simmiestuff - Simmie Stuff
Simmie Stuff

For Maxis-match CC!

127 posts

Simmiestuff - Simmie Stuff - Tumblr Blog

8 months ago
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent
Britechester Townhouse For Rent

Britechester townhouse For Rent 🍃

no cc, 20x15 in Britechester

download google drive

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8 months ago
Frenchie 3d Nails
Frenchie 3d Nails

frenchie 3d nails

6 base colours

hq compatible

base game compatible

white tips, light blue tips, dark blue tips, red tips and blue & red tips.

Terms of use 

Do not claim as your own

Do not use parts of my meshes or textures as a base for your own cc

Do not re-upload my cc

Conversions like age conversions are allowed with credits but do not convert to other games, e.g. second life.

you can recolour my work with credits but please do not include my mesh and link back to my tumblr/patreon 

if you use my creations please tag me so I can see them!

download here

@sssvitlanz @coffee-cc-finds @sims4finds @farfallafinds @lanaccfind @cchunters @c12ccfinds @mmoutfitters @mmfinds@emilyccfinds @avacasim @simseyyccfinds @ivyccfinds @reecceesims @alt-lanaccfinds @ts4-ccmm-finds @ts4-ccfindss

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8 months ago

POSEPACK - Mirror Selfies pt. 2

10 poses 


You NEED the following:

iPhone 13 by Bradford​​

any right-hand handbag/purse

POSEPACK - Mirror Selfies Pt. 2

The models used above Instagram's: @letty.rosee + @nastyengz

Y’all know the drill

Do not edit and re-upload my poses (they'd still be mine) :(

Do not claim poses :(

Credit or tag me :)

Do not convert my poses to other games and platforms :(

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6 years ago
 Cc Finds : Female Skirts

✹ cc finds : female skirts ✹

harvest skirt recolor by @saurussims;

button bow skirt by @leeleesims1;

ilya skirt by @theweebsimmer;

casanova skirt by @christopher067;

long line buttom skirt by @sondescent;

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6 years ago
Sophisticated Panelling - Narrow And Wide Painted Panels In 40 Colours
Sophisticated Panelling - Narrow And Wide Painted Panels In 40 Colours
Sophisticated Panelling - Narrow And Wide Painted Panels In 40 Colours
Sophisticated Panelling - Narrow And Wide Painted Panels In 40 Colours
Sophisticated Panelling - Narrow And Wide Painted Panels In 40 Colours

Sophisticated Panelling - Narrow and Wide Painted Panels in 40 Colours

I really loved the last panelling I made and had another idea for a different design. So off to blender i went, and after baking and making the textures, here it is. I think this feels a bit more regal then the other design, but beautiful nonetheless. I didn’t do a plain version as the wall uses the same detailing as Splendid Panelling, so if you want a plain wall, be sure to go grab it.

Keep reading

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6 years ago
Hi Guys. I Wanted A Change Of Reshade, Something A Bit More Realistic, Yet Still Bright & Colorful. So
Hi Guys. I Wanted A Change Of Reshade, Something A Bit More Realistic, Yet Still Bright & Colorful. So
Hi Guys. I Wanted A Change Of Reshade, Something A Bit More Realistic, Yet Still Bright & Colorful. So
Hi Guys. I Wanted A Change Of Reshade, Something A Bit More Realistic, Yet Still Bright & Colorful. So
Hi Guys. I Wanted A Change Of Reshade, Something A Bit More Realistic, Yet Still Bright & Colorful. So
Hi Guys. I Wanted A Change Of Reshade, Something A Bit More Realistic, Yet Still Bright & Colorful. So
Hi Guys. I Wanted A Change Of Reshade, Something A Bit More Realistic, Yet Still Bright & Colorful. So
Hi Guys. I Wanted A Change Of Reshade, Something A Bit More Realistic, Yet Still Bright & Colorful. So
Hi Guys. I Wanted A Change Of Reshade, Something A Bit More Realistic, Yet Still Bright & Colorful. So
Hi Guys. I Wanted A Change Of Reshade, Something A Bit More Realistic, Yet Still Bright & Colorful. So

Hi guys. I wanted a change of Reshade, something a bit more realistic, yet still bright & colorful. So I tweaked @whiisker‘s Prismatic to fit my sim style better & this what I came up with. I also added a border, ‘cause using @pleyita‘s reshade preset made me see how very handy this can be.

It’s a hit & miss with some skintones (at least in CAS; haven’t tested it out in game)

This is a preset for Reshade 3.0, so I can’t guarantee it will work with different versions.

Toggle keys:

Marty McFly DOF: numpad 9

Border: numpad 6

CA: ctrl + numpad 3

Ambient light: L

Thanks again, Keek for letting me share this! <3

Download: SFS

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6 years ago
Wildspit Autumn Hairs Recolored & Ombred
Wildspit Autumn Hairs Recolored & Ombred
Wildspit Autumn Hairs Recolored & Ombred
Wildspit Autumn Hairs Recolored & Ombred
Wildspit Autumn Hairs Recolored & Ombred

wildspit autumn hairs  recolored & ombred

riice made the cas thumbnails kinda bad so good luck seeing which one is which.

creds: @wildspit

thumbnails and in @pastry-box saccharine palette



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6 years ago


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6 years ago
Around The Sims 4 | Rainy Day
Around The Sims 4 | Rainy Day

Around the Sims 4 | Rainy Day

I needed more clutter for my mudrooms, and specifically more seasonal clutter . You think pumpkin or plastic spider? Nah! I meant like
 puddles, muddy footprint, boots, rain coats
. So here you go! Various hats, coats and wellies for adults, children and toddlers.


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6 years ago
Bakery & Spooky Store
Bakery & Spooky Store
Bakery & Spooky Store
Bakery & Spooky Store
Bakery & Spooky Store
Bakery & Spooky Store
Bakery & Spooky Store
Bakery & Spooky Store
Bakery & Spooky Store
Bakery & Spooky Store

Bakery & Spooky Store

At the request of an Anon, here’s a CC-free version of my old bakery and spooky store (that I never uploaded because it had way too much CC ;). I wanted to get it done well before Halloween, but I was short on time, so it’s a bit close to the holiday. I hope some of you will be able to make use of it anyway, or maybe save it for next year (or whenever your Sims celebrate Spooky Day).

The bakery side is a cafe/gift shop, with spooky/autumn decorations, a fountain where your Sims can grab a caramel apple (although a Sim with Cooking Skill of 8 must fill the fountain with caramel first), coffee & tea machines, and a little seating area. There’s a kitchen for the baker as well as a garden out back so they can grow/use fresh ingredients. I’ve also added a one bedroom apartment on the floor above the bakery for the owner to use while playing the lot. If you do decide to play this lot as an owner, you may want to lock the doors leading up to the apartment so that customers don’t wander up there.

On the Spooky Store side, your Sims can try on costumes, carve pumpkins, partake of the trick-or-treat bowl, and shop for spooky decorations. Just as an FYI, I only made a handful of things for sale in each store so that things wouldn’t get too laggy (and I wanted to avoid routing issues since some items are placed fairly close together). The second floor above the spooky side is empty - I wasn’t sure what to put up there, and I didn’t want to make the lot more cluttered than it already is. :p

Speaking of clutter, you may want to enable “bb.moveobjects” before placing the lot in build mode to make sure everything stays in place.

(If the lot looks a little familiar, it’s because it shares a basic footprint with my Brumfield’s Bakery & Books lot from Blythe Harbor.)


Lot size: 20x30

Cost: §183,604

Lot Location: “Willow Creek Archive Library” in Willow Creek

Required Packs:

EPs - Get to Work, Get Together, City Living, Cats and Dogs, Seasons

GPs - Outdoor Retreat, Spa Day, Dine Out, Vampires, Parenthood, Jungle Adventure

SPs - Luxury Party, Cool Kitchen, Spooky Stuff, Movie Hangout, Kids Room, Backyard Stuff, Bowling Night, Fitness Stuff, Laundry Day

To install, download the ZIP file from the link below. Extract the folder and copy its contents (there should be 7 files total) into your My Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Tray folder.

DOWNLOAD ZIP file (SimFileShare)

**If you don’t want to install it using the Tray files, you can also find it in the Gallery under #jenba and Origin ID silrosse.

As always, feel free to edit and redecorate this lot however you wish!


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6 years ago
 OCTOBER 28th: Extra Treats
 OCTOBER 28th: Extra Treats
 OCTOBER 28th: Extra Treats

🍬 OCTOBER 28th: Extra TreatsÂ đŸ‘»

Metal Wheelbarrow: A bit rusty and the wheel squeaks every time you push it
 but it adds character! - 2.6 poly . $45

Antique Sewing Machine: She’s old but gets the job done. Probably has been passed down for a generation or two. - 4.3k poly (yikes i know) . $100

Crate n’ Herbs: Just an old crate and a bag of herbs. Nothing special
Herbs come in English+Simlish swatches. - 654 / 122 poly . $2 & $1


3d model credit: 1 2 3 4

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6 years ago
TS4: Rustic Charm Wall Art
TS4: Rustic Charm Wall Art
TS4: Rustic Charm Wall Art
TS4: Rustic Charm Wall Art
TS4: Rustic Charm Wall Art
TS4: Rustic Charm Wall Art

TS4: Rustic Charm wall art 

Autumn is here, and I wanted some new wall art for my lots. You all know how I love paintings, lol.I made some rustic style paintings inspired by Autumn and came up with quite a few (probably because its my favorite season of the year!)


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6 years ago
TS4 & TS3 Downloads
TS4 & TS3 Downloads
TS4 & TS3 Downloads
TS4 & TS3 Downloads

TS4 & TS3 Downloads

Salt Lamp Link for TS4 Fixed, but TS3 Version there as well: CLICK

Crayola Set (TS4): Click

Simblreen Gift Day 3 Versace: Click

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6 years ago


Trick-or-treating at my porch is over, so I’m releasing the goody bag to everyone who missed it today. 

Absolutely none of this has to do with Halloween! How exciting for you!


This is a set of rugs, there’s a dozen geometric colorful rugs as well as solid knit rugs in all 50 colours from my Autumn in August palette. There is a bath mat, a large rug, and a long runner rug.

It requires the meshes from the Plumbob Tea Society! Get it here.


There are three meshes here: Two small centerpiece-style flowers that I added the EA wicker basket texture to, and one large barrel plant from the C&D. Each of the plants have several colours of flowers to choose from, and each of those has the option of green or red leaves. The red leaves textures were derived from some by JS Boutique, which I also recommend, here. (Those are not required nor included.)

You will need these meshes for the two centerpieces, A and C, by Veranka. The barrel plant requires the Cats & Dogs EP and is an EA mesh.


This one’s a doozy– there’s several things here. The Seasons EP gave us some wonderful party decorations, such as garlands, hanging stars, wall stars, and little strings of stars. (Lots of stars, apparently.) I went and recoloured several of these items in glittery foil textures.

There are so many of these that I was too overwhelmed to make a swatch. But here’s a general idea of what you’re getting: Everything comes in rose gold, gold, light bronze, dark bronze, red, dark blue, and light blue. There’s mixes of these colours with gold and silver accented pieces, and several mixes of a variety of these colours together on the same mesh as well. The hanging stars in particular have four different kinds of foils for each colour (regular glitter, polka dots, criss-cross, etc).

In other words, it’s a lot and I had trouble making previews that adequately showed everything, lol. Basically, if you like what’s in the preview pictures, you’re getting stuff just like that but in more colours.

These require the Seasons EP and are EA meshes.

Hope you have a lovely Halloween and enjoy your goodie bag.


All in one zip but separated so you can pick and choose. Enjoy!

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6 years ago








Tired to wait? Want to download everything in one click? Become a patreon member. Click me for more informations!

download in simfileshare (with

Just to remind you, I’m doing a questionnaire to get feedback from you about my personalized content, it takes no more than 1 minute to respond and you do not need to identify, and of course it will help me to make more content the way you like it. Thank you to everyone who answered! You can answer it here!

Чотать ĐŽĐ°Đ»ŃŒŃˆĐ”

Tags :
6 years ago
The Ethan Writing Desk Is A Perfect Fall Addition To Your SIms Home! It Comes In Five Fall Ready Colors,

The Ethan Writing Desk is a perfect fall addition to your SIm’s home! It comes in five fall ready colors, and a beautiful marble top. 

Download: LINK

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6 years ago
Yanako Modern Seating - Set Of Four Comfort Objects
Yanako Modern Seating - Set Of Four Comfort Objects
Yanako Modern Seating - Set Of Four Comfort Objects
Yanako Modern Seating - Set Of Four Comfort Objects

Yanako Modern Seating - Set of Four Comfort Objects

I have a thing for sofas as you are probably aware (if not you must be new here) and I like twists on the designs too. This style I thought was unique and simple that i needed it in my game. The wingback specifically was something I saw at a local shopping centre as ‘rest’ seating. It was incredibly comfy and unique too, so that had to be made so I could have it in my houses. Overall this has come out as a relatively modern set with a minimalist vibe, something I think is not always catered to with cc. Now I have some furniture perfect for that design style.

Keep reading

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6 years ago
Saturday Morning
Saturday Morning
Saturday Morning
Saturday Morning
Saturday Morning
Saturday Morning

Saturday Morning

Single bed frame, Mattress, Pillows, Blanket, Shelf, Paintings


buy me a coffee?

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6 years ago
Simblreen 2017 Treats - This Is Everything I Released Over The Simblreen Weekend! Thank You For Being
Simblreen 2017 Treats - This Is Everything I Released Over The Simblreen Weekend! Thank You For Being
Simblreen 2017 Treats - This Is Everything I Released Over The Simblreen Weekend! Thank You For Being
Simblreen 2017 Treats - This Is Everything I Released Over The Simblreen Weekend! Thank You For Being
Simblreen 2017 Treats - This Is Everything I Released Over The Simblreen Weekend! Thank You For Being
Simblreen 2017 Treats - This Is Everything I Released Over The Simblreen Weekend! Thank You For Being
Simblreen 2017 Treats - This Is Everything I Released Over The Simblreen Weekend! Thank You For Being
Simblreen 2017 Treats - This Is Everything I Released Over The Simblreen Weekend! Thank You For Being
Simblreen 2017 Treats - This Is Everything I Released Over The Simblreen Weekend! Thank You For Being
Simblreen 2017 Treats - This Is Everything I Released Over The Simblreen Weekend! Thank You For Being

Simblreen 2017 Treats - This is everything I released over the Simblreen weekend! Thank you for being patient with me about releasing them publicly!

Treat Bag 01 included:

Coffin Bookcase

Inspired by Robbie’s bookcase from Gravity Falls (I was watching it while working on Simblreen treats haha).

Top, middle, and last shelves are empty
 6 medium and 229 small slots

6 swatches, BGC

Cu Cu Cachoo Skull

The glass dome broke! This little skull has been liberated for that little extra decorating purpose!

Original swatch only, BGC

Eyes On You Necklace!

or here, or there, or maybe just a little everywhere!

Eye texture is directly from your sim! Works with default replacements and overlays.

The cord has two colors: black and brown

Teen - Elder Female frames only, BGC

Candy Cauldron

This witch’s cauldron is brewing some spooky tricks and tasty treats!

10 swatches, Requires Spooky Stuff Pack!

Wendalyn the Wonder Witch

Cute MySims statue converted from The Sims 2

Original swatch only, BGC

Pumpkin Archway

This light was inspired from a picture I have saved on pinterest!

The footprint has been altered so the sims can walk under (and through it, cause magic!)

Use MOO to place in front of doors and stairs.

It was also brought to my attention that this would be a super cute wedding arch. It does not function this way, but you can grab an invisible wedding arch here!

5 swatches (cause I got tired of looking at them after giving each large pumpkin a face of their own); BGC

Treat Bag 02 included:

Succulent Witch Hat

20 swatches (10 brown, 10 random colors)

T-E Unisex, BGC

Twine Witch Hat

Plain version of the succulent hat.

20 swatches, T-E Unisex, BGC

Rose Witch Hat

40 swatches total (20 brown hats, 20 black hats); 18 rose colors

T-E Unisex, BGC

Thank you @nolan-sims for allowing me to use the flower crown from the Cottage Garden stuff pack!

Toddler Braided Pigtails

9 EA toddler hair colors, Hat compatible, Unisex (feminine tagged), BGC

Toddler Braided Pigtails Accessories

Elastics Overlay: 30 swatches, accessories category, BGC

Bows Accessory: 30 swatches, hat category, BGC

Bobbles Accessory: 30 swatches, hat category, BGC

Download & TOU:

Treat Bag 01 - Dropbox | SimFileShare Treat Bag 02 - Dropbox | SimFileShare

☕ Buy me a coffee!

Updated (July 19, 2018):  Coffin Bookcase can now be placed without an error, Eyes On You Necklace is now actually BGC, Toddler Braided Pigtails specular fixed. C&D batch fix updated: Coffin Bookcase, all CAS items.

Tags :
6 years ago
The Sims
New feature, who dis? Watch the full Maxis Monthly stream here:

About time!!!

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6 years ago
Billie The Witch

billie the witch

hair // hat // choker // top // bottoms

go join the juicy server to participate in our halloween lookbook competition and win an edit by yours truly!

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6 years ago
Cowplant-pizza Recolours:

cowplant-pizza recolours:

@ona-simmer‘s nova hair.


you need the mesh

comes in all 3 wms palettes

+ 75 swatches

adds onto the original catalogue item

4 files to choose from


do not reupload

do not claim as your own

give credit when due

do not put on simsdom

do not put behind paywalls

download the mesh

download  ♡  donate

Tags :
6 years ago
A Pair Of Spectacles For Your Sims, Inspired By Ben Franklin!
A Pair Of Spectacles For Your Sims, Inspired By Ben Franklin!
A Pair Of Spectacles For Your Sims, Inspired By Ben Franklin!
A Pair Of Spectacles For Your Sims, Inspired By Ben Franklin!

A pair of spectacles for your sims, inspired by Ben Franklin! 

Two Swatches

Category: Glasses

Original mesh by me

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6 years ago
Families Of Savidal
Families Of Savidal
Families Of Savidal
Families Of Savidal
Families Of Savidal
Families Of Savidal

Families of Savidal

So this is all the sims from my personal save, after a big update ! It has been two years since I shared a whole gallery of portraits of my families, if you are curious to see the evolution, have a look at this post. But if I have kept the composition of some of my households intact, I also removed, added or renamed sims, and some of the already existing ones are not really recognizable !

Don’t hesitate if you have any comments, questions, or if you have any speculations about the stories of some of them, or between them ! I’m really curious, and I will try to reply to everything ;)

I don’t plan to share the sims from my personal save, but I’m currently creating families for a save I plan to share
 someday ! You can download some here.

Also, some of these families are completely new, or have been so much edited they need new houses, so it’s time to get back building I guess ! :D

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