is almost enough to make you say yes
but no. Being on the back of a motorcycle didn’t seem as safe as being inside a closed up car.

“I’m okay, plus my parents might kill me if I stay out too late,” you say.

“Doesn’t Johnny know your parents? I’m sure they wouldn’t be too mad,” says Kathy.

Benny’s face contorts into surprise at Kathy’s statement. He looks back at you for confirmation, and you give him a silent nod.

“What about me?” Johnny questions as he hears his name being mentioned. He gives you a smile as he hands you his glass to refill.

Good, hopefully he can help you get out of this.

“We’re trying to convince her to come out with us, but she’s too afraid,” Kathy explains. You let out a scoff.

“Oh, that’s a good idea,” Johnny agrees, taking a sip from his glass.


Your eyes widen as your lips slightly parted in disbelief.

Johnny shakes his head in amusement at your expression. “I promise it’s not that bad, you’ll be safe with us. If you get in any trouble with your parents, I’ll talk to them myself.”

You look at the three pairs of eyes staring back at you, waiting for your answer — Kathy with her eyebrows raised, Benny with a daring look behind his eyes, and Johnny with a smirk.

“Fine,” you surrender, throwing your hands in the air as the group in front of you lets out a small cheer. 

As the night at the bar comes to an end, the bikers take that last sip from their glass and throw on their colors, before filing out the door and heading toward their bikes. Hoots and hollers fill the air as everyone begins to hype each other up. 

“You can ride with me,” you hear Benny tell you as he walks past you and toward his own motorcycle. He doesn’t look back at you as he starts up the bike and waits as everyone else does the same.

Get on a bike. With Benny.

You spot Kathy on a bike with Cal. When she sees you looking, she nods her head towards Benny and smiles. You inhale a deep breath to give yourself before heading towards Benny, who offers you his hand as you climb on behind him.

“Well I’ll be damned, is Rainbow finally coming?” Brucie laughs when he sees you. He gave you the nickname when he saw you on your first day dressed in pastel colors and joked about how bright your clothes were. The name has stuck with you ever since, unfortunately.

“Hell yeah,” Cockroach shouts, along with a few others.

You roll your eyes and try to hide the smile forming across your lips. Benny instructs you to wrap your arms around his torso, which you do with uncertainty. You’re not sure how high or low you should have your hands and how tight to hold onto him. 

This feels oddly intimate. 

He smells like cigarettes — which would normally be a huge turn off if it was someone else — along with sweat from the multiple rounds of pool he played throughout the night, and his natural musk. 

Benny must’ve noticed your nervousness because he grabs your hands and places them on his abdomen, allowing you to feel the muscles beneath his shirt. He gives your hands a small pat as if to keep them in place before following the rest of the Vandals as they pull out onto the street.

You’re not sure exactly what you were expecting, but it wasn’t this. The way the wind whips around and through, taking your breath away in such an addicting way. The way the motorcycle vibrates your whole body, only intensifying your experience. You’re not sure how fast Benny’s going, but you couldn’t care less.

You hate to admit it, but the ride is over too quickly for your liking. As Benny separates from everyone else and pulls up in front of your house, you realize the smile currently on your face hasn’t left since the ride started.

Benny comes to a slow stop before cutting the engine and helping you off the bike and onto the sidewalk. Your body is still buzzing from the vibration of the bike, but you enjoy the feeling.

There’s a silence between the two of you as he watches you  for a moment, looking you up and down.

“What?” You laugh nervously as you shift under his gaze. You wrap your arms around your body, not just to shield yourself from the window, but from him.

Benny smiles and shakes his head. “Nothing. I take it you enjoyed the ride.”

“I did actually,” you nod.

“So you wouldn’t be opposed to doing it again sometime?” he asks.

“I guess not,” you say.

“With me,” he adds, more as a statement than a question.

You blink. “What?”

“You know what. I’m asking you to come riding with me,” he says casually.

You want to say something, but honestly you're at a loss for words.

“Come on, you know you want to,” he smirks.

“And why would I do that?” you question.

“Because I want you to,” he shrugs his shoulders as he looks out into the distance. Benny takes a breath and hesitates for a second before looking back at you. It’s now or never. “Do you know how long I’ve been trying to get your attention?”

“My attention?” you ask, but you think you know where he’s headed with this.

“Yes, your attention. I’ve been flirting with you pretty much everyday since you started working at the bar, and you don’t seem to notice. I mean, some of the other guys have picked up on the fact that I like you.”

“I thought you were just being nice,” you tell him, your forehead creasing.

“Nice?” Benny scoffs with a laugh. “I don’t think anyone’s ever called me that.” 

“I don’t know, I just-I thought you were being nice since I’m always hanging around Kathy!”

“Even Kathy has noticed!” he throws a hand up.

“Lower your voice!” you hush him. It’s after midnight, and you don’t want everyone on the street to start looking out of their windows.

You really don’t know what to say now, though. Like, what the hell have you been doing all this time?

Well, to be fair, people don’t usually flirt with you.


.” Benny drags out. “Will you put me out of my misery and go on a date with me? It doesn’t have to be anything special, unless you want it to. We can just go for a ride or I could take you out to eat. Anything you want,” Benny looks at you with hope written all over his face. 

A grin slowly made its way across your face as you took in Benny. Is he nervous?

“I mean, I can’t really say no because we see each other all the time at the bar anyways,” you joke, causing Benny to let out a chuckle.

“Is that a yes then?” he asks.

“Yes,” you confirm. Benny nods, satisfied with your answer.

“I guess I should probably go — you’re cold, and I’m pretty sure your mother has been looking out the window this whole time,” Benny smirks.

Your mouth drops as you whip your head around just in time to see someone move away from the window on the second floor. There’s no doubt you’ll be flooded with a ton of questions later.

You turn back around when you hear Benny’s engine start back up.

“I’ll see you soon, Rainbow,” Benny shoots you a win, stealing the nickname Brucie had given you.  

“That’s not my name!” you shout after him, and he just gives you a quick glance back before continuing down the road.

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