21 y/o cis male, dating a total cutie. If you aren't 18+, you should leave. Flashing lights warning.
876 posts
Slightly Obsessed With The Idea Of A Hypno Creature That Uses A Hypnotic Lure With The Expectation That

Slightly obsessed with the idea of a hypno creature that uses a hypnotic lure with the expectation that its prey will avoid the lure, but not notice the other tentacles coming from behind.
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More Posts from Slutforwholesomeness

*Good Girl*
Your eyes shoot open, staring widely at your own reflection in the bathroom mirror, as the sharp thought strikes your brain like a bolt of lightning.
*Good Girl*
You shudder with pleasure as your mind is suddenly and entirely consumed by those two words... The words your Owner whispers into your brain all the time... But Master didn't say those words this time, so where did they come from...?
*Good Girl*
You know you have to be a good girl, but of course you do. You need to be told what to do, what to think. Taking a deep breath, your thoughts retreat into the foggy pink cloud that your mind has become... Good girls don't think... Good girls are only pink...
Mindlessly going about your routine, your hands find the lip gloss on the bathroom counter top. Smiling vacantly at your own reflection, you admire the outfit you chose for the day; two braided pigtails surround your empty little head, resting on the pink crop top covering your tits. The words "angel baby" run across the top in black ink. Below your bare midriff is a pink and white mini skirt, just barely covering your tush, which is enhanced by the pink platform heels on your feet... Finally picking up the pink tinted glitter lip gloss, you rest your elbows on the counter to apply the gloss, bending at the hip to make it very clear you're not wearing panties. Almost as soon as the brush hits your lip for the first time, your eyes glaze over while staring deep into the mirror...
*Good Girl*
As if you were zoned out, suddenly everything becomes much more enhanced... Your elbows are aching from resting on the counter top for too long... Looking in the mirror, you realize you have put on too much pink glitter lip gloss... It's dripping off of your lips at this point... drip... drop... As if you were putting it on without stopping for ten minutes... Your lips are dripping... drooling... drip... drop... You can feel something dripping between your legs... Squirming and rubbing your thighs together... It feels like... cum... drooling from your pussy... drip... drop... Onto the floor next to your heels... Master's cum...? Your head is even more foggy then usual, but you manage to form some words....
"uuhn... M-m-maaaaaster..."
You look over at your Owner... He's naked, his cock pulsing from having recently unloaded, a smile tugs at the corners of his lips as he looks over at you... He can't hide his satisfaction...
"w-wh-what habbened?"
Your lips seem heavy as words almost spill from your lips; you find it difficult to speak as the excess lip gloss causes your speech to appear even slower and dumber than normal...
His words are a deep whisper in your ear, making you tremble as thoughts of obedience bubble through your mind... "Don't you remember, doll? I remodeled the bathroom... I installed the new mirror last night, don't you like it...?" Your lips hang open, vapidly drooling and dribbling down your chin as you stare up at Him with bambi eyes... He gently grip your jaw with my hand and whispers calmly, "Why don't you take another look?" He places another hand on the back of your head and gently forces your head to turn, until you face the mirror again, and a comforting sight awaits you... Master, naked and towering over his bimbo as she leans onto the countertop... dripping... drooling...
*Good Girl*
You zone in again, no longer in front of the mirror, and your tongue hanging out... no... It's licking... adjusting to your newfound position, you realize you've been obediently crawling and licking the bathroom tile... The cum that had been dripping out of your pussy onto the floor is now back within you... The flavor dances on your tongue as you lap and swallow until the floor is clean... Still, you're not in control of your body... As if in a trance, you use your fingers to open your mouth wide and move your tongue around, presenting your empty head up to Master while on your knees, wiggling your little tush...
"Good girl"
You shiver with pleasure as you hear your Owner actually utter the words this time...
"Now that you've swallowed up the mess you made, you need to clean up Master as well..." Crawling over to His cock, seemingly powerless to do anything except obey, your lips curve into an innocent smile as you kiss the tip of His cock before wrapping your lips around the head... Slowly, you begin bobbing your head up and down, leaving a trail of slime and pink glitter lip gloss on His shaft...Your mind quiets down as the confusion disappears now that you are where you're supposed to be... On your knees, serving Master... After several blissful minutes with your pigtails firmly in Master's clutches, you can feel His cock swell in your mouth before erupting at the back of your throat, cum coating your tongue as it's removed from your wet hole with a *pop.*
You lick your lips and grin up at me, happy you didn't spill any cum. Then, your eyes go wide and you yelp in surprise as Master uses one hand to grip the back of your head, just below your neck, lifting you up with ease and forcing you to look into the mirror...
*Good Girl*
When you zone in this time, you're laying on the bed, your hand desperately forcing a vibrator against your clit at high speed... You 'woke up' just in time to keep yourself from orgasming, pulling the vibrator away and riding the pleasurable waves of denial, as the bliss of obedience washes over you... You're a good girl... You will never forget your most important rule... You are only allowed cum when Master gives you permission... You sigh, as a silly grin spreads across your face as lay panting, empty, edged... Eventually, your eyes drift up to the ceiling... That's funny... When did Master install a mirror on the ceiling...?
*Good Girl*
Short Story: Pandora’s Addiction
Female’s Point of View - Hypnosis

There is no greater high, pleasure or euphoria.
There simply isn’t.
Happiness mimics it, but can fade or disappear.
Drugs can induce it, but leaves your body racked and changed.
Sexual release can surpass it, but only lasts for a fleeting instant.
There are any number of ways to feel mind melting pleasure, but none that are as constant and euphoric as the bliss of melting my mind through hypnosis.
It’s… Addicting…
He informed me it would be like this. He warned that if I chose to follow him down the paths hidden inside my mind, I would discover something so profoundly life changing, that I wouldn’t be able to resist it.
I wasn’t the type to back down from a challenge, nor was I afraid of developing any sort of addictive behaviors. I just wasn’t that kind of person.
I brushed off his well intentioned warnings and told him that I was more than willing to try.
To say that I had a clue as to how trance would feel would be a blatant lie. I expected to feel calm and relaxed, which I did of course. I expected it to feel a lot like meditation or unwinding at a spa.
I didn’t expect it to feel good.
Really good…
So good that I found myself daydreaming about it every day until I started to search for online files that could offer me the same inexplicable high I felt when I experienced my first trance.
It was a bit like the dreams I have about running. Chasing after someone without being able to reach them. Feeling like your legs just won’t go as fast as you know they should.
The trances I experienced through those online files were a bit like that. I would sink down into a wonderful peaceful trance, but wake up with just a taste of the bliss my friend offered me.
Before I truly realized what I was doing, I made plans to have him hypnotize me again.
And again…
Was it the connection and trust I felt with him? Was it simply that he could tailor my experience so I could feel exactly what I wished to feel? Or maybe it was simply the deep feeling of being there with him, live and in person.
Whatever it was, being hypnotized by him opened up the very pathways he warned me about.
Now, he’s taken to calling me his little Pandora because just like the mythical heroine, my curiosity got the better of me and I opened the box hidden away inside my mind.
Dooming me in the process…
A doom I’ve embraced because having my mind melted by his voice as become my obsession. I never even tried to resist or curve my growing addiction. I jumped in head first and reveled in each intense experience.
I don’t even care what he does with my mind during our sessions or how he uses his post hypnotic suggestions. I only crave the fall… The depths…
The release of handing over my conscious thoughts to the bliss he offers me.
I know full well that any type of addiction is bad, so deep down, I know that one day, I’ll have to claw my way out of this obsession. I’ll have to muster the will to ask him to help me forget about the euphoria I feel when I sink to the sound of his voice.
It’s inevitable.
One day I’ll have to stop and we both know that.
Until then…
I’m going to dive into every single experience and open my mind to his heavenly words.
I’m going to let his hypnotic hold consume my mind, reshaping it for our profound pleasure.
I won’t hold anything back.
Because the more I give and open my mind to his guidance, the more intense my euphoria becomes.
There is nothing that compares to it.
I've been getting into this kind of stuff recently, and I must say, your blog just makes me so dumb and happy 🥹 I'll get lost scrolling on this page for hours and hours, as long as I can, touching myself the whole time, feeling my pussy getting wetter and wetter with every post.
you make me one happy dumb bimbo! 🥰
thank yo for your servrice ❤️
Awwwww, this anon ask is so cute!!! I'm glad people enjoy the little I make and the lot that I reblog, and I hope you're having lots of fun on your bimbo journey!🩷 Keep yourself safe, and remember, the most important part of being a bimbo is making yourself happy! 🥰
P.S.: You're such a Good Girl, thank you for making me smile 🥰
My phone pings and I feel the sound in my nipples. I see who the message is from and I feel it between my legs. Another message. I have a new spiral to watch.
I’m at work but that means nothing, I NEED to be brainwashed. I slip into the bathroom and open the message. The image is flashing behind a gray box that says “spoiler”. I can feel it pulling at me already. I push my jeans and panties down to my ankles. I sit down and click the button.
The spiral grabs me and pulls me in. Thick white rings with colors at the edges drag me down and I’m gone. There are words too. Big bold blocky commands flashing into my eyes while the spiral erases my thoughts. I almost can’t read them but I know I don’t need to. They’re burning themselves straight into my mind. And it feels soooooo good. My other hand makes sure of that.
I come to and realize I’ve been at quite a bit. I lock the phone and get cleaned up, trying to remember what I just watched. I can almost recall some of the words drawing my attention to the spiral (Focus here, Eyes here, Mind here, Obey) but it’s like a dream. Already slipping away as I wash up and head for the door. I absent-mindedly unlock the phone, probably to check notifications. I wasn’t really thinking about it. And then I wasn’t thinking at all.
The spiral was still there. Waiting for me. I lose myself all over again. FLASH I’m an obedient toy FLASH I obey. I realize I’m back in the bathroom stall. FLASH I am a good toy FLASH I am an obedient toy. Past the phone, out of focus, I can see my jeans and underwear hit the floor. I don’t know how they got there FLASH Good toys obey FLASH I always obey.
FLASH Let go and obey FLASH Obedient fuckdoll. I try to be quiet as my brain melts all over my fingers. The rest of the day I could it feel it pulling at me constantly while I worked. The craving. The need. Then someone would say something and I’d wake with a start and discover I’d opened the phone without thinking and fallen into the spiral again.
Finally, work was done and I rushed home. Straight to the bedroom. I need to be naked when I’m being programmed. I peel off all my clothes and I’m almost ready. I pull out the high heels, the sexiest pair of CFM shoes in my closet. I’m not truly naked until I’m wearing nothing but the heels. I slip into bed and let my fingers slip between my legs. I still can’t remember everything the spiral is doing to me. I just know I want more. No, I NEED more. I unlock the phone, I haven’t switched off of the app since the message first arrived.
I open my eyes wide and spread my legs. I’m going to be brainwashed. And Brainwashing is sooooooo good for me.

More people should talk about bunny tops who are just so fucking desperate and needy, always in heat and whining about needing to breed a pretty slut~
About bunnies who practically cum the instant they mount and start thrusting into another pet's warm wet needy cunt, nuzzling and kissing their dazed dumb breeding slut while fucking load after load of sticky warm cum in