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Forced To Believe Chapter 63- Get Back Here!
Forced To Believe Chapter 63- Get Back Here!

Chapter Summary: Morgan returns to get revenge on Evolution
Words: 7,000+
After Melanie managed to make Colby eat her dust, she started hanging out with the roster and catching up with them. Meanwhile, Colby cleaned his face up and started to plot his revenge on Melanie's smack. He headed out of the locker room to go find her.
"Man, she is gonna get it. Can't believe I was caught off guard." He mumbled.
After five minutes of searching, he sees her hugging Renee and going over the questions she will be asking her during the Raw post show.
"Hey, Colby. Melanie told me you got smacked." Renee grinned.
He scoffed. "Oh, don't worry, this smack cam war is just getting started. She's going to lose this war."
"I think he's just a little mad that he got smacked." Melanie chuckled.
"See you two, later." Renee waved goodbye and walked away to continue preparing for her interviews.
"I missed you, grapes!" Colby gave her a bone crushing hug, before spinning her around.
"I missed you, too!"
"So, what's this about a tattoo?" He asked, certainly interested in the subject.
"Well...I've been thinking about what you said and..yeah."
"Wait a sec, you went along with it?"
"Uh huh." She showed him the back tattoo.
"No friggin' way!" he looked on with amazement. "Mel..."
"Hey, we're tattoo twins, now. It's what you wanted. And I think it's pretty cool—whoa!" She got picked up again for another hug.
"I can't believe you went along with it, man. That's friggin' awesome. I love you, right now."
"Haha, right now, huh?" She got set down.
"Guess I can't tease you about being a wimp, anymore."
"Whoa! I am not a wimp!"
"Okay, wuss."
"I am not a wuss!"
"No way!" She smacked him on the arm.
"Okay. Guess I'll just call you the grape monster."
"That's a little better."
Rollins, Ambrose, and Reigns are in their hideout, while the crowd cheers for them.
"Last week Triple H talked about humbling us," Dean mentioned. "Triple H talked about teaching us a lesson, eliminating us. And then Triple H is gonna run his goons down and hide behind them. Man...what that looks like to me is Evolution might be afraid of The Shield. And I hope not. Because at Payback we wanted Evolution that wants to fight. This 20 on 3 crap...this." He pointed to Roman's bad eye that he got from a live event while wrestling Orton. "Is this your brand of justice?"
Roman smiled and got closer to the camera to speak and show off his stitches. "Nine stitches. And the question remains from last week, is that all you got? Is that your best shot? Cause if it is...you have so many problems. You keep tryin' to knock us down but we keep standing tall. And we're never gonna stop comin' for you."
"Evolution that's what you don't understand," Seth spoke up. "You don't get it; you keep tryin'. Try to attack us when we're down, try to put us down, try to keep us out. Example, two weeks ago on Smackdown, my match with Batista...I took one risk too many, I made a mistake and he did what he does. He's smart and took advantage. And then he beat me half to death when I could barely stand on my two feet. He tried to put me out of action just like he did with..." He stopped himself and shook his head.
He clenches his fists while the memories of Extreme Rules run through his head and he starts glaring at the camera. Morgan was on his mind.
"He tried to end my career! But he couldn't get the job done. And tonight Dave...I won't make any mistakes. Believe that Batista...and believe..." Rollins put his fist out with Ambrose and Reigns.
Seth was already in the ring, waiting for Batista to come out until Triple H came out as the special guest ring announcer. Then he announces that Randy is the timekeeper.
"And that's not all, we are also having our own personal WWE nurse, just in case one of your careless kicks, gives The Animal a bad mark. Please welcome, Rosa Mendes," Triple H announced, making Seth even more annoyed.
Rosa struts out in a nurse outfit, with her white and red nurse hat. The dress was dangerously short, which showed off her beautiful, toned legs. She also had a few buttons unbuttoned, showing some of her cleavage.
"Oh, baby!" King shouted. "Would you look at Rosa!"
"Wow!" JBL said while Rosa swayed her hips, earning loud whistles from the fans.
Morgan tweets 'LaRosaMendes Do something about your outfits!'
"It must be nice to be the boss," Cole said while Triple H, Orton, and Rosa walked to ringside. "Make up the rules as you go along."
"And now...please everyone help me welcome, your opponent, representing Evolution, The Animal, Batista!" Triple H announced.
Seth grabbed a mic. "You know I got some special guests of my own to make this match as big as possible. So let me introduce to you, the special guest commentators...Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns!"
"You gotta love that now," Cole said while Dean and Roman walked down the steps. "Triple H is livid!"
"No, this is a bunch of crap!" Triple H shouted while JBL started complaining about the situation.
Morgan tweets 'It is hilarious watching Triple H react this way.'
"What a turn of events." Cole looked on. "Dean Ambrose is joining us. Dean welcome!"
"Hey guys, how are ya?" Ambrose greeted while Orton rang the bell. "Let me tell ya, at least Randy knows how to do his job, at least he can do somethin' well. We're just here to lend our uh...expertise, our verbal wit and charm to this broadcast,"
"Yeah, but you're supposed to be official!" JBL complained while Orton gave Ambrose a dirty look.
"Don't look at me like that. I'll walk over there and slap that look off your face, Randy." Ambrose threatened and watched as Orton stood next to Triple H at ringside. "Uh, were you not gonna come over here and do your job? You're the timekeeper! I think Randy is just scared to come over here. The only reason we're out here is to add our charm...that is of course if Evolution doesn't get involved."
Meanwhile, in the ring, Seth got taken down with a clothesline by Batista.
"That's right baby!" Rosa cheered.
"How are you guys official?" JBL asked.
"Why don't you ask Brad Maddox? He's in the Trainer's room, right now." Ambrose replied.
"Brad Maddox is the one who made you guys official?"
"He is the general manager."
"And back to Rollins and Batista, things are even. I sort of like the way that this is played out." Cole said while Seth and Batista started to hit each other with back and forth shots.
Seth begins hitting Batista with punches off the top rope.
"If you're not comfortable—go, Seth! Go!" Dean shouted.
"Well, commentators are supposed to be unbiased," JBL informed.
"If you're not comfortable with us being out here, you can get up and leave, until the match is over. I won't be offended. I understand you don't want to be outshined."
"Why is Brad in the trainer's room?" Cole asked while Batista threw Seth's head on the barricade.
"Cause I put him there." Ambrose bluntly replied.
Morgan tweets 'Dean is so dangerous. It's really hot. Not to mention a turn on.'
"There's your answer," Cole said to JBL.
"You ask the question and you already knew the answer." Dean sang.
"Is this after he made you official commentators?" JBL asked, still continuing to ask questions on how and why Roman and Dean became officials.
"Come on, slip outta there!" Dean said as he watched Batista lift Seth up on his shoulder.
Seth manages to slither out of his hold and kick him on the back of the head.
"Stay with us!" Ambrose said while they went on a commercial break.
"And we are back on the WWE App. And it looks like this crowd is chanting for Morgan, again." Cole said, hearing the loud 'We want Morgan!' chants.
"Why wouldn't they? She's one of the best divas in this company. And she will not disappoint her fans. She'll be back before you know it." Ambrose reassured.
"As you can see, we have Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns as our official commentators."
"We're over here, just doin' our job. Randy and Hunter, the timekeeper and special guest ring announcer. Hunter is no where near the microphone. He's over there, with Randy who is supposed to be the timekeeper. I don't know why they're so scared to go near Roman Reigns. I mean you're the COO of this company. You know your job has to get done, Triple H, Come on!"
Seth evades Batista's move, making him go shoulder first on to the ring post.
"You guys are doing a great job on commentary. I really like having you guys out here. JBL doesn't look too happy." King said while Seth started taking control of Batista's arm.
"Come on!" Rosa banged on the mat, making the crowd chant 'Rosa sucks!'
"I agree with the crowd," Roman speaks up with a chuckle.
"How dare you!? How dare all of you!?" She shouted at the fans at ringside.
"She isn't the most lovable diva here in the WWE Universe," Cole added.
"I can't blame the WWE Universe. Look at what she's done." King reminded.
"Another reason why Morgan is better than her. She is embraced by the fans while Mendes turns her back on the fans. Oh man, Roman, I got a kick out of you spearing the crap out of her last week. She needed that." Dean chuckled at the pleasant memory.
"I'd love to do it again tonight if you don't mind." Roman grinned at the idea.
"Oh go right ahead. Wouldn't mind gettin' an encore."
"So, JBL why don't you talk about how great Evolution is and what they are gonna do to The Shield, like you've been talkin' about earlier," Cole spoke up. "Explain that to Mister Ambrose and Mister Reigns."
"They are two of the greatest fighters of all time," JBL replied.
The crowd starts chanting 'Eddie' while Seth hits Batista with the Three Amigos.
"JBL, I think we're actually the greatest faction of all time. We beat Evolution." Roman said. "We already beaten them."
"Yeah and we made the challenge to them after we won the match," Dean added. "At Extreme Rules because we wanna put them away for good. We are gonna show the world that we are the best. We don't just say it. We go out and prove it every night and every town."
"And keep an eye on them. They're gettin' close." Roman warned. "What are you gonna do Hunter? What are you gonna do?"
"He's gonna watch his little animal get dominated."
"Hunter, Rosa, and Orton scrambling here. In disbelief that Reigns and Ambrose outsmarted them." Cole said.
Rollins throws Batista's shoulder into the turnbuckle, making him yell out in pain before Raw goes back to the USA Network.
"And we are back on Monday night Raw. Seth Rollins one on one with Batista." Cole announced.
"Ah!" Dean shouted while Seth got thrown over the steel steps by Batista.
"Is he all right? Do you see him?" Roman wondered.
"Yeah, he'll be all right." Ambrose reassured.
"And apparently Brad Maddox is the one, now in the training room. Who made these guys the official commentators?" JBL asked again.
"If you're so concerned about Brad Maddox, why don't you just go to the Trainer's room and check on him, JBL?" King suggested.
"That would be nice." Cole agreed while Batista slammed Seth's head on the steel steps and slid back into the ring.
Seth gets back in the ring but gets dropkicked outside again.
"Come on Seth!" Dean cheered on but then Triple H and Orton started walking over to him. "Hey, you're gettin' a little too close for comfort Triple H!"
Batista throws Seth back in the ring and goes for a headlock. The crowd starts clapping to motivate Rollins to get out of the hold.
"Give up, Seth!" Rosa shouted.
"You got this," Orton said to Batista.
"So, are you guys gonna be 100 percent at Payback?" JBL asked.
"JBL, I'm 100 percent every day of the week," Dean replied. "Roman Reigns is 100 percent every week. Look at that eye. Look at that eye on Roman Reigns. Nine stitches. Is that the best ya'll got? Roman Reigns' mother hits him harder than that when he was growing up, all right?"
Roman laughed. "That's a true story."
"That's all? I want you to count how many stitches we give Evolution at Payback, all right?"
Seth starts striking Batista with chops to the chest, but gets thrown to the ropes. Then he gets hit with a hard shoulder block.
"Man!" King mumbled.
"Batista is powerful," Dean said while Batista went for a two count. "Good. Very good." He clapped.
"He's still in it," Roman looked pleased.
"I can't hear you because I'm on the headset," Dean shouted at Orton who was talking trash to him. "I can't hear ya because I'm doin' my job!"
Morgan tweets 'Now if Rosa, Triple H, and Orton had these jobs for real, they'll be fired in an instant because they suck at their jobs right now.'
On the stage, Morgan slowly walks out, with a black bongo girl's crop top that says love and fashion and a black sports bra under it. She also had on light blue skinny jeans with her Shield boots and her hair was on her shoulder on one side, revealing part of her back tattoo. And The Shield mask was on her face.
She crosses her arms and stares down the four people who tried to break her neck. She could wait till Payback, but she just couldn't wait to get her hands on Rosa. For someone who continuously ran her mouth every week and tried to go after her friends to add insult to injury was enough. She started to like how Rosa continued to run her mouth. It would give her an excuse to batter her to death with her fists.
Morgan smirks at the thought and pounds her fist into her left hand. Her fists were just itching to connect to her face.
After a couple of minutes, a fan near the stage finally turns their head to the stage and looks in awe.
"No way! It's Morgan!" The fan shouted, making the whole crowd turn their attention to the stage.
The crowd starts cheering loudly and it starts to become deafening. Maybe Vince made the right choice when he said that Morgan was one of his favorite divas on the roster, along with the Bella Twins and AJ Lee.
"Why is everyone so hyped up?" King looked around.
"Uh oh! I think I know why!" Cole shouted and pointed to the stage.
"Right on time..." Ambrose smirked.
Orton and Rosa start looking around at all the commotion.
"What's going on?" Orton asked and turned to the stage. "Oh shit."
"Huh?" Rosa turned to the stage and froze. "No. No...no...no! This cannot be happening! I injured you! I—I!"
She became mute as she saw the one diva that she thought she took out for good, on the stage, looking her way with an intense stare. How could she be back on her feet this quickly after all that she and Evolution have done to her? She was supposed to be at home. Being miserable while her boys have a three on four disadvantage.
"And Rosa is speechless!" Cole shouted as the crowd started chanting Morgan's name.
"What's wrong?" Triple H turned around.
His expression went from smug confidence, to discomfort as soon as he saw Morgan. And then he starts to become irate at her being back in the WWE so quickly.
"This cannot be happening! Are you friggin' kidding me!?" He began pacing around while Orton tried to calm him down, still shocked his own self. "What is she doing here!? What is she doing here!?"
"Evolution and Rosa look like they've seen a ghost!" Cole chuckled.
"And now they're scared," Dean said. "Morgan doesn't forget who takes her down. She always makes sure she gets the last laugh. And she will make sure that happens at Payback."
"Maybe even now," Roman said as she started taking slow steps down the ramp.
Rosa starts keeping her distance away from her, trying not to make eye contact. The Outspoken diva heads over to the announcer's table, taking her mask off before bumping fists with Roman.
"Glad you're here grapes. I missed you." He hugged her.
"I missed you too." She smiled and put on a headset.
"Morgan, is it really you?" King grinned. She kissed him on the cheek, making him giddy. "It is!"
"Yep. In the flesh. How you guys been?"
"Guess I'm just chopped liver over here." Dean joked.
"Oh, don't worry, I'll get to you in a second," she reassured.
"Well, Morgan we're doing great. We can't believe you're back." Cole spoke up.
The Outspoken Diva exhaled. "Yes, it's good to be back. I'd love to stay and chat, but right now I'm about to go after Rosa and beat her ass. But before I do that..." She took off her headset and walked over to Dean.
"What did I do?" Ambrose chuckled but got pushed down onto a chair. "Missed me that much, huh?" He smirked as she straddled him.
"What in the world? Morgan, what are you doing?" JBL asked.
"Ambrose you are a very lucky man," King said with a hint of jealousy while Ambrose put his hands on her hips.
She takes off his headset and runs her hands through his hair before leaning down to kiss him. She started to taste the minty flavor of his mouth since he was chewing gum while the crowd, mostly the fangirls, screamed and cheered loudly.
Rosa's jaw dropped. "Ew! Are you kidding me!? That's disgusting!" She started to fake gag.
"Whoa!" Cole exclaimed as their kissing started to get rougher and passionate.
"Why can't that be me?" King complained.
"I guess somebody forgot to check the PDA rules of this company!" JBL exclaimed. "I didn't know making out on the job was best for business! Better yet allowed!"
"I don't think they care," Cole chuckled while Ambrose started attacking Morgan's neck.
"Dean! This is a family show!"
Roman began to look amused at the situation. "They do this all the time. Nothing new."
Morgan got off him and exhaled. "That was fun." She grinned while he nodded in agreement.
"Morgan, I think the side of your neck is a little red." King pointed out as he saw a small red mark on the side of her neck.
Dean started to look satisfied. "That's just to make sure that everybody knows that she belongs to me."
Meanwhile in the ring, the match ends in a DQ after Triple H hits Seth with a right hand. While Ambrose and Roman take on Triple H and Orton, Batista spears Rollins while Rosa gets in the ring with him. That's when Morgan slides in the ring and gets on her knees, to give Batista a low blow from behind, making the crowd cheer. Rosa's jaw drops and she starts backing up.
"Look I am not ready for this." She said while Morgan grinned and slowly stood up. "Morgan, I am in a dress! I'm not in fighting attire."
"That's too bad," she replied.
"Can we talk about this?" she suggested but shrieked when she got speared.
Batista manages to grab Morgan off of her and grab her by the hair. "You wanna assault me, little girl!?" He shouted as she tried to break free from his strong grip.
"Spear!" Cole shouted as Roman speared him and started to get hyped up. "And Batista is gonna get some of his own medicine, I think." He said but he escaped.
Rosa tries to escape the ring until Morgan grabs her legs and pulls her back in. She continues being beaten on by Morgan until Evolution drags her out the ring, making the crowd boo.
"You think that was funny!? That was a cheap shot! I wasn't ready!" Rosa shouted.
Morgan grabbed a mic. "If you think that you and I are done, you're dead wrong. You and I are far from over. So, why don't you shut your mouth, stop talking crap, and get your ass back in this ring, you little bitch!"
"Whoa!" King and JBL shouted.
"Interesting choice of words from the Outspoken Diva." Cole looked on.
"Let them fight!" King cheered.
Rosa holds her right ear, making sure she heard exactly what Morgan just said.
"What did you just call me!?" She shouted and tried to get back in the ring but Evolution restrained her while Morgan got held back by her teammates.
"We are not having this! We are not having this, right now!" Triple H demanded as he, Rosa, and his teammates head to the stage.
"You people have a short memory because you're forgetting who I am and what I'm trying to do for this company. Let me remind you that I have made a lot of sacrifices to keep this divas division interesting! And you think just because you ambushed me I'm going away? That I'm going to just walk away from this? No, it'll take a lot more than that." Morgan said while Rosa continued yelling at her. "Do you know what you've done to me!? You've awakened a side of me that I've been trying to keep away for months! And come Payback...I'm going to raise hell."
"Rosa! Calm down!" Orton tried to settle her down but Rosa pushed him and Triple H away from her and started running down the ramp, making the crowd go wild.
"It looks like we're not done!" Cole shouted while Morgan managed to slide out of the ring.
Rosa spears her down and they start throwing punches at each other while their teammates try to separate them. A couple of refs had to run down the ring to help them out, making the crowd boo again.
"The Shield standing tall. And Morgan is back in action. Believe in The Shield, tonight! Evolution in retreat."
Evolution and Rosa were up on the stage again, being separated from The Shield by the refs. The Shield and Morgan were back in the ring, standing tall.
"That was just a little taste of what it's gonna be like. All hell is gonna break loose at Payback." JBL added.
"You can't handle the best!" Seth shouted.
He turned his attention to Morgan and pulled her in for a hug while the crowd cheered for them.
"And Morgan is back! This just keeps getting better! And we get a little brother and sister reunion. I know these two are happy to see each other again." King cheered.
"Indeed. I wonder what's going to happen at Payback. Things are about to get real interesting now that the Outspoken Diva is back in action." Cole said.
Morgan was backstage with Renee Young during the Raw post show. "Morgan, welcome back." Renee smiled.
"Thanks! It's good to be back." She beamed.
"How does it feel, to finally get your hands on Rosa after what she's done?"
"Bittersweet. I wish I could have done more but I won't have to wait long. Payback is right around the corner. I'll have my revenge at Payback,"
"Have any plans for Evolution before Payback?"
"Let's just say I know how to make them suffer, mentally. And I'll be doing that next week on Raw. Stay tune for that." She smirked. "And at Payback, I'm going to arrive, raise hell, decimate Rosa, make sure she's in a bloody pulp, make sure my boys and I win, and then leave. Simple. That's my game plan. No more cheap shots. No more fun and games."
Melanie was walking backstage with her bags. She wanted to stay backstage longer, so Jon left with Renee. After five minutes of walking around, she saw Randy, leaning on the wall, texting his new girlfriend.
"Hey." she waved.
Randy looked up and smiled. "Hey, grapes. What's up?"
"You mind if I ride with you? Jon already left with Renee. I wanted to stay a little longer to get an update on what I'm doing next week on Raw."
"Yeah, no problem. You ready to go?"
"Yeah, let's roll." They went to the parking lot and Randy put their bags in the trunk. "I missed working with you. I'm glad we're working together again during this storyline."
"We had some good memories when you first started," He brought up.
They began remembering some moments when she was with Randy back in late 2012 and early 2013.
Backstage during Smackdown back in January 2013, Randy and Morgan watch as Kane and Daniel Bryan have a yes and no argument. After a few moments, they stop and look at them.
"I'm just curious, are you gentlemen going to act like a couple of second graders tonight? Or are you actually interested in inflicting some pain on team Rhodes Scholars and Wade Barrett?" Randy asked with his arms crossed.
"Both!" Kane answered and walked away.
"We're acting like we're in second grade. We are working through our anger issues. Now that's something you know a little bit about, don't you Randy? And you too, Morgan." Daniel pointed out.
"Guilty as charged." She smiled.
"Kane and I used to be a lot like you, Randy. But thanks to Doctor Shelby, we're in a better place now. And not only that, we are champions. You do what to be a champion again, don't you, Randy?"
"Yes. Yes, I do, and after I win the Royal Rumble match I–"
"Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! Tonight is not about the Rumble. You have to take one step at a time. First...we win our tag match. and then group hug!" Daniel put his arms out and grinned.
"I'm sorry, I'm not much of a hugger."
"Not yet, you're not." he walked away.
Morgan laughed and patted Orton's back, making him shoot her a stern look. "You're on your own buddy."
In the ring, Orton wins the match for his team after hitting Sandow with an RKO. Team Hell No and Orton celebrate in the ring while Morgan gets in the ring. Daniel Bryan puts his arms out while Orton starts to protest. He turns around and sees Kane blocking his way.
"No." Orton shook his head, making Morgan laugh.
She was looking forward to seeing him get hugged as Kane put his arms out.
"Kane wants to hug him," JBL said
She held her stomach as she laughed while the crowd cheered when Orton was hugged by them both. Randy's facial expression was priceless.
When she was about to leave the ring, she got grabbed by Randy.
"Whoa, whoa, wait, what are you doing?" she asked.
"You're getting a hug, too. I'm not suffering alone from this." Orton pushed her into Kane and Daniel's arms as they squeezed her, making the crowd cheer again.
"Group hug!" Daniel shouted as he got Randy into the hug, too.
"I hate you." She narrowed her eyes at Orton who smirked out of amusement.
"You cared a lot about me back then, onscreen." He laughed at the memories as he drove. "I was about to think that they were going to put us in a romantic storyline or something."
"I agree. I've checked out a lot of the fan edits of Morgan and Seth pictures, saying they ship us together. It's kinda funny,"
"Do they do that with Roman and Morgan?"
"A whole lot. But I love the fangirls. They can be really..."
"Crazy." They simultaneously say before sharing a laugh.
"I've been hearing that you've gotten a lot of fanboys. What's the story about that?" he asked as he stopped at a red light.
She saw Randy trying not the laugh. "You wanna laugh now so you won't laugh when I explain it?"
"Nah, go ahead." He let out a chuckle but then started laughing. After a while, he stopped and continued driving. "All right, continue."
"I don't know if it's because of my wrestling, or personality. But it all started during a live event."
During a WWE Live event, Morgan was in the ring with The Bellas going up against Aksana, Alicia, and Rosa.
Morgan hit Aksana with a backfire and was about to go for the pin when a male fan in his early 20s ran into the ring.
"Morgan! I love you!" He shouted and went to hug her, making them both fall on the mat.
"Whoa, whoa!" Nikki shouted as the ref grabbed him off of Melanie.
A bunch of security got in the ring to restrain him while the divas got in the ring.
"You okay?" Victoria asked while she broke her character along with the other divas.
"Yeah, I'm fine. But what the fuck just happened?" Melanie chuckled, still stunned at the turn of events.
"Was Jon pissed?" he asked.
"He was glad I was fine. I haven't had a fan do that since the Indies, so it took me by surprise. The dude just wanted a hug. After the incident, the fan started tweeting a lot to me. He started saying I smelled good and I'm huggable and stuff,"
"Gotta love the fans."
"Jon suffers more. Especially the crazy Tumblr posts the fangirls do. Man, they really hate me."
"They're just jealous because you got the man they fantasize about."
"Haha! True."
"Did you ever believe that you and him were actually going to be a couple?"
"I thought we were just going to stay friends. He was there for me a lot during my ex-boyfriend drama,"
"By the way did you hear about him?" Randy blurted out before mentally slapping himself in the face.
Maybe he shouldn't have let that sentence slip.
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I meant how he died." He countered.
"Yeah, I heard it was a car accident. It was brutal. Drunk driving though? It sucks. If he was still alive...maybe he'd change for the better,"
"Right..." he mumbled before changing the subject. "Alanna misses you."
"I miss her, too! She's so adorable."
As they made it to the hotel and got out of the car, Orton began to speak, "Mel, I think there is something you should know."
"What's up?"
He was about to speak but stopped himself again, deciding not to ruin the mood.
"I'll tell you when I remember. I forgot anyway. It's okay."
Next week on Raw, Melanie was backstage, checking out the script for tonight's show.
"Ready for tonight, girl?" Trinity greeted her with a hug.
"You bet. A little nervous but I'm excited to be able to destroy something. Not someone."
"I'll be tuning in to watch. Can't wait to see Evolution's reaction."
"Me too."
All of a sudden, Colby started running her way.
"Smack cam!" He shouted before smacking the side of her face with mayo.
"Ooh!" Trinity cringed at the sight and started giggling.
Melanie chuckled dryly and touched the side of her face, seeing mayo on her hand.
"Colby!" She shouted while he ran away. "I got him. I'm gonna get him back. He is so going down."
She grabbed a couple of napkins to wipe her face.
The ring was filled with a table and six chairs for Evolution and The Shield.
"Ladies and gentlemen." Michael Cole said in the ring. "It is now time to sign the contract for the no holds barred elimination tag team match, for this Sunday at the Payback Pay Per View. Between Evolution...and The Shield."
Seth, Dean and Roman walk down the steps.
"Not exactly a normal entrance for a contract signing," JBL said.
"I don't think this is gonna be normal contract signing," King added. "The Shield making their way down to the ring. Where's my Outspoken Diva?"
"Your Outspoken Diva? I think you mean Ambrose's Outspoken Diva."
"Oh don't remind me."
The Shield get in the ring while Michael Cole exits the ring.
Dean took the mic and started walking around while Roman threw the chairs out of the ring. "Tonight is...historic. Tonight is...the last time you will see The Shield and Evolution in the same ring, on Raw. Because believe me...At Payback, one team isn't just going to be eliminated, from a match, one team and that team will be Evolution, believe me, that team is gonna be eliminated out of this business, off the face of the earth, forever!"
"Besides who we really kiddin' with this nonsense out here? This thing with Evolution has gone way past the six of us across from a table from each other. Silly piece of paper. Let's rearrange this place. Get rid of this stuff...and let's get down to business." Seth said while Dean threw out the last chair and Roman threw out the table.
Evolution's theme comes on while they walk out with Rosa.
"I want everybody to be aware what they're witnessing, right here. I want you guys to be aware of what you're about to sign. You sign that, then all of you are witnessing that this is the last time you will see The Shield, ever on Monday Night Raw." Triple H said while he walked down the ring with the group. "It's a shame. I gotta tell ya it's a shame. You guys could have had it all man...I'm a pretty fair judge of talent. You don't have to look any further than these two guys standing next to me, and this woman who will be a future Diva's Champion very soon."
"I remember looking at you guys, I remember watching the ink dry on the contract that allowed you to come here and live your dream. And I remember thinking to myself, these guys are gonna change it all. These guys are the future of the WWE and you threw it all," he went on. "Ironically, now I'm gonna stand here and I'm gonna watch the ink dry on that contract that Sunday at Payback, sends you right back to obscurity. So, I'm gonna ask you one more time, you sure you wanna sign that? You sure you wanna put your names on that? Morgan already signed it last week. I tried to talk her out of it but it seems that she really is looking forward to getting that neck broken once and for all. So, do you guys want to really ensure that Sunday is the last we see of The Shield?"
Seth starts signing the contract and so does Dean and Roman. After Roman was done, he tossed it out the ring, making the crowd 'Ooh'. Triple H smirks and picks up the contract, giving it to Orton.
"You boys want to tell me where Morgan is?" Rosa asked.
She was trying to prepare herself for any sneak attacks or ambushes. She wanted to be ready when that hellcat came her way.
"How come you want to know? Scared?" Dean smirked.
"No! I am not scared! I'm curious."
"Relax...she's not in the arena. Consider yourself unharmed...for now," he replied, making the crowd boo at the fact she wasn't here.
The crowd starts to chant for Morgan. Ignoring the crowd's chants while Orton, Triple H, and Batista sign the contract, Rosa gets handed the contract and signs it.
Triple H started to speak again. "You're gonna be nothin' but a statistic—"
"Shut up..." Roman retorted. "Get in the ring and fight."
Rosa stays at ringside while Evolution gets on the apron.
"Is it gonna happen?" JBL asked and then the two teams began to attack as the crowd cheered, chanting 'This is Awesome'.
Seth drops Orton and Triple H with a suicide dive while Batista takes down Ambrose in the ring. Moments later, Roman drops him down with a Superman punch. He starts going for the spear until Triple H hits him with a sledgehammer, making Evolution take control. Orton hits Seth with an RKO while Batista strikes Dean with a spear. The crowd continues to chant for Morgan but she's still not here.
"You better stay down, Roman! Stay down!" JBL shouted before Roman got hit in the head with Triple H's sledgehammer.
Triple H starts hitting Dean and Seth with the sledgehammer while Orton and Batista take off the hood and monitors off the announce table.
"Take out the muscle. The big man. You'll weaken The Shield." JBL added.
"Let's do this." Triple H said as he lifted up Roman with Orton, at ringside.
"The Shield's trademark. Triple powerbomb through the table!" Cole shouted as Evolution slammed him down.
Batista roars while Triple H taunts the crowd, getting mixed reactions. Rosa claps for them and walks over to them.
"Are we gonna see the Shield totally decimated?" King asked as Evolution's theme came back on.
Evolution and Rosa put their fists out as they stand over Roman. But then their theme fades away. All of a sudden, the titantron shows Evolution's limo, and then the camera reveals a pair of black leather knee high boots.
"What in the..." Cole began as the camera continued going up, revealing the figure wearing fishnet stockings, a black leather skirt, and a black off-shoulder top, with a leather jacket over it.
The crowd begins to cheer loudly once they see Morgan sitting on the hood of the limo with her legs crossed.
"Hey, how ya doin'?" She smiled and waved.
Evolution and Rosa's eyes widen as they all get in the ring to get a closer look.
"Is that our limo?" Triple H started to get angry. "Do not tell me that's our limo."
Orton quickly grabbed a mic. "Morgan! Don't you touch our limo get off our limo! Right now!"
"Easy, easy. I was just admiring the color. Although I think purple would be a better choice." she rubbed the hood.
"How did she even get to the car!?" Batista shouted.
They were stunned that their limo got hijacked so easily while Morgan remained amused at their constant yelling and questioning.
"Well, guess you know why I signed that contract early. You see we knew you'd attack us, so The Shield and I made a few sacrifices." The Outspoken diva explained. "Boy, this is a sweet ride..."
"Morgan! Get out of that car! Now!" Orton shouted on the mic as his face was starting to get red from frustration.
That limo was his ride back to the hotel and there was no way he was using a rental car with Evolution. They ride in style.
"This is insane." Cole laughed. "Morgan has their limo!"
"Do you see those legs?" King grinned.
"The audacity of this woman..." JBL murmured. "She has guts."
"I will make your life a living hell! I swear if you don't get off that limo..." Orton growled and started pacing back and forth.
"Hey, hey. Don't get mad because I one uped you on plans. Man...I love limos. They're nice and fun. But I don't think it can handle a woman like me. Let me show you." She stood up on the hood of the car.
"Morgan, don't you dare!" Batista shouted while Triple H leaned on the ropes, reluctantly awaiting the damage.
"Don't tell me..." Cole began.
She gives the hood of the car a hard stomp, making a deep dent as the crowd cheers.
"Morgan!" Orton yelled while Batista put his hands on his head.
"Welp, I touched your limo. And what are you gonna do? Nothing, so shut your mouths. I can't believe you guys think that limos and crap are symbols of excellence. You guys are so corny...Triple H...you always say." She put on a fake big nose and cleared her throat.
"I am the game." She said in her best Triple H voice, making the crowd laugh.
"Haha! This is great." Cole laughed.
"The king of kings! You either adapt or perish!" She cleared her throat again and talked naturally, taking off the fake nose while Triple H did not look amused. "Your game sucks! Why? Because at Payback, my boys and I are gonna beat your punk asses and make sure that we prove that we are the dominant faction in this company."
"How dare you?!" Rosa shouted.
Morgan put her hands up in defense. "Hey...I may have a few screws loose but I can be stable when I wanna be." She smiled, making Randy put his hands on his head as he started to seethe. "Randy, you go to the ring and..." She mocked his pose. "Do that same stupid pose every time you get in the ring, demanding respect. I don't respect you. I used to but not anymore because of the way you've been acting. But I can guarantee that my boys will win. I can see the future. You flat on your face after eating either a dirty deed, curb stomp, or spear. Hey, maybe even a backfire if you're lucky."
"The only pose your boys will be doing is laying down on their backs, with me on top!" Randy shouted.
Morgan's jaw dropped, making the crowd laugh. "Whoa! Whoa! I never knew you were into...whoa! Wow. You learn something every day."
"What!? That's not what I meant!"
"Well, you did say on top." she teased.
Orton throws the mic away and slides out of the ring as he starts pacing around and slams his hands on the apron.
"And Rosa...I think you're full of it." she continued.
"Haha!" Rosa laughed and took a mic. "Everyone takes me seriously,"
"Yeah in your ridiculous outfits and shaking your hips around like you're some big shot. Yeah, you're taken seriously, all right. How old are you gonna be, anyway? Because you've done a lot of childish stuff, recently."
"I'll be 35."
"There seems to be a lack of communication here. You see I asked you your age. Not how many wrestlers you've been with."
'Ohs' from the crowd were heard around the arena while Rosa dropped her jaw, clearly appalled. "I have not—"
"The Wyatts, New Age Outlaws, Kane, Batista. Most likely Orton and Triple H. Stephanie you better check your man!" The Outspoken Diva shared a laugh with the crowd.
Triple H snatched the mic from Rosa. He was done with the disrespect.
"That's enough!" He shouted.
"Look how defensive you're getting. Guess it's true. Stephanie! Check your husband!" She laughed with the crowd again but then got serious.
"But um...on a serious note...This limo needs a makeover. So let's Morganize things." She took off her leather jacket and hopped off the limo.
"Wh—what is she doing?" King asked with worry.
The crowd exploded once she revealed a bat.
"No! No! Where is she!? Where is she!? Find her! And find her, now!" Triple H shouted at everyone. "Get security!"
"I have always wanted to do this..." She checked out the wooden bat.
"Oh no, no, no, no! Are you kidding me!? What the hell!? You can't do that!" Orton yelled.
"M—Morgan, Morgan, think about what you're doing. If you do this..." Rosa trailed off.
"If I do this and then what? It's not like I'm gonna suffer anything that you four haven't done to me. So, what are you gonna do, this time? Threaten me? Try to break my neck, again? What haven't you done to me!? What haven't you done to break me down? To make yourselves feel better!? To put me out of action because I'm just that good!? I'm done with it! I'm tired of it!" She swung the bat into the front windshield of the car, making a loud noise with the windshield cracked. "You tried to break me! You tried to break my neck! After all, that I've done!? All of you are gonna pay! All of you!"
She started swinging the bat at the limo again. Orton looked down and ran a hand through his head.
"The limo! She's destroying the limo!" JBL shouted as Morgan repeatedly slammed the bat all around the vehicle while screaming out of frustration.
All the windows were shattered and the limo had multiple dents around it.
Morgan starts breathing heavily and tries to calm herself down.
"This car needs a paint job." She grabbed a bucket of purple paint and stood up on the hood.
"Don't you dare! Don't you dare!" Batista shouted but then she dumped the bucket on the limo.
"I'm gonna kill her! I swear to God, I'm gonna kill her!" Orton shouted as he kicked the ropes.
"Whoops." She started laughing, wickedly. "Payback is going to be so fun. I'm going to get you. All of you. Believe that." She ran a hand through her hair and smirked at the camera, with her theme coming on.
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More Posts from Smolwritingchick
Cool beans, the second masterlist is created for Bangtan Gal and I added the MAMA Awards 2016 chapter part 1 and 2 on it instead. All the links should work and be linked fine.
The second masterlist is also linked to Part 1's masterlist and the pinned post.
Val you did your thing with that chapter girl you had me clutching for my pearls with the kiss scene and then the cliffhanger but I can’t wait for more take all the time you need and I can’t wait for the next chapter to see everyone’s reaction and see how jenkook handle everything that’s about to be thrown at them, especially with racism and xenophobia especially with Jungkook dating a black woman you outdid yourself. This was an amazing chapter that I needed to read. Had me smiling and crying and screaming. 💜🫂
Ahhh thank you!! 😭 I love my cliffhangers lol. I’m excited to write the reveal when I’m ready to write again. 💜🙌🏾
Oh yeah definitely expect everything getting thrown at them 😭 I’ll make sure to hook it up with the negative and positive reactions. They’ll remain strong. We didn’t get this far in the story for them to tap out now. 💪🏾

Hi! OK here's the plan!
The plan is to update the Bangtan Gal with three filler chapters:
BTS GAYO Episodes 10-15
BTS Run Episodes 10-19
BTS 3rd Muster
Then the next story chapter:
BREAKING!! BTS' Jennie & Jungkook dating!?
So I plan to post 4 chapters at once this time to knock it out. So please bear with me for the slow updates. :) I'm still on a smol writing break right now but when I'm good and ready I will start working on the chapters.
I'll make an announcement when I start writing again :)

Is Jennie excited for Jin to come home in few days
Yes!! 🙌🏾 extremely excited!! When she sees him she is going to run and give him a huge hug. They’ll embrace for a long while, enjoying the moment of being reunited. Expect her crying tears of joy 💜💜
She will have already baked him his favorite treats as a welcome home gift. He’ll definitely help himself to it.
“1 back home, 6 more to go!! Welcome home, Jin! I can’t stop crying 😭💜” She’d say in a tweet.

You did that Val!!!!!!!! One of the best chapters written, so you outdid yourself. I should have known you were gonna end it the way you did. Part of me was waiting to see the reactions of everyone's posts of them dating, but I can't complain on the ending. Take a well deserved rest if you choose to.
Gahhhh thank you!! I’m so happy! 🙌🏾 I’m a sucker for cliffhangers lol. Expect the reactions in the following chapter. 🙌🏾 I’ll be resting for a bit before getting back into writing 😎 thanks so much!