I Just Want Someone To Talk About Ships With
I just want someone to talk about ships with
Minors dni

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Hello Tumblr. My name is Rowynn, my pronouns are she/her, and I am an individual who is doing her best to overcome shame. Now, what do I mean by that? Well... growing up, I was raised in religions where purity culture was a thing and so was "thought crime". As a result, I would self-police my own thoughts and kink-shame others. When I was doing that, I thought I was doing the right thing, but really it was just a matter of me shaming others for things that I was ashamed of within myself, for the most part.
The year is now 2024 and I am in my late 20's. Times have changed and I have not been formally involved in any organized religion for at least four years now. It's been a long journey to get to this place, but now I'm starting to realize that the thought-policing and purity culture of everything has been holding me back. I'm not going out and doing all sorts of risky behaviors, but what I am doing is trying to let myself know that there would be no shame in me liking what I like and having whatever fantasies that I want within my own head. Heck, if I even wanted to explore my own kinks, that would be acceptable as well, so long as no one is being hurt and consent is always 100% involved and enthusiastically given at all times.
This is a very new thing for me to be thinking about and exploring. It took me years to even stop taking what other people say on Tumblr as gospel, you know? But anyways, I'm just here to use this blog as a healing tool for myself. I LOVE shipping both myself and other characters too. It's not always as simple as good and bad, and there's often grey-areas to consider. Relationships are often messy in some sort of way, but at the end of the day, my ships are all FICTIONAL and only exist within the realm of fiction. This doesn't mean I endorse these sorts of dynamics in real life, I'll tell you that much.
Final disclaimer is that, at the end of the day, I do not owe anyone any kind of explanation for shipping who I ship or liking what I like. That's all I have to say.
Antis DNI, RadQueers DNI, and anyone else can interact. I will not be debating in the comments because I have better things to do. Please be respectful of this boundary. Thank you.
guys oh my god they invented a thing called friends. and they love you and want to talk to you and be around you. has anyone heard of this
i love cotl narisham they do so much to my brain
I tried to look this up but I can't really find anything, does cotl stand for Cult of the Lambs? 😅

When yelling about EdGreed (or as I like to dub it: GreEd) in a modern AU with @kattythingz leads to a vision. A close up and some context for Kat's AU under the cut!

So. Modern AU.
Ed is in university studying to be a doctor. He's like, 23 or 24.
Greed owns a bar about two hours away. He also has a motorcycle because of course he would. He's five years older than Ed.
I couldn't get a good quality picture of the full tattoo Greed has on his bicep, but it's a diamond centered in a marigold. Diamond because diamonds are made of carbon (and I coloured it using the colour of Greed's canonical carbon shielding). marigold because, well firstly: gold is right there in the name. Secondly, flowers have negative connotations in flower language, too, and marigolds (and begonias, I believe) have connotations of 'greed' attached! The more you know.
Ed is acearo, (aceflux, he and Greed met through hooking up, and he is at least willing to explore feelings when those hook ups with Greed leads to Greed being like 'so feelings. yay or nay? i'm fine either way you choose.')
They vibed well while Ed was figuring things out, so Ed decided partners is fine and they've been vibing since. a year and a half, two years? somewhere in that range.
Ed knows Mustang and his crew because they were looking for Hoho but found his sons. He's on decent terms with them and calls them when he accidentally cleans up a gang incident or something.
Scene context here and not pictured: someone from Mustang's crew was peering out the window through the blinds (because this is the building they work in), saw Greed and was at first like, "ah, your regular old douche bag type."
But then Ed pops up from next to the guy. Only goes up to his chest. And Ed's wearing a massively oversized fur trimmed leather jacket (because Greed would def own something like that let's be real). And this guy's got his arm around Ed's waist.
So this member of the crew is giving this play by play to the rest of the crew. "Ed's next to this guy. Ed's ON HIS TIP TOES TO KISS HIM, THIS IS NOT A DRILL-" and they see Greed has a motorcycle, of course he has a motorcycle, he screams that he's the type-
Breda makes a joke that he bets Ed's only dating him for the bike. Of course, EdGreed are inside at this point and overhear before going back out. It's all very joking when Greed asks if Ed's dating him for his bike and Ed responds 'obviously'. Then they leave.
Which leads to Mustang's crew making bets on why Ed's with this guy.
Breda does bet it's the bike, didn't you hear Ed?? he basically confirmed it!!!
Havoc jokes that it's not for his height, that's for sure. But seriously bets that it's so he can steal the guy's clothes because that's Ed's style, he was already clearly wearing the guy's coat!!!
Falman is above such childish and intrusive bets- but he bets it's more for the experience, like a science experiment.
Fuery politely offers the insane idea that 'guys, maybe ed just genuinely likes this guy???'
Mustang, completely off base, says it must be because the sex was just that good. The rest of the crew shoot that down because isn't Ed ace???
Hawkeye has a bet, but she doesn't voice it. She keeps in contact with Ed more than the others, so she knows the reason. She leaves them in shock, not saying what she knows.