smolwritingchick - Smolwritingchick

Minding my business and writing in peace. 26 | Black | Video Games | Wrestling | Bangtan Gal Masterlist | Wattpad | AO3

790 posts

Would Jennie Go Fishing In The Future

Would Jennie go fishing in the future

Namjoon would influence her to try new things. She sure would try! She would suck and take a while to learn but it’ll be enjoyable and fun as she progresses. Doesn’t Jin like to fish? He could teach her!


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More Posts from Smolwritingchick

1 year ago

What Jennie clothing style

Currently, she is still learning her style but I see her more in the grunge style, enjoying those hoodies and etc. I see her style being more on the casual side and even sporty, too.

But as she gets older and gets those fashion endorsements and becomes an ambassador for luxury brands she'd experiment more with different styles, seeing what she prefers. She'll have more of a diverse style, showing off different looks that she likes and whatever she is in the mood for. I feel like she'd rock different styles while still going back to her streetwear look from time to time.

I remember getting asked this question years ago and have yet to find the answer in my old docs that probably have more details

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1 year ago

I should be...80% done with the new Bangtan Gal chapter. FTB chapters are almost done too!

So updated chapters are coming! I kind of hope I can aim for this week. Hope it goes well! Some Bangtan Gal chapters may be short. Some may be long. But I hope you still enjoy what is written as I update.

I hope you enjoy the JenKook MC moments!

I gotta work hard for the following birthday chapter/first time with JenKook after this update.

I Should Be...80% Done With The New Bangtan Gal Chapter. FTB Chapters Are Almost Done Too!

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1 year ago

Does Jennie have habits

Yeah! Some are:

Cracking her knuckles

Wanting to chew gum sometimes to help ease her nerves

Twitches and scrunches her nose from time to time like a cute hamster

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1 year ago

What would bts do when Jennie get crowded at airport

Aw man. Most of the time she’ll try to keep herself composed and have headphones or earbuds in her ears to drown out all the loud noise. And to see the huge sea of humanity as they continue to get famous will be something that will take a while to get used to. The constant flashes of lights from cameras are going to irritate her too. And hurt her eyes as she squints to get a clear view of where she is walking. As she gets older, the airport is going to be something she dreads. I know right now she’s all happy and excited in the story but fame is going to truly change her perspective as BTS gets more famous and gets more chaotic crowds at airports.

I feel like she’ll get mobbed the most out of the members. And it’ll show on her face that she is irritated once in a while with the crowding. Especially when phones are all in her face, giving her the urge to grab it and throw it. Lowkey she wants to react like Bjork did at a reporter years ago but she refrains.

There may be a time or two she’ll stumble and fall down due to the constant pushing as she tries her best not to cuss out anybody. I do see some trying to push her intentionally too.

She’ll be vocal about it on Twitter:

‘I understand the excitement but stop pushing and getting all in our personal space.’ She’d tweet something like that. But the price of fame right? No matter what unfortunately it’ll still happen and it’d make Bangtan want to take private exits and entrances to avoid the crowd

If she gets crowded some ideas I thought of are:

Of course they’ll be worried for her safety and want to protect her. Protection 1000%.

Perhaps the members would take turns walking beside her to keep her close. Even hold her close as well

I see them making sure she walks up front first so they can keep an eye on her too. As well as being vocal to those crowding around them, telling them to back up.

Smol Trigger Warning Here about anxiety: ⚠️

At one point in the future she will experience an anxiety attack when she gets lost in the crowd and away from the members while security tries to restore order. I was thinking maybe Yoongi would notice first that she wasn’t with them and immediately walk back to find her. I see him getting upset at the crowding and grabbing her to safety. I also see him being the one to notice she’s having a anxiety attack and help calm her down when they make it to their car

What Would Bts Do When Jennie Get Crowded At Airport

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1 year ago

When Jennie deletes instagram and twitter will she come back to it when the guys make there own instagram

Waaaaay before that 😁 it’ll be a short hiatus. She’ll return around Billboard Awards 2017. She’ll do a late V-Live the night before the big day of BTS going to the show as she expresses her feelings on attending and so on.

ARMY would be shooked and excited to see her back online and interacting with social media. I see fans reminding everyone to be on their best behavior and to not make her want to take another break. And the following day she will start posting on Twitter and Instagram, getting a warm welcome back 💜💜

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