slugsketches - you're enough as you are
you're enough as you are

she/her. 24. found at different sites under the same name. probably not an active poster.

504 posts

Scrolling Past Mobile Game Ads Is Like. Woman In Distress. Woman In Distress. Tower Defense Game. Woman

scrolling past mobile game ads is like. woman in distress. woman in distress. tower defense game. woman gives birth to 3 children but in the next scene there's 5. woman in distress. woman and child in distress. gross smelly woman. man cheats on woman. game where you send a bunch of little army men to capture a point. man makes wife and child destitute. husband seems nice but fell off a cliff. woman in distress. numbers based fighting game. my grandma killed a man. woman and child in distress. baby puzzles being done wrong to make you mad enough to download the game. woman and child in distress. still image of a real person with ai generated facial animation daring you to try a game. king drowning in sewer water.

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More Posts from Slugsketches

5 months ago

Journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul was targeted while doing his job. He was wearing a shield with the word “Press” written on it and a helmet. There is no international body that protects this profession. The profession of journalists has become a profession of death. For your information, my husband Mohammed is also a journalist and I am afraid for him. Please help us reach the target and save my family.

Journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul Was Targeted While Doing His Job. He Was Wearing A Shield With The Word Press
Journalist Ismail Al-Ghoul Was Targeted While Doing His Job. He Was Wearing A Shield With The Word Press

Donate to Help Safaa secure her children‘s lives after war, organised by Pegah Ferydoni
Hi, this is Pegah Ferydoni, actress and social activist from Berlin. I… Pegah Ferydoni needs your support for Help Safaa secure her children

@malcriada @thedigitalbard @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @sibmakesart @sar-soor @sayruq

5 months ago

October can’t come soon enough

5 months ago

Palestine fundraisers with easily-achievable goals

The flag of Palestine covered with a textured, semi-transparent black overlay, with the white silhouette of an old-fashioned key centered in front of it. The key represents hope that one day, displaced Palestinians will return to their homeland.

By "easily-achievable", I mean in the 50-60K range and below. Once again, drawing from my pinned list of fundraisers, which have all been vetted by Palestinians on Tumblr (check that post for the proof next to each family name). I'll update this post just like the main list and the "under 1000 donations" list. Many of these are extremely close to completing their funding. Let's help get them there!

As always, donate if you can, reblog if you can't!


10K range

Aya's family Goal: 15K 2/3 funded

The Saftawi family Goal: 16K 3147 TO GO!

20K range

The Sami family Goal: 20K Half funded

Zaen and Yehya Goal: 25K 1/4 funded

The Ismaeel family Goal: 25K 1/3 funded

Ashraf's family Goal: 25K 4019 TO GO!

30K range

Ahmed's family Goal: 30K 1/3 funded

The Alnabih family Goal: 30K 4434 TO GO!

The Khalaf family Goal: 30K 2875 TO GO!

Issam Aziz's mother Goal: 30K 4053 TO GO!

Amira's family Goal: 39K 2/3 funded

40K range

The Hor family Goal: 40K Under 1/5 funded

The Abushammaleh family Goal: 40K 1/3 funded

The Shaqoura family Goal: 45K Half funded

The Aburass family Goal: 45K 1/4 funded

Note: The Aburass campaign is in SEK, so the goal is technically 450K, but converted to USD it's closer to 45. Ultimately I decided to include this one since USD, CAD, GBP, and EUR will be more powerful here, and a huge chunk of the site's user base will pay with one of those currencies. The more hands on deck, the better.

50K range

Amal's family Goal: 50K Under 1/5 funded

Walaa's family Goal: 50K 1/5 funded

The Shorbaje family Goal: 50K 1/3 funded

The Aldeeb family Goal: 55K 2/3 funded

5 months ago

also why does tumblr want me to download a weed app so bad

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