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i <3 mr. o'heritage, looking forward to seeing all the contest entries :)

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More Posts from Shpazz

9 months ago

so i've been thinking about risu. "personality defines one's magic" lives in my mind rent free, and i've been trying to pin down how magic reflects the personalities of sorcerers we know. risu's curse magic is especially interesting due to its rarity and the nature of curse itself. so, what can curse tell us about risu, and what role does risu play in dorohedoro? (spoilers through the end of the manga under the cut.)

who is risu?

a panel of risu smiling and holding a sake in his right hand. he says, "my name is . . . risu!"

risu is a low-level sorcerer and a member of the cross-eyes. not much is known about his past, besides for the fact that he used to go to the zagan magic school, he was friends with aikawa, and he had an apartment where he lived alone and grew cacti. but what else do we know about him? what's he like?

i want to start this discussion based on asu's perceptions of risu in extra evil 16, since we, as the readers - and risu himself - get to be explicitly told what asu thinks of him. risu's interactions with asu and nikaido are particularly important because, unlike with the cross-eyes or en's family, risu isn't really putting on a front here. and since asu is genuinely trying to help by offering risu advice, we know this is what he really thinks - even if his devil traits are getting in the way of his delivery.

a panel of asu with his hands on his hips, grinning at risu, saying "it's precisely because you bottle things up like this that you're such a loser."
three panels of asu walking down a hallway with cacti in the background and talking to himself. he says, "damn it. if i don't do something he'll be swallowed alive by his negativity." the second panel zooms in on asu's face as he says, "prblem is he's neurotic. flies off the handle easily, worries too much." the third panel shows asu walking from the back, saying "the devil in me wants to tease people like that to death. but i'd better control myself."

to summarize: asu characterizes risu as neurotic, high-strung, and repressed. these evaluations seem to be at least partially correct; asu is the catalyst for both moments in the manga where risu grows to better understand his magic - the first in spell 84 and the second in 122 - and he wouldn't have been able to do this if he truly didn't understand risu. and risu agrees with him!

a panel of risu looking down, saying "no, you were right. i'm kind of a total pessimist."
a panel of risu smiling and saying, "i wish i was a devil like you. if i could be one i'd have a sunnier outlook on life." asu replies "devil training? nikaido can hack it, but you'd just drop out in the first day," with a smile.

this is interesting when contrasted with what we see of risu in one of the first flashbacks of the series.

four panels. in the first, risu gazes to the right, saying "i still can't even make a puff of smoke. the cross-eyes got work for guys like me." the second panlal shows the back of aikawa's head as risu says, "it's the only way us fuckups can make a living." aikawa responds with "don't give me that shit." the third panel shows risu from the back, saying "there's a rumor that the cross-eyes have a lab in a village called berith, 40 klicks out. the delivery i made's gotta be for that." the last panel shows a zoomed out shot of risu leaning on the railing, saying "the cross-eyes boss is tryin' to give us our freedom."

we know that risu has a lot of doubts about the boss and the cross-eyes, but what he's saying here is really . . . idealistic? even in spite of any doubts or worries, risu says this to aikawa - and given how earnest risu is with him, i don't think this is a lie. on top of that, risu was pretty loyal to the cross-eyes and to aikawa. this is not to imply that pessimism and loyalty are inherently at odds with one another, but the way risu talks about aikawa and his own death really doesn't scream 'i see the worst in every situation'. i don't think risu's pessimism is the whole story. so, how does curse fit into all of this? why does risu have curse magic?

what is curse?

a panel of risu mid-transformation, zoomed in on his four eyes. he says "my name is curse. curse the ill-fated. gaze not upon me. say not my name."
a full-page spread of curse, saying "i am curse. curse, taker of all."

curse magic is considered rare. it's not well-understood by any characters, and especially early on, only asu and dokuga seem to have any understanding of how it works at all. curse is activated after risu is killed and remains active until the curse is 'complete.' after curse merges with risu after his revival, when someone tries to kill or harm risu, curse will activate, taking over risu's body and reflecting all attacks.

a full page with six panels. the first panel shows asu gripping the tube he's hanging from, saying "calm down, curse! er, risu." the second panel sows asu looking at curse, also hanging from the tubes. asu says, "your outbursts may be part of your magic. but you gotta see that you're only hurting yourself!" the third and fourth panels are identical shots of curse. in the third, he says, "grrr," in the fourth, "what should i do?" the fifth panel shows asu again, saying "you have to CONTROL curse. control the magic and take advantage of it." the last panel shows but curse and asu, hanging from the tubes. asu continues, "first, feel the anger that has built up inside of you. confirm its presence. admit that it controls you."
a full page with five panels. the first panel shows a close-up of curse's face, shouting "what?! i don't have to "confirm" shit! i'm pissed off at the fucker who killed me!" the second panel zooms in further, with curse saying "that's all i got!" the third panel shows asu, saying "no, you're wrong. like smoke, the anger veils something. you have to find out what." the fourth panel shows curse hanging from a tube, saying "veils something....?" the fifth panel is curse, floating in the air freely.

curse is angry and violent, and it is so overwhelming that risu has no control over it at all. faced with this, risu rejects the idea outright; this is all he knows. he's gotten so used to being controlled by his anger for so long that he can't comprehend any other options. he assigns everything to his anger. he's angry at everything, and he only acts because he is angry.

a full-page spread or curse, with as abstract images of risu's death, the man who killed him, cross-eyes, and curse himself clutching his head. they blend into each other with no definite outlines. curse says, "pissed at the motherfucker who killed me. pissed off at those fuckers chasing me. pissed off for makin' me kill."
a full page with three panels. the first has a bubble with the faces of the en family members and a couple of severed heads transitioning into a collage of eyes. curse says, "and those motherfuckers looking down on me. all those fuckers make me angrier 'n angrier." the second panel is a close-up of risu's eyes under curse's mask. you can see beads of sweat trailing down his face. the last panel shows what appears to be a younger risu lying on a tiled floor, bloody and brusied.
a full page with four panels. the first is a close-up of risu's bruised face as he lies on a tiled floor. in the second panel, he sits up to lean against the wall. the third panel zooms in on his face, focusing on a black eye as he looks down at his bruised hands. the last panel is a zoomed out shot of risu as he sits in a dilapidated room, alone. he's curled in on himself in the corner, his head hiding in the crook of his arm.

something that really stuck out to me is when risu says he's 'pissed off for making [him] kill.' it's unclear if he's angry at the cross-eyes or at curse, but it's really indicative that he doesn't want to be violent - he's been forced into it due to the circumstances of this world and his place in it. curse is not a representation of some inner desire to hurt or harm others; there's something else going on here.

(a brief aside, but this is the only time we're shown anything from risu's life before the cross-eyes, the magic school, and aikawa. he's younger - he looks about shin's age from his backstory ten years ago? so, let's tentatively call risu 18-ish here, placing this about 6 years ago, which should comply with canon. he's injured and alone - there's no mention of parents or any other caretakers. with how vague this information is, it's difficult to draw any definitive conclusions. one possibility is that risu was abandoned by his parents. i say this because a flashback of risu alone is paired with the the thought that others, specifically powerful sorcerers like the en family, look down on him, and there are multiple severed heads in the same shot, who are clearly not en family members or other cross-eyes. it could be that his family were powerful sorcerers who left him alone due to his 'weak' magic, and perhaps he himself killed them, which is why their heads are floating and detached. but i digress.)

a full page with six panels. the first is a shot of curse's face, wrapped in tubes; he says, "that's me before joining the cross-eyes." in the second panel, risu has transformed back into his normal self and is falling out of the tubes that were restraining him with a "whoa!" in the third panel, he catches one of the tubes. asu, who is still hanging from a tube, asks, "what just happened?" risu replies, "suddenly i transformed back to normal!" the fourth panel zooms into risu gripping the tube, saying "the tube got loose and i'm free. good, we can run." the fifth panel is a close-up of asu's face; he asks, "you're back to normal? you must have found something inside curse's anger." the last panel is a close-up of risu's face; he says, "i did. i remembered myself before becoming a cross-eye."
a full page with six panels. the first is a close-up of risu's profile, and the second is a shot of risu's face mid-transformation into curse. risu says, "i figured out why curse is so angry. the cross-eyes planted it in me, and it grew. the cross-eye who killed me filled me with anger." the third panel shows risu from his flashback gripping his face with a shadow behind him. risu narrates, "before i joined, all i knew was getting treated like shit by sorcerers. my life sucked." the fourth panel shows a zoomed-out shot of risu sitting in the same corner from earlier, alone. risu narrates "i saw my TRUE self hidden inside curse." the fifth panel shows asu, saying "curse isn't what you are. it's only a part of you. you figured that out - that's what it means." the last panel is a zoomed-out shot if asu telling risu, "you aren't totally in control of curse yet. but this is a great start, risu!"

asu says it best: curse is only part of risu. curse protects risu. it is not just risu's anger, but also what that anger is hiding - perhaps feelings of hopelessness, isolation, betrayal, etc. curse is a literal and physical obfuscation and reflection of risu's identity and feelings. risu needs to learn to control curse not because anger - or any of his other negative feelings - are bad. it's because he doesn't understand where they come from or why, and as a result they consume him. this is why risu's realization has him literally being freed from a physical trap, because risu is now the one in control, even if he lacks mastery. risu is angry, but that is not all he is; risu is angry, and that is okay.

so, what does risu do? why is he important?

So I've Been Thinking About Risu. "personality Defines One's Magic" Lives In My Mind Rent Free, And I've

risu actually has strong thematic ties with both caiman (the protagonist) and nikaido (the deuteragonist):

risu and curse's relationship parallels aikawa and hole's: a magic user with low/no smoke output possessed by a violent entity that is controlled by strong negative feelings and obfuscates their past.

curse foils nikaido's time magic: risu is controlled by dangerous magic that he has no control over while nikaido refuses to use time magic because she perceives it as dangerous and uncontrollable; both have realizations about their relationships with magic (with asu's help), and learn how to use their magic as part of their character arcs.

curse is a physically painful, like aikawa's headaches and nikaido's devil transformation.

risu, nikaido, and caiman all struggle with their identity: both how society perceives them and how the see themselves. all of them have complicated relationships with their magic, and they feel like they do not 'truly exist,' at least in part due to this.

two panels. the first is risu partially-transformed into curse, saying "i feel like there's another "me," inside of me... which is the real me? risu or "curse"?" the second panel zooms in on his left eye. he says, "am i using my magic? or is my magic using me? i'm a fuckin' mess."

also, risu is a big player early on in the story, if not arguably the most important one, especially when it comes to the mystery of derohedoro. risu's curse is the means through which caiman and nikaido can hunt sorcerers and is also the en family's first major lead in their investigation. risu is what brings caiman and the cross-eyes together. risu goes back in time with nikaido to learn the truth of caiman's past. risu is the one that kills aikawa. risu offers to restore caiman's original face at the end of the series. (i could go on!)

risu isn't rich or extremely powerful or a genius, but he feels important because he was aikawa's partner; their partnership is what gave aikawa's existence as a sorcerer legitimacy, and their bond persists through the entire series. risu may be a 'nobody' when compared to characters like en and nikaido, but he was somebody to aikawa, and that identity is consistently given the weight it deserves.

two panels. int he first is a close-up of caiman's eyes through his mask. he says, "i know, i know. you go ahead and curse me to death when this is over." the second is curse and aikawa facing each other. aikawa is holding the store knife in his left hand leaning against his shoulder, and his right hand points a finger gun at curse's chest. you can tell he's smiling as he says, "but right now, we're partners again!"

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9 months ago

the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only way out is through the only

The Only Way Out Is Through The Only Way Out Is Through The Only Way Out Is Through The Only Way Out
9 months ago
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