All things makeup!💓❤️🎨👩🏾🎨 |21|📍NYC
7 posts
Sliverdevil - Sliver.devil - Tumblr Blog

Hot mama🥵😮💨
I really love this eye look!! Omg😆
makeup details
Icy girl lips Lucky Seven Palette
Glisten cosmetics wet liner in mint and cola
iEnvy Kiss Collection Extreme 3D #43
LA girl pro hd concealer in toast
Elf 16HR Matte Camo concealer in deep cinnamon
Kylie cosmetics skin concealer in clove
Morphe James Charles palette
MAC ruby woo retro matte lipstick

Graphic liner and chicken soup appreciation post😌❤️
Eyeliners are from Glisten cosmetics wet liners in blueberry and mint
I really want to like the lime crime matte liquid lipsticks but idk, it just hasn’t happened for me yet

Red lipstick on melanin skin tones >>>>👏🏾❤️
makeup details🥰
Beauty bay 42 colour fiery palette
Gavissi beauty water activated retro eye liner in the color buttermilk
iEnvy by Kiss Extreme 3D lashes in #43
Elf camo concealer in deep cinnamon
LA Girl HD Pro concealer in toast
Kylie cosmetics skin concealer in clove (for contour)
James Charles palette (for blush)
Red lip liner
Mac Cosmetics ruby woo retro matte lipstick (MY FAVVV at the moment!)
Welcome to my makeup page! 💗💗💗My name is Milan, I live in New York City and I love doing my makeup! I especially like creative eye art. I hope to make murals on here and share my passion with the world😁

This is my first post on my new makeup account! I’m so excited to share my looks with you guys☺️😁
Makeup details♥️
lagirlcosmetics HD pro concealer in toast
kyliecosmetics skin concealer in clove
essencemakeup sunlighter palette
morphebrushes James Charles palette (for blush)
plouise_makeup_academy hint of green eyeshadow base
colourpopcosmetics fade into hue palette
ienvybykiss Remy 3D invisible band #05
elmersproducts wind up stick glue
nickaknewyork cocoa lip liner
Rubykissescosmetics jellicious chocoloco lip gloss