smileforsmilez - I'm dumping stuff here
I'm dumping stuff here

Could use some tea, or whatever gets me my fix

96 posts

I See.

I see.

Do you mind if I give this a shot? I don't really draw much but I do write on ao3. I'll be using my own oc probably and a mountain of headcannons and theories I have from spending time in the lore chat.

Thanks again for answering!❤️

Love the whole sky and subway boss crossover but what if the sky kid appeared in Hisui instead? Aren't they kinda like Pokémon? Kinda-ish. I just keep imagining a sky kid lighting up all the torches in the tunnels every time Melli snuffs them out because it's something they're used to doing. Wouldn't they be kinda like a Noble? Please don't mind me, I'm having another brain rot.

I *did* have a plan on making one of my sky kid (or sky kid in general) to be somehow teleported to Hisui, to follow Pokémon Arceus story, but then I kinda stopped myself because I don't know how the actual game/story works and I don't have enough attention span to watch someone else do it lmao.

Though from your idea I doubt the people of Hisui would notice much difference from the sky kid at first. To normal human they're just.. Funky lil kids who makes noises and stuff. They do seems fairly humanoid, save for the weird ability to fly and immunity against fall damage.

Melli would most likely be the first few who notices that these kids are different. Melli and Ingo, most likely. Hell I doubt they'd need to light up torches; sky kid kinda glow in general. Albeit not *bright* but they radiate enough light that they can see their surroundings well.

And honestly I'm sure Melli would be a bit freaked out by the idea that kids glow.

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More Posts from Smileforsmilez

3 years ago

List of Tunnels Mech songs and dances, etc

- Carry the 'Axe. A mining shanty that's common among the Ice Mechs as they mine frozen energon crystals. It entails that as one should work with all the spark while being cautious and the final verses encourages the miners to always return home.

- Song of Fire. A lullaby sung across the forges of Core Smiths to their young. (Among all the songs in the forge, this was Rodimus' favourite.)

- Remember Jack. This is more of a short nursery rhyme for young Sea Jacks. Reminding them to mind their manners, watch over one another and to be brave no matter what.

- Stockades Song. This song was written by a poetic Sea Jack named Jetstream who suffered empurata but still had the confidence to write. This song being the most popular for its playfully catchy tune yet grim theme. It's sung regularly among fellow Tunnels Mechs to honour the ones lost to the Stockades merciless ways.

- Ravine Chant. Written by the same Sea Jack, this song has the same playful tone and entails the more optimistic side of being trapped in a deep ravine that's surprisingly rich in wildlife. Sung often during travels.

- Arisen. A very old song said to have originated from the earliest days of Cybertron. They say the song talks of the Tunnels Mechs rising to the surface when the stars call for them. The song is more of a marching song sung while walking.

- Home Once More. Is a song dedicated to a family of Ice Mechs who'd gone missing during an ice wave, leaving the grandparents of the family all alone in their large home. They reminise the days their home would be filled with noise. The three younglings playing around, the soft spoken carrier who cared for them all and their only son, the sire who helps them whenever he can. The song beckons them to return and make their house feel like home once more in soft gentle tones.

- Dream Together. The traditional Core Smith proposal song. For the classiest of mecha to make their move. More modern versions have been made to be shorter and precise but nothing beats the original dramatic flare.

- The Tunnels Path. A dance and song written by a surface mech who fell in love with a Tunnels Mech. He wrote the song in his beloved's point of view, painting her as an enchanting beauty straight out of a fable. Much like an elf to a human. The dance formed around the instrumental song contained moves that would bring out the best of any mech regardless of frame type, practically dedicated for mixed couples. The dance is easy to learn and is performed solely by mixed couples. It represents unity among them and bonds that go beyond the boundaries of the tunnels.

- Flickering Waltz. A dedicated and dramatic dance designed by a Core Smith choreographer out of spite against a surface mech colleague that may resemble the dancing flickering flames. Known by both the surface and the tunnels as a difficult form to master and smugly designed to be much easier for speed frames, especially those who worked in the forge. This dance is a choreographed to say " Kiss my aft." in the most flashy way possible.

- Ribbon Dance. This dance is performed by Ice Mech youths during festivals. Each mech would have a white ribbon with their name written on it. They would hold each other's ribbons in pairs, often switching partners and exchanging ribbons. The ribbons would be returned by the end of the dance and are then commonly given to the mech of their interest. (Optimus would always hide away as soon as the dance ends.)

- Does it matter?. This song talks about how people should be minding their own business. Sometimes the lyrics are changed by the singer to fit the situation but the chorus remains the same. " What does it matter to you?" The tone is more casual and often a little melodic with much sarcasm. ( This song is a favourite for private or quiet mechs)

- Impossible Quarry**. Veiled as a two tales of two different groups of four hunters each, hunting down a legendary beast but ultimately failing in their respective hunts is actually a warning to those who have ambitions to hunt the impossible and is split into two parts :

The first part told of a beast that is described as extremely agile, escaping traps and making its own to get back at the hunters. With a slim frame that's as green as emeralds, described with a faceplate white as ash and locked in an everlasting smile. The beast was said to be a prize many had sought and attempts to kill or capture it have always ended up in failure. The beast was cheeky, always taunting its hunters and was always just out of reach. Until for the first time, it was caught. The hunters had placed a very clever trap, making the beast realize that they weren't playing, not anymore. It made its escape as soon as the hunters let their guard down and the never ending hunt continued for their impossible quarry.

The second part entails of a different beast hunted by a different group. The beast was described as a great calamity as it had slain every hunter who dared crossed its path, a designated sign of bad luck upon the sight of its energon coloured armour. The hunters dreamed of hunting down the great beast to show their clan how strong they were. The beast was extremely strong, it was intelligent to know when to finish a fight or when to run. The first choice usually being the case. But at the time, the beast had been hibernating and was peaceful enough to befriend a small, kind, avianoid. The black robotic bird was then caught by the hunters to catch the beast. The beast, having just awaken from hibernation, allowed himself to be captured. The leader had been close to kill the beast in front of his clan, or so it had seemed. The song ends with the leader of the hunters scarred horribly and the beast continues to live free with his avianoid friend close by his side. And so, no one else dared to hunt the impossible quarry.

**This is written as both an easter egg and a teaser for two of Minecraft's greatest all time players. I watched a few videos and could only sum them up as the impossible quarry. I hope you can guess who.

(If you have any more suggestions you can comment below)

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2 years ago


Sort of a messily drawn part 2 to this comic. People kept asking for the hug and i.....,,, I have a lot of feelings about reunion hugs ok. those hugs that are so emotional you dont even know how to hang onto the other person, or what to say. also i know realistically there'd be a fucking crater where Ingo stood after Emmet came in flying in like that, but we're here to have fun and cope.

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2 years ago
When Coding Debates All Tend To Boil Down To Lets Find Out What This Character Is REALLY So We Can Expose

When “coding” debates all tend to boil down to “let’s find out what this character is REALLY so we can expose the writer’s biases”.

And yes it’s good to avoid stereotypes, but people acting like ANY character that’s not the “"default”“ abled straight white cis man must be a statement about how the writer feels about ALL people in that group. A character isn’t allowed to just be a character, or a regular person, they have to be a symbol for an ENTIRE demographic, and if they fail to perfectly embody every single nuance of an entire group, then the writer is both a failure and a terrible person.

It’s either “this character is a stereotype” or if you do your best to avoid stereotypes it’s “this character is too sanitized, they erased their identity”

People will attack anyone trying to provide representation for anything other, when it doesn’t EXACTLY check off every single one of their boxes, then turn around and wonder why there’s still so many cis white straight protags.

3 years ago

This. This is the basis of it all. This is what I've been trying to portray in my fics that I've written because as far as I've seen, Tommy has done nothing but give and continuously giving chance after chance. He still checks on people who've tried to kill him and is generally worries about everyone.

Man's is sweet. Thank you for coming to my ted talk-

im just pasting this from the discord because i was told it might be a good idea to post this here so sorry if this isnt written the best it is 5am but i had thoughts 👍

c!tommy’s idea of loyalty is much better than c!techno’s. 

i mean, they are both big extremes but techno’s whole thing is basically “loyalty means we are always together no matter what, if you hurt me then we are enemies and i no longer care for you" 

but tommy’s whole thing is not giving up on people. despite exile, he forgave tubbo and wanted to reconcile because he realised he cares for his best friend too much. his whole thing is literally not wanting to give up hope on wilbur because he cares for him and hopes deep down he can heal and be better. he remembers how wilbur used to be, he still sees good in wilbur. and despite being bitter and afraid he also wants to give him a chance. he still cares about techno despite everything hes done.

tommys approach in loyalty is much more interesting and likeable because guess what. friends argue. family argues. a healthy relationship is based on working through your differences and forgiving each other. sometimes people disagree and thats natural. loyalty is being honest. disagreeing when you need to. sometimes getting in arguments but when all is said and done you apologise, forgive, and move on. you learn from each other. you learn to grow. 

although tommy needs to actually learn the whole “letting people go” part as well because sometimes he sticks around too long and tries to care for people who do not care for him. but overall tommy’s approach to loyalty and friendship is much better and healthier than techno’s.

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