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Silverstarlinedart - Dunno What To Say - Tumblr Blog

Pink lad Who recently got an update?
>Oh we're at it again

>Wanna have some fun?

Just realized I don’t draw enough embarrassing dad Lambert— I shall remedy that ✨

Glass pt.6/10
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Love this creature, the Klunk. Into season three :3

SAINW but it happened over a 3+ year time period.
And Donnie was utterly and completely attached.
I have so many hs ocs and more so troll ones That i Dont really keep track any more, its to the point where some are almost a decade old, and Yeah some of them mainly the older ones are more ”main” ones and those are the ones getting updates to their design and such more regularly
Hey, you
How many Homestuck OCs do you have? Also, which one(s) do you consider your main(s), if any?

Full customs // Blind/Gacha Customs
Please make sure to read the descriptions carefully before ordering

YOU hate JK Rowling!
Roxane Probably bc it looks more visually appealing and idk make more separation between sona/actual person?
Quick question

what would you call Roxy's trollsona, other than Roxane or Roxxxy
Alright so everyone knows white is the classic wedding color, with black suits being common too, but what if you want something more exciting for more than two people?

Honestly I was just thinking about RGB for me and my gfs and then I started getting ideas for how to apply this farther

A mouth-watering fuck-ton of hand angle references.
By Shadowcross on DA.

i'm actually so fucking sick of zionists using phrases such as "Was it worth it, Hamas?" cause literally what the fuck are y'all yapping about??? Israel has been indiscriminately bombing gaza in front of our eyes since last October, Israel has murdered more than 30 thousands Palestinians within 5 months, Israel is forcefully starving gaza, Israel is the one committing war crimes everyday, Israel is continuing genocide and ethnic cleansing. Israel. is. illegally. occupying. Palestine.
we all know who are the perpetrators here. and zionists can't gaslight people into "hamas started it" bullshit anymore. everyone is actually sick of Israel's dumb colonialism propaganda where they just repeat same old tactics “how dare you palestinians resist us, after we have your stolen land, freedom, human rights and subjugated your people under fascist colonial regime.”
Israel carry out atrocities in broad daylight and then go ahead blame Palestinian resistance for the said act of savagery they've performed, "O their audacity!" indeed!
I cant tell which graystripe and silverstream one You’re talking about but Im guessing its either hymn for the missing or i will be there
what's the second most Iconic Classic Warriors Map. five giants is already the best one but what's second place
if it's not seven years old minimum it doesn't count
*i can't actually verify that this is 7 years old bc it's privated apparently but i sure Think it is???
** every time i close the tumblr app to go check things i run the risk of getting any kind of interaction while i'm checking at which point the post writing feature will be forcibly closed and i will have to rewrite the entire poll again, because polls are not saved in drafts. i have typed this poll 3 times I'm Tired i don't want to do it again. You Know The One

Older siblings in media are so often misunderstood. Either adored or hated, but never an in-between. The pressure is always there, never enough or too much.
It’s the Steven Crain’s who are hated, the Fiona Gallagher’s who are forced onto a pedestal, the Dick Grayson’s who are reduced to nothing but their mistakes and issues, the John Dory’s who is only ever the oppressor and never the oppressed, the Isabela Madrigal’s who are considered vain and self centered.
It’s the eldest child who has no one on their team because they are the leader, and that is either meant to be taken from them or only ever for them.
It’s the Kate Sharma’s and the Anthony Bridgerton’s. It’s the Bill Weasley’s and it’s the Dean Winchester’s. It’s the Eric Matthew’s and it’s the Elsa’s.
The eldest sibling whose mistakes are over analyzed or completely ignored, who are never seen as humans because they are something to claim or destroy. The first born who is never understood in media or by fans, maybe it’s because acknowledging the fact that they’re human means they aren’t perfect is too much. Or maybe it’s because acknowledge that they are human and therefore cannot be defined by their mistakes and the weight they carry is too much.
They are not allowed to be perfect and yet if they are anything but perfect the world would riot.

That moment when masky marble hornets is the most stable adult you’ve had in your life so now you feel attached and some What safe around him bc he treats you better then your own father did when he was alive, Thats often How Iv been reading the Toby and masky relationship/situation sure masky wasnt prepared to keep someone else alive when they first met but id like To think deep down masky cares atleast a little bit for Toby

OOh you and me are on the same wave length, anon Masky even when he knows that a person would bring him only trouble still sticks around as he cannot just abandon someone, especially when he feels blame. A deranged, manipulated kid wouldn't leave him indifferent, both of his personalities. Well, that's what I like to depict haha
Possibly an odd question - and this isn't going to be something I plan on asking often, but since my laptop situation is getting to a bad state and I work on this thang for a lot of things including my art. it would be trouble if i cannot replace it before it completely dies
But. Would anybody be interested in like... "sponsoring" me to make more comics that explore more of the canon warrior cat characters? Much like the ferncloud and shrewpaw one (maybe a little cleaner than it, if I were to be sponsored) which I think did really well.
I'd charge less than I would for how i theoretically would if i was doing a OC comic commission. Right now, I have loosely scripted one where Fernpaw visits on Brightheart after she survives the dog attack. I'd saaaay 60 USD to just let me go ham and get it done.
It's a strange thing to ask but I was discussing with a friend on how exactly to raise money, adopts and commissions aren't doing it for me right now, and they had talked about a specific cheaper commission where they're basically sponsored to draw fanart of characters. So I thought I'd put out some similar feelers over this. I really have been enjoying doing this art and I know a lot of people have liked what I've been doing so. It'd basically be a little bit of help so that you get more of that sort of content from me

Pink bitch named Breakfast
Oh man oh my its been so long since the middle school wc roleplays, im glad Im not the only one That misses it!
I really want to make a new wc oc...
hey, the brush was taken down but you can download it directly here https://static.burningdownthehou.se/scraps/Homestuck_Horn.sut
Thank you so much!
Hooooooorse!!! Thank you!!!!

ive blown this webcomic shit wide open. needs some more testing but i should have something usable for the csp asset store soon.

Well this shows up when i checked the link-

ive blown this webcomic shit wide open. needs some more testing but i should have something usable for the csp asset store soon.