Know only this, mon cher. You are the only being I trust, and whom I love, above and beyond myself.
619 posts
Skyrigel - I - Tumblr Blog
Red white and royal blue i know who my first call will be to

I did not actually feel this anymore. I was simply remembering it.

Maggie Stiefvater, Linger
hi any life advice for 21yo
Don't date thirty-year-olds until you are at least 25.
Having a glass of water for every glass of alcohol will give you a 50% reduction in hangover viciousness.
Bad people will use your willingness to be quiet as a weapon against you. If someone's being awful to you and trusting you'll be quiet to keep from making waves, surprise them.
There is no physical object in the world that is worth as much as your honor.
Honor is not the same as dignity. Retaining one sometimes means leaving the other aside.
Don't have any sex you don't want to have; have as much as you want of the sex that you do, whether that's a lot, a little, or none at all. Nothing you can do to your own body is immoral, unless you're doing it as an act of self-punishment.
Food is morally neutral. You do not have to earn the right to eat calories. Fat and sugar keep your brain from eating itself.
Learning to sit still and breathe--in, in, in, hold, hold, hold, out, out, out, out, out, out--can give you five feet of clear space around yourself in a maelstrom.
Find out how to make three good meals: A comfort meal you can make for just yourself relatively easily, a fancy meal you can use to wow a date, and a meal you can feed a bunch of people. All the other cooking can come later, but you can build a community on those three meals.
If you ever get to the point that things are so bleak you can see no other way forward but to die, make any other choice. If that means leaving everything you own and being a beach bum, or quitting your career, or taking up or leaving a religion, or deciding to bicycle across the country, so be it; living means more chances, dying means everything stops and you don't get to see any more interesting things. As you have not yet seen all the things that can interest you, it is better to live.
Simon who just can't say no to you.
It has been like this from the moment his eyes met yours, a very terrible Monday morning if he hadn't met you but now that you remembered, it's the most beautiful day of both of your lives.
“Is that seat taken ?” Simon looked up at the small morning roused and still sleep laden voice, you were as knackered as you sounded, probably runnin’ on black coffee and cuppa noodles.
“Yeah.” He wasn't even aware how quickly he said it, “Yes, ofcourse miss.”
He scooted his big thighs together, trying to make as much space as possible for you and as if some divine thought struck him, he looked up — cheeks tinting with red.
“Would ya’ like window ?”
“No, But thankyou for asking.” You answered, sitting next to him and making sure to leave some space because those legs were thick and definitely his big cock needed some room.
Fuck, look away —
“Ghost...” Another man climbed inside bus, his eyes trained on you and your partner who's apparently Ghost ?!?!
“Wot ?” He said roughly, his shoulders pressed against yours
“Nothin’ old man.” The other man smirked and sat next to a Grandma who knitted half a sweater.
“Your friend?” You asked.
“ A little...Simon.” He said, “Simon Riley.”
“Oh.” You smiled, feeling blush creep up your neck and cheeks.“I like Ghost better.” you would've booed if you weren't feeling so tingly and nervy.
“You would like Simon more.”
“I would like that.” You couldn't believe you were flirting on a Monday morning.
One month later
“Ghost...” John horribly snorted, sprawling on couch as Simon paid him no attention.
“Wot ?” He asked, giving you his pinky as you painted the last letter ‘Y’ over hot pink nail polish, completing your H-E-L-L-O K-I-T-T-Y nail art, every letter on each nail.
“Nothin’ old man.” John smirked as you clicked your tongue, beaming up at Simon.
“Done !” You blew air and flashed a grin as Simon brought his hand up to examine your work.
“Done Luvie.” He smiled, bumping your nose with ‘I’ on his nail.
And you also liked Simon better.
Grim Reaper! Simon

People have the audacity to say they weren't fucking.
I will sell my soul to devil if my sad gays can have their happy endings

Interview with the Vampire Season 1 | Episode 7 "The Thing Lay Still"
“Mister i’ve been excited since day one, since the day i met you as well”
oh yeah? we really couldn’t tell

Credits to @4th-make-quail for the first photo

your honor I just wanted to draw him in a silly little outfit

#I just know Modern Lestat is a menace to society and I'm obssessed with him
honestly i feel for daniel in episode five because he had to stare at louis sucking on armand's neck for ten minutes straight. but i also feel for eric, the actor, the man who once said the biting is the hottest thing about vampires, who had to stare at jacob sucking on assad's neck for ten minutes straight,

he was going to slap that old man
when lestat immediately clocks that daniel and armand are fucking and laughs for a full 30 minutes during the documentary then what
Despite my whorish posts, I’m pretty shy.

how do you think louis found out about daniels turning? did daniel just hit him up telepathically one day like "girl heyyyy" and louis just "😐"
at this point the way things are going Assad and Eric will fuck sooner than Armand and Daniel
one of my absolute favorite things that we need to talk about more is the absolutely fed up look on louis' face s2ep8 when he tells lestat he's going to be with armand.

that man did not want to be with armand and was hoping lestat would throw one of his typical fits, and when he didn't, louis (also insane) realized that, fuck, well now he's gotta commit to the bit.
hey remember when assad was talking about armand's "looks of love" while looking at eric. can we go back to this for a sec.
What accent coach is working magic behind the scenes of iwtv. A british man plays an american man with a thick new orleans accent that slowly fades to a standard american accent. Another british man plays an indian man with a french accent that morphs into a british accent. An australian man plays a french man with the strongest most unintelligible french accent youve ever heard

Meet the Vampire Lestat + tweets and text posts