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The Bangtan Gal Chapter 9- Rookie King Episode 7
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 9- Rookie King Episode 7

Chapter Summary: Things get heated as BTS and Jen endure two rounds of punishments and an unexpected kiss.
Words: 3,000+
At the dorm, while everyone was in bed, getting ready to turn in, Tae and Jimin decided to mess around and film everyone on camera. She could hear J-Hope attacking Jimin when he thought he was asleep and it made her stiff a laugh.
She was already snuggled under her covers, trying to sleep until she heard Jimin suggest, "Let's mess with Jennie~."
"Jimin...I swear to God...I'm about to kick your ass if you interrupt my sleep..." She murmured against her pillow, making him laugh.
Little did she know, he slowly snuck over to her while Tae filmed, and ended up jumping on the bed.
"Jimin!" She grabbed her pillow and started whacking him, making him fall on top of the bed with a light bounce. "Off the bed!" She kicked him and he fell off with a thud.
"You dare resist my snuggles?" Jimin got back on the bed and jumped on top of her
"Ahhh knock it off! Go to bed!" She squirmed under his grip but he held her tight.
He holds onto her like a Koala bear, snuggling against her. "She's so nice and warm."
"Why do ya'll gotta mess with me? Mess with Jungkook!"
"We already did! Now it's your turn."
"Oh hurray!" She replied sarcastically. "Jimin...if you fall asleep on me."
"Sorry, can't hear you."
"Tae! Do something!" She desperately turned to him with a laugh escaping her lips.
"I'm just the cameraman." He giggled.
'EndPlate King/Queen'
"We're here for Endplate King/Queen again. We're in a comic shop. What are the penalties prepared for us, today?" Rapmon opened up the program.
Once the King is chosen, which was J-Hope. He stands up and "Whooos" loudly, dancing while everyone just stares at him, not so excited.
'Other members don't give any reactions'
"I'm the King, the hopeful King." J-Hope showed off his card to the camera. He sits in the middle while Jennie sits in between Rapmon and Jimin.
'Pinch on Arm'
"I like my arms to be unpinched." Jennie mentioned, rubbing her arms. Once J-Hope hands everyone a card, they quickly flip it over to reveal Jimin with the skull card. He slams the card down and stands up with a grin. "This is becoming a trend for you, huh, Jimin?"
'Penalty 1st nominee, Jimin is chosen'
Jimin sits on top of the table while flexing his muscles, earning some whoas from the guys. "This is not a penalty. Is he bragging, now?" Rapmon questioned
"Jennie wishes she could have these muscles." Jimin teased her, wiggling his eyebrows.
"Ha-Ha." She laughed sarcastically. "Jennie wishes she could punch you, right now." She countered, making them laugh. Meanwhile, V ends up pinching Jimin's skin, making him moan out of pain.
Jen covers her mouth, widening her eyes at the sudden sound he just made. "What was that!?" she exclaimed.
"You can't be violent. Don't do it on the outer arm, the inner arm." Jimin exclaimed to V.
"Ahhh, that twisting..." Jen winced at the sight once Jungkook ended up twisting Jimin's skin on his inner arm. Jimin yells out in pain again, making everyone laugh.
'Satisfied smile of devil Jungkook'
"Jennie...how are you today?" Jimin tried to sweet talk.
She smiles back before twisting the skin on his arm, making him yell out in pain. "I'm much better now." She grinned. Jimin ends up getting a bruise because of everyone pinching him in the same area. "No pain, no gain, Jimin." She pats his arms.
'Scary 9 inning'
Once they pick the cards, they flip them over to reveal Jin for the punishment.
"Whoa, whoa, we're hitting him with an actual baseball bat?" Jen asked in disbelief.
Once Jin is laid down flat on the table, with his back facing everyone, Jimin takes the baseball first. "I don't know what to say. I just see your butt." He said and hit him on the butt.
The sound of Jin's yell of pain, made Jen put her head against Rapmon's shoulder, laughing out loud. When Jimin hits him again, Jin jumps on top of the table, about to hit him as he laughs.
When it was V's turn, he spoke up before hitting him. "Yesterday, you hit my tummy. I did nothing wrong." He accused, looking serious.
"I saw it." Jimin agreed.
"You saw it, right?" V pointed at him.
"Please take revenge." J-Hope suggested before V quickly smacks Jin on the butt with the baseball, with a serious expression.
Flipping the baseball over, V also hits him with the bottom part of it. "Why are you hitting me twice!?" Jin yelled.
Jen couldn't stop watching the ridiculousness in front of her. "What is this? I've never seen anything like this."
"You should do a homerun," Rapmon suggested once Suga took the bat. Suga takes his advice and strikes him hard as he looks ahead, trying to find the ball.
"Jeesh!" Jen yelled at the impact, over Jin's yells. "And that ball is OUTTA HERE~"
'King/Queen of Onigiri'
"Wasabi again?" Suga questioned.
"Garlic Again?" Jimin added.
"Whatever it is, it won't be pleasant." Jen guaranteed. "It's never pleasant."
Once they get their cards, after exchanging them, it's revealed to be Rap Monster with a skull card.
"Phew! I'm safe!" Jen placed her hands over her chest.
Opening the punishment, it's revealed to be a piece of fish while J-Hope stirs the fish sauce. "Can we just pour it in?" V decided to pour all of the fish sauce on it.
"I'll remember V." Rapmon made a mental note.
V feeds him the piece while Rapmon starts to chew and coughs, covering his mouth as he yells because of the gross taste.
After pulling himself together, he ends up blowing his breath at everyone.
"AHHH! DUDE!" Jennie covered her mouth while he looked satisfied. Then Suga wanted to get immunity to be the black knight, so J-Hope allowed it.
What he had to do was eat what Rapmon had just eaten, so he accepted the challenge, and if he was caught, someone else had to take his challenge.
Once they flip open the cards, it's revealed to be Rapmon yet again with the skull card as he screams.
"Why are you the one that got caught!?" Suga exclaimed.
Rapmon lays on the table while Jin lifts up his shirt to reveal his back. All at once, Jen and the guys attack his back, making him yell out in pain.
"Stop! Stop it!" He yelled
"Evil!" Jen laughed at Jungkook as soon as he hit Rapmon again.
'Smile devil Jungkook make 3GO by himself'
"Jungkook is a devil!" Rapmon accused. "That's how Jungkook bullied another hyung. That's so mean, kid!"
'Pearly Whites!'
'Brush your teeth with the mysterious toothpaste'
"I think my regular mint toothpaste is better." Jen received her card and placed it in the middle.
"3...2...1!" J-Hope counts down as they all flip their cards over.
Jennie just stares at the skull card in her hands while chewing on her bottom lip.
"Revenge is so sweet~" Jimin giggled, wrapping an arm around her. "So...are you ready for this punishment?"
"Hush!" She smacks his arm as he releases her with a laugh. "Do I have to do this? Can I switch?"
"Nope!" Suga answered
"Don't let her escape!" Jimin holds her while they present the toothbrush.
"What is even in this toothpaste!?" Jennie yelled before putting the toothbrush in her mouth. She groans and takes it out. Her mouth automatically tasted like mayo, wasabi and milk mixed together.
"Brush her teeth for her," Jimin suggested and gave the toothbrush to Rap Monster.
"Open wide!" Rapmon grinned.
"Mm Mm." She keeps her mouth shut, shaking her head but laughs when Jimin starts tickling her.

Rap Monster takes advantage, placing the toothbrush in her mouth and begins brushing quickly. The guys looked on, letting out loud laughs while banging on the table as she couldn't handle the intense brushing. She was a mess, with the toothpaste all running down her mouth and shirt while Jin was looking at the timer.
'WHEN IS THIS OVER!?' She screamed in her head
'Stage 6'
'Criminal Disguise 2'
After J-Hope gives out the cards while humming the Mission Impossible theme, everyone flips the card cover to reveal Jungkook with the skull card. Jin hugs him while Jimin fist pumps.
'Finally, Maknae Jungkook gets caught!'
"Wait, since last week he keeps getting caught." Suga pointed out
"I'm not getting hit!" Jungkook happily announced.
"I want to hit him..." Rapmon grumbled.
"Leave him be." Jennie laughed, with her face all cleaned up from the punishment. She still had the bitter taste in her mouth, but she managed to ignore it.
J-Hope presents the stocking and Jin puts the whole stocking on top of his head, covering his face.
"Jungkook is the most handsome among us, guys." Rapmon commented while Jungkook covered his face.
"PFFFAHAHAHA." Jen laughed out loud when Jungkook started flopping his head around. She ends up banging her fist on the table from laughing so hard. "Nice look, Kookie."
'Stage 7'
The guys continue to mess around with the stocking covering Kookie's face, teasing him as he tries to push their hands away.
"Can you breathe?" Jennie asked him.
"I'm surviving." He replied.
'Pull up the rubber bands'
Once they reveal the cards, Jungkook gets another skull card as he stands up and slams the card on the table, walking away while everyone jumps up and down, fooling around.
Once Jungkook is lying on the table, with his lower back open, Jin goes first, pulling the rubber band up and releasing it. Jungkook remains unaffected because Jin ends up hitting his own hand.
"Great job, Jin." Jen applauded him.
Once it was V's turn, he asked Rapmon to pull the middle part, which he complied.
"Be nervous!" Rapmon yelled, releasing the rubber band, making Jungkook quickly get up and rub his lower back from the attack.
'Stage 8'
'The Moon fairy'
Once they flip open the cards, it's revealed to be Suga, but he's happy because he's immune and Rap Monster has to do the punishment instead.
Out of protest, Rapmon debates that Jin should do it instead.
"Rap Monster, you do it!" Suga ordered while Jin hugged him.
'Bangtan Moon Fairy'
"BTS will protect the world! While wearing a Sailor Moon costume." Rap Monster said to the camera as he got prepared. "I'll remember Suga hyung."
"GAH!" Jennie screamed and dropped down to her knees when she saw Rap Monster walk out in red heels, and a sailor moon dress with a blond pig-tailed wig. The guys start yelling and laughing out of embarrassment. "Stop! Please! I can't!"
"Swag." Rap Monster said on camera while dancing around.
'The members speechless'
Jennie grits her teeth together, out of embarrassment for him. "I cannot unsee this." She tried to look away.
"Hip hop is dead! Only Sailor Moon is alive." Rap Monster takes his leave.
'King/Queen End plate Round 2'
"Finally! Finally!" Suga puts his fists up in the air while seated in the middle since he is finally the King. Jennie sits next to Suga and Jimin.
"Suga is here~" Everyone claps and sings.
"Everyone, today's penalties are very strong this time," Suga mentioned as he revealed the first plate.
'Hit the philtrum'
"You hit slightly this area, just slightly." Suga demonstrated, pointing under the nose.
Once they get a card, they flip it over to reveal Jimin with the skull card. Suga demonstrates first and flicks the stick under his nose while Jimin quickly stands up and covers his mouth, walking around.
"Super happy I didn't get this one." Jen sighed out of relief.
"Do it slowly," Jimin said after sitting back in his seat.
"Okay, I'll do it slow." She said before quickly hitting him as he yelled and covered his mouth.
"You said you'd do it slow!"
"I lied." She smirked and patted his head.
Jimin scrunches his face up in pain once the rest of the guys hit him. When it was V's turn, Jimin patiently and reluctantly waited for him to hit him but then he pulled back.
"You wanna die!?" He yelled, getting giggles in response.
"How's your nose?" Jen gently touched it. He winced at her gentle touch since his nose was still tender from the punishment.
"It still hurts! Why'd you hit me so hard?" Jimin whined. "Kiss it to make it better?"
"Fine..." She gave him a light kiss on the nose as he sighed and smiled.
"We're offering kisses now?" Rapmon laughed
'Skate Again'
"OH NO!" Jen shook her head. "NO."
"YES~" Suga mocked her.
"I really don't want to get caught this time." Rapmon smiled nervously, while Jennie made a silent prayer to herself.
Once they get their cards, Jimin has the skull card again as everyone celebrates. "This is weird." Jimin sighed.
"Suga becomes the king while Jimin..." Jin starts giggling
Jimin offers to do it himself as the big smell surrounds the area. He quickly puts it on his nose and breathes while everyone laughs. Jennie holds her nose from the strong odor.
"My nose is numb from all the hits, I can't smell it." Jimin said.
"We'll continue with the 3rd penalty." Suga presented the next plate.
'Catch the insect.'
"This again, huh?" Jen murmured
"It'll be fun if Rapmon gets caught again," Jin said as they got their cards.
"Everyone, I give you a chance for exchange," Suga announced as Jungkook took Jimin's card to exchange, while he looked dumbfounded.
"I got caught before, I won't get caught again." Rapmon guaranteed.
But once they flip it over, Rap Monster ironically gets the skull card as he moves back in his seat, looking at the production team in disbelief.
"Why did I get this again!?" He yelled
"Jin jinxed you." Jennie teased
When Rapmon lays down on the table, Jungkook places the plastic inset on his butt and smacks it hard.
"Mom~" Rap Monster yelled out in pain. Jennie places the bug on his chest and feels his large hand holding hers. "Jennie, please be gentle."
"I will, don't worry." She smiled. "HIYA!" She smacked his chest hard as he stood up and clutched it.
"Ow! I said gentle!"
"That was gentle! For my standards." She laughed.
"Evil!" He pointed as she laughed evilly.
"Rapmon's suffering is really our happiness, right?" Suga asked after V smacked the insect on Rap Monster's nipple.
'Play the pepero game with another member and the stick must be less than 1cm'
"1CM!?" Jimin yelled.
"AH! Let it be Jennie so it won't really be a punishment" V said. "Don't let this be like how it was with J-Hope and I."
"Wow!" Jennie shook her head with a chuckle. "So what's pepero?"
"It's basically a cookie stick with something coated with it, like strawberry," Jin explained
"Oh! Pocky. I call it Pocky back in America. They're really good. But I never played the game." She admitted.
Once they gather their cards, they flip it over to reveal Jungkook as the guys cheer.
"Whhoooooaaaaa." The guys yell while Jungkook smiles nervously and stares at the skull card.
"Don't let it be me!" V prayed, still thinking about the kiss with J-Hope.
"Let's see who will be playing the pepero game with Jungkook." Suga hands everyone their cards. "3...2...1!"
Once they flip it over and the guys start whooping and hollering all over the place, jumping up and down in their seats.
Confused by the commotion, Jen looked down at her card, only to find it was a skull. "The irony..." She chuckled nervously.
"OKAY! That is it! I have a complaint! This is rigged! How come this didn't happen when I had to kiss V!?" J-Hope called out, turning to the production team.
Jen continued to stare at the skull card while the commotion was around her. She had never played this game before. And it was with her best friend. It shouldn't be too bad, right?

Meanwhile, Jungkook was mentally happy she got the skull card. He slowly looked up at her and had a shy smile across his face as they locked eyes.
"A-ah, I'm sorry you got stuck with me..." He murmured. "If you want someone to switch with you, it's okay."
Looking up from the skull card, she smiled warmly and shook her head. "It's fine, really. Let's play."

"I'll switch with you, Jungkook!" Jimin offered.
"NO." Jungkook quickly said, making everyone laugh as he grabbed the pepero box.
"How do you play?" Jen watched him take out a pepero stick. The pocky she was used to was much smoother and smaller.
"You two eat the stick from both sides," V answered.
"Ah, shouldn't be so bad." She watched Jungkook put the end of the stick in his mouth and shyly lean in, close to her.
"The pepero game starts...now! And remember, 1CM!" Suga announced.
'Slow and steady. Don't look at his eyes.' She thought as she felt her face heat up.
As they both continued to munch on the stick slowly, Jungkook was trying to look anywhere but her eyes as they inched closer.
Meanwhile, the guys watch on with anticipation. V and Suga were right behind Jungkook, getting a closer look, while Jimin and Rapmon were behind Jennie. The guys start getting obnoxiously loud with their yelling, oohs, and ahs as Jen and Jungkook inch closer and closer.
V whispers something in Suga's ear which makes the rapper smile slyly and nod in approval. Once the two got very close, she could feel his warm breath, against her face until they both felt pairs of hands on the back of their heads. As a result, their faces end up smashing together, pressing their lips together for two seconds.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The boys start yelling.
"They kissed!" J-Hope screamed while the rest were jumping and dancing around. Rap Monster ended up rolling around on the floor along with V.
"HYUNGS!" Jungkook yelled, face heating up from embarrassment.
Standing up from his seat, he starts chasing them around. Jennie, still in a state of shock, had her hand over her mouth and placed her head down on the table. Everything happened so fast as she felt her body heat up and tingle from embarrassment. The kiss was sloppy as their faces were pressed together out of nowhere.
She just kissed her best friend.
"Priceless! Absolutely priceless!" Jimin giggled.
"Is she dead?" Suga poked her. "Yep, she's dead."
"How red is her face?" Jimin tried to lift her head but she managed to keep her head down.
After everything dies down, they sit back down. Jennie had her head up, as her face wasn't so hot anymore.
"S-sorry Jennie..." Jungkook finally managed to look up at her.
"Don't apologize...it's cool." She reassured.
"After an eventful pepero game, let's continue on to the next penalty," Suga announced.
'Full Make Up 2'
"Why is this coming out, again?" Rapmon put his head down.
Once they receive their cards, they flip them over to reveal V with the skull as he grins nervously. Once he lies down on the table, Jen and the rest of the members discuss that they should make the makeup concept be the Joker.
"The lips are the most important part." Suga stood up with red lipstick in his hands.
"Wow." Jennie looked impressed once V rose. He sits back down in his seat and looks serious.
"He's scary." Suga pointed out.
"He looks like a jester," Rapmon said.
"Well he has the Joker thing down," Jen confirmed. "Ain't that right, puddin'?" She portrayed a Harley Quinn voice successfully.
"Why so serious?" V asked in his Joker voice.
'Ice HOT Cream'
"Not this again." Jen groaned.
"How could this come out, again?" J-Hope laughed
'While praying to not get caught, cards are dealed'
Once they flip over the cards, it's revealed to be Jin as he facepalmed.
"Woo hoo! Go Jin!" Jennie clapped. "Good luck, buddy!" She patted him on the back.
As soon as Jin takes a lick and then a small bite, Jen and the rest of the members watch on in anticipation to see him crack once he tastes the spiciness.
'Tears in Shoulder Hyung's eyes'
"2013 Greatest blockbuster. Ice cream & Jin" V announced in a dramatic voice while everyone laughed.
"I have to eat all of it?" Jin asked, covering his mouth.
Jungkook raised his hand, offering to take the punishment for him. "I'll eat it all."
"Then if Jungkook gets caught later, the penalty goes to Jin." Suga warned as Jungkook ended up eating the ice cream at ease.
"Your face got red quick, Kookie. Wow." Jen placed her cool hand beside his cheek.
"Yeah, his face turned really red. Don't let your ears get red, too!" Suga said
"Your hands are cold, keep them there. It helps." Jungkook said to Jennie while Jin continued to stick out his tongue because of the spiciness.
"He succeeds as the knight." J-Hope announced.
"Ayeeee!" Jennie happily cheered. "That's my best friend!"
Jungkook grinned and highfived her.
"Hey~ I thought I was your best friend?" V questioned, feeling some type of way.
"Oh boy, next stage! Let's move on!" Jennie turned to Suga as the guys laughed.
'Tearful brushing teeth.'
"Awe heck no! Not this again!" Jennie shook her head.
"It'll be funny if Jennie gets caught again with this." J-Hope giggled
Once they flip their cards cover it's revealed to be Jungkook and he raised his hands up in victory because Jin would have to do his punishment. Jin placed his head down, accepting his fate.
'This is God's work'
Jungkook starts jumping around, cheering and Jennie joins him.
'Shoulder Hyung black knight service activated'
'Collaboration of Wasabi & Mustard'
"Let's go!" Jungkook pointed to Jin, ordering him to do the punishment.
Jin gets on his knees, on the table and begins brushing his teeth as she covers her mouth.
"So unpleasant." She laughed.
"This is really bad." Rapmon cringed while V wiped any saliva coming from Jin's mouth. Then he starts brushing his teeth for him as he yells.
"Looks like Joker is killing a man." Suga commented.
"Why so serious?" V grinned
"You can stop now." J-Hope hit him
'Joker Mom's brushing teeth killer DONE'
"Last mission! Let's go!" Jennie clapped with anticipation. She had butterflies in her stomach. She really hoped she wouldn't get caught.
Once they flip over the cards, V gets the skull and everyone celebrates out of relief.
"I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!" Rapmon yelled, full of relief and happiness because he wasn't the one to get caught.
"Thank you Lord, thank you." Jennie looked up at the ceiling
Suga reveals the plate.
"Yororong? Yororong~" Jimin announced.
"What is it?" Rapmon questioned
"V is losing his mind, right now." J-Hope giggles.
'Turn into a cute fairy and give out gifts'
For the penalty, V is dressed up, wearing makeup and a red and black dress.
He popped up to the screen and said in a high pitched voice, "V fairy is here! I'm here to give out presents to all the PDs."
"He looks so cute~ Oh my God." Jennie laughed before V tapped his star wand on top of her hand.
"Thank you, cutie~" V skipped away to do his duty as he wrote notes on the bottles and put them all on the desks.
'BTS Lotto'
Rap Monster, Jennie and Suga stand together. "Welcome to Bangtan Lotto show! I will be today's MC, Rapmon."
"What up, what up, it's your girl, Jennie, here!" She waved.
"And I'm father, Suga."
"Today, Suga and Jennie have prepared gifts. Suga what is yours?" Rapmon asked
"As you can see, it's a vintage cap. A cap that I wore during the days when I was a trainee." Suga presented his Bulls cap. "I want to share my odor with our fans. So I'll hug it once, again."
"Wait, wait, wait, this is..." Rapmon examined the cap. "I'm sorry, I have something to say. This is not vintage, it's lint."
"You done?" Suga snatched it back, while Jennie giggled at their banter. "I will give this snapback to our fan. Although I'm sad, I'm happy too."
'Lotto Showtime!'
"Let's pick the numbers quickly!" Rap Monster announced as the balls rolled around.
"First number is 5, second number is 1. The last one is 6." Suga announced, picking up the three balls. "Number 516, congratulations!"
After applauding, Rap Monster turned to Jen. "Jennie, what is your gift?"
"I love wristbands. And since I was 14, I've been collecting a lot of wristbands, buying them wherever I would go. And I wanted to give a special fan, a small portion of the collection." She presented a big bag filled with wristbands."
"SMALL portion?" Suga exclaimed as she ended up laughing.
"Nice, very nice. Without further ado, let's pick the numbers." Rapmon turns the machine on.
Once she picks three numbers, she announces them.
"The first number is 3. Second number is 7. And the last number is 1. Congrats to number 371! I hope you enjoy wearing my wristbands and showing off the collection." She blew a kiss.
"Bangtan Lotto Show, see you next week!" Rap Monster closed.
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More Posts from Smolwritingchick
Just like BTS have their own individual playlists, here is Jennie's on Spotify
Reposting again, Jennie's Playlist <3 I think this was made back in 2017 when I was working on the story.
I didn't want to go overboard and put a bunch of songs but it looked like I did lmfao. Around 60 or so is more than enough in comparison to them having like 20 something songs.
I want to edit the JenKook playlist too.
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 2- The Debut

Chapter Summary: Jen continues to build friendships with her band members before they prepare to record their music videos and debut on stage. Jen starts to get sick for the first time in South Korea and tries to escape Jin's efforts to make her take medicine. Everyone celebrates Jungkook's birthday with a big surprise during the concept trailer filming. Rapmon steals Jen's donuts and is forced to go with her to the store to get more and ends up breaking something. BTS begin to film the NO music video as Jen's efforts are better than she expected for her part.
Words: 9,000+
Living in a dorm with all the guys was something Jennie had never experienced. She didn't know what to expect and admitted she was nervous about the whole situation. But over the next few days, she began to open up more and realized, they were all a goofy bunch.
Brothers that she always wanted.
During the next few weeks, Tae and Jen stayed away from the cameras while the rest of BTS filmed their Vlogs for their YouTube channel. Big Hit wanted them to be their secret members and be revealed once they shot their music videos.
Before she knew it, it was time to film the No More Dream music video. For the music video, she wore black high-waisted pants and a Hood By Air crop top with a fishnet shirt under it. Her hair was put down instead of a ponytail. As she gets her face done by the makeup staff, a camera is in front of her for a Bangtan Bomb. She ends up waving at the camera with a smile.
'Miss Bangtan seems to be in good spirits' The caption said on the video.
After she was done getting her makeup done, she made her way over to where the shooting was starting.
"Jennie! Come over here, we're about to do a cheer in front of the camera." Suga announced before Jimin and Jin pulled her to the group.
"So forward!" She laughed.
They all put their hands on top of each other.
For the first part of the shooting, it went very well. They were all fluid with their dance moves and cues. Jennie had a blast and tried to keep a serious facial expression while filming. But she ended up goofing around with the rest of the guys, even attempting to dance battle with Jin and J-Hope.
"Individual shooting is up next." The director reminded them as they all get straightened up.
Afterward, Suga is first for his shooting as he sits on a bike, rapping his verse. On the side, Jennie chews on her bottom lip, watching Suga's shooting. She turns to the camera who is right next to her, filming her expressions.
"A bit antsy." She laughed quietly. "He's really good. I love his rapping."
Moments later, a deep voice asked if she was nervous from behind. She turns to meet the sunglassed eyes of Namjoon and Jin. She smiles nervously in response as the makeup artist finishes her makeup and walks away.
"Yes. I want to do well y'know?" she answered
"Don't worry, you'll deliver. Teamwork makes the dream work." Namjoon placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.
"Jennie. You're up." The Director called her as her stomach dropped.
"Oh boy. Wish me luck." She murmured and headed over to the filming location.
"She worries too much." Jin laughed
"She really does. But she'll do fine." Namjoon replied
Jennie makes her way to the director as she bows. "First let's have you against the wall." The director guided her. "And...action!"
On cue, her demeanor changes as she gazes at the camera with attitude, rocking side to side.
geojitmariya you such a liar
See me see me ya neon wiseonjaya
wae jakku ddan gireul garae ya neona jalhae
jebal gangyohajin marajwo
(La la la la la)
"Cut! Let's try it again."
Jennie nodded and exhaled. Was she doing something wrong? She wanted to ask him but she didn't want him to get annoyed. If he got annoyed.
The camera turns to Rapmon who watches closely. "She's still timid, it's clear that she's nervous. I'm positive we can work on that. I'm looking forward to seeing her grow in BTS." He noted. "I believe she'll be a great Bangtan Girl."
Jennie attempts to go for a more aggressive route while adding in a bit more Bangtan Girl charm while ruffling her hair on camera and using her arms.
"La la la la la."
"Ni ggumi mwoni ni ggumi mwoni mwoni."
She makes finger guns, shooting them at the camera.
"Good!" The director said as she let out a breath of relief and bows. BTS claps for her and cheers.
"She did well." Rapmon smiled and nodded in approval.
"Go Jennie!" V yelled and she high fived him as the camera caught them. "She did so well! I'm so proud of her." He hugged her and laughed.
"That was really fun!" She said in front of the camera before heading over to the school bus for another shooting. "I will continue to try my best."
After many more hours of shooting, the music video shoot was a success.
The next day was the Jacket Shooting. BTS and Jen get ready. Jen wore leather jeans with a hood by air shirt that was long sleeved and a black beanie over her curly hair.
"Photoshoot, woo hoo!" She cheered with Suga and Jimin who excitedly danced, very eager to shoot. She goes over to get a closer look at Jin who was taking photos for his shoot.
"How'd your shooting go?" She asked RapMon who was with Jungkook.
"Ah, it went well. You looking forward to yours?" He asked.
"You know she is. She's been bouncing around and dancing all over the place." Jungkook pointed out, grinning widely.
"Um! You have too! I saw what you did to V! Don't put this all on me. You were goofing off too. Didn't you see him mess with V while he was napping?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about. Hyung, she's lying." Jungkook does his best to look innocent.
"Are you-are you kidding? I hope you're not believing him over me!" She looked baffled, turning to Rapmon.
"I dunno Jennie...I didn't see Jungkook goofing off at all. Only you." Rapmon crossed his arms, teasing her.
"Are you cereal!?" She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air.
"Are you cereal?!" Jungkook mocked her in a high-pitched voice before laughing with Rapmon.
"I can't stand you guys." She laughed with them and attempted to shove Jungkook lightly but he didn't budge.
"I will try my best for the photo shoot. I hope my facial expressions won't be too much." She explained to the camera.
"What do you mean?" Jungkook inquired.
"I, unfortunately, have a resting bitch face. So, people always think I'm mad when my face is relaxed. But for music videos like this where we gotta show swag and stuff like that. And you know..." She adjusted her shirt, brushed off her shoulder, and tried to look cool while the duo watched her. "It kind of works out."
'Rap Monster and Jungkook are not impressed.' The caption on the video says as she turns to them.
"What? Really? Wow. I see how it is." She turned to the camera. "I swear I'm a nice person. Don't judge the face. I'm not angry or mean! Promise!" She reassured
She hears her name getting called. "Fighting!" She shows two thumbs up at the camera before skipping away.
Jungkook ended up laughing at her cute antics while Rapmon face palmed.
"What are we gonna do with her?" Rapmon shook his head and sighed.
After taking photos, Jennie was cleared and went to check them out as the camera was behind her.
"Ooh~ Nice! I look good, wow!" She turned to the camera and nodded in approval. "I can't believe I look like that. You ever feel like if you're making an expression, it feels weird and you think it looks weird? But when you take a picture with the expression, it looks cool? That's how I feel right now. I'm glad it was successful." She addressed with cheerfulness.
After the rest of the guys finish their shooting, they gather together for the group shooting while Jennie sits in the middle. Then they change as Suga, Jennie and Jungkook check out the group photos.
"What do you think?" Jennie asked.
"I think that, overall, all of them are good." Suga responded as she nodded in agreement. He puts an arm around Jungkook. "Of course, I like Suga-ssi's photos the best." He bragged with a gummy smile on his face.
Jungkook and Jennie glance at each other before turning to Suga.
"Really?" She let out of short laugh.
"What is this?" Jungkook laughed and turned to the camera. "Naturally Jungkook's turned out the best right?"
"Ha ha, no. My photos turned out the best." She grinned as he deadpans.
"Here, look at this person." He pointed to himself in the photo.
"And look at me." She pointed to herself in the picture.
"I had more swag." He narrowed his eyes at her, getting competitive.
"No, you didn't." She narrowed her eyes back
"Yes, I did."
"My facial expression was cooler than yours." She smirked.
Jungkook laughed sarcastically. "Ha! Ha! Ha! Lies!"
'Both Maknaes continue to bicker at each other.' Was the caption on the video while Jimin walked over to them.
"I don't know who he is but uwahh~ he's good looking." Jimin pointed to himself.
"I'll admit, he is pretty good looking." Jennie complimented
"I said the same thing too," Jungkook added, earning a laugh from Jimin.
It was finally June 13th, 2013. Today was the day that BTS would debut. Jennie wasn't nervous yet as she tried to remain calm. She gathered around in a circle with the group while Rapmon went over what would be happening that day.
He is such a great leader. He cares and always looks out for everyone. She hopes to do well and make herself, her family, Big Hit and BTS proud of her efforts. While in the waiting room, Rapmon tries to practice, rapping in a deep voice and starts clearing his throat. J-Hope copies him after watching, earning a laugh from Jennie. Then Jungkook adds to the fun by copying him too.
"I hate him." Rapmon pointed to Jungkook. "Try to do it properly."
"Oh boy. He caught you now." Jen chimed in, amused at his antics.
Jungkook tries it again but Rapmon says it's not similar and walks away.
After their shenanigans, they leave to go to a rehearsal and pre-recording as the nerves start to get to Jennie. They currently wore their shirts with their names on them. Jen grips the mic in her hand nervously as she waits for the cue.
"You look so nervous." Jimin chuckled lightly and held her shaking hands, to calm her down.
"I didn't mean to make it so obvious."
"You've performed in front of a crowd before. Much more than this in America."
"I know, I know..."
"Then what's getting you so shaken up?"
"I guess it's because I've never done anything like this. Here. In South Korea. I'm a foreigner. I just have questions in the back of my mind like, what will they think of me? Do they like how I'm speaking in Korean and pronouncing the words? Stuff like that."
"Hey, we all made it this far. We are all going to do well. Breathe in and breathe out. We got this. Don't worry too much. I'm sure they'll love you."
"Just like they'll love your abs, right?" She laughed with him.
"You dare bring my abs into this?" He playfully scolded before they headed to the stage.
The crowd cheers loudly as they are on stage in their beginning pose for No More Dream. As soon as she hears Rapmon's deep voice, the nervousness goes away and is replaced with seriousness.
yamma ni ggumeun mwoni
yamma ni ggumeun mwoni
yamma ni ggumeun mwoni
ni ggumeun gyeou geugeoni
I wanna big house, big cars & big rings
But sasireun I dun have any big dreams
haha nan cham pyeonhage sareo
ggum ddawi an ggwodo amudo mwora an hajanheo
jeonbu dadada ddokgagati
nacheoreom saenggakhago isseo
saeggakkakkamake ggameogeun
ggum manhdeon eorin sijeol
daehageun geokjeong ma
meollirado gal geonikka
arasseo eomma jigeum dokseosil gandanikka
niga ggumkkwo-on ni moseubi mwoyeo
jigeum ni geoul sogen nuga boyeo, I gotta say
neoui gireul garago
dan harureul sarado
mworado harago
nayakhameun damadwo
wae mal mothago isseo?
gongbuneun hagi silhdamyeonseo
hakgyo ddaeryeo chigineun geobnaji?
igeo bwa deunggyohal junbihane beolsseo
cheol jom deureo jebal jom, neo ibman saragajigo
imma yurimental boy
(Stop!) jasinege mureobwa eon
je niga yeolsimhi noryeokhaetnyago
yamma ni ggumeun mwoni
yamma ni ggumeun mwoni
yamma ni ggumeun mwoni
ni ggumeun gyeou geugeoni
geojitmariya you such a liar
See me see me ya neon wiseonjaya
wae jakku ddan gireul garae ya neona jalhae
jebal gangyohajin marajwo
(La la la la la)
ni ggumi mwoni ni ggumi mwoni mwoni
(La la la la la)
gojak igeoni gojak igeoni geoni
jigyeoun same day, banbokdoeneun maeire
eoreundeulgwa bumonimeun
teure bakhin ggumeul juibhae
jangnaehuimang neombeowon.. gongmuwon?
gangyodoen ggumeun anya, guhoemal guwontusu
sigannangbiin yajae doljikgureul nallyeo
jiok gateun sahwe-e banhanghae,
ggumeul teukbyeolsamyeon
jasinege mureobwa ni ggumui profile
eogabman batdeon insaeng
ni sarmui jueoga doe-eobwa
niga ggumkkwo-on ni moseubi mwoyeo
jigeum ni geoul sogen nuga boyeo, I gotta say
neoui gireul garago
dan harureul sarado
mworado harago
nayakhameun damadwo
yamma ni ggumeun mwoni
yamma ni ggumeun mwoni
yamma ni ggumeun mwoni
ni ggumeun gyeou geugeoni
Before she knew it, it was her turn to sing as she got in front of the guys with a microphone in hand. "Geojitmariya you such a liar. See me see me ya neon wiseonjaya. wae jakku ddan gireul garae ya neona jalhae. jebal gangyohajin marajwo."
(La la la la la)
ni ggumi mwoni ni ggumi mwoni mwoni
(La la la la la)
gojak igeoni gojak igeoni geoni
saraganeun beobeul molla
naraganeun beobeul molla
gyeoljeonghaneun beobeul molla
This time she stood up while the rest of them were kneeling down, before looking directly into the moving camera, pointing at it.
ijen ggumkkuneun beobdo molla
nuneul nuneul nuneul ddeora da ije
chumeul chumeul chumeul chwobwa ja dasi
ggumeul ggumeul ggumeul ggwobwa da
neo ggumuldaejima umuljjumul daejima wussup!
She linked arms with Rapmon and J-Hope as soon as Jimin ran to Jungkook, getting picked up and kicking each member's back.
geojitmariya you such a liar
See me see me ya neon wiseonjaya
wae jakku
ddan gireul garae ya neona jalhae
jebal gangyohajin marajwo
(La la la la la)
Jennie points to the crowd while singing ni ggumi mwoni ni ggumi mwoni mwoni
(La la la la la)
gojak igeoni gojak igeoni geoni
To all the youngsters without dreams.
The crowd cheers for them and they all head backstage. She walks behind Suga who said on camera that it's so hot, thanks to the leather.
"I almost gave myself whiplash. My head hurts." She walked past the camera.
Jin started crying because he was nervous and disappointed. The staff tries to help him by giving him tissue and fanning him. Everyone got changed for Bulletproof. After Jen is done, she goes near the stage to wait and sees Jin waiting as well.
"Y'know I cried too."
Her soft voice makes him turn to face her. "Really?"
"I cried when I first debuted with my former group in America. I was so scared...I messed up. Missed my cue. Everything. It was horrible." She groans, shaking her head at the unpleasant memory. "They gave me the 'She's just a kid' card, but still, I was the youngest and wanted to prove myself. That just because I was young, didn't mean I couldn't do this or that. I just learned from my mistakes and tried harder. I tried not to think about it too much. My emotions just got me during the debut."
Jin nodded. "You know one day we should look at your debut from America." He smiled as her eyes widened.
"Oh no. No no. I don't wanna look back at how cringe I was. Ugh. At least that got your mind off things." She smiled back at him.
"Thank you. That helped."
"Don't worry about it. Everything is going to be okay. Now let's do a good job with this performance." She beamed as the rest of BTS met up with them.
They manage to have a successful performance during the broadcasting without any big mistakes and go backstage with happy vibes.
Next Day they are at Music Bank and have a dry rehearsal before the show. And then head over to the prerecording. After the performance, they greet the director and fans. "Bangtan! Thank you! We will work hard!" Before bowing.
They head backstage. "We finished on the first try." Rapmon grins at the camera.
"That was scary," Suga commented before walking past the camera.
"So-so. So-so." Jungkook admited.
"I could've done better, so I'm giving myself a 65%. I hope to boost up that grade with the next performance." Jennie stayed positive and walked ahead.
Then it was time for their performance for their second debut performance.
(What) iri naenwa
(What) ginjanghae da
(What) ggeutpandaejang
(What) We are bulletproof
We are bulletproof
ireumeun Jung Kook, seukeireun jeonguk
hakgyo daesin yeonseupsireseo bamsae
chumeul chugo norae bulleotne
neohuiga nol ddae, nan ggumeul
jibdohamyeo jameul chamagamyeo
maeil bamsae bolpeneul jabne
achim haega ddeun dwie na nuneul gamne
ijungjatdaewa sumanheun bandae sogeseo
ggaebuswobeorin naui hangye
geue banhae jaesu johge hwesae keontaekdoen sokching
norae mot hae raeppeoreul danghan
neohuiege raeppeoraneun taiteureun sachi
Everywhere I go, everything I do
na boyeojulge kareul garawatdeon mankeum
nal musihadeon manheun saramdeul ijen
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh) hey shout it out
Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo
We go hard urin geobi eobseo
(Click click, bang bang)
we juss sing it like
(Click click, bang bang)
we juss sing it like
Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo
We go hard urin geobi eobseo (Jennie does to oohs)
(Click click, bang bang)
we juss sing it like
(Click click, bang bang)
we juss sing it like
(What) iri naenwa
(What) ginjanghae da
(What) ggeutpandaejang
(What) We are bulletproof
We are bulletproof
Jennie gets in front of them, as she hears the crowd scream for her, taken aback by the sudden cheers but maintains focus on the performance.
Badda bing badda boom,
Jennie's here
I have no fear...so don't try to stop me
Tellin' me your doubts...won't change my mind
You want me to party? I don't have time.
I've been busy workin' (she slowly shimmies to the right with the guys moving with her from behind)
I've been busy dancin' (she slowly shimmies to the left as they move with her as well)
I'm never prancin'
Just enhancing
I will preserve and you can't stop my flow
I'm in my own lane, I'm here to attain (She makes a fist up in the air)
I got people asking, Who's the girl?
The one with the curls, representing the girls (She struts forward, ruffling her curls)
I'm the one with the swag and I don't mean to brag but I broke oppositions to get where I am today!
Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo
We go hard urin geobi eobseo
(Click click, bang bang)
"We juss sing it like."
(Click click, bang bang)
we juss sing it like
Jennie gets in front of them to sing another verse. "Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo. We go hard urin geobi eobseo."
(Click click, bang bang)
we juss sing it like
(Click click, bang bang)
we juss sing it like
(What) iri naenwa
(What) ginjanghae da
(What) ggeutpandaejang
(What) We are bulletproof
We are bulletproof
Look at my profile, ajik amugeotdo eobtji
Still yeonseupsaeng and raeppeomaen,
yeah I do know that's nuthin
gomindo haetjiman ije pillyo eobseojyeotji
neon ajikdo amachueo,
nan meijeo, jjuk geureohge sseokgil
Rap Monster, malcheoreom goemulgachi
museun biteudeun gane nan ssak jibeosamkyeo
chungsilhan ireumgabt yaedeura iriwa
miri bwa hannat aidorui banjeon
haha hipbusimppunin hyeongdeureun
bulganeunghada haetji but
ddokddokhi bwa igeol impossible-e machimpyo
jjigeo I'm possible ja ije dwaetni boy
Everywhere I go, everything I do
na boyeojulge kareul garawatdeon mankeum
nal musihadeon manheun saramdeul ijen
(Oh oh oh oh oh oh) hey shout it out
Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo
We go hard urin geobi eobseo
(Click click, bang bang)
"We juss sing it like."
(Click click, bang bang)
We juss sing it like
Oh! namanchi haebwatdamyeon doreul deonjyeo
We go hard urin geobi eobseo
(Click click, bang bang)
"We juss sing it like."
(Click click, bang bang)
"We juss sing it like." Jennie sings.
(What) iri naenwa
(What) ginjanghae da
(What) ggeutpandaejang
(What) We are bulletproof
We are bulletproof
Hearing the crowd scream and cheer for them made Jennie's heart flip as she waved and grinned at everyone before bowing. Things were going well for their debut.
Backstage for another performance, Jin decided to become today's VJ and went around to visit the members of BTS, interviewing them before the live broadcast. Jennie just finished getting her makeup done and sat on the couch with Jimin, fanning herself. The heat was real backstage.
"Jennie~" Jin placed the camera on her before Jimin pushed the camera back to himself.
"Where are you going, we're having an interview. I'm in the middle of thinking..." Jimin laughed.
"You took too long, now I want to go to Jennie."
"But I wasn't done yet!"
"Jennie's cooler than you. So, I want to interview her." Jin sassed.
Jen laughed at their banter and looked at the camera when Jin placed it back on her. "Hi!" She waved.
"How are you, Jennie?" He asked in a casual tone.
"It's hot." She lets out a breath and continued to fan herself.
"It is. It really is. So, I heard you've been getting more fans recently. Specifically, male fans. What do you think?"
"Hehe, I'm flattered they're falling in love with my charm." She smiled.
"You look pretty today."
"Oh...so I don't look pretty every day?" She deadpanned.
Jin was taken aback at her sudden mood change as he started to stutter "U-uh-I-"
"Are you calling me ugly?" She gasped and placed a hand on her heart.
"I think he is. That was rude, Jin! My Jennie is beautiful!" Jimin played along.
"Whoa, whoa! Your Jennie?! She's my Jennie!" V said from across the room. "I knew her first!"
"So? She likes me more!" Jimin responded.
"Oh dear...I didn't realize I was a popular person." She raises her eyebrows at the camera while the two continue to bicker at each other.
"Jennie, are you still mad?" Jin questioned as she looked up at him.
"As a matter of fact, I am." She crossed her arms.
"Come on~ I didn't mean it!" He whined.
She giggled at his whining."Ah, I'm joking."
Jin frowned and pouted behind the camera. "You're mean!"
"It was a joke!" She exclaimed.
"Don't talk to me, anymore."
"Jin are you cereal, right now?" She looked at him in disbelief.
"You know what? You're pretty but you're not as pretty as me." He said with a mocking smile.
"Oh!" Jimin yelled, shocked at the sass.
The unexpected sass made her mouth fall open and her eyes widened, stunned at what he said.
"You really gonna do a sister like that? I thought what we had was special! Oh, you think it's funny, huh?" She asked over Jin's goofy Ha-has. "You know what? I'm done! Leave!" She struggled to keep a straight face as she pointed to the door, making Jimin laugh out loud.
"Note to self, don't interview Jennie." Jin goes to Rap Monster.
Later, Jen approaches Jimin who was holding onto a lion doll, as a camera was on him for a Bangtan Bomb. He was trying to defend himself for not being childish, claiming the lion was just sitting where he was.
"Aw, that's so cute! Can I see it?" She happily held on to it and examined it. "This is so adorable, it's been a while since I've seen a stuffed animal. Look how nice and fluffy this thing is."
"It looks like V, doesn't it?" Jimin mentioned.
After looking at the lion and its fur, she nodded in agreement. "Dude, it does!" She said in amazement while V walked over.
Jimin takes the doll and presents it to V. Suddenly, he starts attacking Jimin with it as Jennie laughs. Afterward, Jimin tries to style the lion like V.
"Am I a kind lion?" V asked.
"What kind of lion, just a normal big lion." Jimin replied before giving it to V "There."
"What about the makeup?"
"Makeup??" Jimin let out a chuckle before he started putting powder on the lion. After he was done, he gave it to V.
V suddenly puts the lion in front of Jennie and makes it wave to her. "Hi! My name is V! What's your name?" He asked in a cute voice.
The sudden cuteness overload was too much for her to handle as she covered her face, feeling her face heat up.
"Don't shy away!" He placed the lion on top of her head and made it dance on her head. "Rawr!" He made the lion playfully hit her and she started to laugh.
On the 23rd of July, before their performance, the group stood on stage with an MC for Simply K-Pop TV. From the loud cheers to the fans waving their fan signs with the members' names on them, Jennie was excited. She did a double take when she noticed her name on several fan signs. She had to blink quickly to avoid tears coming from her eyes as joy took over.
Nonetheless, she smiled and waved at the crowd as the MC announced BTS in English.
"So how long has it been since you debuted?" The MC asked.
"It's been about a month," Suga answered in Korean.
"One month? Wow. Well, your popularity is going through the roof, nowadays. How does it feel?"
Jennie raised her mic to speak. "I think it's awesome!" She answered in English. "Seeing our names on the signs right now that our fans created, it's astonishing. I was trying not to tear up when I saw my name on some of the signs. We're grateful for the support."
"Yeah, we're either at the studio, at home or at broadcasting stations, so we haven't experienced much of it. But as Jennie said, we're always grateful for fans who come to support us." Jin added
"Yes with all the love and attention you're getting, I'm sure your fans have a lot of questions. That's why we have a Q&A ready for you guys. Who has the first question?" The MC goes to a fan.
"Hello. How long was your training before you debuted? And did you expect this kind of popularity?" A fan named Nima from the UK asked, in her British accent.
"The training period, the longest for me is like three years, Jimin had one year. The shortest was Jennie's. She trained for almost six months. The average is around 2 years or 2.5 years." Rap Monster answered in English.
"Oh yeah, the training for me was a bit hectic. Although I had the shortest amount of training, I had to really work hard and push myself. As well as adjust to the Korean culture. I had a tough time using chopsticks for a while. I should've learned before I came here." She giggled in embarrassment as the crowd laughed with her.
"She's using them properly now!" Rap Monster added with a smile, earning applause.
Jen shot a thumbs up. "I had a lot of support from everyone as they guided me. I spent more hours training as well and made sure to catch up on anything. Also, to rest. I haven't overworked myself, Mom, I know you're watching." She waved to the camera.
Rap Monster nodded. "For our debut, we don't really realize any popularity now but thanks, we are so thankful for all the love and our fans. So thank you very much."
"Wow, your English is very good." The MC praised Rap Monster. "Next question."
The next question was from a girl named Imani from America. "This question is for Jennie. First off, I just want to say, I LOVE you. I think it's so cool that you're the only girl in BTS and everything."
"Awe, thank you." She felt her face beginning to heat up before blowing her a kiss.
"Your Korean is so impressive at your young age. How long have you been studying and are you fluent?"
"I'll answer in Korean then English." She said before turning to Korean. "K-Pop inspired me to learn Korean. I've listened to 2NE1, Wonder Girls and Big Bang. Their music inspired me to want to get into this industry. The music, the dancing, everything is so lit over here in South Korea. I love it! I love how passionate everyone is here. As for the language, I've been studying since I was 13. Man, it was hard. I mean, I tried to study a few hours a day. And now I'm 15 in America, and I guess I'm...17 in Korea right?" She turned to her groupmates who nodded and smiled in response.
"Same age as Jungkook." J-Hope commented.
She continued in English, "So that's pretty interesting as well. I think my hard work is paying off. No language barriers or anything. I'm happy I can communicate with everyone here. I'm not fluent yet. But I know more than just the basics and I will continue learning."
A girl named Moon So-hyun from Korea asked, "There's a variety of genres on your album. Besides the title track, which is your favorite song?"
"Like it is an awesome song on our album." J-Hope smiled. "It has witty lyrics about love. It's really great."
"Can we hear a little bit of the song?" The MC asked, earning screams and cheers from the crowd.
"Neon nami doego ohiryeo deo joha boyeo pretty woman." Jungkook angelically sang with a smile, earning cheers afterward.
"Woo! All right thank you BTS for your time."
After arriving back at the dorm, everyone relaxes as Jin starts to prepare dinner in the kitchen. Everyone was doing their own thing while Jennie chilled on the couch in the living room, playing random games on her phone that Jungkook got her into. She couldn't help but notice her throat getting scratchy all day as she kept coughing every few minutes. The teen didn't think much of it as she assumed the cough would go away in the morning and her throat was just dry. Little did she know, Jin had observed her all day whenever she coughed.
Finally, after 15 minutes went by, he had to see what was wrong.
"Are you okay, Jennie?" He left the kitchen to see her.
The sound of his voice made her look up at him as she cleared her throat. "Eh, I think I might be getting sick or something. My throat is a bit scratchy. But I'll be fine."
"Nothing that I can't fix. I'll make some tea."
Smiling politely, she declined. "It's fine. Thank you an-"
*Cough* *Cough*
She sighed in annoyance. The cough just wouldn't go away. Why did she have to start coughing now? Right when they were promoting?
"We have some cough medicine." Jin happily announced.
The sound of medicine made her widen her eyes. She wasn't into taking medicine, she couldn't stand the taste.
"What? I don't wanna take medicine, it's gross!" She shook her head frequently, trying to talk him out of it.
"Come on, it'll make you feel better, so you won't feel lousy while we're promoting."
"I think maybe I just need to drink some water." She grabbed a water bottle from the kitchen and drank a few sips on the couch. "There. No more coughing." She guaranteed and went about her business.
Jin crossed his arms and murmured a countdown in a low voice "...four...three...two...one."
*Cough* *Cough*
"No more coughing, huh?" He grabbed a bottle of liquid cough medicine out of the cabinet and poured the medicine into the small plastic cup for her. Sitting down next to her on the couch, he smiled warmly. "Come on. And we have a mask for you to wear too, when we go out."
"You're so persistent. Jin, I'm fine. Guys, tell him that I'm fine." She pleaded to Jimin and Namjoon who were also in the living room.
"I think you should take the medicine, Jen." Jimin responded as Namjoon nodded in agreement, his face glued to his phone.
"You heard the gentlemen. Come on. One big gulp and it'll be all over." Jin advised in a motherly tone and tried to hand the medicine to her but she stubbornly scoots away, shaking her head.
"Uh uh! Jin, I am not taking any of that. No meds, I'll be fine!" She exclaimed.
Why was he so persistent in making her take medicine? It was just a little cough.
Why was he staring at her like that?
He looked so worried.
Why is he so worried?
Jin frowned at her refusal. "Jennie you have to take the medicine. It'll help you. I don't want your upcoming sickness to get worse. If you fight it now, you'll knock it out before it even starts."
"I don't wanna!" She huffed and crossed her arms, looking away.
Namjoon snickered at her response while Jimin eagerly watched the two bicker, enjoying the show.
Jin blinked at her and paused. Slowly, he set the medicine down on the table.
No one sasses Jin.
No one.
"That's it. Hold her down." He told Namjoon and Jimin as they got up from their seats.
"Wh-wait a sec-HEY!" She shrieked as she felt strong hands grabbing both of her arms, dragging her off the couch and onto the floor. "WAIT! WAIT!" She started kicking and yelling, attempting to fight off their strong grips as they continued to latch on to her. Before she knew it, they pinned her arms to the floor.
"Get off of me!" She grunted and tried to kick all over the place.
"I am a good person!"
"I have rights!"
"I don't deserve this!"
All her pleas were ignored and laughed at as Jimin and Namjoon continued to restrain her.
"Yah! Jennie just take the medicine!" Jimin giggled as he tried to keep a strong grip.
"Never!" She yelled. "I recycle damn it!"
Jen could hear the loud laughter coming from Tae, Suga, J-Hope and Jungkook in the background while struggling to escape her fate.
"Ennie is not backing down." Tae giggled.
"Hobi I need help here!" Jin cried as Hobi quickly grabbed onto her kicking legs.
She manages to kick him on the side of his head, pushing him away, earning louder laughs from everyone.
"Ow!" He laughed, rubbing the side of his head. "That was mean!"
"I'm sorry! I meant to kick at your chest!" She exclaimed while trying to toss and turn away.
"I got her!" Namjoon sat behind her, holding her arms from behind with Jimin.
Jin gets off the couch and sits on his knees with the medicine cap in his hands. There was no way in the world he was going to let her get sick if there was a way he could help her get rid of it quickly.
"Open your mouth." Jin demanded.
"No!" Jennie opposed.
"Jennie, open-your-mouth."
"I don't wanna! I'll drink orange juice!"
"You'll drink orange juice after taking the medicine!"
"Someone tickle her!" Jin urged as Jungkook and Tae began to attack her with tickles on her stomach. She started laughing out loud, squirming all over the place.
Seeing an opening, Jin lifts her chin and pours the medicine down her throat.
Thus, she quickly swallows the bitterness and gags. "Ugh! Gross!"
Jin grinned in victory. "That wasn't so bad."
"I can't stand you guys." She grumbled with a sigh of irritation, earning smiles from all of them.
"We love you, too!" Taehyung said with a boxy smile.
"We're done, right? Can you all let go of me?" She asked
"We're not done yet. You need to eat soup. Continue holding her until I heat the chicken noodle soup." Jin went to the kitchen to prepare.
"Awe come on!" She whined.
After a couple of minutes, Jin comes back with a bowl of soup and kneels before her. He picks up a spoonful and blows on it a couple of times.
"Jin, I'm not hungry!" She groaned.
"We don't want our Jennie to continue being sick, so we're going to take care of you. Now come on, eat up." He responded while the rest of the guys nodded in agreement, gathering around her.
Jennie looked at each one of them. She was touched by how worried they were and how eager they looked to help her feel better. She let out a breath as her mouth curved into a smile.
"Okay..." She said as they cheered. "Can I eat crackers with the soup?"
Jungkook stood up and bowed. "Your wish is my command, Milady."
She giggled softly at his dorkiness. Jungkook grabs a box of crackers from the kitchen and tosses them to Tae who presents them to her dramatically. "Ta-da!"
She gets let go as Jin feeds her a spoonful of soup. "I can eat myself you know."
Jin placed a hand on her forehead. "You don't have a fever thankfully. Now eat up. Eat everything. And make sure to drink the broth. That'll help too."
"Thanks, mom." she teased him.
Jin smiled at the nickname and patted her head. "You're welcome, sweetheart."
After she finished eating, they led her to her bedroom.
"Thanks guys." She sighed in contentment, laying comfortably on her bed while J-Hope placed a blanket on her.
"Rest up. You should feel better tomorrow in no time." Jin mentioned, looking relieved that she took the medicine and ate soup to help.
"Do you need anything else?" Jimin questioned.
"Want me to read you a bedtime story?" Namjoon offered.
"I could sing you to sleep!" Jungkook added.
"I could rap you to sleep." Suga shrugged.
"NO!" The boys exclaimed to Suga, earning an annoyed look from him.
The Daegu rapper scoffed at the guys, "Well, screw you guys..."
"I'll listen to you rap another time, Suga." Jennie answered.
"Rapping will never make her go to sleep." Jin sighed
"You don't know that." Suga argued.
"Guys, I appreciate it but I'm fine. I'm just going to sleep. I'll take up your offers another time."
She snuggled under the covers, already feeling sleep taking over her. She heard whispers of them saying good night as her light was turned off before they left the room.
On July 27th, on Show Champion backstage, BTS and Jen assemble for their dance diet method. The eight of them stand before the camera, already in their outfits for their upcoming performance.
"Summer Special episode Show Champion's diet dance. First, basic moves for warm up." Suga addressed the camera.
'Stretch your arms and shoulders'
All of them stretch obnoxiously while Jennie deadpans, watching them instead of stretching. Moments later, she attempts not to laugh at them.
"Second, learn choreography for dieting." Suga continued.
"Who's teaching?" Rap Monster asked
"I'll be teaching." Jungkook demonstrated as he grabbed onto his pants. "Grab your pants and ride the rhythm."
"Five, six, seven, eight!" J-Hope announced as all of them but Jennie began stomping around obnoxiously. "This will consume many calories."
"Ah~ the diet's working." Jimin added.
Jennie facepalmed at the sight. "I don't know them!" She called out, making everyone laugh.
"Come on Jennie, do it! It's healthy!" J-Hope grabbed onto her.
"Do it, Jennie! It's fun!" Jin encouraged.
"Jennie! Jennie! Jennie!" The guys chant
"Okay! Okay!" She sighed in defeat, earning loud whoops and cheers.
They put some music on as they all begin stretching first. The Bangtan Girl starts to get into it, stretching goofily. Subsequently, she grabs onto her pants and starts stomping around.
"Look at her go!" Rapmon said with a laugh.
"Go Jennie! Go Jennie!" Jin cheered as she started to laugh with them.
"Okay, this is pretty fun!" She beamed.
"That's the spirit!" Jimin cheered.
Afterwards, they all start rocking their elbows, while turning around in a circle. Jennie couldn't help but feel free and in good spirits when she was around the guys. They were weird, and so was she.
It was July 31st and Jin decided to be the VJ again for another quick Bangtan Bomb. He goes to Suga, V and then J-Hope, before approaching Jennie who was getting her makeup done.
"Jen~" Jin happily greeted, placing the camera in front of her.
"Hey!" She greeted in English with a bright smile, waving to the camera.
"How are you, Jennie?"
"WELL, we're out of time!" He yelled and moved the camera away.
"You know what-" She stood up and tried to hit him but he jumped away with a giggle, escaping her wrath. "Jerk!"
'August 18th, Music Kan Star Date'
For the interview, Jennie sits in between Suga and Jungkook while Jimin also sits in a chair next to Jungkook. Meanwhile, Jin, V, Rap Monster and J-Hope stand behind them.
"To all the viewers of KNT TV, 2, 3. Bang~tan! Hello we're BTS!" The group greeted and bowed.
'The hip hop idols who deliver a message to the youths who have no hope and are lost. Their protagonist is Bulletproof Girl and Boy Scouts, who on the stage show a very powerful and intense performance. A fun date with the energetic and dynamic Bulletproof Girl and Boy Scouts. Let's watch it immediately!'
'How did the group name come about?'
"Yes, 'Bangtan' has a definition of being bullet-proof. So, discriminations and judgments being shot like bullets, we're going to deflect them off like a bulletproof vest and stand up proudly for what we believe in." J-Hope answered as Jennie nodded at his answer. "Our team name upholds a meaning like that."
'Introduce your title track 'No More Dream'
"Our title track 'No More Dream' is a hip hop song that followed after a form of gangster hip hop bass genre that was famous in its existence in the 1990s. You might know it when you listen to the song. There's a part where we question 'Hey you what's your dream'. Right now there are a lot of teens who just live their life each day, going to school and coming back, with little purpose and dreams." Rap Monster mentioned. "So this is where we ask these teens, 'Hey what's your dream?' 'Quickly find your dream', it's a song that speaks of such meaning."
Suddenly Jimin stands up to demonstrate the dance.
"Five, six, seven, eight. La, La, La, La~ La~" Jennie and the rest of BTS sing while Jimin does his dance, lifting his shirt.
"Oh my gosh..." She giggled at the sight.
'Thoughts on debuting?'
"Well, firstly we are definitely majorly happy. It has been half-anticipation and half-nerve wrecking. But with all of that aside, getting to release my dream in three years of preparation, really I'm so so glad." Rap Monster grinned
"I second that!" Jennie raised her hand. "To be honest, I wasn't expecting this at all, being here in this moment. All that hard work is paying off. Dreams can really come true when you set your mind to it and work for it. I believe we did really well on our debut. We're doing well."
'Thoughts on your explosion of popularity?'
"Because there's people who like us, and are our fans, I'm really happy. And also at broadcasting stations where they follow and sing our songs together with us, the energetic cheering and support. To receive all that, up till now it still is so weird and much fascinating." J-Hope replied.
"Yeah, I also think it's really humbling. I'm still in shock with the support we've been receiving from our fans. It's amazing." Jennie beamed.
"Also whenever we end a performance and as soon as we leave the stage, we check the real-time searches to release that BTS has gone up the search rankings. It was too fascinating to see that so I screen captured it right away." Jimin grinned. "To go back to seeing it again, it makes me really happy."
'How does it feel being the only girl in BTS?'
Jennie was pondering while the question was asked and then she saw all eyes on her. She turned and looked around.
"What?" She stuttered and felt her face heat up as everyone laughed. "Oh wait what was the question? I'm sorry!" She bowed
"Miss Bangtan~" J-Hope cheered with the rest of the boys
She laughed and then answered, "Well it's really interesting to be around these cool guys and working with them on dancing and music and living with them. They're amazing to be around, I love them."
"Aw~" BTS replied with big smiles on their faces. "We love you too."
"I hope to improve while being a member of BTS and I also wanna show the female empowerment in youth as well. And I hope to show that in our music and future songs. I most definitely want to sing lyrics about female empowerment and just female confidence in general."
'Show us your charms!'
"Yes, I'll have a go at it, please hold my mic." Jimin gave the mic to Jungkook before gazing at the camera. "Please love BTS a lot!" He put up two finger hearts and made a quick heart with his hands before pointing at the camera.
Jennie looked at him like he was crazy, widening her eyes. "Oh boy...." She murmured, placing a hand on her forehead while the rest of BTS groaned and looked away.
"Ah, what do we do about this?" Jin asked
"Thanks to Jimin I think I might freeze to death." J-Hope said
"I'm sorry that was embarrassing." Jimin grinned sheepishly. "Ah not me but our V, his gaze is not to be reckoned with too. Let's have you throw a gaze for once."
V looked at the camera. "It'll be cooler with a close up shot. I'll go for it." He gazed at the camera. "I love you~"
"Oh my God!" the guys exclaimed and start freaking out while Jennie buried her face in her hands.
'The members who got embarrassed because of V!?'
Rap Monster was the next charmer as J-Hope began to beatbox. "Yo. What's up? Kan TV, Yeah. Bangtan sonyeondan. Yo, yeah. Uh, Rap Monster together with my sexy voice. A single time of my rap has the girls talking. I'm a smart guy who knows how to study 1 percentile of the country, IQ 148, I'm a guy who does what needs to be done." He rapped as Jennie moved her head, rocking to the beat and his rap. "And right now where I'm at, it's with Bangtan. Wherever we go we hear gratitude. People see us and go shit! What the~"
"Woo~" BTS clapped and cheered for him.
"That was fire!" Jennie cheered
'As expected from the main rapper Rap Monster'
'What does hip hop mean to BTS?'
"It's a genre of music we really like and can do really well in. And hip hop has become the best way for me and for us to express ourselves. In the future too we'll express things in this manner." Rap Monster answers
'Your ultimate goal?'
"As musicians, inevitably our ultimate goal would be for us to make good music." Suga answered. "And for the public to acknowledge and enjoy our good music, wouldn't that be our ultimate goal? And to be honest, as singers to be able to make good music and share it with others. That would be the biggest form of happiness." He revealed his gummy smile.
'Future plan of activities?'
"Following our debut on the 10th of June, we have many promotional activities planned out. And we have a blog so we'll be updating regularly on our blog with unreleased songs as well. With such a drive, we'll be working hard." Rapmon grins. "To all the viewers of KNT TV, I don't know if you had fun watching us. As much as BTS has come out as a hip hop team, we'll become a team that loves hip hop and enjoys much through hip hop. Up till now it has been BTS! 2! 3!"
"Thank you!" BTS bowed
On August 31st, Jennie, BTS and the rest of the staff plan to surprise Jungkook for his upcoming birthday. Everyone but Jungkook, who was filming an individual lip sync, was in the Waiting Room to coordinate the surprise for his birthday party.
Jennie had to stop smiling so hard. She was so excited. It always brought joy to her heart to celebrate her friend's birthdays. She couldn't wait to see the look on his face when she and everyone else surprise him. Later on, everyone begins to film for the BTS concept trailer, the Director announces Jungkook to make sure he gets the center right as the group talks to the dance teacher and manager.
V and Jennie turn around as they grin big at each other. "I'm really trying to keep my emotions in check!" She whispered in excitement, earning a soft giggle from him.
After the filming, Jungkook gets lectured by Rap Monster and the manager about his dancing as he's oblivious to their acting. It was hard to see Jungkook get lectured like that, especially for ten minutes while everyone was trying to prepare for his surprise.
"You just have to do it well." Jin said as soon as the manager left the room. Jungkook was looking bummed after getting lectures. It made Jennie frown a bit.
"Jungkook, are you mad cause we didn't celebrate your birthday?" Rap Mon asks
"No, no..." Jungkook answered in a soft tone.
"You were in the wrong. You kept joking around as well." Suga lectured. "Since we were filming, you should've stopped. There must be a stop somewhere."
"As a leader...have I done anything to you?" Rap Monster asked him.
"No." The Golden Maknae answered
"You usually do well."
Afterwards, one by one, the members leave the room, while Suga holds the cake, ready to enter the room again to meet Jungkook while the lights are turned off.
"Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you!" Everyone sings as they walk up to a dumbfounded Jungkook as he looks around. Jennie and the rest of BTS clap and gather around him as Jungkook starts to cry.
"Our dearest Jeon Jungkook~ happy birthday to you~!" Everyone sings before Jungkook kneels down while everyone pats him on the back. "WOO~"
"Oh my God, he's crying!" Jennie exclaimed with a laugh with the rest of BTS.
"He's crying!? Why are you crying!?" Jungkook was asked as he finally stood up.
Teary eyed, Jungkook finally blows out the candles as everyone cheers. The manager finally came in to apologize and wish him a happy birthday.
"Thank you for being born!" J-Hope cheered, earning a couple of laughs
"Say some of your thoughts!" Rap Monster suggested to Jungkook as he adjusts his birthday hat
"Producer-nim you're mean..." He replied, earning more laughs from everyone.
Bangtan take a group birthday photo before teasing Jungkook some more on his big day.
"Ah acting...I thought it was for real!" Jungkook mentioned
"We fooled you good, didn't we?" Jennie nudged him earning a chuckle from him
After filming, the group headed back into the dorm. Jennie rummaged through her closet to pick up a wrapped up gift for Jungkook. She enjoyed giving people presents, and tried to be observant when it came to gift buying. Leaving her room, she knocked on Jungkook's door. She heard a 'Come in!' and opened the door.
"Hey, Jennie!" He happily grinned at her.
"Hey! Happy Birthday! Open up!" She sat on his bed and handed him the big rectangular gift. His eyes widen at the sight.
"This is for me?" He looked up to meet her eyes.
"Uh huh." She replied softly.
"Wow...Jennie, you're awesome."
"I hope you like it. Sorry, I didn't get a card."
"Just a gift in general from you is more than enough." He smiled softly before tearing the wrapping paper. "No way..."
She started to feel her face heat up, hoping that he liked his gift.
"I...remembered you telling me how much you like to draw...and I watched you draw backstage before a performance, so...I decided to buy you a nice, big sketchbook."
"I-is it too much? Is it too big? Too small?"
"No. It's perfect."
"Thank you so much." He placed the sketchbook down before scooting over to hug her. He was often shy around girls, but she was one of his great friends and their friendship was only growing every day. He looked forward to buying her a gift as well for her upcoming birthday.
Wrapping her arms around him to return the warm hug, she was overjoyed. "Don't mention it."
The next day, in the afternoon, Jennie had been craving her cute looking donuts that she purchased from a local Korean Dunkin' Donuts after taking a walk around a local park, in the nice summer breeze.
"Jennie! You're back! How was your walk?" Jungkook happily greeted as he played video games with Jimin in the living room.
"Hey, guys. It's so nice out there! The walk was great. Now on to the donuts!" She headed into the kitchen and went into the fridge. Weirdly, she couldn't find her Dunkin Donuts bag in the fridge.
Maybe she was overlooking.
She took her time, searching all over the fridge but failed to find her donuts. "Where are my donuts!?" She exclaimed in English.
"What?" Jimin looked confused.
"Where are my donuts!? I want my donuts!" She started to get annoyed. "I swear...if someone took my donuts..." She grumbles, ignoring the confused looks from Jimin and Jungkook who had no clue what she was saying in her native language. She lets out a breath before going back to Korean. "My donuts. Someone took them. I can't find them in the fridge."
Realization hit the two boys before they averted their eyes and went back to their game.
"I saw that look! What do you two know?" She asked as Namjoon walked into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.
"Namjoon. Did you take my donuts?" Jennie questions him in English.
"They're safe." He replied to her.
"Oh? And where may they be? And why did you touch them?" She narrowed her eyes dangerously at him, but he remained unfazed. A grin came across his face as he let out a chuckle. "Nam...Joon. Where-are-my-donuts?"
"Bish where?"
"In my stomach-"
"YOU SON OF A BISCUIT!" She yelled and started to grab him into a headlock as he let out a loud laugh. They stumble out of the kitchen and fall on the floor, wrestling each other as Jungkook and Jimin watch and cheer.
The loud noises caused Tae, Suga, J-Hope and Jin to come out of their rooms to see what was going on.
"NO FIGHTING!" Jin yelled as tried to break it up, while the rest laughed and cheered for either Jennie or Namjoon. "We are NOT doing this today!"
After a moment of wrestling, they were finally broken up as Jennie explained the situation to Jin. Thankfully things went in her favor when Jin ordered Namjoon to go to the store with her to get some donuts. A reluctant Namjoon went and paid for Jennie as she got all the Dunkin' Donuts she wanted, which was much more than what he had eaten and then they went to the supermarket.
"Do you even know what you're getting?" Namjoon asked as he pushed the cart behind her while they walked in different aisles before walking to where the drinks were.
"Nope!" She grinned, earning a groan from him.
Namjoon left the cart before grabbing two glass bottles. "Hey, wanna watch me juggle?"
"Have you juggled before?"
"Not really." He shrugged.
"I don't think that's a good idea." She warned.
"What's the worst that can happen?"
Jennie let out a sigh. She heard from J-Hope and Suga that he was destructive and broke things easily.
"Don't drop that." She turned around and pushed the cart forward. A few seconds later she hears a sharp curse muttered behind her and glass breaking. She cringed at the sound and slowly turned around to see the mess and him grinning sheepishly.
"Uh...It broke...heh, heh." He rubbed the back of his neck while getting flustered.
"For crying out loud, Namjoon..."
No more shopping with Namjoon was the thought in her head. She only wondered what other stuff he plans to break while she continues to be a member of BTS.
For the BTS NO music video filming, Jennie wore white skinny jeans, a white shirt that was shorter in the front and longer in the back that stopped just under her behind and wore a couple of gold rings and chains on her neck.
"What does Jennie expect for today's filming?" A camera man asked for a Bangtan Bomb.
"I'm not a part of the opening scene while they're all sitting at the desks. I'm legit being taken away by the guards as I try to snap everyone out of it so we can fight together. Aye~ I'm going to be a pretty cool damsel. So right now I'm just waiting for them to finish the scene, and then I can get started."
After waiting, Jennie goes to her filming position. It looked like a Hallway and she was informed that she would have to attempt to run away from the two guards before getting pulled back.
"And...ACTION!" The director yelled.
Jennie hastily starts to run as fast as she can with the guards right on her tail. She feels two pairs of strong hands gripping her brown arms tightly as she lets out a loud grunt. She then gets roughly pulled back. Subsequently, she tries to squirm away and break free as they start to pull her back.
"CUT!" The director said as she got released.
She bowed and smiled at the guards, shooting them a thumbs up.
"We didn't hurt you, did we?" One of the guys acting as a guard asked her.
"Nah, you're fine. Don't worry about it." She reassured them before some of the staff patted her face and neck with a towel to dispose of any sweat and to fix her hair.
"Haha, this is weird." She grinned at the camera.
"Jennie is doing well." The camera goes to Rap Monster who watches her filming closely. From her intense facial expressions, to swiftly evading the guards before roughly getting held back, he was impressed with her acting.
"Good!" The director announced as everyone clapped at her efforts.
"Jennie did a great job, today. Good acting." Jin happily said.
After a couple more takes of her evading the guards, she's moved into the set where there's a cell.
"And...ACTION!" The director yelled.
She puts her hands behind her back as she gets escorted by the guards, meanwhile, she looks directly into the camera, waiting for her cue for her lyrics.
"They're always so ruthless. What they want from me is viewless. They must think I'm a nuisance...I won't let them control me..." She lipsynced her lyrics.
"Cut!" The director said and she was escorted into the cell.
They shut her in, and she places her hands on the bars while looking directly into the camera yet again. The butterflies that were in her stomach was long gone, as she started to get into the acting.
"Hahaha, Jennie is in jail~" Jimin giggled at the sight.
"HA! HA! HA!" Jennie sarcastically laughed at him, earning a louder laugh from him.
"They held me down, tried to change my mind...You think I'm blind?" She lipsyncs as she slowly slides her hands down the bars. "Well, it's a little too late because I'm already on my grind...Why don't they leave us alone? Stop controlling our lives! Let us be who we want to be...And stop stressing our lives!"
She tries to shake the bars while looking around, before running her hands through her curly hair.
"Let it be known...We won't be discouraged...You lost this battle, so continue to baffle." She kicked the cell open, dropping one of the guards in the process, before taking down the other guard.
"Cut! Let's film the takedown again!"
"This is really awesome." She shot the Bangtan Bomb video camera rock on hand signs before getting back into the cell.
She roughly kicks the cell open as one of the guards gets struck on his back by the cell door and falls down. The other guard swiftly turns around and tries to grab her but she knees him in the stomach before kicking him in the face, dropping him.
"CUT! Good!"
"Awesome!" She jumped up and down, clapping. Afterward, she watched her performance on camera. "I look pretty good."
The next day after the MV filming, BTS and Jennie are in the same venue to have their photoshoot. Rapmon was first, then Jin and Suga.
"It's Jennie's turn! I believe she'll do really well." Jungkook mentioned with a grin on camera as she was called up for her shoot.
"I'm nervous~" She smiled nervously at the camera before getting adjusted. She decided to narrow her eyes into the camera for a more serious look as they began to snap the pictures. "Oh my God, this is so weird to do. Do I look weird?"
"You look beautiful." The cameraman commented
"Ah~ Thank you! Thank you! I'm so flattered." She giggled, feeling her face heat up.
After she pulls herself together, she continues the shooting. Some poses involved having her back to the camera and turning her head to the side, having her arms crossed in front of the camera, and then pulling her chain to the side of her neck.
'Jennie successfully pulls through in her shooting' The caption on the Bangtan Bomb said as she checked out her photos.
"Wow! That's me?! I look badass! Now if only I could look badass every day. I'm glad my efforts paid off." She shoots the camera a thumbs up.
If you're gonna do the drabble you honestly can't forget about the war of JenKook and JenLay(Jen×Lay Zhang from Exo) Everyone was really having a funny ship war of those two ships, it was hilarious 😂
Omg YES! Lmfaoooo I miss it so much 😂🙌🏾 that was a fun day. I still have all the ideas for it and would love to add it to the story! I can’t wait to go through all my documents and plan out everything.
This made my day and brought back some amazing memories. Thank youuuuu


Ahhhh HI ASA!! Hehehe yes! I have returned!! I truly missed this. Rereading and editing these chapters are making me even happier! Life is going smooth sailing!! I hope you're well! :D
OK 6 out of 16 Bangtan Gal Chapters are edited. I should try to have the rest done with gifs and so on by the end of the week hopefully.