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Forced To Believe Chapter 12- The Underdog From Philly
Forced To Believe Chapter 12- The Underdog From Philly

Author's Note: Ok It's Dec 5th 2023 and this will be the last chapter I upload for today! I'll continue editing and post another batch soon! Thanks for making it this far. :)
Chapter Summary: Prank war intensifies between Melanie and Colby, The pressure is on for Morgan as she prepares for the final days before MITB to prove that she is ready to get her first championship in WWE and make The Shield be a team to all have gold.
Words: 5,000+
Before Raw, Melanie walked inside Joe and Colby's locker room. "Joe! What's up dude?" she beamed.
Joe smiles at her, looking up from his phone as he is seated on a chair. "Nothing much. You seem happy."
"Oh I am, Colby's in the shower right?"
"Yeah, why?" he questioned as he watched her grab all the towels.
"You won't be needing these right?"
"Nah, but Colby will." Joe replied with an amused grin.
"Exactly! See you later!" she said and walked out of the locker room to hide the towels in the Diva's locker room.
Later in the evening, Melanie meets Joe, Colby and Jon so they can get ready to walk through the crowd.
"Yo!" Melanie grinned.
Colby gives her a playful glare while she starts to look innocent.
"Oh don't make that innocent face. You know what you did." He pointed at her.
"I don't know what you're talking about." She replied with a shrug as Joe and Jon snicker. Then Jon begins warming up by doing push ups.
In the ring, during a tag team match with Morgan at ringside watching on, Jey Uso tags in Christian as the crowd goes wild. When he takes control of Rollins, he also punches Roman off the apron. Dean quickly gets off the apron with his hands in defense before he can get to him.
Morgan stands next to Ambrose as Christian stares them down.
"Eye problem?" She glared at him.
As soon as Christian turns around, he gets kicked in the face by Rollins.
"The distraction by Ambrose and Morgan." Cole looked on.
"I would stay away from Morgan. You never know what she's going to do. If she distracts you, hits you, or yells at you. It makes her very interesting to watch." King said
"Indeed King." JBL agreed.
Ambrose gets tagged in and he starts stomping on Christian. The two start going at it but then he catches Dean in a reverse DDT. He pins him but the pin gets broken up by Roman.
"And it seems Morgan looks relieved," Cole observed as the camera showed her looking relaxed.
The Usos start fighting Roman but Roman takes control and does a belly to belly suplex on one of the Usos as they both fall out of the ring.
"Morgan looks like she's about to plot something." Cole pointed out as she started to narrow her eyes at Christian.
"Oh yeah, we've seen that look plenty of times," King said
In the ring, Ambrose and Christian stand up. They walk and bump their backs against each other and quickly turn around. Christian catches Ambrose in the kill switch position as he tries to block the attack.
"No!" Morgan yelled and gets on the apron as the crowd starts to boo.
"Get off the apron!" The ref warned
She decides to obey as she sees Dean throwing Christian to the turnbuckle and Christian kicking him away from him. As the ref checks on Ambrose, Christian gets on top of the turnbuckle.
"Whoa, what is she doing?" King exclaimed as Morgan got back on the apron.
She punches Christian in the face as he falls off the turnbuckle while the crowd boos her loudly.
"That's what I love about The Shield! Always looking out for their teammates! Good job Morgan!" JBL cheered as she leaned on the top rope with her left arm. She proceeded to laugh while she leaned back while still holding onto the rope and swung her body on the rope slightly before dropping herself off the apron. Highfiving JBL, she turns her attention back to the ring
"How are you supporting this?" Cole exclaimed while Ambrose took advantage by rolling Christian up for the win. "Ambrose takes advantage!"
Morgan grabs Dean's title as he brushes his hands and rolls out the ring.
"The winners of this match...The Shield!" Justin Roberts announced.
She hands Ambrose the title as he smirks at her, wrapping an arm around her while kissing her on the cheek.
"If it wasn't for Morgan's dirty work..." Cole trailed off.
"Hey! She helped her team win. Ambrose took advantage. Christian needs to keep his eyes on everyone. That's his fault." JBL defended her actions once again.
"I have to admit, that was some good work right there," King admitted
The Bellas were talking and Jojo and Eva Marie walked up to them to greet them.
"Hi, Eva Marie, Jojo." Nikki greeted.
"We're so excited," Eva said with a smile.
"Thank you for coming to our cast meeting." Brie spoke up.
"Oh my God, like no problem, we are so excited right now." Jojo replied with a grin.
"They should be thanking us for inviting them," Nikki said with an attitude in her voice.
"And more importantly, gracing you two with our presence." Brie bragged.
"Couldn't agree more with you, Brie. I mean, I get it, you two are special in weird ways but everyone knows that if Brie and I didn't return to the WWE, this reality show wouldn't be happening. Or at least be as hot as it's going to be now that we're the stars."
"We're all the stars." Jojo corrected.
"Aw, but not all stars shine bright, sweetie." Nikki said and touched Jojo's hair.
"Nikki, isn't it the cutest how they're brand new fresh out of the diva factory?"
"Yeah until they look like that." Nikki pointed as the camera showed Naomi, Cameron, and Natalya.
"They can hear you." Naomi snapped.
"Girl bye. We all heard you." Cameron retorted.
"Duh, I know. What I don't know is why you're not getting the message." Brie snapped back.
"Brie and I are attending red carpets and attending the Miss USA Pageant. I mean, we're really getting our names out there." Nikki said in a smug tone.
"Is that why you're wasting my time...?" A bored voice is heard by everyone as the camera reveals Morgan in the shot, next to Jojo and Eva Marie.
"Excuse us?"
"You two Barbie dolls aren't worth my time. I should be in the ring, not in this so called meeting. Bad enough I'm co-stars with you, two." Morgan retorted and walked away as the rest of the divas looked on in amusement.
"How dare she?" Brie watched Morgan leave, in disgust.
"Ooh!" Naomi said with a grin
"Burn..." Cameron snapped her fingers.
'In The Ring'
Morgan faces AJ and after a back and forth match, she gets caught in the black widow.
"Crap!" she exclaimed as she gets caught deep in the hold.
"Oh no, will Morgan tap?" Cole asked as she tried to hang in there. "Morgan beat her once, can she escape and beat her again or will AJ win this bout?"
"Tap! Tap!" AJ yelled
"AJ has that move on tight. She may break something." King observed.
After a few more seconds, Morgan starts tapping out as AJ's theme comes on.
"Here is your winner, the WWE Divas Champion, AJ Lee!" Justin Roberts announced.
Morgan holds her arm, sitting up, as she watches AJ getting her hand raised by the ref.
"Amazing matchup between these two." King praised
"But will this happen at Money in the bank? Morgan will be in her hometown and this will be her first divas championship match. You think there will be first championship match jitters?" Cole asked.
"I think it's too soon to tell but I feel like she's ready for the challenge. Amazing match up."
Morgan looks at AJ as she taunts her with the title.
"You will never have this. This is mine and mine forever!" AJ yelled and let out a crazy laugh.
"Yeah okay. Okay," Morgan nodded, understanding what she was dealing with.
Morgan tweets 'Finally got an idea of what I'm going up against at MITB. This is going to be an interesting Diva's match in Philly.'
Bellas tweet 'You were saying WWEMorgan101? What a waste of time YOU are since you lost your match.'
'At least I'm in matches. #GoodAndLongMatches unlike you #30SecondMatches' Morgan replies.
'But you lost.' the Bellas replied.
'Doesn't matter if you win or lose. What matters is your performance in the match. #EFFORT' Morgan replies back.
'WWE Exclusive Video'
Morgan walks up to AJ who is playing with her hair and has her title on her arm.
"Can I help you?" AJ asked as she tilted her head to the side.
Morgan looked at her confidently, "I really hope you give it your all at Money In The Bank. Because I'll be in my hometown and I'm gonna work my ass off to try to get that championship. But I'm not here to brag about anything. I'm here to thank you for the match and what you've been doing here. So thanks. I'll see you next week on Smackdown for the contract signing."
AJ grinned. "Wow. You are the only diva who has thanked me. You see, I'm trying to save this division and it's nice to finally see someone acknowledging it. But don't get too happy. I'm still going to win at Money In The Bank." She skipped away with a smile.
"Yeah...we'll see." Morgan murmured as she watched her skip away.
'After show'
Melanie, Celeste and April share a room and get settled in after the show.
"I'm going to take a shower." Melanie announced.
"Hurry up so we can watch a movie!" April playfully demanded.
"All right, all right!"
Melanie gets settled and turns on the shower. She closes her eyes and lets the water run down her head for a while. But when she opens her eyes, she sees black water running down her hair and body as her eyes widen.
"What the heck?!" She screamed, stopping the shower and quickly got out.
She wraps a towel around her body and goes to the mirror to see her hair dyed black.
Celeste runs in. "What happened!? Oh my god!" She screamed as she sees Morgan's hair.
"AHHHHHH!" Melanie and Celeste scream together.
"WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?" Celeste screamed
"I DON'T KNOW!" Melanie screamed back at her.
"AHHHHHH!" They scream in unison.
"Whoa! What is going on!?" April runs in.
"My hair is black!" Melanie screamed.
"AHHHHHHH!" All the girls scream
"YOUR HAIR IS BLACK!" April screamed.
"I KNOW!" Melanie screams back.
"HE DYED MY HAIR!" Melanie screamed.
"Is it permanent?" April asked after a long pause.
"I can't tell." Celeste said as she touched Melanie's hair.
"He dyed my hair. This dude dyed my hair black...how am I supposed to wrestle with black hair? I'm a brunette!" Melanie fussed.
"Well, Colby totally won this round." Celeste said, earning a glare from the Philly diva. "What it's true. Hey, you kind of resemble Chyna."
The girls hear knocking at their door. April opens the door to see the Bellas and Nattie. "We heard a lot of screaming, what happened?" Nattie asked.
"Colby pranked Melanie. It's not pretty." April answered, letting them in.
"What's the worst that could happen?" Nikki asked.
"See for yourself," April responded as they saw Melanie wrapped in a towel and a towel wrapping her hair.
"I don't see anything wrong." Brie observed her, but then Melanie released the towel off her head. "Oh my god! Your hair!"
"Exactly..." Melanie mumbled.
"He really did it this time." Celeste said. "Want to go to a hair salon tomorrow?"
"Nope." Melanie answered as she gets out of the bathroom.
"No? But you were just freaking out." Brie exclaimed
"That is what Colby wants. I won't give him that pleasure. I'll deal with the hair. Hopefully, it'll fade out after a few washes." Melanie shrugged. "Or I might just officially do black hair,"
"That's the Melanie I know." Celeste replied with a grin.
"So how exactly did he get access to this room to put the hair dye in the shower?" Melanie questioned and looked at both April and Celeste
Celeste grinned sheepishly, "He told me to do it,"
"You know what..." she began chasing her around the room as everyone laughed.
After playfighting, Melanie tweets a selfie of herself with her new raven hair, 'Oh yeah...you really done it this time WWERollins. And you got Kaitlyn in on it too? SMFH #PrankWar #JetBlackLaurer'
Fans tweet:
'He dyed your hair!? OMG!'
'You look like Chyna!'
'No! Your beautiful brown hair is ruined!'
Superstars and divas tweet about Melanie's photo of her new color.
Miz tweets 'Awesome!'
Rosa tweets 'I love the hair chica! Get WWERollins back good!'
Alicia tweets 'What a foxy situation that is. Hope you get him back hard gurl.'
Paige replies 'WWERollins is going to get it! Never mess with a female's hair. #MessWithMorganYouMessWithMe'
Chyna tweets 'Priceless. You look like my twin.'
Melanie replies to Chyna 'Hardy har har.'
Roman replies 'I tried to stop him. Looks like I was too late.'
Melanie replies to Roman 'Too late? You're no help at all!'
Roman replies back 'Sorry you feel that way.'
'Boo! You suck!' Melanie replies back to him.
Roman replies back to her by saying, 'Okay, I'll remember that when you want someone to take you to the supermarket to get some grapes.'
Melanie quickly responds back to him 'I'm sorry! I'M SORRY! #PleaseDontTakeMyGrapesAway'
Roman replies 'Gets you every time.'
'Hours before Raw'
Melanie meets up with The Shield for the WWE VIP Experience event.
"Joe showed me your photo on Twitter." Jon said as he stroked her hair.
"Don't remind me." Melanie mumbled.
"Common, I think it's cute."
"Oh, you're just saying that." Melanie replied with a grin.
"I'm serious," he reassured and kissed her cheek
"Hey Mel! Nice hair! Nice color, huh?" Colby laughed.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha No..." Melanie replied with a frown.
"I told you, you will not win this battle."
"Oh trust me, I will win this battle. And this time, you are going first."
"Fine by me."
Later on, The Shield get interviewed by Lulu and Lala from 92.3 Now. The camera shows Lulu with Seth and the rest of The Shield as Lala is next to Dean Ambrose.
"We're with The Shield. You men are looking good, and Morgan, you look gorgeous! I love the hair." Lala said.
"Hahaha, thanks." Morgan responded with a smile.
"What's up? What can we expect for tonight?"
"You can expect justice to be served like it always is, when The Shield shows up to town and we will be dishing out punishment to all offenders. A lot of ladies think we are angry and violent rough men but the truth is, we have a sweet and sensitive side." Dean replied
"Do you?" Lala asked
"I show a sweeter side outside the ring, ain't that right Morgan?" he teased, turning to look at his girlfriend with a big grin on his face
"Why are you looking at me?" Morgan asked as she started to blush.
He'd take any chance to put her on the spot. She could never prepare for it as Jon thought she looked cute with the way she reacted.
"Aw, she's blushing!" Lala exclaimed with a grin.
"But you won't be seeing any sweetness tonight. At least not until after the show." Dean went on.
"Ooh, I know Morgan will be taking advantage of that."
"Oh, you already know!" Morgan laughed
Lala turned to Seth. "Hey."
"Oh yeah, hey, what's up? We're just hanging out right here. Me and Lulu or Lala or whatever it is, we're just crushing, that's all that's going on over here."
Everyone chuckles. "What's up with you always beating up on Daniel?" Lala asked.
"Well, it's an advantage to beat up a little troll." Joe answered.
'In The Ring, On Raw'
Morgan is at ringside watching Roman and Seth go up against Tons of Funk.
"Did Morgan dye her hair? She looks different." King pointed out.
"She may have. I almost didn't recognize her." Cole said.
"I did. Are you two blind?" JBL exclaimed
"Stop banging the mat!" Morgan yelled at Naomi and Cameron as they bang on the mat to support Brodus who is in a headlock by Roman.
Brodus fights back and gets a tag to Sweet T as Roman tags in Seth.
Tensai hits Seth with clotheslines and takes down Roman. As Seth sits on the turnbuckle, Tensai runs and hits him with a rolling sit ton. While Morgan checks on Roman outside the ring, Rollins drop kicks Brodus off the apron. Morgan walks over to Brodus, about to take him down but Cameron spears her down and starts unloading on her.
"Whoa!" Cole exclaims as the crowd cheers for her.
"Get her off of me!" Morgan yelled.
Naomi went to grab Cameron off while Roman grabbed Morgan.
"How dare you put your hands on me!? Do you know who I am!? Do you know what I'm capable of!? Are you crazy!? Get off of me!" Morgan yelled as an amused Roman tried to calm her down and picked her up over his shoulder. "You messed with the wrong one Cameron! Wrong one!"
"And she's still yelling," Cole exclaimed.
"How dare she put her hands on me?!" Morgan continued to go off as Roman set her down.
"Calm down. Deal with her later. Let's focus on the match." Roman chuckled and put his hands on her shoulders.
"All right, all right."
In the ring, Rollins tags in Roman and jumps through the ropes to hit Brodus. When Tensai turns around, he gets speared by Reigns and pins him for the win.
"And The Shield are victorious," Cole announced.
'Backstage, WWE Exclusive video'
Morgan has a fit backstage with The Shield.
"What kind of sneak attack was that!?" Morgan exclaimed. "I swear, I am gonna..." she pounds her fist against her hand.
"Relax. Calm down. You'll get her back." Ambrose said as he held her shoulders.
She nodded and turned to the camera as Ambrose released her. "Oh Cam, Cam, Cam. Looks like you grew some guts since you decided to attack me. Is that supposed to scare me? Threaten me? Acknowledge you? No...no sweetheart it doesn't work that way."
"That's right," Seth said in the background as Roman nodded.
"You're still an afterthought, Cameron. And don't think you got away easy with that sneak attack. I will get my revenge. I will get my revenge, and you wanna know why? You wanna know how? I'll tell you. The reason I will get my revenge is to teach you a lesson. The lesson is simple, mess with Morgan Lopez and you're screwed. How I'm going to get my revenge? Simple as well. I am going to make sure you never ever try to threaten me again. I am going to pulverize you. And you are going to like it. You are going to remember it. And you will believe in it. Believe in The Shield." She pushes the camera away as it falls.
Cameron tweets '#GirlBye I ain't scared of you'
Morgan tweets 'Seems you didn't get the memo. I guess my actions will do the talking. This match will be short and sweet #GirlCry'
'WWE Main Event'
Melanie goes to the diva's locker room and opens her gym bag.
"Motherf-" she trailed off as she looked in her bag. It was filled with eggs. Some are cracked, some have funny faces written on them with a black Sharpe. "Oh original...Luckily I have a plan. If he wants to mess with my bag, I'll mess with his."
"What are you going to do?" Ariane asked.
"Oh nothing but...art." Melanie replied with a grin.
'In The Ring'
Morgan gets in the ring with Cameron and glares at her. Ambrose was at ringside watching the match while Naomi was at Cameron's corner. Morgan runs and hits Cameron with a hard clothesline.
"Oh! Did you hear that impact!?" Cole exclaimed.
"This is going to be a short match." JBL said as Morgan hit Cameron with a shining wizard.
She picks her up and tosses her to the turnbuckle as she slides down. Morgan walks over and starts choking her with her right foot as the ref counts. She releases the hold after the ref counts to 4. She drags her away from the turnbuckle and applies her submission on her as Cameron quickly gives up. Morgan leans back, applying more pressure before releasing her.
"Well, that was quick," Cole exclaimed as Morgan got her hand raised.
Ambrose comes into the ring as Morgan yells 'Let's go!' at the crowd. She turns and runs to jump on him to give him a hug which sparks the crowd's interest.
"Whoa, are we seeing this correctly?" Ambrose was a little surprised but hugged her back.
"Interesting turn of events there." JBL said as Morgan got off him, still happy she won the match
Melanie's hair starts to go back to its original color. She takes a photo of herself and tweets it 'Natural hair is coming back! Ha! In your face WWERollins, you can't break my hair! #VictoryWillBeMine'
'WWE Exclusive video'
The camera shows Morgan walking but she stops as she sees Ambrose taping up his hands. She sighs and nervously walks up to him.
"H-hey you got a minute?"
Dean looks up as he finishes taping his left hand. "What is it?"
"I uh...I wanted to apologize."
"For what?"
"For...jumping all up on you like that. You know during Main Event. I was just a little excited."
Ambrose stepped up to her, lifting her chin. "Excited? That makes two of us. After all, you are my woman." he smirked and walked away as Morgan started to feel a blush come across her face
"O-okay. That went well." she ran a hand through her hair, sighing with a happy look on her face.
During Colby's match against Jey Uso, Melanie walks into The Shield's locker room with a big brown bag. Jon was watching the match, on the couch and turned his attention to Melanie and the bag.
"What is that?"
"Art." She simply replied and opened Colby's bag. "Let's put some mustard....some mayo....a little bit of cheese...whip cream...cream cheese...relish...ketchup...some coke..." She called out as she slapped the items inside Colby's gym bag.
Jon looks amused as she zips up the bag and shakes it. Opening it up, she looks at the mess she's made.
"Perfection. This looks so gross." She held her nose.
"That stuff reeks!" Jon exclaimed.
"That's the plan. He'll have to buy a new bag and clean up his clothes and other stuff." She blew him a kiss and left the locker room.
After Colby's match, Colby and Joe walk into the locker room. He opens his bag and looks at it.
"...Nice..." Colby retorts, shaking his head.
Joe looked at his bag and started laughing. "Damn..."
"Did you see her do this?" Colby asked, looking at Jon.
"Yep." The Lunatic replied.
"Did you try to stop her?"
"Wow...thanks, a lot Jon."
"No problem, man." Jon grinned, earning a frown from Colby.
'In The Ring'
The WWE Diva's Championship contract signing is underway. AJ and Kaitlyn sit in front of each other while Morgan's seat which is on the end, is empty. Teddy Long, Naomi, Natalya, Cameron, Aksana and Alicia are in the ring with them while Big E stands near the corner.
"Ladies and gentlemen, I have asked all of you as well as the diva division to join me. This Sunday at Money In The Bank, AJ Lee will defend her
Divas Championship against the former champion Kaitlyn and Morgan. Tonight, we make that match official. Now, ladies, I know you have read the contract, if we can get your signatures please." Teddy said.
"Where's Morgan?" Cole asked
"Maybe she already signed the contract." JBL wondered
"Or maybe still with The Shield?"
"We'll have to see. But she better come out here sooner or later or she might lose this chance to win the title."
AJ grabs the contract and opens it. She grabs a mic.
"Oh looky cookie. The entire sequence of the sisterhood of the sparking pants are out here. Are they uh, here to protect you Kaitlyn? Oh, that's right, half of them don't like you. And the rest of them sure as heck don't like me but they should. Because no one cared about the divas division until I won this title." AJ said as the crowd gave her mixed reactions. "And you can all go ahead and line up and thank me whenever you want just like Morgan did but you can maybe wait till Sunday and congratulate me for winning the divas title match-" she continued but got cut off by Teddy.
"Uh, AJ, we ain't got time for all that, you need to speed it up all right?" Teddy asked as the crowd laughed.
"Fine." AJ smiled and opened the papers. "I didn't have a lawyer go over this but I trust you." She looked at Teddy.
AJ sticks the point of the pen on her tongue and starts signing the contract. After she was done, she was about to give it to Kaitlyn but stopped.
"Uh I don't think you want to sign this Kaitlyn," she warned. "You know why? Because once you sign this, I am fully prepared to embarrass you worse than I have before."
"What do you have, like a... photoshopped picture or some little game? Go ahead." Kaitlyn said and signed the contract.
"Oh Katie...I tried...I tried to help ya but gosh you left me with no choice. Remember all those...very very real texts you sent to your very very fake secret admirer. When you bared your soul to somebody you didn't even know..." AJ snickered and Kaitlyn tried to grab the phone that AJ took out. "May 30th, Nattie says that she's my friend but all she ever does is talk about Khali. Gosh you know what they say, never trust a Hart." She read from her phone as the crowd erupts in 'Oohs' and 'Boos'.
Natalya looks disappointed and leaves the ring.
"June 2nd...Naomi and Cameron...they say they're looking out for me but all they really care about is that reality show." AJ continued to read. Kaitlyn grabbed the phone from AJ as Layla tried to calm her down.
"Hulk smash!" AJ mocked as the crowd laughed. "You know what Kaitlyn? It's okay, cause I have insurance and a family plan and also Big E is great with technology and pointing, so Big E, throw it to the tron."
The message got on to the tron. "June 4th, lying in my hotel room thinking of you. My whole life people forced me into a mold just for bodybuilding but you let me step out of that mold. You see me for everything." AJ read.
"Turn it off!" Kaitlyn yelled as she stood up, looking upset.
AJ started laughing. "You know what Kaitlyn...let's do everybody a favor. Okay? Go ahead, tear up this contract, tuck your tail between your legs turn around, walk away and never show your sad, sad face or your trashy, trashy hair around here ever again."
"You know what? No. This is not gonna work again. You manipulated me. I lost my friends, I lost my title. I lost myself. But I will never ever let a needy, clingy, man crazed psychopath destroy me again." Kaitlyn spoke up as AJ started giving her a crazed stare. "I will be champion again. You, you're gonna end up rocking back and forth in the fetal position, in a padded cell, drooling like the crazy pathe-" she gets cut off when she gets slapped in the face by AJ.
"Uh oh!" JBL exclaimed.
Kaitlyn pushes AJ down on her seat and pushes the table to the corner as AJ screams. She gets on the desk and starts unloading on her but then Big E grabs her off of her.
"Let go of me!" Kaitlyn yelled and was released by him.
She gives him a hard slap in the face while AJ starts to recover. She then turns to AJ and hits her with a spear.
"A spear!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered. All of a sudden, Morgan slides into the ring after hopping over the barricade. "What a minute is that-it's Morgan!"
She turns Kaitlyn around and hits her with a backfire as the crowd boos her.
"This could happen at Money in the bank." JBL said as she grabbed a mic.
"I think you proved your point. Here is how I prove mine." Morgan said and picked up the contract to sign it. "It's only a matter of time before I get the 1, 2, 3. Watch your back." She dropped the mic as her theme song comes on
'I've had enough I'm taking you down'
She grabs the diva's championship and raises it up in the air with a smirk on her face while doing The Shield pose. She then drops the title on top of AJ's knocked out body.
"Who will win the Divas Championship?" JBL asked as Morgan left the ring to leave through the crowd.
"My money is on Kaitlyn, she's tired of the games with AJ. Kaitlyn may be able to overpower Morgan as well." Cole answered.
"What do you think about Morgan?"
"We'll have to find out. Morgan is the wild card. Morgan has an advantage. Hometown advantage. She'll feed off their chants and energy. But you also gotta wonder about the pressure. Morgan is the only Shield member with no title. If she wins the Diva's Championship all of The Shield will have gold. Think of how huge that would be,"
"Indeed Cole. I believe this is Morgan's time. Her time to become champion. Get her first championship in the WWE. She's ready. This is going to be an interesting diva's championship match."
'Backstage Fallout'
"What is going on with you and Kaitlyn?" Renee asked as Morgan still had on her wrestling attire and her hair was in a ponytail.
"Kaitlyn and I are still friends but if we are competing with each other, especially for a title, we are going to be competitive and aggressive about it. She needs to understand that she can't focus all her attention on AJ. She has another diva to worry about. That is also why I gave her a backfire. She may have lost some friends but she never lost me. If she wins at Money in the bank, I'll be happy for her but I hope she doesn't celebrate too much because I'll be challenging her as soon as possible." Morgan answered.
"What do you think about AJ?"
"I respect AJ as a competitor. I'm just really looking forward to wrestling in my hometown. I mean, going up against AJ and Kaitlyn at the same time? It's going to be interesting and I can't wait to wrestle them. The match is going to be worth watching."
"And why is that?"
"Because I will do whatever it takes to win and I will endure any pain and suffering to win. This is my chance to prove to everyone that I can do this. I am the only Shield member without a title. It is my time to shine. Right now, I have to mentally prepare myself for what's to come. No first championship match jitters. I don't want to choke up." She replied with a small smile.
On Twitter fans tweet:
'Morgan might really steal the divas champion in her hometown. I'm starting to get convinced. #MyMoneysOnMorgan'
'If Morgan wins at MITB, all members of the Shield will have gold. #RepresentPhillyMorgan!'
'Represent Philly WWEMorgan101!'
'I hope Morgan wins! She has to win! She's awesome! #MyMoneysOnMorgan'
'Wonder if Morgan can out smart AJ and over power Kaitlyn at the same time. Can't wait for MITB'
'I hope all the Philly fan favorites win at MITB.'
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Forced to Believe Chapter 3- Fighting Back

Chapter Summary: Morgan fights back against The Shield. Her rivalry with Alicia Fox escalates. The Shield continue to cause problems for Morgan.
Words: 12,000+
Next week on Raw, Morgan was in the ring, ready to go up against Alicia Fox once again. Their rivalry was picking up and the crowd was enjoying their chemistry together in the ring.
"As you can see, we are getting ready for some diva action. Here we have the lovely Morgan Lopez set to go one on one with Alicia Fox, again." Cole said.
All of a sudden, while Morgan was warming up in the ring, she saw The Shield staring at her from afar in the crowd again which made her a little nervous.
"Oh no, it's The Shield." King exclaimed.
"What are they doing here, now?" Cole looked on.
Morgan turned her focus to the three men in the crowd. Ambrose had his arms wrapped around himself, staring at her, hard. Harder than he was last time and it seriously began to creep her out. The look just read bad news and she wanted nothing to do with him at all.
"Just look at that stare from the eccentric Dean Ambrose. Disturbing..." Cole pointed out
"I am not liking the look he has been giving Miss Lopez," King added
"I hope Morgan doesn't get distracted. She needs to have her head in the game. Alicia will take full advantage of that just like last time," JBL warned. "She knew the consequences after what she said. She needs to deal with it,"
During the match, Alicia takes control of Morgan, putting her in a headlock submission. Meanwhile, Dean was slowly walking down the steps to get a closer look at the match,
"Morgan better watch it. Ambrose is very unpredictable." Cole warned.
As the match went on, she fought back and gave Alicia a couple of clotheslines before jumping on the middle rope and attacking her with a crossbody. She waits for Alicia to get up so she can hit the backfire on her and pin her for the win. Morgan celebrates as the ref raises her hand. She gets on the top rope and does her taunt. But then she sees Ambrose jumping over the barricade. Not taking any chances on what he might do, she quickly slides out of the ring and cautiously walks backward, up to the stage.
Meanwhile, Ambrose watches her go as he stands at the end of the ramp. It was something about that look on his face that made her question how cautious she should be.
"What is going through the mind of Ambrose?" Cole asked
"We get to see some diva tag team action. Who do you think will win?" Cole asked as Aksana and Tamina were getting ready to face Morgan and Kaitlyn in the ring.
"I'm just curious to see if Morgan will break. Can she handle any more distractions?" JBL wondered.
"We'll have to find out,"
Later on in the match, Kaitlyn tries to make a tag to Morgan but then The Shield walks down to the barricade.
Distracted once again, she turned around to begin yelling at them, oblivious to the fact that Kaitlyn was dropped down with a Samoan drop by Tamina, "Oh my God! Go away! Just go away!" she exclaimed
Aksana runs into the ring and knocks Morgan off the apron as Kaitlyn gets pinned.
"1!" "2!" "3!"
"Here are your winners! The team of Aksana and Tamina!" Justin announced
The Shield looks on in delight as Morgan holds her neck and starts to look disappointed in herself. This had got to stop. This was becoming really bad for her and it's starting to affect Kaitlyn now.
"You're nothing, Morgan! Nothing!" Seth yelled at her.
"You need The Shield!" Ambrose yelled afterward
Running her hands through her brown hair, Morgan starts to break down, getting angry about the situation.
"Morgan was going to break sometime. She can't take the heat." JBL stated
"Look, Kaitlyn, I'm sorry!" Morgan wiped the frustrated tears from her eyes, from earlier. "It's my fault."
"Look I know that The Shield has been causing you problems, but I don't want this to affect our matches. You need to get your act together. Don't make them control you like that. You need to fix this situation before it ends up ruining you." Kaitlyn stormed off, clearly still upset that they had lost the match.
Morgan let out a sigh and nodded. She had a point. A good point. Maybe TLC will be the time to change things.
"Kaitlyn," Morgan called out, meeting up with her, backstage in the diva's locker room
"Hey, Morgan." Kaitlyn smiled. It looked like her annoyance from Smackdown had gone away.
Morgan ran her right hand through her hair and sighed. "Look, I'm sorry about the tag match. I just, I've gone through a lot with The Shield and-"
"Morgan, I forgive you. But you really need to fight back. You cannot let these men torment you like this, any longer. You need to do something. You need to do something, tonight. Not tomorrow, not next week, not next month. You need to show people that you belong here and that you can take the heat. Okay?"
Abruptly, Alicia Fox walked up to them with a smirk. "It's funny. I guess I can agree with The Shield on why they keep messing with you. You don't belong here, that's why."
Morgan rolled her eyes at her bogus comment.
"Look just leave her alone, okay? She's dealing with enough." Kaitlyn defended her.
"Really? It seems that she wants to whine and complain about her matches and The Shield but she doesn't do anything. She's a little baby and a-" Alicia ended up shrieking after getting struck with a stinging slap to the face by Morgan and then speared to the floor.
Morgan starts uploading on her with punches as Kaitlyn tries to pull her off, yelling her name to get her to stop.
"I'll show you that I can do something!" Morgan yelled, getting pulled away from her by refs, as the segment ended. The camera goes back to the commentators.
"Morgan has been out of it," JBL said in shock. "She just exploded out of nowhere!"
"I don't blame her. She's been frustrated with The Shield and now has to deal with Alicia." King replied, understanding her feelings.
"Yeah. And on Twitter, Morgan tweeted, 'The Shield has tormented me for too long. Now it's time for payback. #Revenge #MorganVsTheShield'. I wonder what that means." Cole pondered. "Well, let's get ready for the WWE diva battle royal for the pre-show."
Eve comes out with the Diva's championship and she does the princess wave and gets on commentary. The divas walk out in their Christmas attires. Morgan and Kaitlyn wear similar outfits as Morgan wears red pants and a black top but with no hat. She always enjoyed themed matches like this. Getting to dress up in cute outfits while wrestling was always enjoyable to her.
During the match, it was down to Tamina, Morgan, Kaitlyn, and Naomi. Dean decides to walk through the crowd and watch Morgan in her match. No matter what it seemed like he'd do everything he could to watch her up close and personal. Not even Rollins and Reigns were this frequent. And it was starting to spark speculation on his true intentions.
"Uh oh. Not Ambrose again." Cole looked on.
"What does this man want with Morgan? This is getting ridiculous. Rollins and Reigns aren't even out here," King exclaimed.
"You don't think Morgan caught his eye do you?"
"If she did he's being extremely creepy about it. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that crazed man,"
"I think he just finds her an easy target to mess with. She falls for it every time," JBL added
Morgan turns her attention to the crowd and rolls her eyes. Ambrose...again. What were the odds?
"You really are starting to piss me off." she pointed him out, clearly distracted.
Tamina takes advantage and tosses her out of the ring as the crowd boos.
"Dean just cost Morgan the match!" King cried as she stormed backstage to follow where he went in the back.
The cameras managed to follow her as she had enough and wanted to confront the man.
"Where are you? Where the hell are you?" she exclaimed and ended up finding a dark area. She decided to walk near it and there he was. Ambrose, smirking at her while leaning on the wall
"Well...it's the rose with thorns. I know you're angry, but I wouldn't worry about that, now."
"Why not?" She demanded
"Look up." he beckoned as they looked up to see a mistletoe over them.
"You're not funny," she retorted and yanked the mistletoe down, tossing it on the ground. "And never in a million years. I'm getting so tired of your mind games. If you want mind games, I'll show you mind games."
"You're putty in my hands, Morgan. You're an easy target."
"Putty? I'll make sure that you and your boys are broken by my hands. Watch your back," she declared and walked away
"I love a woman that's feisty," he called out, watching her leave
Morgan tweets 'Shield...you're gonna get what's coming to you. #MorganVsTheShield'
Melanie was looking at her phone and then Jon sat down next to her after getting settled from their segment together
"What's up?" He greeted, having a bottle of water in his hands.
"Hm...thinking about your match. Just can't wait to get involved." Melanie looked up and smiled. "It's a big opportunity. I'm excited for it,"
Jon chuckled. "I'm sure. I know you can't wait to kick my ass."
"Of course. It's always fun. Hey, have you seen any grapes around here?"
"Aw man, we got the grape monster." Colby (Seth Rollins) said as he walked over to take a seat.
"Haha, Kaitlyn posted a photo of me on Twitter eating a lot of grapes and said Behold! hashtag Morgan The Grape Monster! It became a huge hit," Melanie said, sharing a laugh with the boys. "Now if you excuse me, I need to find some grapes."
"She's so goofy!" Colby exclaimed as they watched her leave
"Typical Melanie." Jon shrugged. "What are you gonna do?"
During The Shield's match with Team Hell No and Ryback, Morgan walks out with a black tank top that says 'Nonbeliever' and blue skinny jeans with heels. She watches The Shield's first match with a frown on her face. She was infuriated and she was ready to get even. Let's see how they like it with the distractions.
"What is Morgan doing here?!" Cole exclaimed as the crowd cheered loudly for her once they noticed her.
"I got a good feeling about this! But The Shield seems to ignore her." King mentioned as The Shield turned their attention to her.
"Bad move. Morgan is very unpredictable in this position." JBL stated.
Morgan stands at the end of the ramp, watching the match as she sees Ryback on the Spanish Announce table while Dean and Seth are taking care of Daniel Bryan in the ring.
"As you can see, Roman Reigns is making sure the big men don't get in the ring. Good strategy." Cole pointed out
"The Shield is absolutely just manhandling Daniel Bryan." King exclaimed.
Morgan looks at Dean and Seth but then turns her attention to Roman. She starts walking towards him with the crowd getting behind her, watching in anticipation. She grabs Roman by the arm and turns him around. Before he had a chance to yell at her for interfering, she kicks him right in the nuts making him groan loudly in pain and fall to his knees
"Ah!" King yelled in a high-pitched voice.
"Ohhhh boy!" JBL exclaimed. "Here we go!"
"Oh, man, Roman. You don't look so good, dude. You all right? I'm sorry, did that hurt?" Morgan asked in a fake concerned tone and lifted up his chin. "I'm sorry, let me take you out of your misery, all righty? All righty."
She smiled and then proceeded to drop him down with a hard spinning kick to the face. Her heel definitely made the impact worse.
"This has to feel good for Morgan. She even said 'Win or Lose, I will get my revenge on The Shield tonight.'" Cole recapped as the crowd chanted her name. "The WWE Universe is enjoying this!"
"One down, two more to go." Morgan informed the crowd as the fans in front of her were saying 'Yeah! Morgan! Get em!'
She goes back to the ramp and sees that Kane recovered and jumps off the table that was on top of the turnbuckle, to hit Ambrose with a flying uppercut. Roman recovers and gets in the ring, only to be attacked by Kane but then Ambrose gets the upper hand on him.
"I really want to know who is next on Morgan's list. I can't even focus on the match without staring at her." King said, watching her as she put her hands on her hips, resembling Chyna.
"We're all curious and we'll get our answer soon," Cole says with anticipation.
The WWE fans on Twitter tweet:
'WWEMorgan101 really can fight with those heels. Never get on her bad side. #MorganVsTheShield.'
'This is even more fun to watch with Morgan on standby! Loving this potential rivalry with her and The Shield!'
'The Shield dun F'ed up, this time! Don't mess with Morgan!'
'Morgan is so dumb for doing this. Watch this backfire on her! Pun intended'
'Reigns looks so mad at Morgan. I know he wants to attack but gotta focus on the match and help his teammates lmfao'
'The hands on her hips. I see so much of Chyna right now. I love it,'
'I'm not quite convinced yet on Morgan being a threat to The Shield but giving it a chance to see what develops'
'What is Morgan going to do next?! I hope she goes after Rollins.'
'I love Morgan's shirt! I hope WWE Shop has it. #Nonbeliever'
'The Shield will totally get their revenge on Morgan!'
'I think Roman got a cut on his cheek! Was it from her heel??'
'Nah! Team Shield!! They need to take her down wtf! How dare she do that to Roman!?'
'Noooo can she join them instead? I want to see her and Dean together!'
'She kicked the hell out of Reigns! #BadAssMorgan'
'Morgan does not know who she is messing with. She better watch out!'
'I need my Ambrose and Morgan fix! I want them to fight!'
'I think Roman's cheek is bleeding. I think she cut his cheek with her heels.'
Ambrose is about to suplex Kane on a chair but Kane counters and grabs his neck, hitting him a chokeslam on the chair
"Chokeslam off the chair!" Cole exclaimed and watched as Morgan smiled at the sight. "Morgan is enjoying this."
"Yeah, that's gotta do it. Cover him Kane." King said. Kane covers him but Roman makes the save to break up the pin. "There are bodies screwed everywhere."
Meanwhile, Kane and Roman are fighting outside the ring and Seth goes after Kane's leg. Morgan looks on in shock as Roman manages to spear Kane through the barricade, taking him out as the crowd chanted 'Holy shit!'
As Daniel was locking Ambrose in with the No lock, Seth ran into the ring. He ends up getting put into the No lock instead but then The Shield attacks Daniel with a 3 on 1 assault.
"Typical..." Morgan grumbled with her arms crossed.
Later on, Ambrose's leg gets grabbed by Ryback when he goes to pin Daniel and Ryback starts manhandling The Shield.
"Forget injustice, Ryback has come for Justice." Cole chuckled.
Ryback spears Dean Ambrose and starts getting ready for the clothesline as the crowd chants 'Feed me more'. After he clotheslines him, Ryback yells "Finish it!" and hits Ambrose with the Shell Shocked. He goes to pin him but Rollins and Reigns break it up
"And The Shield stays alive! Absolutely incredible!" Cole looked on, impressed
Ryback tosses Rollins out of the ring and Morgan moves out of the way to ringside. Reigns falls out of the ring too and Ryback fights them both up the ramp. The crowd cheers once Morgan grabs a chair and gets in the ring to watch Ambrose slowly scramble to his knees. She stalks him and stands right in front of him.
"Oh no. Oh no, don't tell me!" Cole began.
"Don't tell me she's about to hit him with the chair," King exclaimed.
This was something she had wanted to do for a while now and now was finally the chance. She grips the chair steadily and raises it up in the air, aiming to hit him but the impact was stopped once Ambrose caught it before it struck him.
Morgan was stunned. She thought he was out of it. How could he still be standing after all of that? As if reading her mind, Ambrose smirked at her and stood up.
"Give-me-the chair." She tries to pull the chair back but fails to overpower his strong grip on it. He pulls it out of her hands and throws it out of the ring.
"Morgan get out of there. Dean Ambrose is very dangerous in that ring!" Cole yelled while Dean slowly rolled his neck.
Morgan decides to try to strike him in the face but he effortlessly grabs her wrist and backs her up against a corner. She tries to struggle against him but he doesn't budge. Just great. Not what she wanted at all.
"Aw~ what's the matter? Your little plan backfired? Huh?" he teased with a wicked grin.
"Back off!" she screamed and ended up kneeing him in the stomach.
He groans and releases her, stumbling back. Taking advantage, she drops him down with a backfire.
"No way! This cannot be happening!" JBL exclaimed
"Aw~ what's the matter? Your little plan backfired, huh?" She mocked Ambrose, grabbing another chair as he got back on his knees.
She whacks him right in the face and begins relentlessly hitting him with the chair as the crowd counts the chair shots.
'6! 7! 8! 9! 10! 11! 12! 13! 14! 15!' The crowd cheered.
Morgan lets out a breath and sets the chair down, in front of Dean, as he's in pain, laid out.
"She hit him over 15 times with that chair! 15! Had she gone mad!? She's gone mad, Cole! She's lost her damn mind!" JBL yelled.
"She said she was gonna get revenge, tonight!" Cole exclaimed, while she got out of the ring and went through the crowd, while Roman went to help Ambrose. Seth begins climbing up the ladder and then Morgan decides to climb it on the other side.
"Now what is she doing?" JBL looked on.
"Get down!" Seth yelled at her, visibly vexed at her becoming a nuisance for his team tonight.
"Make me." she stood her ground while Ryback started to get off the table.
"Get your ass off the ladder!"
"I don't think so, pal." She responded while Ryback started climbing up the ladder on the side where Seth was.
With all the strength she could, she managed to shove Seth off the ladder, making him fall right onto the tables as everyone yelled 'Holy shit!' again.
"Oh my gosh!" King shouted.
Morgan stares at Seth's laid-out body in satisfaction and gets down from the ladder. Happy with getting some revenge on The Shield, she makes her way backstage, not caring if they won the match after all that happened.
Morgan tweets 'I'm not done yet. Got a few more tricks up my sleeve. #FeelingEvil #Payback #MorganVsTheShield'
The next day on Raw was the Slammy Awards in Philadelphia and on the stage, Ric Flair was at the podium, talking about Superstar of The Year.
"But, I cannot do this without a certain Philly girl. Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome, my girl! Morgan!" Ric announced.
Morgan got a new theme called 'Taking you down by Egypt Central' as she walked out to it with a short blue dress and low blue heels with the Philly crowd giving her a loud warm welcome.
She grinned and waved at the crowd, walking up to the podium. She gave Ric a big hug before standing in front of the podium with a bright smile on her face.
"It's so good to be home!" She yelled, earning loud cheers. "I'm so happy to be here in my hometown. Well, let's get started shall we?"
"Yes ma'am." Ric nodded
"All righty, well, let's check out who is Superstar of the year."
"WOOOO" The crowd responded
"All right. The winner who is the Superstar of the Year is..." Ric Flair opened the envelope.
"John Cena!" they both announced and Philly exploded.
Cena's theme blares out as he walks out. After giving hugs to Ric and Morgan, he says his acceptance speech but then decides to give the award to Flair and went backstage.
"Wow. Okay then." Morgan looked confused, still in shock.
But then CM Punk's theme comes on and he walks out with crutches and with Paul Heyman holding his WWE championship.
"Oh God...great...great..." Morgan said on the mic while Ric stood next to her, closest to Punk.
Punk takes the award and moves the mic towards him. "This is completely ridiculous on multiple, multiple levels! I mean, there are so many things going through my head right now. This doesn't belong to you. You haven't even been here and the fact that you people voted for John Cena is atrocious. This has been the worst year of John Cena's life! I beat him at Summerslam! He lost last night! He's the first superstar who cashed in his money in the bank and lose! He's a loser! He's a loser just like everybody here in Philadelphia!"
Morgan shot her head up and looked at Punk. "I'm sorry, what was that?" she retorted as her hand was held by Ric to calm her down.
"He's a loser like you two!" Punk yelled. "I remember Shawn Michaels talking about how he always wanted to be like Ric Flair. Look at me, Flair! I never wanted to be you! I wanted to be me! And I did. And last year, I won Superstar of the Year. And that means this year, I'm Superstar of the Year. I am the WWE champion and have been WWE champion for 393 days! 393 days! I'm the man! Not John Cena! And not you! I'm the man!"
"Did you want to know what time it is Morgan?" Ric asked.
"It's clobberin time, that's what time it is." Punk yelled in Morgan's face.
"It'll be Morgan time if you don't get the heck out my face." She snapped back as the crowd cheered.
"Nah, I think it's time for you to go, brother." Ric Flair said to Punk. "This is Philadelphia, we're gonna rock n roll tonight man. You can't even walk."
"With one leg I can still kick your ass." Punk declared. "Come on Ric, let's talk about baggage. I will beat you and I can beat anybody up in Philly."
"Wanna try that with me?" Morgan suggested.
"Hold on Morgan. I got this. Hey Philly! Should we settle this? How about you and me?" Ric requested Punk as he took off his jacket and threw it at Punk. "Let's go, Morgan, you're coming with me."
"Sure thing," she replied and walked with Ric Flair to the ring.
"What?" Cole asked in shock as Punk started to go towards the ring. "Are we able to have Punk and Flair?!"
Ric Flair started taunting and yelling 'WOOOO' to the crowd as Morgan looked amused while she stood on the apron.
Punk gets in the ring with Paul Heyman. He slams his crutch against Flair's stomach and he bends down. Punk hits his back, breaking the crutch. He starts hopping on one leg and starts taunting Flair's walk. Flair recovers and hits Punk with a thumb in the eye, making him fall down and hold his eye. Then suddenly, Flair grabs Heyman and hits the Figure Four on him as the crowd cheers and Morgan starts laughing. Flair then releases the hold as Heyman holds his leg while Morgan gets in the ring.
'Sierra' 'Hotel' 'India' 'Echo' 'Lima' 'Delta' 'Shield.'
The Shield walks slowly down the steps. "We all know The Shield has a lot of issues with Morgan. Last night, Morgan gave a low blow to Reigns, threw Rollins 15 feet onto a table and decimated Ambrose with 15 chair shots. 15. This woman is violent." Cole exclaimed.
The Shield stands on the apron as Morgan starts taking off her heels.
"Do something." Morgan provoked.
She'll go down trying. She wasn't going to back down. The Shield look at each other and then at Morgan. Then all of a sudden, Team Hell No attacks Seth and Roman as Ric takes on Dean. But then Dean punches Flair in the face and he drops down to the mat.
Morgan quickly checks on Ric as The Shield takes care of Team Hell No outside the ring. Seth ends up sliding back in the ring and grabs Morgan from behind.
"What the hell?! Get off of me!" She shouted, trying to escape his strong grip
"You think you're going to get away from what you did last night?!" Rollins shouted.
Roman goes to the commentary table and takes off the hood. Dean pushes Flair out of the ring and turns to Morgan.
"Once I'm done with him, I'm coming after you, sweetheart," Dean told her in a menacing voice.
"Oh bite me!" she retorted, getting worried for Flair.
'Feed. Me. More'
Ryback walks out while Morgan kicks Seth in the shin as he winces in pain. Ryback ends up attacking Ambrose and then Roman. Rollins rolls out the ring to try to aid his teammates but Team Hell No joins the fight and makes The Shield retreat.
Morgan is walking with Team Hell No and Flair after they helped him from Punk and The Shield.
"Thanks, you guys," Flair said and he shook hands with Daniel.
"Yeah, we finally got to The Shield. Yes!" Kane yelled.
"No!" Daniel exclaimed.
"What?" Morgan looked confused.
"WOOO! WOO! WOO!" Ric yelled but they all stopped once they saw Ron Simmons.
A dramatic pause occurs before Ron shouted "DAMN!" and walked away, making the crowd laugh
The Shield were not happy tonight. It seemed like they were sending a message to Morgan after attacking Sin Cara. The vibe was different, it seemed like they were hell-bent on making sure they got to her this time. Morgan could feel it. She was going to get caught one of these days. But no matter what she was going to get back up.
Later on the night, Morgan wins her match against Aksana but then The Shield comes out and surrounds the ring as Kaitlyn is at the end of the ramp looking scared. The three men stand on the apron, anticipating to strike.
The Philly diva let out a sigh. She then decides to go straight to Ambrose, striking him with a slap in the face.
"Whoa!" Cole exclaimed
Dean's head was to the side and still stinging from her slap, and then he slowly turned his head back to her.
Morgan quickly runs out of the ring, grabbing Kaitlyn by the hand as they sprint backstage. Before Rollins and Reigns could run after them, Ambrose raised his hand up to signal them to stop going after her. Smirking, he rubs the side of his face
"I think he liked it!" JBL exclaimed.
"What the hell is going on in that sick twisted mind of his?" Cole cried.
"I don't know but Morgan is in big trouble now."
Looking at his teammates, Ambrose began nodding and then the three men proceeded to go backstage.
"Oh-oh my God. Don't tell me they are going after them!?" JBL yelled
Kaitlyn and Morgan are running and then they split up. Running near the parking lot, Kaitlyn thought she was safe. But then she lets out a scream when she gets grabbed from behind by Rollins.
"No! Get off of me!"
"No! They got Kaitlyn!" Cole yelled as they took her into a dark area backstage.
"You're close to Morgan, right?" Ambrose asked, standing in front of her, while Rollins and Roman stood next to her, staring at her with intimating expressions.
Kaitlyn was too scared to respond, so she remained silent, fearing for her life.
"I asked you a question." Dean kicked a nearby chair, making her flinch. She quickly nodded to answer. "Where is she...?"
Kaitlyn swallowed hard as fear took over her again. "WHERE IS SHE!?" Roman bellowed in anger.
"I-I don't know." Kaitlyn whimpered, with tears in her eyes.
"You don't know...well when you see her, tell her we will get our revenge. And tell her she will believe in The Shield." Ambrose growled and let her go, watching her run away in tears.
'WWE Main Event'
Backstage, Morgan is hugging Kaitlyn tightly. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I put you in harm's way. I can't believe they did that. You have nothing to do with this. Nothing at all. You shouldn't be involved in my mess. I shouldn't have let you come out to ringside to watch my match," Morgan frowned, feeling guilty
This was not what she wanted at all. She didn't want any of her friends or loved ones getting in the middle of an issue that was only between her and The Shield. They went too far.
"It's okay. Just please watch your back, tonight." Kaitlyn advised her.
Later on, during Morgan's match against Eve, The Shield walks out as Eve quickly kicks her in the face and runs out of the ring.
It looked like tonight was the night. And there was no escape for Morgan as she was beaten down enough tonight by Eve. Once the three men get in the ring, they pick her up to prepare for the Triple Powerbomb
"No! They can't do this!" Cole exclaimed as they slam her down on the mat.
She holds her head in pain as they stand over her with their fists out while their theme comes on
"We told you we'd get you, Morgan. You will believe in The Shield." Dean yelled
"I think The Shield got the last laugh..." Cole looked on.
"Gosh, I really hope Morgan is okay," King added with worry.
The fans tweet:
'Morgan finally gets what she deserves! #BelieveInTheShield'
'No way! They really just powerbombed her!'
'The Shield totally got the last laugh. #BelieveInTheShield'
'Morgan will get her revenge! She's unstoppable! #MorganVsTheShield'
'Stand up Morgan!! She'll get back up!'
'Is this the first time they Triple Powerbombed a woman!? That looked brutal af'
'Stupid Shield for triple powerbombing my favorite diva. #WEAK!'
'We all knew how this was going to go. She couldn't escape forever. Accept your fate Morgan!'
'Morgan will come back strong! #MorganVsTheShield'
'Next Week On RAW'
"On the WWE APP, we have Morgan, returning tonight who had a word with Renee Young. Let's have a look." Cole said as they show their interview on the titantron.
"Morgan, how do you feel after the Shield triple powerbombed you? Are you feeling alright?" Renee asked.
"Oh, I'm pissed. That really hurt. But tonight I feel great. You wanna know why? Because I'm still standing, I'm back and I get to kick some ass once again. The Shield cannot break me down with a powerbomb because I'm going to keep getting back up. And I'm not done with them yet,"
Morgan tweets 'Damn, it's good to be back. Shield, this isn't over. Just as my theme says. #I'mTakingYouDown! #MorganVSTheShield #PayBack"
'In the ring'
Layla's theme comes on and the divas go out in their Xmas attires. Morgan wears a red shirt that stops in the middle of her stomach and has a hoodie attached to it. She wears it with a red Christmas themed skirt with white boots with her hair out and curly at the end.
"This is a divas tag team match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, the team of Layla, Morgan, Natalya and Kaitlyn!" Justin announced and then Eve's theme came on. "Introducing the challengers, Eve Torres, Alicia Fox, Aksana and Rosa Mendes."
Natalya and Aksana start the match and then Aksana tags in Alicia and they fight. Later on, the crowd cheers loudly when Layla tags in Morgan and she gets in the ring to dropkick Alicia 3 times. She goes to the turnbuckle and hits a crossbody on her to pin her but then Eve runs in and stomps on her to break the pin. Kaitlyn comes in and spears her.
Rosa enters the ring and slaps Kaitlyn in the face but then Morgan grabs her and throws her to the ropes to get double clotheslined by her and Kaitlyn as the crowd cheers. The Divas start fighting outside the ring leaving Morgan and Alicia.
In the final moments of the match, Morgan strikes Alicia with a shining wizard
"Beautiful move by Morgan," Cole praised as she pinned Alicia for the win
"Here are your winners! Layla, Morgan, Kaitlyn and Natalya!" Justin announced
"YEAH!" Morgan yelled as she had her right hand up but then she was jumped on by her team as they hugged her to celebrate
"Morgan is back and she's back strong!" King said happily.
'Next week, Raw'
Eve is with the Divas & Mae Young backstage as Eve starts to brag about how she's beaten every diva.
"Ahem!" Morgan cleared her throat behind her as the crowd cheered when they saw her on screen.
Turning around, Eve scowled. "What do you want?" She spat.
"Beat every diva? I don't think so. Since you got the guts to brag...How about you face me in the ring...right now."
"Fine," Eve smirked and walked away
Mae Young grabbed Morgan's hand and gave her a grin, "Give that girl a beating for me, will ya?"
"Anything for you Mae." Morgan smiled
Morgan tweets 'You're going down EveMarieTorres. Let's see if you really have the guts to face me since you LOVE to brag about how good you are. #BraggerMcbragbrag #Countouts #CheapShots #Lame'
'In the ring'
After a hard-fought match, Morgan wins by the backfire. She has her right hand up in the air and yells 'Yeah!' as the crowd gets hyped. But then The Shield are shown on the Titantron.
Morgan smirks at the screen and grabs a mic. She knew they wouldn't stay away forever.
"Morgan, it seems you've found yourself again after we did the damage," Seth said, looking impressed.
"You talk about revenge and you have more tricks up your sleeve as your New Year's resolution, well, we have some news for you," Dean added out.
"Our resolution is to make sure you believe in The Shield." Roman declared.
"So go ahead. Make your plans to take us down." Dean shrugged
"But we'll be ready for your next strike. We have made sacrifices to endure your pain. We'll be ready for your next move." Seth guaranteed.
"You know...I really hate you guys..." Morgan admitted as the crowd cheered at her response. "Do whatever you want but you won't make me believe."
"We'll see...believe in The Shield." Dean said and the screen went blank.
"Back to my celebration. Who is a nonbeliever!?" Morgan asked to loud cheers as her theme came on.
"Morgan, going strong at the end of the year. Wonder what will happen in 2013." Cole pondered.
"I don't know but I can't wait. 2013 is going to be an interesting year for Morgan. I just know it," JBL said.
On Twitter, Morgan tweets, '2013 will be a good year for me. #Morgan2013 #BadAssMorgan'
After the show, Celeste, Melanie and April go to the bar with the roster.
"What time is it?" April asked, anticipating New Years.
Melanie checked her phone. "11:57."
"Ugh, time needs to go faster!"
Melanie laughed "Let's take a photo." She took a picture with April and posted it on Twitter.
Celeste comes with the drinks. "All right girls!"
Nattie and Eve sit with them as well. "Ready for the countdown?" Nattie asked.
"I can't wait! I'm shaking in my seat!" April beamed
"Mel, I still can't get over your storyline with The Shield. It's really entertaining." Nattie brought up.
Melanie grinned. "Thanks. I just really want it to be worth watching."
"Oh trust me it is. More than half of the roster likes to watch it backstage." Celeste revealed.
"Wow. I feel honored." Melanie placed a hand on her heart.
"One minute!" Mike (Miz) yelled.
"Yes!" April shouted in excitement.
"30! 29! 28! 27! 26!" Everyone chanted.
"Woo hoo!" April cheered as she went to the crowd with Nattie and Eve following her.
"Getting a New Year's kiss?" Celeste asked.
"Haha, not this year. Come on." Melanie replied and they walk in the crowd, meeting up with April.
They start chanting with everyone. "15! 14! 13! 12! 11! 10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! Happy New Year!"
Everyone cheered and music started blasting.
"Woo hoo!" Melanie cheered and hugged the girls.
"Drinking contest!" Celeste yelled.
"I'm in!" Mike volunteered as they walked to the bar.
After dancing with friends and hanging out, Melanie bumped into Colby.
"Dude!" she greeted him with a hug as he laughed.
"Happy New Year, Grapes."
"Happy New Year to you too. Where your boys at?"
"Somewhere. Everyone is all over the place."
"Ha, can't argue with that there. I'll see you later!" she said her goodbyes to meet up with more friends to party with.
"Woo. What a night." Eve fanned herself as she sat down on a couch with Melanie after taking a break from dancing
"I know. And everyone is still dancing and it's 2:40AM." Melanie added
"Uh oh, Celeste is out of it." Eve pointed out as Melanie turned to see Celeste giggling and slipping out of her seat.
"Oh boy. I better go help her. Let's take a picture before I go?"
"Of course!" Eve said and they posed cutely
"Nice. I'll see you later. Happy New Year!"
"Happy New Year, girl. Be safe getting back to your hotel room!"
"You as well!"
Melanie walked over to Celeste and helped her up. "Okay, time to go."
"W-what you mean time to go? We just got here?" Celeste slurred.
Melanie laughed. "I knew this was going to happen."
"Need help?" Jon asked with a smile, finally finding Melanie after all this time
"Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you all night!" she exclaimed as she dropped Celeste to the floor, wrapping her arms around his neck. Celeste ended up groaning at the impact. "Oh-oh my gosh. I'm sorry!"
"Come on, let's take her to the car." Jon offered as he helped Celeste up with Melanie. The two walk Celeste outside and to the backseat of his rental car. "I'll drive you guys back."
"Really? I thought you were still gonna hang with the guys."
"Nah, no worries. I had enough party in me for one night."
"Wish I could say the same for this one, back here," Melanie murmured as she watched Celeste giggle like crazy. They arrive at the hotel and walk Celeste to the elevator. "So how was your night?"
"Colby threw a fit because he lost at beer pong." Jon laughed at the memory.
"Wow. Poor Colby." The Philly Diva giggled. The elevator opens and they walk Celeste to Melanie's room. Melanie opened the door and dragged her onto the bed safely and made sure a trash can was near just in case. Going back to the doorway, she looks up at Jon, "She's on the bed. She'll be throwing up a lot when she wakes up."
Jon chuckled. "Wouldn't want to be in your shoes."
"Hey! I hit you with 15 chair shots."
Melanie got a chill down her body and shivered. "Why is it so freaking cold in this hotel?!" She complained.
"Here, this will keep you warm," Jon handed her his hoodie
"Thanks for always looking out for me after all these years," Melanie smiled and put it on.
"Ahh, don't worry about it. You know I will always be there for you, Mel,"
She grinned and embraced him, feeling his arms wrap around her waist. "Always. Happy New Year."
"Happy New Year."
The two jump away from each other when they hear a thump and see Celeste at the door. "Why is the sky so blue?" Celeste slurred.
Melanie groaned. "I'm sorry, I gotta take care of this one."
Jon smiled with amusement and nodded. "Hope you survive."
"I hope so too!" she replied as she pushed Celeste inside
Melanie tweets 'WWERollins lost at beer pong. LMAO! #HappyNewYear'
Colby replies, 'WWEMorgan101 Who told you!?'
Melanie replies 'Lol, Jon. He couldn't resist. #YouLost!'
Colby replies back 'Shut up...I'll win next time. I'm gonna get my revenge on him.'
Melanie replies back 'Can't wait to see this revenge. I'm curious about who you lost to and how many times.'
Colby replies, '3...By KaitlynWWE, Jon and JohnCena...'
Melanie replies 'LMAO! I'll give you lessons and tricks on how to play beer pong. #MorganAtYourService'
Colby replies 'Lol, please do. I'll be waiting for my lessons.'
'Next morning'
Melanie is in the kitchen about to make breakfast sandwiches but hears someone knock on the door. She opens it to see Jon looking annoyed.
"Good morning. What's up?" she greeted, amused at his annoyed look.
"Morning...May I use your shower?"
"Colby took all the hot water..." he grumbled. The sour look on his face made her laugh. "It's not funny! He did this shit on purpose."
"Did you tease him about beer pong?"
"Yep, that'll do it. Fine, go ahead."
"Thanks." Jon smiled and walked in with his bag of clothes and toiletries
Melanie walked back to the kitchen. "You want a quick breakfast? I'm making breakfast sandwiches. We got water, juice and coffee too,"
"Yeah. I'll take some. I'll take the coffee too,"
"And you like your coffee..." she started to go over how he liked it, wondering if he still liked it that way.
Jon nodded in approval, "Yep, you know me well,"
"I know. I still got it."
"You never lost it."
"Aw, you're so sweet," she grinned.
After cooking and setting up the meals, Melanie watched Jon walk out shirtless and with jeans, taking a towel off his head.
"Thanks for letting me use your shower."
"Yeah anytime. Oh wait, did you need your hoodie back?" Melanie asked since she was currently wearing it.
"You can keep that, I got plenty more."
"Awesome. I'm starting to like how cozy it is."
"It is a good hoodie. Thanks for this," he received his drink and plate of food, devouring it.
"Consider it a favor returned."
Celeste wakes up and walks to the kitchen. "Ow..my head...Whoa!" She exclaimed as she saw Jon shirtless and Melanie with him. "Am I interrupting something?"
"Nah, not really. We were just catching up," Melanie shrugged like it was the most obvious thing ever. But the way Celeste was staring at them made her realize what she thought was happening, "Oh. Oh...Celeste, it's not what it looks like. He needed to use the shower and-"
"Oh, I get it. I get it,"
Jon laughed and put on his shirt. "Let me get out of here. I'll see you later."
"Okay," Melanie replied, receiving a kiss on the cheek from him before he grabbed his belongings and left. Celeste cleared her throat. "What?"
Celeste studied Melanie's hoodie. "And who's hoodie is that?" she asked with a teasing smile.
"What did you two do?"
"What? Nothing. He needed a favor."
"Oh my gosh, you two did it!?"
Celeste laughed. "I'm just messing with ya."
"You're a piece of work, haha. You know Jon and I go way back,"
"We love strong bonds,"
"Yeah. Anyway, what had happened was Colby used all the hot water for revenge on Jon teasing him about how he lost at beer pong."
"Hahaha. I remember beating him and-" Celeste all of a sudden started to feel sick and rushed to the bathroom.
"Oh no." Melanie groaned and ran after her to hold her hair as she threw up.
"Ugh. Thanks...no more drinking a lot on a wrestling night."
"Good thinking. As a matter of fact, great thinking."
'Next week on Raw'
Kaitlyn, who is the new divas champion, faces Alicia Fox in a match with Morgan standing at ringside to support her friend. Before the match could even begin, Alicia started to focus her issues on Morgan, expressing her dislike for the girl as she kept glaring at her.
And at one point, the Philly diva had enough and spoke up, "Eye problem?"
"Shut up!" Alicia yelled
"You're gonna hit me?" Morgan yelled back as Alicia got out of the ring to get in her face. "Do something!"
"Whoa, what's going on here?" Cole exclaimed as Alicia attacked her but Morgan started to take control of the fight and tossed her into the barricade. She then starts unloading on her on the floor. "And all hell has broken loose!"
The ref tries to pull Morgan off of Alicia. "Get off of me! I'm gonna end her!" Morgan yelled as a lot of refs ran to the ring to separate the two.
"Are we even going to have a match?" King asked.
"I don't know. These two hate each other." JBL added while Kaitlyn helped Morgan with Alicia.
Alicia starts to get taken up the ramp but then Morgan escapes the refs as the crowd cheers loudly and she runs toward Alicia to jump on her and the refs.
"Whoa!" King exclaimed.
"She just flew!" Cole shouted as the refs that held Morgan, run up the ramp to grab her and separate the two.
Fans tweet:
'Alicia and Morgan went at it! #DivasGoneWild'
'Morgan went cray cray! #MorganGoneWild'
'Even though there was no Diva match, that brawl was insane'
'Did you see Morgan throw her into the barricade? Violent! Morgan is awesome!'
'Alicia stood her ground. She'll get her revenge on Morgan. #AliciaRules'
'Alicia should have focused on her match. #AliciaGotFoxed'
'Finally, a diva segment worth watching. I thought the guys only had crazy brawls like this'
'Morgan just flew like superman!'
'Beat her up Alicia! #DivasGoneWild'
Morgan tweets 'AliciaFoxy got another thing coming. This isn't over. #IWillEndYou #IWillFoxYouToTheGround #You'reGoingDownVixen
"You know, I'm kind of worried," Cole said as Morgan was wrestling Tamina in the ring.
"Why?" JBL asked
"The Shield has been quiet around Morgan lately."
"Come to think of it you're right. But The Shield said they are waiting for Morgan to strike back. But Morgan has her hands full with Alicia Fox."
"Yeah. Especially that crazy brawl they had on Raw, this past Monday."
As the match progresses, Tamina hits Morgan with the Samoan drop and then goes on the turnbuckle. She attempts to go for the Superfly Splash but Morgan moves out of the way and they are both lying on the mat, hurt.
"Morgan is still hurt from that Samoan drop. I'm surprised she found the strength to move out the way." Cole said.
"It's all about showing what you can do." JBL said.
The ref starts counting for a double knockout and they get up on 7. Morgan starts to gain momentum with clotheslines and then she tosses Tamina in the ropes. Morgan kicks her in the face causing her to fall.
"In the beginning, Tamina dominated this match and now it seems Morgan is taking control."
Morgan was about to hit the backfire on Tamina but Tamina counters and clotheslines her hard into the mat.
"Oh! Did you hear that clothesline?" Cole asks. Tamina pins Morgan but she kicks out. "And Morgan stays alive in this match-up."
Later on in a back-and-forth match, Morgan finally hits the backfire to win the match.
"Morgan wins, but will that be enough for the Royal Rumble? She is up against Alicia Fox in a Lumberjill match this Sunday." JBL said.
'Royal Rumble'
Aksana, Rosa, Tamina, AJ, Layla, Kaitlyn, Natalya, Cameron, and Naomi were surrounding the ring while Alicia was already in the ring.
"Introducing the challenger, from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced.
Morgan comes out in her attire but wears the Nonbeliever tank top. She grins and has her right hand up and tags some hands before going in the ring. Standing on the turnbuckle, she takes off her hood, taunting the crowd again while yelling "Yeah!"
'Ding Ding Ding'
During the match, Morgan dropkicks Alicia out the ring, as Kaitlyn, Cameron and Naomi throw her back inside. After some back and forth action, Morgan runs to the ropes and is about to jump on Alicia but Alicia counters with a powerbomb.
"She knocked the wind out of her!" King exclaimed
Alicia pins her, only to get a two count, to the shock of the crowd.
"There is no way she could have kicked out from that, no way." JBL said.
"Morgan is a fighter." Cole reminded.
Later on, the heel divas start to argue with the face divas and it becomes a brawl. With the ref distracted, Alicia takes out a small bottle of hair spray and sprays it on Morgan's face to hurt her. With her staggered, she connects with the scissors kick and pins her with her feet on the ropes to win the match.
"Here is your winner! Alicia Fox!" Justin announced. Alicia's theme comes on and she gets out the ring and taunts Morgan.
"All you do is cheat huh?" Morgan grumbled as Alicia was with the heel divas at the ramp, celebrating.
"Well, Alicia wins," King says.
"But she had her feet on the ropes!" Cole exclaimed. "And hit her with hair spray! That wasn't even legal!"
"So? She still won." JBL says.
'Next day, Raw'
Morgan was walking backstage but heard Paul Heyman talking to Brad Maddox. Curious, she leaned on the wall to listen to their conversation. Paul stated that he paid him to make sure Ryback didn't beat Punk for the title and the crowd was shocked.
Morgan puts her hand to her mouth as The Shield comes behind Brad.
"Paul, please." Brad pleaded.
"Please?" Paul repeats.
"I'll-I'll leave, okay?"
"Oh stop, come on~"
"Paul, please. I'll leave."
"Shh...take this beating like a man. Come on, you wanted an experience."
"Just tell Punk, I'm sorry, and I'll go."
"Listen, I want this to be a learning experience."
"Paul please" Brad began but got attacked by The Shield. The sound of the punches and stomps made Morgan quickly leave the scene to tell a few people about what she just saw.
After the show, she tweets. 'Finally have a plan of what I want to do with The Shield. #ReadyToTakeAction #MorganVsTheShield'
'Next week on Raw'
Brad Maddox is in the ring cutting a promo on what had happened. "I am an innocent victim. I am innocent. I did the right then when I gave Vince the footage that proved that Paul Heyman was lying about me and lying about The Shield's involvement with CM Punk. So in a very,very real way...I am the hero, I am the hero of this story, it's going to be me and not John Cena! Who's gonna teach The Shield about justice. So...Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns...justice awaits you." he said
'Sierra' 'Hotel' 'India' 'Echo' 'Lima' 'Delta' 'Shield.'
The Shield walk through the crowd with microphones in their hands.
"Thanks for the invitation Brad, but we don't need one." Dean declared.
"I'm not the only one who took money from Paul Heyman!" Brad exclaimed.
"Don't even compare yourself to The Shield, nobody ever said justice was free."
"Maddox, you want to teach The Shield about justice? Do you even understand the concept of justice?" Seth asked
"Last time...it was all we're gonna take the time to enjoy this, little tiny man," Roman said with a grin as The Shield arrived at ringside.
"See we just get the feeling that maybe Brad Maddox doesn't believe in The Shield." Dean said as The Shield drop their mics and get on the apron.
"Well, this is not gonna be good for Brad Maddox." King mentioned.
"No, not at all." Cole agreed.
"He brought it on himself. I don't think he's anybody's hero."
Brad runs at Ambrose and starts hitting him but he gets jumped by The Shield.
"Brad Maddox went right after Ambrose and here we go. This is going to be a massacre."
"What was he thinking?"
"Drop him! Drop him!" Seth yelled. Roman clotheslines Brad. Then Seth and Dean pick Maddox up as Roman roars loudly. They drop him with the triple powerbomb, making a devastating impact. "Believe in The Shield!"
John Cena's theme comes on as the crowd cheers. But he comes out from the crowd as The Shield looks at the ramp. "Hey! Look! Cena!" Cole exclaimed. "Cena, entering the way The Shield does."
'Feed! Me! More!'
Ryback's theme comes on and he comes out of the crowd too. "Wait a minute!" King shouted.
"And he's got backup!" Cole yelled.
"Ryback storming through the people!"
'It's a shame that they lost their head.'
Sheamus's theme comes on and he comes out through the crowd as well. "Look at this!" King exclaimed. The Shield gets out the ring and starts going up to the ramp. "And The Shield going to retreat."
'I've had enough, I'm taking you down, I'm taking you down'
Morgan's theme fills the arena as the crowd cheers.
"Morgan said she was ready to take action!" Cole exclaims. The Shield have their guard up and watch Morgan walk down the ramp with a hand on her hip and an amused smile on her face. Randy and a few superstars follow her from behind. "It's Randy and company!"
The Shield gets back in the ring
"They got nowhere to run!" King pointed out as Sheamus, Cena and Ryback surround the ring.
Morgan comes and surrounds the ring too with her arms crossed. She was enjoying this to the max.
"The Shield have nowhere to go." Cole spoke as The Shield were back to back with each other. Cena, Sheamus and Ryback get in the ring to start fighting them. "Here we go!"
The Shield escapes and retreats into The crowd. Cena's theme comes on. Morgan grins and gets in the ring and high fives Sheamus, Cena and Ryback.
"Well make no mistake about it, The Shield got a taste of their own medicine."
Morgan tweets, 'Revenge tastes so sweet. How does it feel to have a taste of your own medicine? #MorganVsTheShield #Payback'
'Next week, Raw'
The Shield is in the ring.
"You failed John. You failed last week...You fail every day when you get up and exist! This Sunday at Elimination Chamber will be no different. At the hands of The Shield, John Cena, you will fail again." Seth guaranteed.
"That's right. He will fail because John Cena is a failure. That's why we don't like you, John. You're not just a superstar, it's not what you've done, it's what you fail to do. You smile the day away in your little bubble. You see, in your world there are no consequences, you can do or say what ever you want. No consequences. That's not the real world, that's not the world we live in. That's what we call, The John Cena problem." Dean added.
"He's the problem. He and Morgan are the problem. John has been the problem for the last decade. We! The Shield! Are the solution." Roman yelled.
"You see John...you laid the ground John, for an entire generation to believe in the system. To believe in you John! And that's why Morgan got involved. We could have made her believe in The Shield quicker if you weren't such an influence on her!" Seth exclaimed.
"And now she's running around, doing whatever she can to stop us. Chair shots...tables...LOW BLOWS, KICKS IN THE FACE...that will not break The Shield!" Roman shouted, still bitter about what she did to him at TLC.
"I'm guessing low blows and kicks in the face are touchy subjects for Roman, huh?" King asked with amusement.
"And Morgan...we powerbombed you once, don't think we'll do it again. We will make you believe. And you will watch as your little team falls to pieces." Dean smirked while Seth and Roman nod.
"And this Sunday, we will rectify a decade of injustice in one fell swoop," Seth says.
"This Sunday, we walk in together, we walk out together, You three, might not walk out at all. I suggest you three bring as much fresh air as you can now cause on Sunday, The Shield is gonna drown you. Believe that!" Dean exclaims.
"Believe in The Shield!" Roman yells and drops his mic.
"Where you at? Huh?" Seth provokes as The Shield looks around the arena.
Morgan's theme comes on as the crowd cheers. She walks out with a mic in her hand.
"I'll admit, I suffered a lot of pain from you guys but I'll tell you this..." She gets in the ring. "I've had enough of you talking all this crap about injustice. Do you think I was just going to sit there and let you guys cost me my matches, not to mention a number one contenders match for the Diva's champion?" she asked. "Since you guys claim you are the solution to the 'Morgan Problem', I haven't seen any progress because I'm still here."
"She has a point." Cole pointed out.
"I'm still here and I will stay here. Now...enough talk, more action." She dropped her mic and slapped Ambrose across the face, before unloading on him with punches.
"Whoa! Whoa!" King exclaimed. Seth and Roman grab her off of Dean and they hold her down as Dean grabs his mic.
"You think you can put your hands on me and get away with it, sweetheart?" Dean shouted
Morgan smirked. "Yep!"
"Big mistake. You're going to come out here and disrespect us? This is the real world. Expect the consequences."
"Wait! Before you do anything. I would like to say something. Well, show you. But um...it's a surprise." she said and then the lights go out as the crowd cheers.
Cena, Ryback, and Sheamus appear in the ring once the lights come on and they attack The Shield while Morgan gets out of harm's way. Sheamus and Cena throw Seth and Roman out of the ring. And Ryback clotheslines Ambrose and The Shield retreat.
"Again The Shield retreating," Cole said
"You were saying?" Morgan asked, looking at The Shield as Ambrose glared at her.
"You alright?" Cena asked her, making sure she wasn't hurt and she nodded in response, getting a grin from him.
'Raw, after Elimination Chamber'
Alicia Fox is in the ring to share her displeasure for Morgan and express why she doesn't like her. She felt like she didn't deserve to be on the main roster and was trying her best to get her to leave. Alicia began to enjoy playing mind games with the girl. And tonight would be no different.
"Hello everyone. It's your favorite fox. Alicia. Now I have to get something off my chest. Morgan should not be here. She is only still here because she wants to try to be tough and fight The Shield. All she does is whine and complain. She can't even beat me. And I would like to show her again that she cannot beat me." Alicia stated and was interrupted when Morgan walked out to the ring, unamused.
"You seriously want to do this right now? You want to call me out? Fine." Morgan exclaimed and ran to spear her as they started to fight. A ref comes and breaks it up.
'Ding Ding Ding'
"Guess we have ourselves a divas match." Cole said.
Alicia starts to hide behind the ref as Morgan tries to get her. All of a sudden, she kicks Morgan in the face as a cheap shot to win the match and she leaves the ring.
"Here is your winner, Alicia Fox!" Justin announced.
"A cheap shot to the face." Cole looked on as Morgan held her head and looked at Alicia, shaking her head in disapproval.
Morgan tweets 'AliciaFoxy Real cute, winning by a #CheapShot This isn't over'
'Next Week, Raw'
Morgan is at the ramp as The Shield are in the ring. "No matter what you do, there will be no peace in the WWE until there is justice. And honor. Morgan, you can keep trying to take us out, assemble any super team you want, create an army, but you still won't be able to stop us from doing the job we came here to do." Dean said.
"Okay, well, it looks like I have to keep trying," Morgan nodded and then Sheamus came out.
"Alright lads, you wanna fight tonight? Why don't you come up here and fight me? What's the matter? You don't have the stones? I'm standing right here waiting for you fella. I ain't going nowhere. Come on!" Sheamus said as Dean and Roman started walking up the ramp.
"You want some huh?" Roman yelled.
All of a sudden, Randy Orton comes out of nowhere, preparing to strike as Seth is alone in the ring.
"Look it, look it, look it!" Cole shouted. Randy turns Seth around and he RKOs him. He quickly leaves the ring as Roman and Dean run back to help Seth. "Randy Orton with a hit and run!"
Morgan grinned as Dean and Roman started throwing a fit in the ring. She low-fives Sheamus and says to the two Shield members, "You were saying?"
"Orton, Morgan and Sheamus outsmarting The Shield tonight," Cole said.
Morgan is walking backstage but then Alicia runs and hits her from behind, making her fall.
"What the hell?" JBL yelled as she started beating down Morgan.
"You think you can beat me!? You think you're better than me!?" Alicia yelled as she picked her up and threw her against a table.
"Whoa whoa! What the hell Alicia!?" Kaitlyn exclaimed and ran with Layla to help Morgan.
"Get out of here!" Layla yelled as Alicia walked away. "Are you okay, Morgan?"
"You going to attack me from behind though? Where did she go?" Morgan asked, rubbing the back of her neck.
"We gotta take you to the trainers." A ref said as he came to assist her. But before he could, Morgan got up and ran off to find Alicia as the crowd cheered with anticipation.
"No! Morgan!" Kaitlyn exclaimed as more refs began to run after her.
There was no way Alicia was just going to beat her down from behind and walk away untouched. Forget that. Morgan wanted to find her and get her lick back.
"Ohhhh boy!" JBL said. "I like this side of Morgan. She always wants to get the last laugh and won't go down without a real one on one fight. Not getting beaten down from behind."
'To Morgan, backstage'
"You wanna attack me?" Morgan asked angrily as Alicia was sitting down in the makeup area.
"Yeah, yeah I do," Alicia replied. "And what are you going to do? Nothing,"
All of a sudden, Morgan grabbed her hair from behind, throwing her out of her seat, and started unloading on her.
"We knew this was gonna happen!" JBL shouted as they started to brawl with each other.
"Hey! Stop! Get off of her!" The refs yelled, trying their hardest to separate the two.
Fans tweet:
'Morgan just grabbed her off her chair. Go Morgan!'
'This is one of my favorite Diva rivalries now.'
'Things are getting so physical with the two! This is great!'
'Alicia kicked Morgan's ass! But then Morgan decided to attack Alicia from behind. #Weak!'
'Alicia got what was coming to her. Morgan showed her whose boss! #MorganTheBoss'
Morgan tweets 'AliciaFoxy #WatchYourBack #I'mComingForYou'
Next week, Raw'
As Morgan and Alicia's rivalry was starting to intensify, the two were in the ring once again for a match.
Alicia gets the upper hand and kicks Morgan to the turnbuckle. She starts kicking her and the ref tries to pull her off.
"Alicia! Get off her!" The ref yells as she keeps kicking Morgan in the turnbuckle.
"I think Alicia really wants to hurt Morgan. I don't think she even cares they are in a match," Cole said.
"She better stop or she'll get disqualified," JBL warned.
"Ring the bell!" Ref yelled, having enough of Alicia not listening to him.
'Ding Ding Ding'
"The winner of this match as a result of a disqualification, Morgan Lopez!" Justin announced.
But Alicia keeps hitting on her and then throws her out the ring. Viciously she continued the assault by tossing her into the steel steps as the crowd booed. Dragging Morgan back in the ring, Alicia got back in and struck her down with her finisher.
"Man, that arm of Morgan is not looking so good." JBL said as Alicia's theme came on and she left the ring, proud of what she had done.
"What will happen to these two next week?" Cole asked as a few refs rushed to the ring to help Morgan.
"I don't know but this rivalry has escalated a lot these past weeks," King recalled.
Morgan tweets 'AliciaFoxy, We need to settle this once and for all. #MorganVsTheFox'
Alicia replies, 'WWEMorgan101 awwww you want to get embarrassed again? By all means. You know where I'll be'
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, Morgan Lopez!" Lilian announced as she walked out to the ring to a big pop from the crowd.
"What's up WWE Universe!?" She asked as the crowd cheered in response. "Well, I just have to get something off my chest. I mean, it's pretty obvious that Alicia doesn't want to fight me if she keeps getting DQs and winning by cheap shots since the stupid Shield, who are cowards~ want to interfere in my matches. So it's time to settle this. I want to settle this once and for all and to prove to you that I can beat you. That I belong here and that I'm here to stay. I...want a match against you at WrestleMania."
Alicia walked out to the stage, laughing. "You're challenging me? You're on. Prepare to be foxed."
"Alicia Fox and Morgan Lopez at WrestleMania! This will be interesting." Cole said.
Morgan tweets 'Talk all the trash you want about a pointless diva's match. I'll prove you all wrong. It won't be a bathroom break #It'sAMission'
'In The Ring'
After Sheamus and Randy's match with Damien and Cody, Morgan celebrated with them.
But then The Shield's theme comes on and Sheamus and Randy look around to see if they were around the arena. But then they see the three men on the titantron.
"Randy. Sheamus. Morgan. Relax, you don't have to be afraid." Dean said.
"Or maybe you do." Seth added
"Just not tonight." Roman said with a grin.
"Ambrose. And you should already know that that ring you're standing in is ours and if you still don't believe that, well then you can ask the Big Show. Because on Monday night, we dropped the Big Show and we served justice to the Big Show just like we served justice to every major force in this industry. Ryback, Sheamus, Orton, Cena, The Rock, check, check, check, check, check!"
Morgan rolled her eyes and continued to listen as Seth began to speak, "You know that brings up an interesting point. We've taken John Cena and The Rock, the WWE Champion, multiple times and we've laid them out, flatten them in the center of the ring."
"Just like road kill," Roman said with a chuckle
"And yet those two criminals continue to take from us because they are the main event at WrestleMania and somehow, the most dominant force in this company, The Shield, doesn't even have a match at WrestleMania and that is the greatest injustice, I've ever heard of." Seth continued. "That's an injustice we're gonna serve ourselves. So no more games, here's what we're gonna do. You two men find a partner, any partner you want, but just make sure you pick the right partner."
Randy grabbed a mic and replied, "I'm in."
The crowd cheered as Morgan grinned in response.
Sheamus grabbed the mic. "I'll see you at WrestleMania!"
Taking the mic from him, Morgan spoke, "And I'll be at ringside. No more tricks. You three are going down this time."
The Shield smirks, satisfied with their answers. "The showcase of the immortals, now and forever becomes, The showcase of justice," Rollins said.
"At WrestleMania, you will believe in The Shield. Especially you Morgan. This time, no more running. It's time to settle this." Ambrose declared.
"Believe in The Shield." Roman signed off and The Shield's theme comes on as Randy and his crew look on.
"The Shield oozing with confidence. The question is, who is Sheamus and Randy Orton going to choose to join them on their side to go against The Shield at WrestleMania?" Cole asked.
Morgan tweets 'I'm tired of the games. Shield, you're going down. #MorganVsTheShield'
Morgan was walking but Kaitlyn ran up to her. "Hey did you hear?"
"Hear what?" Morgan looked confused
"Randy and Sheamus just got attacked by The Shield!"
"What!?" Morgan yelled and quickly sprinted while the camera followed her. "Where the hell are they!? Where are The Shield!?"
"Morgan! Calm down." Booker said as he walked out of his office, hearing her yelling.
"Where are Randy and Sheamus?"
"They are with the doctors," he answered as Morgan's anger started to grow. "Hey! Listen to me! Do not lose your cool, alright? We got this handled."
"I'm afraid I can't obey that rule." She said and ran to find Randy and Sheamus.
Booker sighed. "I knew she was goin' say that..."
Morgan walked inside the trainer's room to see Randy holding his head. "Randy! Oh my gosh, are you okay?" She asked as she hugged him.
"I'm fine...Listen to me, I don't want you to get involved in this." he warned
"That's a promise I can't keep. I'm already involved. I'm stuck in the middle of this mess."
"Just stay out of trouble. I don't want anything to happen to you, kid."
"I'm sorry but I have to confront them. I can't let them get away with this," she replied with a frown. Kissing his cheek, she proceeded to leave the room.
"Morgan! Dammit...you never listen..."
"What is Morgan going to do?" Cole asked.
"We'll soon find out." JBL replied.
When The Shield attacks Ryback, Morgan runs to the ring as the crowd cheers.
"Here's Morgan!" Cole exclaimed as she quickly got in the ring and jumped on Seth's back.
"What is wrong with her? No matter what she does, The Shield will stand tall." JBL exclaimed.
She starts to put Seth in a headlock as he tries to get her off of him. Dean grabbed her off of him and then she retaliated by slapping him. The ref holds her back as The Shield leaves the ring, holding Ambrose back.
"Damn it! You will believe in The Shield!" Dean yelled.
"No, I won't!" Morgan yelled back.
"You will!"
"I hate you!" She screamed. "Why can't you just leave them alone!? I'm the one you want right!?"
"I have never seen a diva and superstar hate each other this much like these two," Cole exclaimed.
"It has been a while since something like this has happened. I have never seen Morgan have an outburst like this," JBL added. "This woman is wild."
"What's going to happen next week?"
'Next week, Raw'
Morgan is backstage in the catering area, looking at the fruit. She is about to get an apple but Alicia slaps it out her hand.
"Seriously?" Morgan retorted. "That apple was green."
"I just didn't want you to spoil what I have for you." Alicia showed her a cake that said Good Luck. "It's a present from me. To show that you need some luck at WrestleMania. But I think it'll look better...on your face!" she yelled and threw it in Morgan's face abruptly.
"Oh!" King exclaimed
Morgan wiped the cake from her face as Alicia laughed.
"You stupid-" She trailed off as she grabbed Alicia by her hair and threw her on the table, unloading on her with punches. It wasn't long before the refs quickly ran to separate them.
Morgan tweets 'Don't expect me to just sit there and let you throw cake at my face. Do another stunt like that again and I will #FudgeYouUp'
She also tweets 'And FYI, that chocolate cake was good! Why waste it? #NotCool #BuyingMyselfACakeTonight'
"Ms. Lopez." Paul Heyman greeted as he walked up to her backstage
"Heyman? This is a surprise...what do you want?" She crossed her arms.
"I would like to speak with you privately, please. It's important."
Morgan narrowed her eyes. "Why?"
"I just really need to speak with you about something. It's best not to talk about it here,"
Morgan had a feeling she shouldn't have trusted him. But part of her was curious as to why he'd even approach her and what he wanted to talk about.
"Is this about The Shield?"
Heyman sighed and nodded, "I've been having some trouble with them lately and think I can find a solution to help you and your team against them. It's the least I can do after what has happened between us,"
Morgan observed him. Something still felt off. She felt it in her gut but decided to ignore it this time. And as soon as he brought up having issues with The Shield and the possibility of assisting her she wanted to see what he meant.
"Fine. But no funny business."
"I don't like where this is going. Morgan even thinks something is going on." King said
Seth tweets 'Things are about to get a little interesting. #BeileveInTheShield'
"Okay, first, weird place, and second, what do you want to talk about?" Morgan asked as she stood with Heyman in a more secluded area.
"I see you have problems with The Shield," Heyman recalled.
"Yeah, and now you're saying you have problems with them? It's funny how things come full circle. You paid them to work for you. You were dumb enough to let them do Punk's dirty work instead of Punk handling things on his own. Best in the world my ass...And the fact that The Shield agreed to work for you is stupid. And now they turned on you and you want someone to assist? I mean, seriously! What a stupid move to work with them from the start..."
"Stupid? Would you care to repeat those words?"
"Yeah. What a stupid..." She trailed off as she saw The Shield walking up behind her.
"Oh no," Cole said.
"I'm sorry, stupid what?" Heyman asked with a smile as his plan was successful.
"You've got to be kidding, me..." She murmured, shooting Heyman a glare.
She should have trusted her gut. All of this to get her alone with the three men?
"Never trust Paul Heyman," King warned.
"What's the matter? Don't want to repeat what you said?" Heyman smiled sinisterly. He watched as she crossed her arms and turned her head to the side.
At this point, she was just mad at herself for even trusting the guy. She should have known better. And once again she puts herself into tight situations. Her mouth continued to get her into trouble but she couldn't help herself but speak her mind.
Heyman began to laugh as he watched her be silent and continued, "Oh? Is Morgan Lopez getting silent around The Shield when she's alone? Shocking. It surprises me because the way you talk and do action with the other superstars shows a lot of courage. But when you're all alone with no backup... you're scared. But don't worry. You don't have to be scared."
Heyman made the mistake of reaching out to touch her face and she instantly smacked it away.
"Do not! Touch me!" She grumbled in a harsh tone.
"Oh Morgan, you amuse us all so much."
"Oh go screw yourself you fat ugly walrus."
The crowd cheered while Heyman let out a chuckle. Fed up with his laughter, she slapped him.
Heyman's face fell into shock as he held his cheek. He cleared his throat and adjusted his tie, "She's all yours, boys," he took his leave.
An awkward silence occurred as she turned her head a little, feeling three sets of eyes staring at her. She tried to make a run for it but a gloved hand grabbed her back. She grunted and turned, seeing that the hand belonged to Rollins.
"Leaving so soon?" He asked with amusement in his voice.
"Did you actually think you were going to get away with this?" Roman growled
"Just let me go..." Morgan spoke as she struggled in Seth's strong grip.
"Let you go? I believe you have some much unfinished business with The Shield." Seth recalled. "Think of this as a lesson for you to learn before you go against The Shield. Ask yourself, should I mess with these men again?"
"And ask yourself, how many injustices will I do now," Roman added.
"But don't worry, we won't hurt you. We, The Shield want to discuss something with you." Rollins reassured as Ambrose walked in front of her.
"Morgan, Morgan, Morgan..." Ambrose murmured.
"Don't do this." She shook her head.
Ambrose glanced at the camera that was still filming them. "Cut the camera off." He ordered as the camera got disconnected.
Have a favorite hashtag?
Forced To Believe Chapter 10- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 4

Author's Note: Melanie was not in episode 3 just an fyi. So onward to 4. I scrapped an idea for episode 3. One of these days I'll post the episode as a deleted scene that didn't make the cut.
Chapter Summary: Melanie hangs out with Trinity, Jimmy Uso and Ariane
Words: 1,000+
Later on the day Melanie and Nikki are waiting for the new girls to arrive at the restaurant.
Nikki (Melanie and I are waiting for the Newbies to arrive. I still gotta keep my eye out for Eva Marie since she's definitely competition.)
Once Eva Marie and Jojo arrive, Melanie greeted them with a grin
"I am obsessed with Instagram." Eva Marie said, scrolling through her social media.
"I am too." Nikki agreed.
"I don't have one, just have a Twitter." Melanie replied.
"You are obsessed with Twitter." JoJo giggled.
"No, I'm not."
"Yes you are, you tweet so much stuff and have so many hashtags that trend. You're a Twitter Sensation. How many followers do you have?"
"I haven't checked. I heard me and AJ Lee are neck and neck for 1 million followers. I think she's gonna get it first though because she has a little more than me."
Melanie (I don't care who gets 1 million first. AJ and I support each other through everything. If she gets it first, I'm happy for her. Getting 1 million followers would be really awesome. I'll be patiently waiting for that day to come)
"I'm looking at Brie's Instagram right now." Eva Marie said.
"What are the haters saying?" Nikki asked. Eva gives Nikki her phone. "Wow..." Nikki murmured as she reads a comment that says 'Nikki is SOOO the FAT twin!'
Nikki (Did you have to use that many Os? And how rude? Like, damn...that hurt.)
"Now you know there are so many insecure women in entertainment," Nikki said as Eva Marie agrees.
Melanie (I don't think Nicole is fat. She just has more meat on her bones, nothing wrong with that.)
"Look, everyone has haters and I wouldn't even bother listening to them. One of the reasons they might hate you is because of how successful you are. They'll sink low and call you any name to bring you down." Melanie told her as Nicole looked grateful for her kind words.
'Next day, LA'
Melanie meets up with Jon Uso and Trinity.
"What's up guys?" she hugged Trinity.
"What's up, Melanie?" Jon Uso (Trinity's fiancé) asked with a grin.
"Hey dude," Melanie exclaimed and gives him a hug.
Ariane arrived in her car. "Hey boo boo!" she greeted with a grin and has her dog with her. "Why is he here?"
"We need a guys point of view on this." Trinity replied to her about Jon.
"Guy's point of view? Wait, why am I here again?" Melanie asked.
Melanie (I got a call from Ariane to meet her in LA to help her out with something.)
"I'm thinking of getting breast implants. So you guys are coming with me to see a plastic surgeon. " Ariane announced.
"Breast implants?" Melanie asked. "But your boobs look fine."
"That's what I've been telling her." Trinity reiterated.
"Uh huh. You know, I wish I had your boobs." Ariane said, looking at Melanie.
"What?" Melanie asked in confusion.
"Are they real? They're nice looking."
"Of course they're real!" Trinity exclaimed
Trinity (Melanie's breasts are real. The girl has nice B-cup breasts.)
"Is she okay?" Melanie asked, amused at the situation.
"What size are you?" Ariane questioned. "Can I touch them? You know, you look like a B cup. Are you?"
Melanie started to laugh. "I'm done."
"Melanie, I'm serious! What size are you girl?"
Melanie and Jon sit in the back while Trinity sits in the passenger seat.
"He ain't gonna pee on me is he?" Jon asked as Ariane gives the dog to him to hold.
"It's a girl." Ariane told him. As they start to drive, the dog starts to feel sick. "What's wrong, noodle? Wait, she has to throw up, she has to throw up."
"Yikes!" Melanie exclaimed.
After the dog throws up, Ariane announced, "She may eat it."
"What!?" Trinity exclaimed
"Dogs like to eat their throw up."
"And I just ate too." Melanie sighed as they all chuckle.
They arrive at the MANUS MD BREAST & BODY place and Trinity, Ariane & Melanie walk into a room.
"I got my implants done 8 years ago." Linda Manus told them.
"What's the recovery time?" Ariane asked.
"Can she take a bodyslam on Monday?" Trinity asked.
"Ooh, that's really pushing it." Linda laughed. "I can show you my implants if you want." Linda pulled down her dress to expose her breasts.
Ariane (Pow! I'm like woo okay girl.)
"I'm just trying to process all this," Trinity said as Melanie nodded.
"Can I feel them since Melanie won't let me feel her breasts?" Ariane asked.
"Dude, my breasts aren't the please touch museum!" Melanie exclaimed as Trinity snickered.
"Oh but you let Dean touch them," Ariane teased
"Ariane!" Melanie shouted, feeling her face heat up.
"What? It's true,"
"I can't believe this chick."
Melanie (For a long time now I haven't confirmed or deny these relationship accusations but I guess the cat is out of the bag. Yeah, I'm dating my best friend.)
Ariane touches Linda's breast. "They feel soft." she pointed out
Trinity leaves the room to get Jon as Linda pulls up her dress.
"I've been telling the girls that these fake breasts don't look fake and they feel soft and real. I can show you." Linda said and showed her breasts to
him. Jon puts his face in his hands as the girls laugh. "Don't be shy."
"It's okay babe, it's okay," Trinity reassured, amused.
"No, it's not okay." Jon replied with a grin.
"This is a one time. I'm giving you a pass, so enjoy this moment."
"Touch it," Linda gave them permission as Melanie, Trinity and Jon reluctantly touched them.
Melanie laughed. "This is so weird. But it does feel pretty real."
"Yeah, it does feel real," Trinity agreed as Jon went back to the lobby.
Doctor Manus walks in while Linda brings out a basket of breast implants. "Hello, I'm Doctor Manus. This is a 300 CC gel implant." Doctor Manus said, giving the girls the implant so they could feel them.
"And this is silicon," Ariane stated.
"That is silicon. You can take them and try them out at home so you can play and see how they feel." Doctor Manus said as Ariane put the implants in her breasts.
Ariane (I'm gonna take these implants and do a little trial run. That means I'm gonna eat in them, rest in them, I gotta see how these puppies feel.)
"How about you do a little routine just so I can see." Trinity suggested.
"Tuning in for this," Melanie replied, putting her hair in a ponytail, and watching Ariane dance.
Melanie (They are bouncing up and down like crazy!)
Trinity and Melanie laugh when Ariane starts dropping down and the silicon boobs fall out. The Philly diva ends up falling out of her chair from laughing so hard as the girls laugh with her.
"I'm sorry I can't. Phew, that was awesome." She gets up.
'At poolside'
Melanie has on a two piece swimsuit with white shorts, lounging on a chair at the poolside with Jon and Trinity.
"Holler bitches!" Ariane greeted, strutting towards them.
"What's going on with you today?" Trinity asked
"Oh, nothing much. Got something to show you girls." Ariane replied and took off her black dress to reveal a blue swimsuit with her silicon breasts in them. Jon responded by putting on his shades.
"You had those on all day?" Trinity asked
"These come everywhere with me."
"This test drive you're doing is going to a whole new level." Melanie pointed out.
"I have to see if this is what I really want," Ariane said.
Ariane (I'm looking a little hot right now with these boobies in.)
"They actually don't look bad." Trinity checked them out.
"Let's test them out in the pool." Melanie suggested and stood up
"I'll do it if you come in," Ariane replied.
Melanie dives into the pool and so does Trinity.
"This feels nice." The Philly Diva floats around but then gets splashed by Trinity. "What the-"
Trinity laughs and Melanie splashes her back. After splashing each other for a while they turn to Ariane.
"If you don't come in here in 8 seconds, I'm gonna push you in. You always wanted to do the bay watch move." Trinity told her dance partner and Melanie ends up jumping on her back "Ahh! Help me! Shark! Shark!"
When Ariane jumps in, Melanie releases her.
"Ahh!" Ariane yelled and held her chest. "What happened to my boobies!?"
Melanie busted out laughing when they saw where they were
"These things do float, look at that." Trinity looked at the floating silicon.
"Look like jellyfish," Melanie added as Trinity poked at the silicon.
Trinity (Huh. Who knew?)
I still watch this from time to time ❤️❤️ I love it so much. I know it’s been so long. I’m happy to be back writing on here and posting.
Again thank you 😭🙏🏾

The Jenkook GCF is for @smolwritingchick and her A-Freaking-Mazing story: Bangtan Gal. I know that it isn’t like what Jungkook’s style is, in terms of GCFs but this is actually a remake of my first Faux GCF. I hope that you guys enjoy anyways.
Also, on the dancing/ choreography with Zendaya & Rihanna, watch closely! I tried to match the moves of the video with the music!
If you haven’t already, please check out Bangtan Gal. It’s on @/smolwritingchick’s account here on Tumblr AND on Ao3!
Under the cut are links to the videos I used in this Faux GCF and my thoughts on why I included each clip (basically a backstory to them).
Keep reading
Forced to Believe Chapter 6- Total Divas Season 1 Episode 1

Author's Note: Usually for the Total Divas episodes, I just put in the scenes that I wanted Melanie to be in. These are going to be pretty short chapters. But once in a while it'll be long
Just so there isn't any confusion This in bold and parenthesis: Melanie (hey guys! I'm Melanie) This means talking in the confessional. You know when they are on the green screen discussing what happened on the show. That's what I meant.
if it is in italics then that means it is showing what is happening on TV.
If it is in normal font then that means it is happening in real time, right now. Hope that helps.
Chapter Summary: Melanie stars in the first season of Total Divas and prepares for Wrestlemania while befriending the new girls, Jojo and Eva Marie
Words: 3,000+
'10 days before WrestleMania, Tampa, FL'
Melanie walks into the gym, wearing gray sweatpants, sneakers, a sports bra, and a gray hoodie with her gym bag over her shoulder.
Melanie (Hey guys! I'm Melanie Laurer, better known as the violent and wild Morgan Lopez. I'm more nicer than my character and am sometimes laid back. But when I bite my tongue for too long, I keep it real. When it comes to being a WWE diva, all I want to do is entertain you. That's it, no being jealous of anyone being in the spotlight, like, I will find a way to entertain you. If I gotta get put through a table for entertainment, haha, then I will do it)
"There she is," Jon greeted with a grin, wearing shorts. Melanie laughed and hugged him.
Melanie (Ever since I started the storyline with The Shield, we all got to hang out more, so it was a win win situation. We all go way back. Especially Jon and I. Way, way back.)
"How was Philly and your flight?" Colby asked
"Not that bad. The fam are coming to support me. So, I have to manage Randy's team and have a match. Stress..." Melanie sighed, hoping everything goes well. She really wanted to give it her all.
"Yeah, I see some grey hairs." Colby pointed out.
"You fucking serious!?" Melanie exclaimed as she looked at her hair in the mirror.
Colby laughed. "Nah. Just fucking with you."
Melanie hit him on the shoulder. "Jerk..."
Joe walked over to the gang with a water bottle. "Hey Mel."
"Joe!" Melanie happily yelled and ran to hug him.
Melanie (Joe is...like my teddy bear. He's super sweet. Colby is the guy who always likes to have a good laugh with me and mess with me. And Jon is my best friend. We helped each other out in the ring, practiced our storyline, talked about our memories in the indies, and we really got closer. I am grateful for my boys. They are the best.)
"Hey! I didn't get a hug!" Colby playfully pouted.
"You have to earn one." Melanie pointed
"Bull, come here." Colby gave her a bear hug as she laughed
Melanie (When I met the three of them, we all clicked. We've known each other for years and to do this storyline and stuff, it's so fun. I did...a lot of damage to The Shield. But I liked it because it was a challenge to be able to act out a very violent, feisty, personality like Morgan so it took me a while to adjust to the character. I hope I'm doing a good job. If it wasn't for the fans, I wouldn't be here today. Right now, I cannot wait for WrestleMania. I have to manage Randy Orton's team to decide my fate at WrestleMania and I go up against Alicia Fox. It's going to be off the chain!)
"Can we practice the pose? How do you do it?" Melanie asked.
"You stick your fist out like this," Jon demonstrated
"Cool, but I'll be doing it my own way."
"Already being a rebel," Joe said with a low chuckle.
"See?" She looked for approval as she had her fist up in the air and looked up.
"You know, I like it." Jon nodded.
"Yeah." Joe agreed
Colby nodded. "Awesome."
Melanie (I haven't been in divas matches in a while so I can prepare for WrestleMania. I have been training a lot. I can't wait for my first match at the PPV. This is going to be awesome.)
After their workout, Colby tried to hug Melanie while he was sweaty. "Who wants a hug?"
"Ew, get away!" Melanie exclaimed and he chased her around the gym with Jon and Joe laughing.
"Fine, I'll take your grapes in your bag," Colby said and went through her gym bag.
"No! Not my grapes!" Melanie yelled but Colby grabbed a handful and started eating some. "Colby! You jerk!" she threw a water bottle at him but he ducked and it hit Jon in the face.
"Wow!" Colby laughed out loud with Joe.
"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" Melanie covered her mouth, looking shocked while Jon playfully glared at her.
'7 days till WrestleMania, Newark, NJ'
Melanie walks in to see Jane (Head of talent relations) and Mark talking to Nattie.
Melanie (So I get a call from Jane about some new girls that we're getting. New girls, huh? Interesting.)
"Hi, is this a bad time?" Melanie asked.
"Oh no, I'm glad you're here." Jane greeted.
Nattie smiled and hugged her. "Melanie!"
"Hey Nattie!"
Nattie (Melanie is one of the sweetest, most down-to-earth women I know. Completely different from her in-ring character. She really has potential in the WWE and I am looking forward to watching her match to prove it at WrestleMania.)
"So there are two new girls coming here. Nattie will be showing them around." Jane informed
"Awesome." Melanie said with a grin.
"You seem excited."
"Yeah, I actually wouldn't mind showing them around too if that would be okay."
"You want to show them around with Nattie?"
"Why not? Nice to know new people. Well, if you're okay with it."
Melanie (Sometimes I can have a bad habit of putting myself into situations without people's say in it. I should stop that...but hey, it'll be cool to help them out, why not?)
Jane chuckled. "It's alright. You can show them around too."
Melanie (When I looked into Nattie's eyes, all I see is pain and disappointment.)
"Are you okay?" Melanie asked her.
"I um, won't be wrestling in a match at WrestleMania." Nattie revealed with a frown.
"Oh man..."
"There will be two divas matches. You and Alicia Fox, to prove you should stay here, and the Bellas..." Jane began.
Melanie (Well, once I heard the Bellas I was like, go figure.)
"...with Cody and Damien against The Funkadactyls, Brodus and Tensai." Jane continued
Melanie (I'm glad Trinity and Ariane have a match. They really deserve it.)
"Mark." Brie greeted, walking over to them.
"There she is." Mark smiled and gave her a hug.
Brie (Oh look...it's Melanie...icing on the cake...)
"Hey!" Melanie greeted politely
"Melanie, hi. Nattie." Brie greeted with a fake smile.
"Brie," Nattie said with a smile.
Melanie (Yeah the vibes are weird. I know her and sister don't like me. But I don't care, I'm going to keep it cordial)
"We're getting new girls," Melanie announced with excitement.
"Really?" Brie raised a brow.
"Yeah. So I heard you will have a WrestleMania match."
"Yeah, I'm so excited."
Brie (Newbies...first we got to deal with Melanie who is a high rising diva because she feuds with The Shield and is among the top superstars to go against them and now we have to deal with two more? Newbies are not divas, they're trying to be.)
JoJo and Eva Marie arrive. "Hi!" They both excitedly greet with a smile.
"You're JoJo and Eva Marie, the new girls right?" Mark asked.
"Yes." JoJo responded.
Eva Marie (When we meet Jane, I'm already freaking out. Like, this is a dream)
While JoJo and Eva Marie talk to Jane, Nattie and Melanie sit down.
"I really want to be in a storyline with you one day. Maybe I could be a heel and you a face or something. I just really do wish that you had a match." Melanie told Nattie.
"Melanie, this match is for you to prove that you should be here. There's always next year. But you earned your match. It's just unfair how the Bellas get to be the center of attention and be on all these shows. That is what I'm upset about." Nattie frowned.
"Yeah, I kind of agree."
Jane walked up to them with Brie, and the new girls. "Come meet the new girls."
Brie and Nattie introduce themselves.
"Hi, I'm Melanie!"
"Hi, I'm Eva Marie."
JoJo smiled. "I'm JoJo."
JoJo (There is something about Melanie that just made me feel back at home and just reminded me that everything is okay. I can see her as a sister figure to me.)
"Nattie will be your guide along with Melanie who will keep a lookout for you." Jane informed them.
"So excited. Like, if you guys need anything, we're here for you. Like if you have hair problems or a midlife crisis." Nattie added.
"I'm glad you said that. Eva here will be a blond." Jane announced
"I think you look nice like that. I mean, there's only room for one blond." Nattie said as everyone laughed. "I'm just kidding."
Nattie (WWE wants the divas to stand out. Eva can't have brown hair because she'll look like a Bella twin. But Hello! Heh, heh, Natalya's blond. I'm right here, you have a blond girl already.)
Melanie (Whoa, whoa, whoa, what? Blond? What the heck? I'm sorry but I can't imagine her as a blond. I would do a hair color that will really make her stand out and look different. Do blue or purple or something. Make her really stand out instead of it always being a blonde, brunette or a raven-colored diva)
"What do you think about that?" Melanie asked.
"Freaking out." Eva Marie replied
"Welcome to WWE." Brie replied as everyone chuckled.
'5 days till WrestleMania, WrestleMania Dress Rehearsal'
Melanie (I have been working on a nice entrance for WrestleMania, in honor of my cousin Chyna. So, I got permission and everything is going well)
Melanie walked backstage in her WrestleMania ring attire with The Shield.
"So can somebody drag or carry me out the ring? When The Shield win the match? And I can try to struggle and stuff?" Melanie thought of some ideas for the match.
"Dibs." Jon raised his hand with a grin.
"I'm not surprised."
"This is going to be funny at WrestleMania." Colby said as Melanie and The Shield agreed.
All of a sudden, they see Vincent (Ariane's boyfriend) getting angry.
"I'll talk to his ass. Fuck this job. He shouldn't talk to you like that. I'll kick his ass. I'll go to the locker room right now and fuck his ass up." Vincent exclaimed angrily
Trinity (Me and Ariane are like in a marriage. If something happens to her, it happens to me. You can get fired over stuff like this.)
"I don't care who you are. You can be the President of The United States. I don't give a fuck." Vincent went on.
"I'm just gonna get dressed," Ariane said and walked away, upset.
Jon (Jimmy Uso) said to Vincent, "You're not going to do anything."
"No, I'm gonna fuck his ass up." Vincent huffedd
"No, just try to relax. Just step outside and go." Nattie replied, trying to calm him down.
Nattie (Luckily I was able to calm him down and prevent him from getting his ass kicked.)
"I hope everything is okay," Melanie murmured.
"They'll handle it." Colby patted her on the shoulder.
Melanie (I'm just going to mind my business and hope that everything will get settled.)
'2 days till WrestleMania'
Jon, wearing jeans, a shirt and a cap meets Melanie in her hotel room.
"Knock knock." Jon announced, opening the door.
"Hey." Melanie greeted with a grin and hugged him.
"You looked stressed."
"Why is everyone saying that? I'm all right."
"It's WrestleMania. You're not all right." Jon let out a laugh. Melanie stuck her tongue out at him and sat down on her bed. "So what are your plans tonight?"
"Well, I'm going to the Sandy Relief Party. Wanna come with me?"
"Oh boy..."
Melanie laughed. "I have no problem dragging you there. Come on. And plus, you can help me pick out a dress."
"Mel, you're going to be the death of me. I'll be with the boys tonight, was wondering if you wanted to hang with us. But since you'll be at the party, maybe next time."
"You know who I want you to be for Halloween?"
"A wild guess."
"The Joker?"
"Yes! That'll be awesome. Have the makeup and stuff."
"How did our conversation change from the party to Halloween? You're goofy."
Melanie hit him with a pillow. "I am not."
Melanie (You know, ever since me and Jon started to work together in the WWE, we've gotten closer and our friendship has gotten even more random. Haha. We sometimes talk in random conversations and say random words. This started a few years ago actually)
"Bananas." Jon said.
"Why are you yelling?"
"I'm not yelling!"
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes-" Jon began but got attacked multiple times by Melanie's pillow. Jon laughed and started to tickle her as Melanie laughed.
"Okay! Okay! Okay!" Melanie exclaimed.
'WWE Sandy Relief Party'
Melanie wears a nice black dress and has her hair up into a bun with hair on the side. She gets out of the limo and sees white flashes as people take pictures.
"Wow." Melanie looked around in amazement.
Melanie (This is my first red carpet. So it was really cool.)
"Morgan! Morgan! Over here!" Paparazzi yelled as she smiled and waved
"Hey!" Melanie said and then walked in as she saw Eva Marie and JoJo. "Hey guys! I love your hair." She hugged them.
Melanie (Eva Marie's hair looks awesome. She really stands out. Red suits her really well.)
"Jane was okay with it?" Melanie asked.
"Yeah, but she gave me a warning," Eva replied.
"It looks really good." The Bellas come by.
"Wow." Brie said.
Nikki (I thought Eva Marie was supposed to be this blond bombshell.)
Later on, Melanie gets ready to go out to the red carpet but Jon walks up to her in dress clothes. Melanie laughed and clapped her hands. "You have got to be kidding me! Why is it that you like to surprise me and prank me?"
Jon laughed and hugged her. "Couldn't resist." They walk to the red carpet.
Melanie (I feel bad for Nattie and how she has to work. I thought Renee Young was supposed to do this.)
Nattie (It sucks working while the divas have fun. Once again, I'm on the sidelines looking in.)
After taking photos with some divas, Melanie takes some photos with Jon which sparked interest in the crowd and then they all go inside.
Let the dating rumors begin.
"We are here with Dean Ambrose and Morgan Lopez, how are you two?" The interviewer asked
"We're loving every second of it, it's just so awesome to be here," Melanie replied with a smile.
"Yeah, supporting charities, it's been a hectic week so far," Jon added.
"So are you two dating or whatnot?" The interviewer asked abruptly.
"Um..." Jon and Melanie look at each other.
Melanie (I dunno, something about that question made me think more about Jon. It's like...when people ask you questions about if you're dating your best friend, it sometimes gives you thoughts in your head.)
"You'll find out pretty soon," Jon smirked and put his arm around Melanie's shoulders.
Melanie (Huh?)
"Interesting. Well, enjoy your night, thank you for your time."
"What was that about?" Melanie asked as Jon shrugged. "I'm gonna go hang with the new girls for a few, you cool?"
"Yeah, Colby and Joe are here, I'll be fine."
"Okay," Melanie said and walked over to the new girls. "How do you like it so far?"
"It's my first red carpet." Eva Marie happily said.
"It's my first too. Isn't it awesome?"
"Yeah." Eva Marie replied as they all laughed.
Meanwhile, Steve Tisch, the owner of the NY Giants, talked with the Bellas.
"You see the three newbies over there?" Nikki asked.
"Well, two of them." Brie corrected
"Actually it's the three of them." Nikki pointed to Melanie as well. "Look how comfortable they are."
Nikki (We need to get our intimidation on. We are veterans)
Melanie walked over to Jon, Colby and Joe to hang out with them. Eva Marie and JoJo were taking pictures with one of the celebrities but then Nikki came over.
"I don't mean to be a photo bomb but I need some more champagne." Nikki gave a glass to Eva. "Oh, and Brie needs a glass too. She's really thirsty."
Melanie (Oh no. No, no, no, no, no. I'm not going to just sit here and let you do this. Are you kidding me right now? No one is your maid, get your own freaking drink. Seriously? Who does that?)
Eva Marie (Are you kidding me right now? Like bitch, please.)
Eva Marie and JoJo come back with the Bella's drinks. "Wait a minute," Nikki said as she took some photos with Brie.
Melanie walked over to the Bellas. "That was uncalled for." She said with disapproval while Nikki shrugged and smiled. "No for real, grow up,"
Eva Marie (That will only happen one time. One.)
Melanie (Shit like that makes my blood boil...)
JoJo and Eva give them their drinks. "Thank you!" Nikki replied.
"So much!" Brie added
Melanie (Jeez, it's like they are full of themselves because they are dating big time superstars and think they have power over the divas division. It's corny. They need to cut it out)
Melanie walked with the new girls. "Don't let them walk all over you just because you're new. And JoJo, don't let them manipulate you because you're young. I'm here for you girls."
Eva Marie and JoJo thanked her and hugged her. "That will only happen one time though." Eva Marie declared as Melanie noddded
'1 day before WrestleMania'
Melanie (Well, after I got done talking to the Technical producer, he said there was a problem with the bazooka gun. So there's a chance I might not do the entrance I want to do. I'm worried and have my fingers crossed that everything will be okay. I really just want to rock this entrance.)
'WrestleMania day'
Melanie (Today is the biggest day of my life! It's WrestleMania! Everything is alright with the match with The Shield, but I still have to see if the firework gun is working. I hope they'll still let me use it.)
Melanie is backstage with the technical producer. "The bazooka had some kinks in it but it's fixed now and you'll be using it for your entrance."
"Yes!" Melanie shouted happily. "Thank you so much!"
Melanie (We are in business baby!!)
Melanie has her casual attire on as WrestleMania starts.
Nattie (We get to see Melanie in action.)
"You think she's nervous?" Eva Marie asked as she watched the TV with the others.
'In The Ring'
The Shield go to ringside and get together as they look at Randy and his team. Dean stares at Morgan and smirks. He blows her a kiss and Morgan starts to have a worried look on her face and looks away from him.
"Oh wowwww, he blew her a kiss!" Jojo exclaimed.
"That's hot." Eva Marie grinned
"Who do think is going to win?" JoJo asked.
"I'm rooting for Orton." Nattie said
"The Shield." Eva Marie replied with a grin.
"Spear by Reigns!" Cole exclaimed as Ambrose covered Orton.
"I think he has it," JBL said.
"1! 2!" The ref began.
"Wait a minute! Wait a minute!" King exclaims.
"3!" The ref said as Morgan screamed "No!"
"Here are your winners! The Shield!" Lilian announced.
"Oh my gosh!" Eva Marie exclaims. "Awesome!"
"Oh no, they won." JoJo says.
'Moments later'
Melanie goes to meet up with the new girls. "That was an adrenaline rush. Over 80,000 people. It's crazy." She said with a grin and hugged Nattie.
Melanie (My night isn't over yet, I still have a match.)
She puts on her ring attire. She goes to sit on one of the storage boxes and listens to music to calm herself down.
Melanie (I'm shaking, my body has butterflies all over. I'm so nervous...)
"Melanie is up next!" Nattie announced with a grin.
Morgan's theme comes on and the crowd screams
"Do you hear how loudly the fans are cheering?" JoJo asked in amazement.
"That's insane." Eva looked impressed.
Morgan walks out with a bazooka gun just like Chyna and looks at the crowd with a smirk. She shoots it as the crowd goes wild.
Nikki (That entrance was too explosive for a WWE diva. Period.)
Alicia picks Morgan up and throws her to the turnbuckle. She walks over and picks her up onto the top and then prepares for a suplex.
"Oh no no no!" Eva Marie exclaimed and looked away as Alicia hits Morgan with a suplex.
"I hope she's okay." JoJo looked on with worry.
"She is. She's been through worse. She got triple powerbombed by The Shield once." Nattie mentioned.
"What!?" JoJo yelled while Nattie nodded in response.
Morgan starts to fight back and gain momentum. She kicks Alicia and runs to the ropes to do a hurricanrana but Alicia counters with a powerbomb as the crowd yells 'Oh!' Morgan holds her head.
"Oh my god, she looks really hurt." Nattie said with worry.
"I hope she's okay. She did take a hard fall." Eva Marie looked on.
Morgan sits on her back as she is lying face down on the mat. She grabs hold of Alicia's wrists and crosses her arms under her chin and pulls back on her arms to cause pressure, like a straight jacket as she yells a long and loud battle cry.
"What kind of submission is this?!" King exclaimed.
"Oh my god, that looks so awesome!" JoJo cheered.
"Wow." Eva Marie said in amazement.
"That submission looks painful, I would never want that on me." Nikki shook her head.
"Do you submit!?" The ref asks.
"Yes!" Alicia choked out and the ref signaled to ring the bell.
After Melanie's match, she walks backstage to get hugged by Nattie, Eva Marie and JoJo. Melanie laughed as she had tears of joy in her eyes.
"Congrats on the match! You did so good!" JoJo said with a smile.
"Thanks guys." Melanie sniffed
"Aw, come here." Nattie pulled her in for another hug
Melanie (I have never felt so electrified besides going to a wrestling event to watch The Rock in action. I can't believe that I just had my match. My body is aching but it was all worth the pain.)
Melanie hung out with Nattie and the new girls. "The Bellas are up! The Bellas are up!" Nattie exclaimed as Undertaker's match ended.
"Awesome!" Melanie cheered. "I can't wait to see Trin and Ariane!"
Melanie (I really can't wait to see them all in action. I'm curious to see who will win.)
All of a sudden, Cena's theme comes on. "What?" Melanie asked in confusion.
Nattie (I know something's not right here because all of a sudden, I see John Cena out in the ring. The girls were supposed to be before this match.)
"Weren't they supposed to be up before this?" Melanie asked.
"Yeah. Let's see what's going on." Nattie said and they walked to where the Bellas were.
"What happened? You guys should be up." Melanie said.
"When are you coming out?" Nattie asked.
"Uh, never," Ariane replied in disappointment.
"We got cut." The Bellas, Trinity and Ariane say in a disappointed tone.
"Why?" Melanie asked.
"The match before us went way over." Nikki replied as Melanie, Nattie and the new girls looked shocked.
Nikki (This was supposed to be me and Brie's first WrestleMania match. For it to be taken away like that, it hurts. And it sucks that Melanie gets to have a match and she hasn't even been here for a year.)
"I feel like if I show any emotion, I'm going to flip." Nikki huffed.
"I'm so sorry you guys," Nattie frowned.
"I gotta take a second." Trinity said and walked out. Ariane and Melanie walk after her to hug her.
Nattie (I'm just glad we had at least one divas match.)
"Are you okay...?" Melanie asked.
"Just so...disappointed." Trinity sniffed as they walked into the diva's locker room. "I only have a couple more years here. I want kids and stuff. Four more years, I'm gonna be 30. Am I still gonna be chasing for WrestleMania?"
"Yeah, we're gonna get to Mania." Ariane said as they all laugh
"We'll try again next year. Phew, I need a drink or two."
"Drinks are on me tonight," Melanie suggested with a grin.
Geez I have a folder with almost 2K photos/gifs I gotta go through for Bangtan Gal. I found so much in my hard drive. So bear with me with the upcoming chapters since I like to add gifs and stuff in it.
Also I’ve been combining some chapters so some may be longer than others 🫡