18+ blog for swearing, mature themes, maybe some nudity? This blog is going to be a conglomeration of Generation Kill, Hockey, It (Chapters 1 and 2), and art. Music will make an appearance. I also don't like the taste Kiwis, just how they look.
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More Posts from Shutupray
(grouped by author)
appear before you virgin white: “Walt talks to him all the time, and laughs at his jokes, sometimes, and comes across as all cornfed country boy sweet, which makes his mouth even more pornographic, the swipe of his tongue over those lips the hottest thing in a country that isn’t anything but hot, sandblasted and sunburnt and awful.”
(I’ll meet you where) the river forks: “Ray doesn’t tell his mother, because his mother has had enough disappointment in her life, he’s been enough disappointment in her life, and he doesn’t want her turning this into another thing he’s fucked up. He doesn’t think he has, this time.”
it always had to go this way: “Ray wants everything, but he’ll settle for this, Walt gone pliant and quiet in the loose curve of his arms.”
call it a ritual: “They start something in Iraq. It isn’t anything prolonged, stolen moments and jacks that leave their dicks stripped and sore from the sand and not enough spit, not enough anything, not enough time or privacy or skin.”
Ray Person’s Big Gay Day: “It’s around when Ray wants to hold Walt’s hand like a goddamn teenage girl with stars in her eyes and wet panties that he starts to worry.”
Ray Person’s Big Gay Life: “‘He’s a nice boy,’ Brad says. ‘It’ll be a shame if you give him syphilis.’
'I’ll only give it to him a little,' Ray protests.”
For Once I Could Go Off: “Ray and Walt fall in love in and out of war. Brad is there to mock them for it.”
Meet Me in St Louis: “Six months was a long time for a couple who had never even used the word 'couple’ to describe what they were.”
Just One Life: “Walt was a Marine. Ray wasn’t. It was that simple.”
The Marine Corps Makes You Gay and Other Theories
10 Items or Less: A Love Story in Bullets About Ray Person and Walt Hasser
I’m Going Down Among the Saints: “For a Marine, Walt’s got a pretty clean mouth. That doesn’t last. No more violence than in the show. Less, in fact.”
Signal and Noise: “Ray likes to cook. Good thing Walt likes to eat.”
The Sea and the Sea
Five Times Ray Person Signed His Name (and Once When Walt Did It for Him)
Do Not Disturb
If we don’t, we’re gonna blow a 50-amp fuse.
Reading is Fundamental (or “The Mysterious Librarian and his Lusty Marine”): “AU - Walt is a librarian, but hasn’t always been. Warnings for discussion of injuries, light bondage, and sad romance novel cliches.”
Paint: “'You don’t need this to make you look pretty,’ Ray says, holding up the tube. 'You’re a strong beautiful woman just the way you are.’
Walt in lipstick. That’s pretty much it.”
ON THE CARE AND FEEDING OF MARINES, BY WALT, AGED 23 AND A HALF, AND RAY, AGED 25: “When Ray’s cover is blown re: pet-name, he just hangs around the mouth of the nearest dark alley for a bit after the next Bravo 2 reunion, and then threatens Brad with MAD. Ray’s honestly surprised the LT lets him get away with that shit.”
Travel south crossland: “After Iraq, Walt goes home, and then he goes to visit Ray. 'What’d you have to eat today, Hasser? You look like you just stepped out of a fuckin’ WorldAid commercial.”’
Manage to keep safe skin: “It’s not that Ray wanted to be caught in this secret gay love affair he and Hasser have going on here, but he’d have thought someone would have noticed something by now.”
When you’re behind that angle: “Walt has the gift to project images and memories into people’s minds. Whenever Walt imagines fucking Ray, he is accidentally sending those images to Ray, and it drives Ray crazy.”
The Sound of Your Laugh Through the Wall: “The things Walt Hasser knows about Ray Person.”
no season knows, nor clime: “in which nate is a maître pâtissier, walt is his apprentice, brad is nate’s hot engineering professor partner, and ray is an engineering student”
The (Art of) Seduction: “Ray’s plan to seduce Walt. It’s totally awesome, motherfucker.”
hold you by the edges: “He finds Ray curled in the tub like it’s a ranger grave. He calls Nate later that day when Ray is out getting groceries.”
Ain’t This Just Like The Present, To Be Showing Up Like This: “They keep running into each other.”
It’s Not Love At First Sight (Because This Isn’t a Country Song): “College AU. 'It’s not like it’s some ass-kissing liberal shit like fate or destiny; it’s just that I, Josh Ray Person, am fucking irresistible.’”
The Best Kind of Surprise: “The Marines had killed Ray’s love of surprises as surely as they’d removed his brains. Unlike his brains, Ray suspected he wouldn’t be getting his love for surprises back when he left. In Iraq surprises were never good.”

Auston Matthews and Matthew Tkachuk spooning on a slide.. you’re welcome