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Forced To Believe Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do

Forced To Believe Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do

Forced To Believe Chapter 18- I Know What I Have To Do

Chapter Summary: Morgan experiences AJ's Pipe bombshell, Morgan continues to express frustration on the abuse of power from The Authority and the roster's lack of action.

Words: 7,000+


'Tuesday Morning'

Melanie carries several boxes of cereal to her hotel room while she wears her navy blue pajama pants and a navy blue tank top. 

"Oh my gosh, why so many boxes?" Celeste asked with a towel around her. 

"Getting ready for the next prank I'm planning." Melanie grinned and filled the bucket with cereal and milk.

"Can't wait to see this. I'm getting a front row seat." 

Melanie takes a photo of the bucket and tweets 'My next plot of pranking WWERollins. #BreakfastIsServed'

Celeste helps her set up the bucket on top of the door. "How do you know if he'll come?"

"Colby has a habit of ruining my mornings," Melanie mentioned, remembering the moment she and Jon had in bed before Colby barged in.

"That was kind of funny though." All of a sudden, the door knocks. "It's open!" Celeste called out as she and Melanie sat on the couch.

Jon opened up the door. "Good morning!" he happily greets, but then the bucket falls on top of him. Melanie widens her eyes and puts her hands on her mouth in shock.

"O­oh my gosh! I am so sorry!" She quickly stood up as Celeste looked on in shock. Colby starts laughing as he and Joe stand behind Jon.

"That was freaking awesome!" Colby clapped.

Jon sighed and wiped some of the cereal off his face. "I'm surrounded by prankers..." he grumbled.

Melanie quickly got a towel and tried to clean his face up. 

"Wow, cereal and milk? So glad I didn't get hit with that. Nice try, Melanie." Colby grinned.

"Jon, I am so sorry!" Melanie exclaimed

Joe looked on with a half smile, trying not to laugh. "I'm taking another shower." he left the room.

Melanie turned to Colby. "Dude! This is all your fault! You're supposed to be pranked, not Jon." 

Colby laughed and left the room with Joe. 

"Wow..." Celeste giggled.

Melanie ran her hands through her hair and sighed. "I am SO not getting grapes this afternoon..."

"Oh yeah, you and Jon were gonna go to the store."

" long grapes..."


Melanie and Celeste walk back to their hotel room after eating lunch together. Once Melanie opened the door, she got covered in red paint as she sighed. 

"...Nice..." Melanie said as she looked down at her body, covered in red paint.

"Yikes..." Celeste cringed as she looked at Melanie.

Colby grinned at his success as he rushed to their hotel room. "Success!" he cheered while Melanie turned around.

She smirked and put her arms out. "Want a hug?"

"Oh crap." Colby ran away.

"Why you running?" she asked in a teasing manner. 

Celeste takes a photo of Melanie while she shrugs at the camera. 

She tweets 'Poor WWEMorgan101 Looks like WWERollins got this round. Right? #BloodyMorgan'

'WWE Main Event'








The Shield walk out with their titles while Morgan walks in front of them.

"And these may be the 4 untouchable superstars in the WWE, coming out of Monday Night Raw. Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Morgan Lopez, Dean Ambrose, The Shield as we welcome everyone to Main Event. Josh Mathews ringside along with the Miz. We start things off with six man tag team match up." Josh said.

"From SummerSlam, to Raw there is so much to talk about in the WWE." Miz said. 

Morgan goes to ringside as she watches The Usos and Kofi do their entrance and get in the ring.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Kofi and Dean start the match as they lock up. "Dean starting things off with Kofi. Dean also started off SummerSlam with his title on the line against RVD." Josh mentioned.

"Yeah. RVD should have been the US champion in my mind but Rollins and Reigns got involved." Miz added as an Uso and Seth started wrestling in the ring. 

Morgan looks at the action with a focused look on her face as her hair lays on the left side of her shoulder.

"As beautiful Morgan is, she has a wicked, aggressive personality when she's in the ring. No doubt she will be a great Diva's Champion during her reign." 

"Yeah, she can be nice when she wants to be but that feisty attitude of hers gets her wins in her matches. Her aggression with the divas shows that she is not playing around. I wonder who will challenge her for the title." Miz wondered.

"My concern is her reaction on Raw. She looked so conflicted when she was with The Shield, Orton and Triple H. And now she seems more at ease when she is just with the Hounds of justice."

"She did say she did not like the best for business motto."

Morgan watches as the Usos take control of Rollins. 

She banged on the mat. "Let's go, Seth! Come on!"

Seth gains control and starts to take control of Jey Uso. But then the Usos throw Ambrose out of the ring and kick Roman out of the ring with Kofi's help. Kofi and the Usos pick up Rollins and throw him on top of Roman and Dean as Morgan rushes over to them. 

"What a stunt by the Usos and Kofi!" Josh exclaimed. Morgan quickly rushes out of the way as The Usos and Kofi fly on top of The Shield. "That's how you play offense with The Shield."

Later on in the match, The Shield take control 

"Whenever you like the Shield or not, they always have a great game plan. You look at Roman, he is kind of the muscle of the group. Seth Rollins is the high flyer. Dean Ambrose is the wild card. You never know where he is gonna come from or what he is gonna do. And Morgan is kind of a mix of all three of them. Her aggression and anger remind me of Roman, her high flying skills and speed remind me of Rollins and her personality and unpredictable moves remind me of her boyfriend Dean Ambrose." Miz said. "The Shield never lets you breathe; they are just always on you like a pack of dogs."

The Uso manages to get a tag from Kofi as Kofi hits a crossbody to both Roman and Dean inside the ring and dropkicks Seth off the apron. Roman runs toward Kofi but Kofi holds down the ropes and he falls out of the ring. Kofi turns his attention to Dean as his momentum builds. He does the twin leg drop on him as he gets ready for the Trouble in Paradise. Just in time, Ambrose backs up into a corner to evade it.

"Very smart by Ambrose." Miz complimented as Morgan looked relieved.

Seth runs in the ring but gets thrown out by Jimmy. Jimmy tries to jump on him but hits his face on the barricade when Seth moves out of the way. 

"Did that hurt? Good." Morgan laughed as she looked at Jimmy. She turns her attention to Dean. "Duck!" 

Hearing her shout made Ambrose turn around quickly and duck Kofi's Trouble in Paradise. But then Kofi catches him in the SOS and Roman breaks up the pin. 

"Yes!" She cheered as the crowd got very into the match.

"Kofi was just a second away from winning the match!" Josh exclaimed as an Uso jumped on top of Roman and they both fell out of the ring. 

Dean rolls up Kofi for a pin but Kofi counters it and Ambrose kicks out of it in time. Kofi goes to the corner as Ambrose runs to him. He kicks him and Ambrose falls down. Seth rolls an Uso inside the ring as the ref turns his attention to him. While the ref was distracted, Morgan got on the apron while Kofi got on the top rope. She grabs his legs and he falls down while the ref tries to push the Uso out of the ring. She quickly gets off the apron so she won't get caught.

"Effortless," she smirked and high fives Rollins.

"You see! I told you! Keep your eyes on Morgan! She's a wild one." Miz yelled as Dean did the headlock driver on Kofi for the win. 

Morgan grinned and got in the ring as Ambrose stood up. 

"The Shield pick up another victory," Josh announced as The Shield's theme came on. 

Morgan grabs Dean's title and gives it to him. He then grabs her by the waist to smooch her, making the crowd scream.

"Whoa! Was not expecting that." Josh looked on.

"That's a kiss of justice." Miz chuckled. 

Fans tweet:

'Ambrose planted one on Morgan. #KissOfJustice'

'Morgan is awesome! She took down Kofi like it was nothing. Go Morgan!'

'OMG! Ambrose and Morgan kissed! Ahh! Fangirling!

'Watching Dean and Morgan kiss made me fangirl a little'

Morgan tweets 'We do what we do best. #DoYouBelieveNow #Effortless'


In the opening of Raw, The Shield were guarding the ring, looking at the ramp as their theme plays around the arena. 

"Welcome Ladies and gentlemen to Monday Night Raw, live in Phoenix, Arizona. Here are the members of The Shield..." Cole said.

"Ladies and Gentlemen...The Shield." Justin announced as Morgan was in the middle of Dean and Roman. Triple H's theme came on as he walked out. "Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the COO of the WWE, Triple H!"

"You saw The Shield and now we know why they are standing there. It seems they have become personal security for Triple H." Cole recapped. 

Triple H walks down the ramp and gives The Shield a smirk. Once he walks past them, Morgan rolls her eyes. She did not feel like listening to another segment about what's best for business. She wanted this to stop but wondered if it was the right thing to do. She knew she would have to pick a side. Stay with The Shield, her boys, her two guy friends and boyfriend, or step up and be outspoken. While she played the scenarios in her head, Orton walked out and got in the ring. She hears that Triple H got Orton a gift.

"You have got to be kidding me..." she retorted as Randy's gift was a car. 

A Cadillac Escalate. 

Orton starts grinning and is surprised. "I don't know what to say. I don't know what to say. Thank you, thank you Hunter for the very generous gift. And you know what? I want to thank you for having a vision. Of realizing that the only man who could be the WWE champion and the face of the WWE is me."

Triple H smiled. "Go check it out." He gestured but then Daniel Bryan came out with a grin on his face as the crowd chanted 'Yes'.

"Would you look at that? Sweet ride Randy, sweet ride. That's way nicer than my Honda Fit. I mean, that's awesome and you know what? Well deserved. You worked really hard for that WWE championship. But while you're out making thank yous, I got a couple of thank yous I'd like to make. I think it's a good time to thank each and every person here. To thank everybody in the WWE Universe. Because I'm not the biggest, I'm not the strongest, I'm not the prettiest, I mean, clearly, that's twinkle toes Orton in there." Daniel said.

Morgan starts to chuckle, earning an annoyed look from Triple H. 

"You people have believed in me, have supported me, and you have no idea how much that means to me," Bryan continued. "Secondly...I would like to thank John Cena. Thank you John, for giving me the chance to wrestle in the main event of SummerSlam because Triple H would have never given me that chance. John, thank you. And lastly, and most importantly, I would like to thank Triple H. I would like to thank him because he finally showed his true colors. Heck, Morgan was right, you are a sellout in a suit."

Orton and Triple H snap their heads to Morgan as she smirks at Daniel. "I mean, look at yourself, Hunter. Look at him, everybody just look at him. The rebel in the leather jacket that used to break the rules, is now, in Morgan's words...'A sell out in a suit.'" he went on

"Hey Dan, you need to think about who you're talking to right now. This is the COO of the WWE! And I'm the WWE champion! You need to show us respect! The same goes for you Morgan! And you're lucky Hunter assigned you with The Shield."

Morgan starts to look annoyed and slowly turns around to look up at him. 

"Excuse me? I'd like to catch myself respecting your ass, you don't deserve crap, you asshole!" She snapped as she was grabbed by Rollins and Ambrose.

"Don't." Seth warned

Orton looks at her, not expecting her to lash out at him like that but Triple H ignores her. 

"She's not worth the time." Triple H advised Orton as he turned his attention back to Daniel.

Morgan calmed down and turned to look at Bryan as she stood guard once again.

"Maybe you didn't hear me. I am the face of the WWE-"

"Oh the face!" Bryan exclaimed, cutting Orton off. "Now ladies and gentlemen, he's the face! Let's hear it for the face of the WWE. At Night of Champions, when I get my rematch for the WWE championship, that face is going to be rearranged." he determinedly said as the crowd cheered for him. "And Triple H, your vision of the future, that's gonna be rearranged too. Because I will become the new WWE champion! Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"Oh~ isn't that a sweet little fantasy? Yeah, it really is, it's really sweet." Triple H replied. "When you wish, upon a star." He started to sing. 

Morgan slowly turns around and looks at Triple H like he's crazy. 

"Make no difference who you are." He finished his song. "You know what Daniel? In the real world, it makes a difference who you are. You are not an A player. Randy Orton is an A player. You, my friend, are nothing more than a B at best. Now, you wanna prove yourself to the world? I'll give you your opportunity to live your dream to have your little fantasy. Tonight when you go one on one with Seth Rollins. Oh, and by the way, when you're done with Seth Rollins, if you make it past him, you get to go one on one with Dean Ambrose." 

Morgan looked amused at the reception Dean got since she could hear loud fangirl screams.

'Must have been the kiss.' She thought as she remembered the kiss she and Dean shared on Main Event. She lost count of how many fangirl tweets she read about them.

"And if by chance, you limp away from Dean Ambrose, I'm gonna give you the gift of Roman Reigns. I am gonna give you the gift that just keeps on giving. I am gonna give you the gift of justice! I am gonna give you the gift of The Shield. And you know why Daniel? You wanna why I am willing to do all that for you? Because I believe in you and I believe that this is what's best for business." Triple H dropped his mic as his theme came on.

"Is that what is best for business?" Cole asked

"I don't know if this is all about business. I think it is personal." King said.

Fans tweet:

'Wow, those were some loud screams for Ambrose. Was it because of the kiss?'

'Morgan owned Orton!'

'Morgan and Dean might steal Triple H and Stephanie's spotlight of being one of the top couples. What a loud fan girl reception.'

Morgan tweets 'I'm tired of listening to the same crap over and over again about what's best for business.'



After Natalya's match against Brie with the Total Divas but Morgan, at ringside, AJ comes out to a nice reception. 

"Omg, you guys. I just watched last night's episode of Total Divas. And it was insane, oh my gosh, I mean the Bellas were dealing with their obvious daddy issues. The funks broke up and got back together again, Natalya's fiancé isn't much of a man. And the other two were also there. It was great, it really was and it was like the end of the world and it was only on Sunday nights on the E! Network! Ahhhh!" AJ sarcastically exclaimed, jumping up and down as the crowd laughed.

"Oh wait, there is someone else. Hmm...what is her name...Harley Quinn...Shield's girl...Dean's sinister girlfriend...the chick who had a justified lip lock with Dean...Oh! The Diva's Champion! Morgan!" AJ said as the crowd erupted in cheers. "Morgan, could you come out here please?"

Morgan walked out with her championship on her right shoulder and in her normal Shield attire but with a small vest that stops underneath her upper torso. The crowd gives her a warm welcome as she waves at her fans. 

"What...?" She asked AJ in a monotone.

"Here is my buddy! Morgan Lopez! I saw you on Total Divas! Ugh, you were just great! Just great! I mean...during some of the unaired bonus scenes that were shown on WWE's website, I saw that you really couldn't handle the pleasure." Morgan was surprised at her sudden explanation and her face started to heat up. "I mean, lately, the way you look shows that Ambrose is certainly giving you justice. A lot~ of justice." AJ grinned as Morgan's face got redder.

"Look at her face! It's like a tomato!" King exclaimed.

"Are you done embarrassing me?" Morgan asked with an irritated tone.

"Morgan, I am not out here to embarrass you. I'm trying to tell everyone that your boyfriend is a man, unlike Natalya's fiancé. And Eva, I would back off of Morgan's man, he isn't interested." AJ stated. 

Eva glared at the two while Morgan smirked in amusement at AJ's comment. 

AJ continued, "But I want you out here because I have something to say to you and the Total Divas. Do you want to know what I see when I look in that ring? Honestly? A bunch of cheap, interchangeable, expendable, useless women." The crowd cheered as the Bellas started to get furious.

"Say it to our face!" Brie yelled.

"Women who have turned to reality television cause they just weren't gifted enough to be actresses." AJ continued. 

Morgan was mentally preparing herself for the diss that AJ was about to say to her once she was done with the divas in the ring. 

"Say it to our face! Say it to our face!" The Bellas yell.

"And they just weren't talented enough to be champion just like Morgan here." AJ turned to Morgan as she snapped her head to her.

"Excuse me?" Morgan asked, making sure she heard her correctly. 

Why would she praise her?

"I'm standing right here!" Brie yelled

"I have done more in a year than all of you done in your entire collective careers. I have saved your divas division, I have shattered glass ceilings, and I have broken down doors, why? So a bunch of ungrateful stiff plastic manikins can waltz on through with a thank you?" AJ asked

"You just skip! You just skip!" Brie yelled

"You guys can't even go backstage and shake my hand and look me in the eye cause you know that I worked my entire life to get here. Morgan is the only diva besides myself who takes heart in the ring. She showed me at Money in the Bank and shows it every week unlike you. If she wins or loses, if she's with or without top superstars, Morgan has done more in a year like me. She saved this divas division along with me. All the challenges she has faced, she overcame them and continues to prove week after week that she can really be a great diva." AJ praised. "And you know what? She is the only one I would want to face out of all you Total Divas." 

The crowd cheered for AJ as the Total Divas looked annoyed.

"I am so going to have targets on my back now..." Morgan mumbled as she had her left hand on the back of her neck.

"You see, I gave my life for this. And you were just handed 15 minutes of fame." AJ said to the Total Divas in the ring and at ringside. "Morgan left a huge opportunity to be in the WWE years ago but left because she wanted to wrestle, not just be a manager. Which isn't what any of you women would do. Morgan didn't want to be here because she was related to another WWE wrestler, she wanted to be herself and show what she could do and be different. She is the only one who shakes my hand and thanks me for the hard matches we go through and all the hard work we go through in matches. Morgan never sucked up, she earned the right to be here as she worked her ass off in so many development areas,"

"I didn't get here because I was cute, or because I came from some famous wrestling family. Or because I sucked up to the right people." AJ continued

"Jealous! Jealous!" The Bellas yell.

"I got here because I am good. I earned that championship." She pointed at Morgan's title. "And lost it in a good match with Kaitlyn and Morgan. But no matter how many red carpets you want to walk on, in your 4,000 dollar ridiculous heels, you will never be able to lace up my Chuck Taylors. You're all worthless excuses for women. And you will never be able to touch me. And reality." AJ dropped the mic as her theme came on.

AJ turns to Morgan, tilting her head to the side. She grinned and began skipping around the stage as she looked at her in amusement. Before going backstage, AJ blows a kiss at the Total Divas while Morgan mouths 'Wow'

'Backstage fallout'

"What did you think of AJ's PipeBombShell?" Renee Young asked

"Shocked. I was not expecting her to praise me. I thought she was going to diss me. But just because she praised me does not mean I'm going to give her a title shot right off the bat. She has to earn it just like every other diva, here. And besides, I have my guard up. I won't fall for any of her tricks. Who knows what is going through her mind," Morgan determinedly replied.

'Later On RAW'

The whole roster is out on the stage to watch what happens with Daniel Bryan. If anyone gets involved, they will be fired. While Daniel is in the ring, The Shield walk through the crowd while Morgan is in front of them. 

Once the Shield jump over the barricade, Morgan sees Renee Young, interviewing the Big Show. 

"Now Big Show, while I have you here, you made some comments about how SummerSlam ended and then you were in a handicap match against all three members of The Shield at the same time, what are your thoughts about that?" she asked but The Big Show remained silent as Morgan looked at him with disappointment.

Renee walked over to Ziggler. "W­-well Dolph, I know you were in a similar situation last week as well, you must be holding back some anger and frustrations about that, are you?" 

Dolph stayed silent as well.

'This is not good...' Morgan thought.

"Let me get the Miz. Miz you are one of the most outspoken superstars here, it looks like we are about to witness the annihilation of Daniel Bryan, do you care to comment?" Renee asked.

"Yeah, I would but what happened to Dolph and Big Show last week and what's gonna happen to Daniel Bryan is..." The Miz stopped talking, fearing getting fired as Morgan ran her hands through her hair and sighed. 

She knew she had to do something soon. But would the roster listen to one woman? A diva? A part of The Shield? Did they know she didn't like what the authority was doing? Did they see her reactions towards the punishment Daniel faced? She'll have to find out.

"Okay, it looks like you don't want to get fired as well, let's go back to ringside," Renee said, giving up since no one wanted to comment.

'Ding Ding Ding'

Morgan stands in between Ambrose and Reigns as they watch Daniel's match against Seth. Daniel takes control and clotheslines Seth outside the ring as they both fall out of the ring. Daniel recovers but sees Dean and Roman walking to him on each side of the ring. The distraction led to Seth pushing Bryan to the barricade. 

Morgan was so confused. One side was telling her to try to help Daniel and not let him get mobbed again, and another side told her to grin and bear it. Rollins throws Bryan to the apron and then to the barricade before he throws him back in the ring.

She sighed. She loved being with The Shield, but she just had a distaste for doing Triple H and Orton's dirty work. Bryan catches Seth in a half crab submission before Seth grabs the rope. 

"Come on Seth!" she cheered as he recovered outside the ring.

"Look out!" Cole exclaimed.

Morgan looks on in shock and has a hand on her mouth as she witnesses Bryan diving onto Rollins, making him stumble back and over the broadcast table.

"Good grief," JBL said as he, King and Cole moved out of the way.

Later on in the match, Rollins takes control of Bryan and starts trash talking him. "All you gotta do is stay down. It's that easy. Come on, huh?"

Daniel Bryan fights back and hits Seth with a German suplex off the turnbuckle as Morgan winces at the impact. Daniel waits for Seth to get up before doing the running knee to eliminate him. 

"He got it!" Cole exclaimed

"Believe in that Rollins. You jerk." King retorted. "Oh come on! Can't he get a break?" he looked on as Ambrose quickly got in the ring and started attacking him.

"You can just see it in his eyes, Ambrose is just psychotic," Cole said.

"What does Morgan see in him?" King asked in disgust.

"Well, I guess she digs psychotic men," JBL replied.

"I'll keep that in mind." King chuckled.

"King, I'd doubt Morgan would want to date you."

"Hey, you never know. She's one of my favorite divas."

Morgan and Roman check on Rollins but then they see Ambrose getting caught in the yes lock. 

"That quick!?" Morgan yelled.

Roman quickly gets in the ring and breaks it up and the ref DQs Ambrose.

Roman starts stomping on Bryan while Ambrose recovers by sitting down on the bottom turnbuckle. But then Roman gets caught in the yes lock. Ambrose breaks it up.

"Oh man, now it's three on one. None of the superstars can help." Cole said as the boys started attacking Bryan. Seth and Dean hold Bryan up for Roman to spear him as Morgan gets in the ring. Triple H's theme comes on as he walks out, looking at the superstars while they avert their eyes. Morgan looks away as The Shield triple powerbomb Bryan. "And The Shield doing Triple H's dirty work again."

Orton walks out and walks down the ramp with a sinister smile. Seth and Dean hold Bryan before Orton RKOs him as Morgan looks at him in disgust. 

"You want to laugh? You want to laugh huh?" Triple H asked the roster before leaving with Orton. The Shield and Morgan do their pose before Raw goes off the air. 

After the show, the guys leave the ring while Morgan stays behind. The cameras still roll and make a WWE off the air video as she grabs a mic. The fans started to chant her name as she sighed

"What is she about to say?" Cole asked

"I'm sorry...I just...I just really need to get this off my chest. I may regret it later but this needs to be done now." she spoke up as the roster looked at her. She glances at Daniel Bryan's fallen body and then back at the roster. " all don't want to speak out? You all don't want to help? Afraid to get fired? Afraid to step up?" She asked as some averted their eyes. 

"You all are a bunch of cowards!" She exclaimed as the fans agreed with her.

"You know, I thought there would be one person, at least one who would help out. But I guess I was wrong...I mean, do you actually think Triple H is gonna fire you guys? The fans are only gonna riot. Petitions would be signed and their persistence would bring you guys back if you did get fired." she continued. "Look...if you guys don't want to speak out...then...maybe...maybe I will. I'll speak out. Cause I'd rather stand up for what is right than be forced to be ordered around by Triple H. Especially doing his dirty work. I know I'm just one person, a diva, a member of The Shield, but I just hope some of my words reach out to you guys. Just think about it." 


'On Smackdown'

Backstage, Morgan is talking with Kaitlyn as the crowd gives them a loud reception. 

"You know, instead of yelling at the roster, how come you didn't do anything on Raw? You could have done something. You have a huge advantage since you're with The Shield." Kaitlyn suggested.

Morgan sighed. "I should have done something. I don't know, I just feel conflicted..."

"You'll know what's right. The roster will come to their senses. We all know you don't like what The Authority is doing. It's just that the roster is pretty shaken up."

She nodded. "Well...hopefully my words will reach out to them soon enough. I have to go. I'll see you later."

"Try to stay out of trouble. Especially with your mouth."

"No promises," Morgan smirked and walked away. 


Morgan is with Triple H in his office while The Shield have their match against Ziggler. 

"Well Morgan, I saw your little promo at the end of Raw. Care to explain? I really thought I could trust you, but it seems like I can't. But I won't deal with you. My wife wants to deal with you. So I'll leave her to it." Triple H told her.

"Fine. What she throws at me, I'll overcome it." Morgan retorted.

"Really? Well, let's see at Night of Champions when my wife tells you, your match."

"Why are you abusing your power, like this?"

"Abusing my power? That's insulting. This is what's best for business. Now, until you get your act together, maybe we don't have to do the match Stephanie is planning for you at Night of Champions. Keep that in mind. I hope you know what to do later on tonight. Now get out of my office."

Morgan resisted the urge to give him a loud earful and left his office. Now even more conflicted, she thought about the consequences if she decided to go against The Authority.

What was she going to do?

'In The Ring'

During Daniel Bryan's match against Ryback, Orton walks to the ring and gets involved, only to be put in the yes lock. But then The Shield but Morgan comes out to attack him. Orton and The Shield started to jump him while Morgan watched, looking conflicted again.

It amazed her how Orton couldn't fight his own battles and needed someone to help him. Before SummerSlam, he wasn't like that. Why now? The Big Show stands up and runs in the ring as the crowd cheers. The Shield, Orton and Morgan back up to a turnbuckle as they look at the Big Show. But then Triple H walks out, making Morgan sigh since she knew The Big Show would have to back off.

"No! Get out of the ring! Now!" Triple H ordered.

Morgan shook her head at the Big Show as he looked at her. "Don't do it," she said as he looked conflicted.

The crowd chants 'No!' while The Big Show looks like he is about to cry and gets out of the ring. Morgan looks at him with a sympathetic look. He begins walking up the ramp as the crowd boos while Triple H gives The Shield and Orton permission to attack Bryan. 

"Pick him up!" Orton yelled and kicked Bryan down. 

He starts trash talking Bryan while Seth and Dean hold him. Morgan looks away, feeling even more disgusted.

"It's show time," Seth said as he and Dean picked Daniel up. 

Orton turns to Morgan. "Morgan, do the honors," he smirked as she shook her head.

"I think the powerbomb was enough don't you think? Are we done here?" she replied, wanting to leave.

"No. Do the kick." Orton ordered.

"I think the powerbomb was enough," Morgan repeated sternly.

"This is a bad situation," Cole said.

'Randy Sucks' chants surround the arena while Morgan looks at Daniel. The Shield give her the nod and she closes her eyes and sighs.

"Forgive me..." she opened her eyes and gave Daniel a hard kick in the face.

The crowd boos.

"That was brilliant." Orton praised as they all looked at Bryan.

"I can't believe Morgan would do that." Cole looked on with disappointment as she gave Orton a fake smile.

Rollins gives Orton a black spray paint bottle and Orton shakes it. Ambrose grabs Morgan by the waist from behind and has his head on her shoulder as they watch the scene. 

Orton spray paints 'NO' on Daniel's chest while Ambrose releases her and gives Orton his title. 

'WWE Exclusive Video'

Morgan is on her phone reading the fans' tweets.

Fans tweet:

'What the hell WWEMorgan101!? Why?! You said you'd step up? Was that all a lie?'

'I don't understand WWEMorgan101. You said you would stand up for what is right.'

'I guess Morgan is a true member of The Shield. It was all a joke on Raw.'

'Please say it isn't so! Why would you kick Daniel WWEMorgan101?'

'Do you even feel guilty for kicking Bryan? Was everything a joke and a lie? Was it all an act?

Pretending to not like what's best for business?'

'Disgusted at Morgan's actions. She serves the name Harley Quinn since she would do anything for her boss.'

As Morgan read the tweets, they stung. It really hurt her. She sighs and starts packing up her bag as the divas look at her. Tired of the stares, she turns to look at them. 

"What?" She snapped. "Is it because I kicked Daniel? I'm sorry, okay? Can you stop looking at me, like I'm an outcast? I'm not like The Authority!"

"Hard to believe..." Alicia mumbled.

"Yeah..." Layla agreed.

Brie barges into the locker room with Nikki holding her back. "Brie­!" Nikki tried to hold her back but Brie pushed her away. 

She stepped up to Morgan and slapped her hard in the face, making the women around them gasp. Morgan rubbed her cheek.

Yeah...she deserved that.

"Why? Why would you kick him!?" Brie asked with tears in her eyes. 

Normally, Morgan would attack her but she was just so confused and broken by The Authority, that she felt like she earned that slap. She could have stepped up but didn't.

"I didn't have a choice..." Morgan murmured.

"Yes, you did! You could have refused! What happened on Raw? Huh? What happened to you, yelling at the roster, saying that they were cowards? What happened to you saying that you would step up for what is right? What happened to all that stuff about you not liking doing Triple H's dirty work?" Brie shouted as Morgan looked down.

"Brie..." Nikki placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No! She needs to be put in her place. I don't care if you attack me but I need to say this so this can be in your thick skull. I know you love being with The Shield. Especially with your crazed boyfriend Dean, but I see you with Orton and Triple H and you hate doing their dirty work." Brie continued. 

The rest of the divas watch with interest, fear that a fight might break out, and hope that Morgan will step up.

"We're not the cowards are. You said you'd step up. Well, you're not...go back to the Morgan we know. The feisty, wild, outspoken Morgan. I may not like it, but at least it's better than being a follower and a coward." Brie stormed off with Nikki following her.

Morgan glanced at the divas watching her. She quickly grabbed her bags and ran out of the locker room with angry tears in her eyes.

Brie was so right. As much as they hated each other, she was so right.


'Next Week, Hours Before Raw'

Morgan arrives backstage with her gym bag, already in her Shield attire. Seth, Dean, and Roman already left to go to their locker room, leaving her to fend for herself in her own World War against the WWE roster. She already had a feeling she was going to get either slapped or lectured by someone once she was seen. 

She was hoping that maybe everyone forgot what happened last week and that they could all just move on. But once she spotted the Bellas, she was wrong. Brie was in a deep conversation with her sister until she saw Morgan walking past them.

Brie shot her an icy glare while Nikki gave her a disappointed look. 

Morgan sighed as she kept walking. 'This is not going to be a good night...' She thought. 

While she kept walking with her head up high, she couldn't help but notice everyone staring at her. Make up artists, Superstars, Divas, Producers,

Referees, it was getting awkward. Some looked at her in fear since she was part of The Shield and close with The Authority and some gave her disappointed looks as they knew this wasn't the real Morgan. 

She wanted to explain that she didn't like the feeling of being pressured and that was why she kicked Daniel. But she knew some wouldn't listen or avert their eyes. She felt like she didn't have a choice when she kicked Daniel Bryan in the face, but then Brie's words ran through her head. 

While Morgan was thinking, she bumped into her good friend Kaitlyn. At least...she thinks they are still good friends.

As soon as she saw Kaitlyn's eyes go soft and with sympathy, she felt relieved. She really didn't want to get slapped again. One slap was enough. 

"Here to lecture me? About how I'm a coward and a hypocrite for what I did last week?" Morgan asked.

Kaitlyn shook her head. "I'm here to give you a message. From the roster and myself. Everyone is waiting."

"For what?"


"To do what?"

"Step up to Triple H," she said without any suspicion and walked away.

Kaitlyn knew it was risky to talk about The Authority but she needed Morgan to snap out of it and be herself again. She missed the days when she would attack someone out of nowhere and just be wild and crazy. It was occasionally amusing to watch. She missed those good days and hoped to get them back if only Morgan would open her eyes.

"Is there a future with Triple H abusing his power?" Morgan asked herself.

"Excuse me?" Brad Maddox asked as he walked past her.

"It's nothing..." Morgan mumbled and walked over to catering. 

Maddox smirked to himself. He knew Morgan had gotten soft over the weeks. Usually, she would tell him off and disrespect him. She would also often intimidate him but now he felt tougher than her and could order her around now. He was happy with what she had done last week. She got weak and lost her touch. 

Best day ever for Brad Maddox.

Morgan never felt so awkward in her life. All the disappointing stares she was given by the superstars and divas were really bugging her. She decided to go to the fruit table. She picked up a yellow apple as Layla and Alicia Fox stared at her every move. They knew she changed once she didn't take a glance at the big bowl of grapes next to the apples. Ever since Morgan debuted, the backstage crew would always buy extra grapes just for her since she always gobbles them up before everyone else does. 

She stares at the apple and then turns to see Alicia and Layla quickly looking away from her. She puts the apple down and walks over to them. 

"Uh, hey guys." she awkwardly greeted. 

She felt like a new student who had to see where she would fit in.

"Is she actually talking to us?" Alicia asked.

"Shh, she may get The Shield on you. Let's go." Layla said and quickly left with her.

'Well that hurt...' Morgan thought with disappointment. 

Not only were her friends ignoring her, but they were afraid. They thought if they disrespected her in such a way, she would get Triple H to punish them. Morgan fought her own battles. She would be the punisher, not ask someone to help her punish someone. She looked around as catering got silent. Superstars and divas were looking at her again. She saw Jojo shaking her head. 

The guilt was setting in. Morgan messed up. She messed up badly. How was she ever going to be embraced by the fans again? Her friends? Co-workers? The whole company? 

She left catering and sat down on one of the black boxes that was used for technical stuff. She sat on the box, deep in thought, and sighed. She knew what she had to do. It was risky but it was the one thing she should have done in the beginning when she did her promo on Raw.

She was tired of her old friend ordering her around. Ever since Orton won that title, he turned into a real jackass. She was also tired of Triple H's big mouth and abuse of power. 

Do this and do that.

This is best for business.

And all that bull crap he would say. It was so corny and so annoying that she wanted to punch him in the face. He needed to get knocked out. If there were consequences, she had no problem dealing with the spoiled brat of a princess Stephanie McMahon if she needed to. No matter how much abuse of power she would have to face, she knew she would prevail.

'All right.' she smiled to herself and hopped off the box. 

She did some quick stretches before meeting up with The Shield to get ready for the opening segment. Triple H, better known as the King of Crap was going to run his mouth again. Same old speech and again with the praising of the undeserving 'Face' of the WWE, Randy Orton.

"Hey, you ready?" Roman greeted her

"Oh yeah. This is going to be fun." Morgan smirked. 

The guys knew what she was going to do and decided to support her without suspicion. They knew she would come around. Morgan wanted to tell everyone that the old Morgan was back, but would they believe her? 


She'll have to show it instead.


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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 22- American Hustle Life Episode 5

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 22- American Hustle Life Episode 5

Chapter Summary: Finding out that she won't be able to use the Bangtan Boys for the American Version of Boy In Luv, Jennie attempts to use her charm to grab a guy to film with her

Words: 4,000+


'After meeting Warren G for the first time, BTS decided to throw a party with Warren G'

Walking inside Warren G's place, Jen and the guys look around in amazement. "Wow~"

"The inside is really pretty," Jimin said in a cheery tone.

In front of them, they see Warren G with his hands full of food. Getting right to work, Suga and Jin work on the meat, while the rest are inside. Jimin and Jennie work on washing the veggies. Turning her head, she sees Rap Monster and V around with the red cups and eating some of the food.

"Ahem. Aren't you two supposed to be helping?" She put her hands on her hips.

"Aish, really!?" Jimin scolded, while V opened the cupcakes.

"No, don't touch the sweets. Leave them in the plastic. Don't put them on the plate, they'll dry out. Leave it." Jennie closed it, shaking her head.

"Hey, why are you guys already on break?" J-Hope and Jungkook approach them.

"These two are playing around. Jimin and I are trying to get things straight." She declared.

Jennie (We're partying with Warren G! It doesn't get any better than this. It's been so long since I've had any sort of Barbecue. My family has a lot of cookouts. And now I'm missing all of them, haha. One day, I would love to invite the boys to one of my family cookouts. If we ever have free time, off our schedule, I'm sure they'll have a lot of fun.)

After the food was all done, Jennie and the guys sat around on Warren G's red couch, with all the food in front of them. 

"Thank you for the meal!" They thanked him and dug right in.

With her appetite getting the best of her, she grabbed one of everything, chowing down in delight. She missed this, the meat was so juicy. It reminded her of home.

Jennie (Look I don't care, if I'm hungry, I'm going to just eat...a lot.)

"Do you know kimichi?" J-Hope asked.

"I mean, I heard, it sounds familiar." Warren G answered, and then Jimin presented him with a plate of it, so he could try it. Suga joked about his expression darkening as they watched him try it out. "That's aite."

"Ohhh~" The boys say in surprise.

"It's spicy." He laughed and got some more, to put on his plate. "That's some good kimchi. I need to find out where I could buy that kimchi around, here."

"Ah, really?" Rap Monster asked in English.

"It's so good, it should be around at some Asian markets," Jennie replied

'Warren G fell deep in love with kimchi'

"It's spicy but it's good. So how does it feel? Do you guys miss like your family and friends? You know, what are the types of the food you guys eat, when you at home in Korea?" Warren G asked.

"For me, I put sesame oil and soy sauce over fried egg and I mix it up. My grandma made it for me a lot." V answered

"That sounds good! I need that! I need somebody to make me some."

"I miss my family and friends. Being in another country while they're home in the USA, it's tough. I try to contact them as much as I can when I have the time." Jennie mentioned with a smile.

In English, Jin spoke up, "I miss them and I want mother's cook."

"Mhm, you miss her cooking?" Warren G asked.

"Yeah. I like...them very much."

"Oh, you love 'em? You love 'em, very much? And you like her, you miss your mom's cooking. I'm not mad at that. Are you guys homesick?"

"Yeah." The group answered.

"I heard that my family moved and I still haven't been to our new home," Jin added. Nodding, Rap Monster agreed with him.

"How long have you been away from home?" Warren G asked.

"I haven't been home since my parents took me to Korea, so I can work with Big Hit. Since 2013." Jennie answered.

"The last time I went home was about 2 years ago." Suga answered.

"Yeah, but at the same time, you have to take out time to see your family. That's one special thing about me, I always take my time to be with my family." Warren G said.

"Who's the person you miss the most, right now?" J-Hope asked him.

"Well, I miss my mother. She passed away in 1999. So, I'm, I'm motherless, you know, but I was very young. Uh, I was in my 20s. early 20s. Actually, about 2 weeks ago, I just went and visited my mother's grave. And put some flowers."

'Everyone becoming connected by talking about their families.'

'A meaningful time spent with Warren G while sharing each other's deep stories'

'Next morning'

Staying up all night, Jennie slept in more than usual, instead of waking up early like she's used to. With the noise, next door, thanks to the house being constructed, and Tony & Nate shouting to wake up, she groaned, stirring in her sleep.

"Five more minutes..." She murmured.

"Let's go! Let's go! We got a long day." Tony announced, while Jungkook squirmed on the couch, but continued to lay across the couch. "Jennie! Wake up, girl! You're always the first one up, what happened!?"

"Her and Jungkook were gaming last night." Jimin giggled, while Tony shakes her.

Effortlessly picking her up in his strong arms, Tony put her over his shoulder and walked over to the couch. Suddenly, she's placed right on top of Jungkook's spread out body, on the couch.

"Wake up, Jennie! And wake up Jin!" Tony shouted, trying to make them wake up.

"That's Jungkook." Jennie let out a sleepy laugh. Looking down, she saw herself sitting right on his back and shifting to the edge of the couch.

Voice slightly hoarse from sleep, she shook him. "Sorry, for sitting on you, Kookie. Kookie! Get up!"

Jungkook sat up, groggy from sleep as he heard her giggle at his bedhead. 

"BTS, what's poppin'?" Tony greeted, walking up to Jungkook to finally wake him up.

Sitting next to Jennie and still tired, Jungkook tilted his head to the side, resting his head on her shoulder, trying to go back to sleep. Drowsy herself, Jennie rested her head against his, attempting to get some extra Zs.

"You two are always so close. Give the skinship a break!" Jimin teased but got no response from the teenagers.

"I think they're ignoring you." V said with an amused grin.

Finally, more awake, the members look at the next mission.

'BTS! Make the music video full of hip hop spirit and swag!'

"So we're gonna teach you guys a new work, right? It's called Stuntin." Tony informed.

"The purpose of stuntin', two reasons you stunt, alright, is to get attention and is that when you get that attention, girls like what they see. The people like what they see, you know." Nate added.

"We just wanna make sure that, when y'all come to Los Angeles, when y'all come to America, y'all gotta do the rap video the right way."

"Your videos are dope. But, there's one thing that we never really saw a lot of and that was girls."

"Oh, my God!" Suga exclaimed.

"But we have Jennie!" Jimin pointed out. "Miss Bangtan!"

"He said girlS." She emphasized the S. "Not girl."

"So today, we going out, we're gonna find girls. Y'all gonna talk to 'em. Get them in the music video." Tony announced.

Jennie laughed at the guys' reaction as they oh'ed and covered their faces.

"Is that possible? We can't even speak English, is that possible?" Suga doubted. "We're not using Jennie?"

"Nope. For the music video, you guys are not going to use Jennie. You know her too well, you gotta find some other girls." Tony answered.

Curious, Jennie asked, "So what am I going to do?"

"Jennie, you are going to find a guy for your part of the music video." Tony pointed out.

"Oohhhhh." The guys exclaimed, looking at her as she let out a soft chuckle.

Jennie (Eh heh heh...come again?)

"Do our tutor hyungs have any friends?" Jimin asked.

"I could bring you some ladies but it's up to you to woo those ladies. I mean, make the ladies feel like, 'Wow, I really like V.', 'I really like Suga.'" Nate explains. "Alright so, these skills that we're about to teach y'all, these should not be used for personal gain. These are to be used to catch girls for your music video."

"First we're going to start with Jennie." Tony gestured.

"Yay! Ladies first!" Jimin cheered.

"Jennie, you're cute. You're down to earth, and you have a pretty smile. You can use that as an advantage." Tony told her as she smiled and gushed over his kind words. "Now, I want to know how you would approach a guy if you saw him playing on the basketball court."

"Okay, I'll try." She said while Nate stood up to get out of her way. On cue, she walked up to Tony, shooting him a sweet smile. "Hey." She said in a confident voice.

"What's up, girl?" He played along.

"I'm Jennie. What's your name?"


"Nice to meet you, Tony. I saw you playing over there, at the basketball court. I wanted to tell you that I was impressed. Your skills are A-1." She nodded in approval.

"Thanks, do you play?"

"Yeah, I play a little basketball. You want to play a round?"

"Ight, let's go play."

The guys look on, impressed

Jennie (Approaching a guy to talk is fine, but I was tongue tied about how to approach the guy for the music video. I dunno, I think I should talk a lot first, get to know him and then bring up the music video. I don't want it to be too sudden.)

"Before you even talk to a girl, the first thing is, you gotta go after the right kind of girl. Okay, we're trying to cast a hip hop video, okay? So, what do we need? We need girls that care about how they look, just like how we carin' about our chains and we know we flashy. You need girls that are on the same tip." Nate informed the guys. "The nails. They need to look good."

"If they take care of their nails, they take care of how they look, too." Rap Monster translated in Korean.

Jennie (Oh! So, you taking shot at my chipped nails, now? Well damn. I take care of myself, although my nail polish isn't on point today!)

"Let's see Jennie's nails!" Jimin grabbed her hands.

Snatching them back, she hid her nails. "No, don't look at them, the nail polish is chipped." She warned.

"Second thing, when you approach these girls, it's great, you gotta have, what is called an ice breaker. Like a point of entry to get a conversation going. What I think is the best approach is to compliment something that you see on them. Best to compliment something on instead of her body, her face or you know, like her earrings. Like something, a small detail on them." Nate advised.

"I like your nails, and I~ love you," Jimin said in English, holding Jennie's hand as he tried to hug her.

"Boy, bye!" She playfully shoved him away, earning laughs from the guys.

"Chimchim, your English is bad." Tony declared. "So, we gonna find something that will help you get the girl, right? I think you're charming, I think you're funny. I think you're nice, okay? You go up to a girl, maybe dance, wink while dancing."

Jimin demonstrated and sat next to Nate, asking him what was his name. "I'm Natalie." He answered. 

"Nerullie?" Jimin repeated with hesitation, as a chorus of laughter filled the room

"Rap Monster, you can speak in English. That's good for you cause like, you can have a conversation with the ladies, right? One of the things that I notice is that you don't do good, you kind of look down on the floor when you think of your English. You gotta work on your eye contact." Tony advised.

"What's up?" Rap Monster approached Nate and sat next to him. "Your hat's dope. You're lookin' fresh, what's your name?"


"I'm Rap Monster. How you doin'?"

"Good, how are you?"

"Ah..." He hesitated and buried his face into his hands, freaking out that he stuttered and lost his train of thought.

'Even in front of Natalie, a fake girl, Rapmon gets nervous'

"Jungkook! You're a really good singer, right? You can sing." Tony pointed out.

'Jungkook's charm is that he's a human jukebox.'

"You can sing like Chris Brown. Chris Brown's a big deal in the U.S. Right, so if you walk up to a girl, I can't sing, but if you sing a Chris Brown song, they can be like..." He acted like she was wooed.

"Oooh! Chris Brown~"

After laughing at Tony's gesture, Jungkook stood up and strode up to Nate.

'I am Chris Jungkook!'

"And I need you boo~" He started to sing.

'A sweet voice that's melting Natalie's heart.'

"Oooh!" The members of BTS look on.

Jennie (Okay, Jungkook. *Nods in approval*)

"I gotta see you boo, and the heart's all over the world tonight, said the heart's all over the world tonight~" He continued to sing and sat next to Nate.

"I like your voice." Nate complimented, portraying Natalie.

"I like you."

"WAAAAHHHHH!" Jennie and the guys yell out of shock.

Jennie dropped her jaw, shaking Jimin while he shook her, laughing out loud. "Yo! That was so bold!"

Applauding his efforts, Nate shot him a thumbs up with Tony. "That was good, that was good! But you can say, I like your style, okay? So like, yeah, cause I like you, is a bit too much like, I wanna be your boyfriend."

Turning to V, Nate called him out. "Now, the thing that you have going for you, you're like the dumb blonde of the group, okay?"

"I think everyone sees him that way." Suga teased

"I think you're the pretty boy of the group so it's like you gotta use your strength. You have broken English, so you know a little bit of English. Not a lot but use that as your strength, okay?" Nate pointed out.

"It's cute." Tony added.

"Yeah, it's cute."

"So, your thing is cute."

"Hello!" V greeted, sitting next to Nate.

"What's poppin?" Nate asked.

"My name is V. Your name is?"


"Oh! Nice watch, how much?"

"How much is my watch? Ahh...I don't know, it's a gift."

"Give me your time, please."

"Like, what time is it?"

"No, your time."

"Oh, you want my watch?" Nate pointed to it, while Jennie giggled at them going back and forth.

"No, your time!"

"My number?"

"Oh! No, no, no, no!"

"Suga! Sweet Suga!" Tony called out. "So, I think Suga's the smoothest like he's laid back, he's cool. Y'know, so we're gonna play to his strength. Just be a smooth guy, just be yourself, okay?"

Suga walked over to Nate in his sunglasses and a phone in his ear. "I have chain." He said in broken English, sitting next to Nate.

"You have chains, that don't mean nothing to me."

"You like this?" Suga touched his chains

"It's alright." He shrugged.

"You like this, you like this chain? Three dollars."

"PFFFhahaha!" Jennie laughed out loud with V.

"J-Hope! What's your strength? What are you good at?" Tony asked.

"I'm dance." J-Hope replied in Broken English.

"You dance, then give her a rose." He suggested.

'J-Hope's charm is being a romanticist dancer'

"Hi, excuse me." J-Hope approached Nate, sitting next to him. "Have you heard my song?"

"Nope." He replied.

"Uh no? Good, good music."


"Yeah." He nodded and stayed silent, making everyone make a beeping noise, signaling that he was done.

"Jin, something tells me he's the more shy towards himself." Tony pointed out and stood up.

"Walk up like this. And say, 'Can you tell me how to get to so and so?"

"You understand, you're like the third best in English, in the group." Nate went on.

Jin acted like a tourist and approached Nate. "Ah, hi." He sat down next to him. "I'm Jin, can you speak Korean?"


"You don't know, annyeonghaseyo?"


"No? You know coffee?"


"I want coffee and where is the coffee shop."

"There one down there, on the corner of the Hollywood & Wilshire." Nate pointed out. "Like it's this way, two blocks."

"Uh, you can't speak Korean? I want to go coffee shop with you. Let's go."

"Oh dear!" Jennie laughed as she watched Jin grab Nate by the wrist.

"Especially with the language barrier, you guys are all doing very well." Nate complimented them after they settled down.

"Remember your skill, okay?" Tony reminded them.

"All right, let's go!"


In the van, Rap Monster asked, "Hey, have you guys done this before? To a girl, you don't know?"

"Not even once!" Jimin replied.

"You guys never tried, even once?"

"How do we suddenly try to talk to a girl that's just passing by?"

"Have you talked to any guys in America? Guys you didn't know?" Rap Monster turned to Jennie.

"I've had a few crushes, but I never really approached them." She shrugged.

"Jennie, this is your stop." The producer told her.

"All right, peace out guys." She got out of the van with a small camera crew.

"Bye, Jennie! Good luck!" J-Hope grinned.

"Smile!" Jungkook encouraged.

"Use that charm!" Suga added.

"You got this, Ennie!" V cheered.

"Don't end up getting a boyfriend!" Jin warned.

She rolled her eyes playfully and waved her hand at them, brushing the goofy comment aside, before the van leaves. "Okay...looks like we're at a skate park. Interesting."

Jennie (A skate park. I gotta find a guy at a skate park. On this nice sunny day. Wish me luck!)

Walking around, she looked like she was lost. There were a bunch of guys there, of different ages. Even a few girls that were skating around. She wanted to find someone that was near her age.

"Look out!" A guy shouted as she quickly moved out of the way. He skateboarded right past her, getting off to approach her. "Sorry about that, are you all right?"

Checking to see if she was hurt, she nodded. "Yeah, yeah, I'm good, thanks." 

"You don't look like you come to the skate park often if you're standing around in the middle where people skate." He let out a soft laugh.

"Eh heh heh, yeah..." She shrugged.

"What's your name?"

"Jennie. And you?"

"I'm Ryan. You know, you look familiar...I can't help but think I've seen you before."

"I get that a lot."

"No, really. Weren't you a part of a group?"

Jennie (You know...It still shocks me that people remember me from those days. I mean, it wasn't that long ago, but it's nice to know that I'm remembered.)

"Yes, Amity."

"Yeah, I thought so. Wow, you're way prettier in person, that's for sure."

"Thank you, I'm actually shooting a music video. I'm in a K-Pop group. I'm looking for people to shoot, with me. Would you like to join?"

"Really? Sounds cool. My girlfriend would love to meet you, she's a fan of yours."

Jennie (Of course...he has a girlfriend. Ahhh the last thing I need is some girl to be wallin' out because I'm around her boyfriend. Seen it too many times. My patience will thin if I'm around it and if she's the jealous type.)

"Wow, really? I'm so flattered. Thank you." She shot him a small smile.

"I may have to work but if I can make it, I'll come. Can my girlfriend come, too?"

"Yeah, of course. Can we take a picture?"

"Always!" He shot up the shaka sign and took the picture with her.

Jennie (One guy. Let's see if I can find another. Someone I can approach.)

Later, she saw a caramel skinned guy, who looked around her age. He was sitting on a bench, taking off his helmet to reveal his wild, curly hair. With his skateboard, next to him on the ground, he opened up a bottle of water to take a few big gulps.

"Hm. Why not." She decided to approach him. "Hey! Nice skateboard!" She pointed at the cool designs on the board.

As the sun shined on him, she could see the sweat glistening off his skin. He looked up at her, staring at her in his hazel eyes, he flashed her a grin, giving her a friendly vibe.

"Thanks." His voice was deep, yet kind.

"I'm Jennie."

"Kevin." He stood up to shake her hand. He was a few inches taller than her. "Do you come here, often?"

"No, this is my first time, I was just observing, seeing if I like skateboarding. How old are you?"


"I'm 16. Since it's my first time, do you mind showing me the basics? You look like you know your stuff."

"Yeah, sure." He gestured her over to his skateboard. Standing on top of it, she grabs onto him. "What made you interested in skateboarding?"

"Eh, I've been seeing it everywhere, I wanted to know what the hype is."

"I'm sure you'll like it after I teach you a few moves." He guaranteed. He grabbed her hand and guided her while she moved around on the skateboard.

"I'm not gonna fall, am I? You'll catch me, right?"

Letting out a warm chuckle, he nodded. "I won't let you fall. Don't worry."

Jennie (This guy is chill and so respectful. I never got into skateboarding, I just said what I said to start a conversation. But he makes skateboarding interesting. I might want to try it out and get into it, in the future.)

After being taught the basics and sharing a few laughs and corny jokes, she sat down with him, on the bench. "Is skateboarding all that you like to do?" She asked.

"Nah, I like music."

"Sweet, me too!"

"You do? What do you do?"

"I sing and dance. I can also play the guitar."

"That's ight. I play the drums."

"Wow. Very interesting. You know, I'm a part of a group. We're filming a music video. I was wondering, would you like to be a part of it?"

"Music video, huh? What genre?"


"What's K-Pop?"

"Korean Pop. I can let you listen to some songs!" She took out her phone and played a Big Bang song.

"Yeah, I heard of this! Oh, so this is K-Pop. They're good. I find their music catchy."

"I know right. So what do you say?"

Jennie (Please say yes, PLEASE)

Kevin shrugged. "Why not."

Sighing out of relief, she happily cheered. "Awesome! Thank you! Let's take a picture, together." She pulled up the camera on her phone.


'Music Video Set'

Walking in the place, BTS and Jennie were in awe, as they were all dressed up for their music video. Jennie wore jean shorts with a flannel around her waist, along with a loose tank top. While they check out the pool, they think about 50 Cent's We Up music video and how he shot the music video at the same place.

'Today's shooting set is full of hip hop style'

Jennie checks out the view around the poolside. So many buildings and a beautiful blue sky with scattered clouds around as she felt a breeze, against her skin, it was a pleasant day.

As she admired the view, Jungkook approached her, with his camera. "Jennie! What are you doing, right now?"

"Checking out the amazing view! Ain't it pretty?"

"It sure is. How are you feeling about the shoot?"

"Nervous. I hope everyone comes. I wonder what might happen if no one shows up."

"We'll use our staff, then!" He suggested.


As Jungkook went back inside, he and the rest of the guys were patiently waiting for their casting girls to come. "Someone's coming!" Jimin shouted.

Suddenly, the same guy Jennie was hanging out with yesterday, Kevin, arrived.

He looked cleaned up from the sporty outfit he wore yesterday. He had his hair cut with waves, wearing a clean pair of jeans and a black blazer under a white tank top. He arrived with his parents who wanted to support him

"Hey, is this where the music video is?" He asked, looking around as Rap Monster nodded. "Is Jennie, here?"

"Oh! It's Jennie's guy! Jennie! Come inside!" J-Hope gestured to her.

Turning around, she saw Kevin waving at her. "Ah!" She screamed and speed ran inside, making the guys laugh at her enthusiasm. "You're here!" She pulled him in for a big hug. 

"Told you, I would."

Pulling away, she checked out his outfit. "Oh, wow, you really cleaned up for me. You look good."

She turned to his parents. "Hi, I'm Jennie. It's nice to meet you." She shook their hands. "Thank you for having him, here."

"Of course. And I wasn't going to let him look any ol' type of way for a beautiful girl, like you. My son knows better." His father put a hand on his shoulder.

"I hope he looks okay for the shoot." His mother mentioned.

"He looks great. Thank you." Jennie reassured her.

With the Bangtan Boys, they watched as Jennie happily talked to Kevin and his parents. 

"Of course, Jennie's guy comes first. You never keep a girl waiting." Jimin pointed out. "He's handsome,"

"He is. Jennie picked a good one," Hobi grinned.

After waiting, Jin and J-Hope's girl, Jewel, with the green sunglasses, arrive. Then V, Jungkook and Suga's girl, Victoria. And lastly, Jimin and Rap Monster's girl, Christina.

Afterward, Warren G approached them and greeted them. "We're here, Los Angeles, California, man! But before we go any further, I wanted to congratulate you guys on picking some very beautiful ladies, and to you, Jennie, picking out this fresh looking, young man. We're gonna shoot this Boy In Luv, video shoot. And let everybody know how we're supposed to do it. I'm gonna give you guys some pointers, on certain things. Check you guys out, make sure y'all doing it, right. Let's get it in!"

'There are a total of 3 places where they will film at'

'Sofa, kitchen and swimming pool'

'With three areas to film at in the luxury mansion, shall we now start filming this swag filled music video?'

Team trouble was first while Jennie watched them prepare. She couldn't help but giggle at Jungkook's shyness as he began to fan himself. Later, she overheard Victoria say, "Jimin is pabo." when V asked her to.

"Pfff!" Rap Monster stiffed a laugh.

"What the hell!" Jimin looked on, dumbfounded.

"HAHAHA! She unintentionally called him dumb." Jennie laughed with Kevin.

When it was time for Jennie to film, she sat on the couch while the song was playing.

He wants to be my oppa. Shall I call him oppa?

Sliding to sit on the couch, Kevin presents her with a rose and she happily accepts it.

What should I do? Why is my face getting so hot from his intense stares?

Glancing at him, she looked away, pretending to be shy while he wrapped an arm around her, getting closer.

The next filming sessions went successfully, with gestures such as him coming up behind her, presenting her with a rose, wrapping an arm around her and even kissing her on the cheek, which caught the guys' attention.

"Ah! He kissed her!" V pointed in surprise.

"What!?" Jungkook and Jimin shouted, turning their heads to where Jennie was filming.

Kissed her?






"I hope he asked for permission," Jin spoke up as he watched the two like a hawk.

Jimin whined. "Why is he kissing my Jennie? Ennie, why have you betrayed me? She's cheating on me, hyung." He grabbed onto Jin, in despair. "What am I going to do?"

After getting some pointers to add more gestures and have more eye contact, Jen and Kevin head to the pool to film their last shot. For the shot, she took off his sunglasses and put them on her eyes instead, while attempting to ignore his advances. 

"Hehehe, remember when Jennie was so nervous when I got so close to her as we filmed a shot for Boy in Luv?" Jimin teased. "She seems more comfortable, now. I wonder how comfortable she'll be when we film our new music videos for our upcoming album."

Sitting at poolside, on one of the blue lounge chairs, Jennie and Jungkook sat next to each other. "I just want to hurry up and become an adult," Jungkook mentioned on camera.

"Oh really? Why?" She asked as he turned to face her.

"When you're an adult, you can like, smoke cigarettes and stuff but my dad smokes and I really hate it. Can I send a video message to my dad?" He turned to the camera. "Dad! Please stop smoking. Yeah? It's not good for your liver! Either buy an e-cig or quit smoking. All the bad stuff is piling up, inside of you, right now. So, when you see this, I hope you, I want you to quit smoking."

"With me, I'm kind of looking forward to being an adult. Get to try out new experiences that teen me can't do at the moment."

"Whenever Jennie and I are around the staff, they don't drink alcohol because of us."

"Jungkook will be drinking before me though. I'm not drinking until I'm 21 in America. Because my parents will obliterate me if they catch me drinking underage, even if I'm 21 in Korean age."

"I want to learn how to drive."

"Me too, I should already be learning, but oh well. One day." She shrugged.

"Driving and a tattoo. I want to get a tattoo."

Surprised, she stared at him. "You serious?"

"Yep." He shot her his trademark bunny smile.

"Where do you want a tattoo?"

"I'm not sure, yet."

"What are you two mumbling about?" Suga walked over to them

"I saw that one of the girls has a tattoo behind her neck. So, I want one, too." Jungkook explained.

"You're saying you want a tattoo on TV?" Suga scolded.

"Why? When I become an adult!"

"I think he's out of his mind, right now."

"What? I don't think so. Tattoos are cool." Jennie spoke up. "Jungkook is going to look awesome with tattoos if he chooses to get them,"

"You want one, too?" Suga asked. "So many of our fans are being sad, right now."

"Hahaha, I didn't say I want one. Never crossed my mind."

Tags :
1 year ago

Posted what I have done so far for Bangtan Gal! :) Enjoy!

Also I'm so sorry for the lack of gifs for the chapters like I did before. Stay tuned for more Bangtan Gal soon!

Tags :
1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 14- Look Forward To White Day

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 14- Look Forward To White Day

Chapter Summary: BTS and Jen are interviewed about their new album, Skool Luv Affair. Jen gets caught in the K-Pop news after getting filmed doing something in public. She celebrates Valentine's Day and J-Hope's birthday with BTS

Words: 6,000+

Genre: FLUFF!

A/N: I am so sorry for the lack of gifs. Before hand I had so many for these chapters. Including for the performances but now I don't have them anymore.


With fans outside in their jackets taking a bunch of photos and videos with their cameras, BTS were sitting in the studio of Wide News with the two MCs. Jen sat in between V and Suga in the back row.

"It's D-1 to Valentine's right? We've fulfilled nationwide teenage girls' and boys' wishes in advance!" The MCs greet. "With flowery visuals, we're here with the 7 boys and our lovely lady of BTS, hello!"

"2, 3, bang-tan!" Rapmon quickly announced.

"Hello, we're BTS!" They greet and bow.

"You've become more impacting really how long has it been?" The female MC questioned

"4 months?" Rapmon answered

"It's been 4 months?" The MCs look on in surprise. "It feels as though it's been 4 years! We missed you all so much. Since our viewers have missed you guys a lot as well, please do your self-introductions individually!"

The guys all turned to Jennie as she smiled and brought her mic to her mouth. "Hey, it's your girl, Jennie! Miss Bangtan with the most adorable smiles in the group." She threw a peace sign.

"Jennie, what are your plans for Valentine's Day?" The male MC asked with a smile.

"Do you have a date? Is there something we should know? Who is he? What time is he picking you up? Is he treating you nicely?" Jin bombarded her with questions, earning laughter in response from everyone.

"No, no date. I'm not quite ready for dating." She shook her head.

"Good answer. We must protect our munchkin at all costs!" J-Hope shouted, earning some chuckles.

"You guys are very protective of Miss Bangtan, aren't you?" The male MC watched on.

"Yes, we are. I hope she lets us know when she does get a boyfriend." Rapmon answered.

"Yeah, I want to personally introduce myself to whoever the lucky guy is." Jimin cracked his knuckles.

"Oh dear..." She giggled nervously.

"Jennie is very lucky to have guys like you around. This is really cute. So Jennie, please tell us your plans for Valentine's Day." The female MC beamed

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 14- Look Forward To White Day

"Ah, right. Okay, so I found out about White Day and Valentine's Day here in South Korea. So I'm excited to give the guys a little something special. I hope they look forward to it." She answered.

"Ooh, what is it!?" V eagerly asked

"Yeah, I wanna know!" Jimin added

"It's a surprise! She can't tell you guys, now!" The male MC playfully scolded

"Whatever it is, we'll make sure to do something bigger, on White Day for you." Suga guaranteed

"Can't wait." She replied as they continued with the introductions.

"It's been about five months since you were last here, right? When you were here at Open Studio for the first time, do you perhaps remember the goals that you talked about, last time?" The male MC asked.

"We mentioned hoping to get the Best New Artist award," Rapmon answered

"And how did that turn out?"

"It's a great honor that we've actually received four Best New Artist awards."

"Wow, congratulations on this." He applauded with everyone. "Bangtan achieved their goal!"

"Now since it's your first comeback album after your Best New Artist awards, the anticipations must have escalated! Let's have you introduce your album, please." The female MC gestured.

"With our title track, Boy In Luv, it's an album titled Skool Luv Affair. It's our second mini album and all the members have individually participated in the production. It's an album that discusses the love stories that go on among the teens." Rapmon explained

"In our previous album, we participated in the lyrics writing and track composing. And in this album, we have Suga hyung who personally produced 2 tracks." Jungkook said as a chorus of oohs and whoas were heard while Suga happily raised his hand.

"From what I know, there's Bang Sihyuk-ssi in your company. Suga-ssi, you managed to do that?" The male MC asked in awe.

"Tracks that I produced during my trainee times having made into our album it's really-it's such an honor and right now as well I'm shaking," Suga answered, feeling humbled.

"I know how that feels. There are really skillful and cool people above in the management but when our members do it themselves, there's really no words to describe but I like it to death!" The male MC pointed out. "Do introduce us to the title and subjects of those tracks!"

"The tracks I've produced are titled 'JUMP' and 'Tomorrow'. JUMP is a rather upbeat hip hop track while Tomorrow is a healing song especially for those in their 10s/20s, it's a song with more emotional depth." Suga explained.

"Tomorrow is my absolute favorite song on the album!" Jennie spoke with a big smile.

"Don't you also want to tell them your big news?" Rapmon gestured to her with a knowing smile.

"Ah...sure. I play the guitar for tomorrow in the album." She revealed. "I hope you all enjoy it."

"Wow~ I've heard you play the guitar. How was it?" The female MC asked.

"I really enjoyed working on it. It was a little hard at first but as I continued listening to the lyrics, I got a bit emotional. It's been a while since I played the electric guitar. I was more into the acoustic but it worked out very well after a couple of jam sessions in the studio."

"You'll hear the emotion in her playing," Suga added.

"The opportunity to play the guitar for one of our songs is a huge privilege and I'm really happy with the result."

"You will be surprised at her playing. I had to stare at her for a few moments, questioning if that was really her playing. I was really caught off guard. She plays well." He praised.

"Thank YOU for letting me play for your song."

"What was the facial expression and what did you say?" Jimin laughed as Suga dropped his jaw, staring at the camera in confusion.

"J-Jennie? How did you do that?" Suga stuttered, repeating what he said when he first heard her play as another roar of laughter surrounded the studio.

"And something that everyone knows about BTS, their lyrics aim to reach out to people in their 10s/20s. I heard that this album is to reach out to those schooling. Is that true?" The female MC asked.

"That's right. Well in our debut album, we sang, 'Hey kid what's your dream' where we talked about our dreams. In our second album we talked about 'happiness' and here in our 3rd album we talk about 'love'. We thought that especially for those in their late 10s, instead of dreams they'd be most concerned on the issue of love and with that we came up with the subject of a three part school series." Rapmon replied.

"Ah, I see. All right we're with BTS right now, they've got a really suitable theme/subject. Let's have them talk about this 1 by 1. Real men's and woman's love story, I wonder what this is about."

"Our title track Real Man, Boy in Luv is packed with overflowing love. A really manly stage performance as well as a manly song, you'll be able to listen to it in just a while's time!" J-Hope explained.

"And throughout the manliness of the song, you'll also see the girl's perspective. She thinks the guy is cute, but she tries to ignore the feelings a bit." Jennie added

"Ah...but it seems like you weren't able to resist Jimin's charms in the Music Video, is that right?" The male MC teased.

"...Yes." She answered after a pause and looked away while everyone chuckled at her reaction.

"Everything about it is manly with a dash of girlishness from the girl's perspective. Be it the song or the choreography, all of it." The male MC commented as they watched the Music video. "Firstly they're students but seems like those students who are rather street smart with great popularity, and they dance well too! And I've watched the MV as well as the photos. It's the love of real men towards a single girl, right?"

"During the filming, did any of the members slip and fall?" The female MC asked

"Ah yes, J-Hope. Hobie fell." Suga answered. "He started early in the day in his best condition but as it went later into the night, he started making mistakes and all."

"It was only in that moment really, I'm alright now!" J-Hope grinned sheepishly

"Was it because you felt pressured? Or you caught the flu or was it simply because you wanted to rest?" The male MC joked, making everyone laugh.

"No, no!" J-Hope tried to explain.

"That wasn't why?"

"It's not like that." He explained that he went to the clinic and was back and running the next day.

"We ended very early!" Jimin added

"Thanks to him," Rapmon commented.

"Well, this time round we've heard that you have a dance intended to shake up ladies' hearts." The male MC mentioned. "And Miss Bangtan has something in mind to shake up the guys' hearts. The name of the dance is called King Kong Dance?"

"Yes, many people started calling it King Kong Dance after watching our music video."

"We've prepared talk subjects that are compatible with Bangtan!" The male MC said.

"That's right, you can see here with me, that we've prepared this 2014 Bangtan Executive election." The female MC said, revealing the board next to her.

"The games can be participated by 3 people."

"Now we'll start by choosing the first one, 'Chief of Broadcast' and before we choose the mission, we have to choose the running candidates for the title. Perhaps is there anyone who has confidence in this title?"

"We need three people~"

"I'll try!" Jimin raised his hand

"I want to try it too," Jin spoke up.

"Jungkook too?" The male MC asked, looking at him raising his hand

"Yes!" He replied

'Find the King of Diction.' Was the first mission

After the three of them do Rock, Paper, Scissors, Jungkook gets to choose last while Jimin chooses first. Picking the first option which had two stars, the female MC tears off to cover to reveal the statement.

"This statement has to be said in five seconds time! If you get it wrong, you have to do it again. The most important thing is speed! Because if you get it wrong, you'll have to start again. So it's vital to be fast!" The MCs advised. "Start!"

"The natural fruit beverage Jung Hyung Don likes is the Lime fruit beverage or Pomegranate fruit?" Jimin read successfully before the time ran out.

"The 'seok-ryu' sounded a bit more like 'seo-gyu' so there's a bit of danger there but if you did about this level..." The male MC turned to the female MC.


"Pass." The male MC agreed.

"Aye~ great job, Jimin!" Jennie high fived him.

Jin picked the one with the three stars as the female MC ripped off the cover.

"Ah, he's doomed. It's really tough!" J-Hope laughed.

Once he got the OK to start, Jin began to fumble with the words, "Do the ingredients of milk contain higher-content than iron-content-"

"Wrong wrong!" The MCs yelled.

"Do it again! Since we have to have it accurate, let's do it again~" The female MC exclaimed.


"Do the ingredients of milk contain higher calcium content than iron content? Or is there higher iron content than calcium content?" He managed to say it before the time but failed to pronounce it.

V raised his hand to volunteer when the MCs asked if anyone else wanted to try. "Do the ingredients of milk contain higher calcium content, more than-" He started muffling, stumbling over his words.

"AHHAHAHAHA!" Jennie laughed out loud.

"Aye! That won't do!" The female MC playfully scolded

"Please read what's written there!" Jin said

Next, it was Jungkook's turn as the female MC tears off the last tag. Suga cackled evilly while they read the statement. "Jungkook, start!" The male MC gestured

"The office supply and the office supply building, the office supply building's iron gates and-" Jungkook sighed as he stopped.

"Ah, do it again!"

"Aye, it's difficult."

"Once more, that ended too fast. Since this is really difficult, we'll reset the time for you."

Starting again, Jungkook quickly read the statement, "The office supply and the office supply building, the office supply building's iron gates and the office supply iron gate's twin-" He paused. "'s really difficult~"

"It's seriously difficult, right?"

In the end, Jimin managed to get the chief of broadcast, getting a badge on his arm. The next challenge was the future chief of love, picking three candidates, The MCs chose J-Hope, Suga and V.

'Why do you shake up my heart, Bangtan'

"The member that delivers the loveliest confession of love will be the winner!" The female MC announced.

But before they start, Jimin decides to do a voice impression of Taeyang, putting a shoestring on his head and a black cap on to mimic his hat with dreads. 

"When Taeyang Sunbaenim has interviews!" Suga chuckled.

Jimin started impersonating him well, "This's a hairstyle that many girls fancy...while watching Animal Kingdom, I saw the looks there and thought I should try this hairstyle." Everyone laughed in response. 

After they pulled themselves together, V, Suga, and J-Hope got their cards, J-Hope revealed his card first and it said 'Having difficulties with Seoul talk dialect, transfer student version'

Romantic music came on in the background while J-Hope started his confession. 

"Ah, for me up till's still a do I say it...I'm still fluent in Seoul talk. But after hanging out with you for quite a while, it's been really nice hanging out with you and ah-dda I love you-ing." He grinned, making the MCs whoa.

"You did well!" They praised

"Now we'll have the others vote with their like/dislike cards. 1, 2, 3!" The male MC announced

Jennie puts up the pink thumbs up sign for J-Hope and so do the others except for V and Rapmon. 

Next up was V as he revealed his paper. "You who came from the stars' Exchange student version." He read


"Why did you come? Why did you come here?" V sighed. "You say you like Jimin, but you like me, too, what is this?"

"NG!" The male MC shouted, making everyone laugh. Jennie giggled at V's confused expression.

"I'm sorry but V there's the board there. The guy's waiting with a ring prepared. Please just do the given lines."

"Ah! I'm supposed to read those lines and do it?" V questioned, finally understanding, while there was a commotion.


"Wait for me, I've prepared a ring! I'll put it on for you soon..." V read in a strong voice, making everyone laugh in their seats.

"Wait a minute was that a satori acting?" The MC questioned before telling him if it was a good job. When it was time to vote, everyone but Suga gave V a thumbs up. "Suga, how come you didn't like it?"

"I'm a real avid viewer of that drama and as a viewer, I really didn't like it. I think he completely wrecked Kim Soo Hyun's acting." He replied in a blunt tone. 

When he opened his paper, the paper read 'Love unhealthy real man version'

When they said to start, Suga confidently said, "Keep your fourth finger empty because I'll be proposing to you."

Everyone cringed at the cheesiness, groaning and yelling. The guys quickly put a thumbs down. Giggling, Jennie raised the thumbs up sign. 

"Ah~ only Jennie seems to like it!" The male MC laughed.

"She's lying. Give me this." V took her sign and turned it into a thumbs down, making her laugh

"Right now the dislikes are unanimous." The male MC laughed. "Suga! You prepared something really cool and nice but why do they dislike it so much?"

"I guess they're just people who don't know about romance." He replied with a shrug.

V was the winner with the highest points and won the chief of love, getting a badge. They were out of time and weren't able to do the last challenge. 

"Even though I only got to vote today, it's been really fun." Rapmon mentions. "Just watching with Jennie has been really fun."

"Oh yeah, I had a good laugh. Hopefully next time Rapmon and I can do one of the challenges." She adds.


'Melon Premiere Live'



For the performance, Jennie wore black shredded jeans, a white tank top and a leather jacket. Her hair was straight with loose curls as she sported a snapback on her head, wearing it backward. 

With a microphone in hand, Jennie jumped up in the air with the guys, singing, "Let's jump!"

Soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo da gachi pump it up!

"Lets jump!" She sang, jumping again with the guys.

soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up

(Lets jump!)


(Lets jump!)

jeongsin butjabeo

"Lets jump!" She pointed to the crowd.

soneul haneullo deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up

Everybody say

(Lets jump!)

kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo

(Lets jump!)

modu soneul wiro

(Lets jump!)

geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro

Lets jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

(Lets jump!)

Taking Rapmon's position, she jumped with the guys before dipping low while sing-rapping in a lower octave. "Kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo~"

(Lets jump!)

"Modu soneul wiro~" She rocked side to side with the guys

(Lets jump!)

"Geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro~" She nodded her head back and forth to the beat.

Lets jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

eoril jeok kkumkkwowatdeon hieoro

yeongungi doegopaseo jeompeuhaetdeon

ttaewaneun dalli baero

keojyeobeorin kiwa heulleobeorin sigan

neon eoreuni doeeogajiman I wanna rewind

10sal kkomaengiga kkumkkwowasseotdeon meotjin

yeongungmanhwa jujegareul bulleowasseotdeon

geu ttaero doragagopa nungamgo sorichyeo

hajiman byeonhan geon eobtji hyeonsireun geudaero

V! nuga nareul magado

naui gal gireul gandago

insaeng han bangirago


"Leggo!" She shouted with the guys.


dan harureul sarado

huhoeneun jeoldaero eopdago

han beon ttwieobojago

Let's jump!

Pumping up her chest up and down with the guys as they chant, (Jump! Jump! Jump! Jump!)

(Lets jump!)

"Soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo da gachi pump it up!" She sang out.

(Lets jump!)

soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up

(Let's jump!)


(Lets jump!)

jeongsin butjabeo

(Lets jump!)

"soneul haneullo deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up!"

Everybody say

(Let's jump!)

kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo

(Let's jump!)

modu soneul wiro

(Let's jump!)

geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro

Let's jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

(Let's jump!)

"Kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo~"

(Let's jump!)

"Modu soneul wiro~"

(Let's jump!)

"Geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro~"

Let's jump! jump! ju-ju-ju-jump!

nae insaengi bakkwin 2007nyeon

tto geureoke norae bureunjido 7nyeon

sonyeodeul mamui killer

But gakkeum nan dapdaphaetdeon

geu ttaero doraga

hayan baekji gatatdeon

nae jasingwa daemyeonhae

geu mannami tto dareun nareul kkaewonae

ja pomnage mudaereul olla

modu da nollage jump like Jordan


geudaero doraga sunyeongan

bangguseok jarie bakhyeoitdeon teuraempollineul

kkeonae deuneorbeun gongteoreul ttwinora

jeompeu hanbeonimyeon geu hwanhui,

modu gajil deut haetdeon neowa

sunsuhaetdeon kkumdeullo nal sunoha

eoreuni doego sipdeon nae eorin nareun

maeiri gippeumeuro gadeuk chasseosseo

So can I be the one, juss can i be the one

that i.. stop

"Let's jump!"

soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo da gachi pump it up

(Let's jump!)

soneul jeo wiro deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up

"Let's jump!"


(Let's jump!)

jeongsin butjabeo

"Let's jump!"

soneul haneullo deulgo oechyeo modu da jumpin' up

Let's jump & down,

uriga wasseo we are BTS

Beat down! junbiga dwaesseumyeon

soneul nopi deureo

eoril jeok kkumkkudeon geotgwaneun dareujiman

biroso mannatji urin yeongung jimangsaeng raeppeo

ijen mudae wiro jump!

uriga chasedae hieoro

cheoreopgiman haetdeon yeongung jimangsaeng

ilgobi mandeureoganeun jump sound

teuraempollin daesin naega ttwieoya haneun

goseun mudae wi, michin deusi up down

ije malman malgo nalgaereul dal ttaeya

gal ttaekkaji dallinda let's get it started

du eokkaereul pigo rock your body

meorissogeul biugo let's go party

(Let's jump!)

kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo

(Let's jump!)

modu soneul wiro

(Let's jump!)

geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro

(Let's jump!)

"kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo~"

(Let's jump!)

"modu soneul wiro~"

(Let's jump!)

"Geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro~"

(Let's jump!)

"Kkumkkuneun jadeuriyeo!" Rapmon and Jen say together.

(Let's jump!)

"modu soneul wiro~"

(Let's jump!)

"Geunsim geokjeongeun dwiro~"

"Yeah eh eh eh aye~" Jungkook and Jimin end the same in harmony

After getting settled, the members are seated on stage in front of the crowd. "Let's hear if the members have a song they like." The interviewer announced

"I like that song, a dialect song, Where you from. I don't have much part in this song since I don't use dialect but I wrote an amazing bridge." Rapmon answered.

"Can we hear a bit?" He asked. The crowd started screaming when he started to sing part of his verse.

"Next, which songs did you guys make?"

"Suga joined in the making of the song Jump." J-Hope revealed

"The song you just heard is a song produced a long time ago. Four years ago when I was still a trainee, I made it with Rap Monster." Suga answered. "I'm really glad that it got to be on the album. I think our name is on the credit for every song. We worked really hard so please love it."

"You guys must be proud. I'm excited too. You guys wrote something before coming in here, right?" The interviewer reveals all the questions that the fans have written on various post-it notes.

"Jin, did you succeed in making muscles?" Read the question

"I've been working really hard for the past two months. But I don't have muscles yet. I don't get them easily but I have a little. Our members now do." He replied.

"Is this why you wore destroyed jeans? To show your leg muscles?" The interviewer teased him as Jin showed off his black ripped jeans. "Next question, Jennie, are you playing the guitar in any of the songs?"

"As a matter of fact, I am. I play the electric guitar in Tomorrow. The song was also made by Suga. I'm really happy about that." She answered happily.

"Yes, we worked really hard on it. We hope you enjoy the song." Suga added.

Next question was 'Who is the most far from being a manly man?'

Mostly everyone, including Jennie pointed to V while everyone laughed. "I'm a man with great imaginations." V answered

"He is still very naïve, more like a cute guy." Suga added.

"Gwiyomi?" The interviewer questioned.

"Show them!" Suga let out a laugh.

"Gwi...yomi?" V said in a weird voice.

For their last performance, the guys meet up on stage, some walking down the steps to greet each other in their school uniforms.

But as soon as Jennie walks down the steps in her school uniform, the crowd gets louder when the guys stop and stare as she walks by, paying them no mind. 

Afterward, they all get in position for Boy In Luv.

doegopa neoui oppa

neoui sarangi nan neomu gopa

doegopa neoui oppa

neol gatgo mal geoya dugo bwa

wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde

wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde

wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde

heundeuneun geonde heundeuneun geonde


appan daeche eoddeohge


hante gobaekhan geonji


rado sseoya doelleonji


ni apeseo nan meonji

gwaenhi tiktikdaego

ssikssikdaego jingjingdaege dwae

naneun jinjihande

jjijilhage sibina geolge dwae

mwonde singyeong sseuyeo

da keun nal aero mandeureo

geokkuro dwijibeulkkyeo,

inyeoneul yeonineuro

daehakggajido neorang gandamyeon

cham jal gal geot gata

ganadaramabasaa hakunamatata!

ddokgateun peuropil sajin

wae jakku hwaginhalkka

geureohdago chakgakhajima

swiun namja anya

andal nasseo na andal nasseo

niga mwonde?

neoman jallasseo?

wae nareul jakku nollyeo nollyeo

neo ije geuman hol' up hol' up

ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone

nae mami neol nohchigi jeone

Say what you want

Say what you want

niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone

nae mami neol nohchigi jeone

Say what you want

Say what you want

niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde

wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde

wae nae mameul heundeuneun geonde

heundeuneun geonde heundeuneun geonde

Strutting around the stage, she started to ponder. "He's so good looking and he wants me. He thinks I don't notice him watching as my face is stuck in the books." She glanced back at the guys watching her. "I wonder how many times my name was written in his notebook. He told me 'I'll have you, just watch.' I called it a bluff. Let me just ignore him, he'll go away soon enough. At least that's what I thought. He wants to be my oppa. Shall I call him oppa? What should I do? Why is my face getting so hot from his intense stares? He always catches me when I try to flee. He's persistent. Is this what mom felt for dad?"

Rushing up to her, Suga started to dance and rap in her face while she looked annoyed and tried to ignore him.

geoteuron bad bad girl,

sogeun deo bad bad girl

na gateun namjal nohchimyeon

huhoehage doel geol

mesinjeo hwaginhaenohgo

nureuji anhneun neoui haengwi

"il" jari eobseo jimgwa dongsie sokman

Shoving him back a bit, she shook her head. "A bad bad boy on the outside, an even more bad bad boy on the inside. I don't want a boy, I want a man. Me regretting losing a guy like you? It's the other way around. Fall back a little bit." She turned around, only to get her hand grabbed and spun around to face him, earning a few loud screams.

taji nebigeisyeonina salkka bwa

(ppareum ppareum ppareum) eopilharyeogo

gyesok nan (adung badung badung)

jinsim? (I got 'em) dwissim? (I got 'em)

naega yuilhage gajji mothan geon

neoui (areum areum daum)

i naega eoddeohge

byeonhamyeon doegetni, hol' up

mildang? eojang?

geureon geo nan jal molleo

daesin apeumyeon

irilgu malgo nal bulleo

niga ullamyeon ureo,

useuramyeon useo, gureuramyeon gulleo

andal nasseo na andal nasseo

niga mwonde?

neoman jallasseo?

wae nareul jakku nollyeo nollyeo

neo ije geuman hol' up hol' up

ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone

nae mami neol nohchigi jeone

Say what you want

Say what you want

niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone

nae mami neol nohchigi jeone

Say what you want

Say what you want

niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

As the lights dim and Jennie stands in the middle, crossing her arms, Jungkook walks over to her with a hand over his heart. 

"Doegopa neoui oppa." He sang with a smile as she turned around. He took out the rose in his pocket and handed it to her as she started to smile. "Neoreul hyanghan naui maeumeul wae molla."

"Nareul moreun cheokhaedo chagaun cheokhaedo." Jin came up to her, singing to her with a smile as she returned his smile.

Jimin grabbed her hand and twirled her around before lifting up her chin with a smile while singing, "Neol mireonaejin mothagesseo."

doegopa neoui oppa

neoui namjaga doel geoya dugo bwa

naui maeumi nege datorok

jigeum dallyeogal geoya

ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone

nae mami neol nohchigi jeone(nohchigi jeone)

Say what you want

Say what you want

niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya

ggwak jaba nal deopchigi jeone

nae mami neol nohchigi jeone

Say what you want

Say what you want

niga jinjjaro wonhaneun ge mwoya


After their schedule was done for the day, Jennie went to the store to continue buying some last minute items for the guys. Buying various candy and cupcake mixes, she planned on making the guys cupcakes.

After leaving the supermarket, she decided to head to a local game store to buy the latest video game she could trash Jungkook in. Walking to the PlayStation section, she decided to grab Battlefield 4 since he's been talking about it for a while.

"Man...I really want it..." A girl sighed as she looked at the new Nintendo 2DS along with the Pokemon X and Y game.

"Honey, I can't afford that, right now. I told you this before we went inside." Her mom replied.

Jennie looked up to see the girl looking sad while checking out the 2DS. Pondering, she wanted to approach her and offer to buy it for her. She had saved a lot of money thanks to her mom stressing to save and spend wisely. Spending over 100 dollars on the game system won't be too bad.

Should she approach her?

The worst they can say is no.

"Excuse me," Jen's soft voice caught their attention. 

The girl, who looked around the age of 13 gasped loudly, covering her mouth. "It's Jennie! From BTS!"

"You know me?" Jennie asked out loud in surprise.

"Know you? I love you!"

"Oh my! Hello! It's very nice to meet you. My daughter is a huge fan of yours. How lucky are we to have bumped into you today," Her mother smiled while Jennie bowed to her politely.

"I'm not just a huge fan, she's my bias!" Her daughter said loud and proud.

'I'm not just a huge fan, she's my bias!'

'She's my bias!'


'I'm...her bias...? Me?' Jennie thought slowly, taken aback at her sudden outburst. She couldn't believe this little girl looked up to her and named her as her favorite in BTS. Smiling gratefully, she happily replied with a thank you.

"Can I please take a picture with you? Please?"

"Of course!" She happily bent down a little and threw up a peace sign while the girl took a selfie with a large grin on her face. Turning to the girl's mother, Jennie explained why she approached them. "I don't mean to bother you but I couldn't help but notice your daughter wanting the Nintendo 2DS. I would like to buy it for her. If it's all right with you."

Another large gasp escaped the girl's lips while her mother looked surprised at her offer. "If it's all right with you, then sure." Turning to her daughter she asked her, "Now what do you say to this kind young lady?"

"Thank you so much!" The girl hugged her tightly, earning a whoa from Jennie. Laughing, she hugged her back.

"Don't just hug her without her permission!" Her mother scolded. "I apologize for her bad manners."

"No, no, it's perfectly fine. I love hugs. Now let's get this 2DS for you." She picked up the Pokemon game and 2DS, taking it to the counter. After paying for everything, she handed the girl the bag after taking out Battlefield 1 to put in her purse. "Here you are! I hope you enjoy the game."

With tears of joy flowing down the girl's cheeks, she embraced Jennie again. "Thank you so much, Jennie. I will cherish this forever!"

"Thank you for doing this for my daughter. You are such a kind soul."

"The smile on people's faces makes my day. All I ask is that you please continue to support BTS."

"Of course!" The girl promised.

After Jennie went back to the dorm, hiding the cupcake mix and other ingredients from the members, she checked their shared Twitter account. 

"What in the world...?" She murmured.

'Jennie from BTS shows generosity as she buys a fan a Nintendo 2DS and Pokemon game' on ALLKPOP and other K-Media sites.

Jennie was dumbfounded. Who filmed her? She didn't even notice she was being filmed. Sometimes she forgot that she was actually known in South Korea. She was overwhelmed by the nice comments about how generous and kind she was to do that for someone.

"Jennie! YOU WENT TO GAMESTOP WITHOUT ME!?" Jungkook yelled as she let out a sigh.

"I guess he read the article." She said and decided to take the game out. "Get the game set up. It's time to trash you." She tossed the game at him as he gaped at it.

"You got the game!? For us?! Seriously!? This is great!"


When it was finally Valentine's Day, Jen managed to convince the guys to go out for lunch, while she got ready for the day. She chose to bake heart shaped vanilla cupcakes. Finally mixing the ingredients together and putting them in the pan, she set the two pans in the oven.

While waiting for them to bake, she chose to make a Twitter video, "Happy Valentine's Day, ARMY! Please spend the day with your loved ones. This day isn't just about dating, show your love for your friends and family, too! I love you all! Stay warm and have an awesome day!" She shot up a finger heart with a sweet smile.

After baking 36 cupcakes and decorating them, she placed them on three stands to stack them neatly on the living room table.

"It smells so good~" She took one off the stand and bit into it. "And it's so good. I hope they like it."

Ten minutes later, the guys finally arrived back from lunch. "Jennie! We're back!" Namjoon called out.

"Happy Valentine's Day~!" Her voice was heard as they walked to the kitchen. There she was presenting the stack of baked cupcakes for them. Hobi, Jimin and Tae screamed in excitement as she let out a laugh. "I didn't want to buy any baked goods so I wanted to bake something from the heart. I hope you like it."

"Like it? This is awesome!" Namjoon exclaimed.

Hobi pulled her in for a bear hug and she started to laugh. 

Snapping a picture on the stacked cupcakes while Jen was talking to the guys, Yoongi tweets, 'She is SO going to get spoiled on White Day...#Suga'

"Before you all dig in, I just want to say thank you. Thank you for being such great friends and helping me grow as a performer here in South Korea. Enjoy these cupcakes made with love!" She said in a genuine tone.

"That's it...bring it in. Group hug, everyone. This is amazing." Namjoon pulled her in for a hug.

"Thank you Jennie~" They thank her as they hug her tightly.

Once they dug in, their satisfied sighs were more than enough for Jennie to know that they liked it.

"Jennie. I want you to look forward to White Day. We're going to go over the top for you." Jin guaranteed.

"Really? Guys, you're so sweet. You don't need to do that. I'll be fine."

"No, no, no, you will be hooked up on White Day. How dare you say you don't want anything after what you've done? No refusing." Yoongi demanded

"All right, all right. I'll look forward to it." She let out another laugh.


On Hobi's birthday, gathering for a meeting to monitor the showcase, Jennie sat in between Jin and Rapmon as they focused on the showcase and their performance for Boy In Luv, but all of a sudden the monitor started to glitch as they looked confused. But then Jin started to smile when his birthday message to J-Hope began to play.

"Hope, a big happy birthday to you~. You must want to see your family during your birthday but since the members are here for you, I hope you're still as happy." Jin said in the video, making J-Hope laugh loudly. "And again, happy birthday, Hope."

"When did you film this?" J-Hope asked with a bright smile.

Next up appearing was Suga on the screen. "J-Hope~ for your 21st birthday, a serious congratulations. Let's keep making good songs, even in 2014, let's just have good songs come in our way. Congrats again."

"Hope! Happy birthday~!" Jen's bright voice was heard in the video as she waved to the camera. "Your munchkin wishes you an awesome birthday! You're always helping me with my dancing and you always brighten up my day. Thank you for always being there for me. You're such a kind soul and your positive energy is so contagious. Haha, you are definitely our sunshine in the group. I wish you many more birthdays to come. I love you~!"

Next up was Rapmon in the video. "Hope! Happy birthday! It's already your 4th birthday that we are celebrating together. Again, happy birthday. Always be the J-Hope that is happy and dances well. I love you."

"Hey, you there! Happy birthday." V said on the video, making J-Hope laugh again. "I always see you as positive and hopeful hope. This video message, the members birthday message, I am imagining you crying and weeping over this surprising birthday message. Hyung, again, happy birthday! I love you!"

"It's Jungkook and Jimin. Hope hyung, happy birthday!" Jimin said as he clapped with Jungkook. "Congrats on your 21st birthday, hyung. To be honest, there are many things I look up to you. Not just your healing image in the dorm. Thanks to you, the group is always so lively and in a good mood. You also keep the house clean. I think that you are a really good brother. I sometimes have these thoughts that since you're older now, I feel like we need to be more like an adult now."

"That's right." Jungkook agreed. "I am becoming more of an adult now, I will listen to your words more. I sincerely wish you a happy birthday."

"Sorry, we couldn't prepare a birthday present. Us youngsters are in lack of money." Jimin laughed. 

"We love you."

"I hope you would let loose on us sometimes," Jimin mentioned, making everyone laugh. "We will try to listen to you more. We love you hyung, Bye~"

Everyone bursted out in laughter when they saw the manager on the screen. 

The manager started laughing at first in the video. "To our beloved J-Hope, it's nice to see you livening up the mood in the team and always full of hope. Although I've never said this in front of you, you know it right? I really love you. Happy birthday~. This year too, let's continue to support each other. Let's run to the top!"

As soon as Hobi's father came on the screen for a video message, he started to tear up. "Son, it's your father. You're doing well, right? I'm really sorry I can't say a proper happy birthday on your 21st birthday."

Jennie turned to see Hobi starting to cry as tears started to appear in her eyes.

"Me and your mom are thankful to have a son like you. Happy birthday again to our lovely son." His father said while Jennie started fanning her eyes to stop her tears. "Your second mini album, seeing that you've worked hard on it, I'll be praying that good results will come. Also, over everything else, I hope for you to be in good health. Don't forget that, if you stay healthy, anything can be done. I hope you do well in the future. Once again, happy birthday my son~. My son, I love you. J-Hope, all the best. BTS, all the best."

Next was his mom and sister as they greeted him. "Hoseok it's your mom and sister here. Congrats on your 21st birthday. And your new mini album just recently came out as much as you've worked hard on it, I hope for good results. And take good care of your health. Though I'm not beside you physically, through this video I hope it gives you strength."

"I also hope you enjoy your birthday! Bye! Happy birthday! Always stay healthy, all the best to Bangtan."

After the video was over, Jimin walked in with the candle lit cake as everyone sang. "Happy birthday to you~ happy birthday to you! To our beloved Hoseok hyung~ Happy birthday to you!"

"Woo~" everyone cheered as he blew out the candles.

Jin handed Hobi a tissue to wipe his tears while Jimin sat down, behind him. 

"Seeing Hoseok hyung crying is kinda surreal," Jimin admitted, looking surprised.

"I was surprised when Hoseok cried," Jin added.

"I totally didn't expect this," Hobi said as he tried to pull himself together. "Ah...what to do."

"What do you mean what to do? Because of you, everyone is crying now."

"When will you cry again if it's not today? Cry as much as you like." Jimin smiled.

"I didn't expect this. Thank you." He sniffed.

As they stand up, they cut the cake. 

"Truthfully, when the members' faces came out I felt the tears coming. Even when the manager came out, the tears were threatening to fall. But when my father's face suddenly came out, I couldn't hold it and I just burst into tears. Seriously...Big Hit is seriously the best." Hobi said, making everyone laugh.

"Big hit, Bangtan and our ARMYs, I love you all! Thank you!" he said to the camera while everyone clapped

"It feels like we won an award or something. It feels like we're in an award ceremony." Jimin laughed while Hobi started hugging the members.

"Leader, you're the best." Hobi shook hands with Namjoon. "Thank you, Munchkin." He goes to hug her after she gives him a sweet kiss on the cheek and then goes to hug Jimin. "Thank you. It was the best birthday I've spent."

"Jungkook you had like five! Share!" Jimin tried to snatch one of Jen's cupcakes from him. 


They were back in the dorm, eagerly munching on the last of the cupcakes. Meanwhile, Jennie was on the couch in the living room, watching TV, laughing to herself at their fighting.

"Hyung! Give it back! That was mine!" Jungkook shouted.

"Too bad~ hahaha!"

As she continued to watch Running Man on TV, her attention was interrupted when her phone dinged. Looking down she saw Jungkook's text.

JK: Can you bake for me?

Amused, she looks up and turns her head to meet his gaze.

Jen: Lol, sure Kookie.

JK: Only me?

Jen: Just you?? What about the other guys?

JK: I don't want them to hog my best friend's baking

Looking up again in amusement and surprise at his statement, she raised a brow at him. But the look on his face showed that he wasn't necessarily kidding around.

Jen: How about this, I'll bake you your own batch when I bake again.

JK: I like the sound of that. :)

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 18- American Hustle Life Episode 1

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 18- American Hustle Life Episode 1

Chapter Summary: Jennie can't keep her mouth shut when BTS are suddenly kidnapped in LA. She gushes over Tony and BTS meet Coolio

Words: 3,000+


'What is hip hop to Jennie?'

Jennie (I feel like hip hop is how you express yourself. It's real. It's deep. It's not about money, sex, and drugs. But, not a lot of people understand that. I grew up listening to a lot of hip hop because of my father. He would always blast the music around the house. Almost every single day. He made me want to learn more about it. I'm eager to learn more about hip hop.)

In the practice room, while the guys were practicing, Bang PD and the manager walked in and they bowed and greeted them. Asking where Jennie was, Rap Monster informed him that she was taking a quick bathroom break. Bang PD decided to tell them that they would be going to America to work on their new album, making them excited.

"Jungkook bragged so much." Jimin pointed out.

"Since he stepped on American land," V added.

"And that the smell is different."

Rap Monster grinned feeling excited. "Oh, wait until Jennie finds out."

"Find out about what?" She walked in, immediately bowing and greeting Bang PD and the manager.

"You all are headed to America to work on the new album." Bang PD let her know as she looked around. "How do you feel?"

"C-come again?" She stammered. "A-America?"


"Jennie, are you okay?" Namjoon chuckled and put a hand on her shoulder. The guys watched on in amusement as she tried to pull herself together.

"She's shook." Jimin chuckled, watching her eyes get glossy while putting her hands together.

"This isn't happening, we're actually going to America?" The excitement of her voice made Bang PD smile and nod as she jumped up and down. After settling down, Bang PD continued to give them instructions.

"This is not an opportunity that is just given to anyone, any day. And as you're not going to play, right? Of course, it'd be good to get excited but go there prepared, right? You're not going there to play. Jennie, I'm counting on you to be a helpful guide for them when you land."

"Yes, sir." She bowed.

"You all can do well, right?"

The members respond with a contented, "Yes."

"Because I want you all to do well. I prepared something really special. A special present. This is probably going to be the first and last time you're receiving something like this as a singer under me. Don't think things like, 'Oh, there'll be another one.' Right?" He revealed a gold envelope, making Jennie and the guys grin and clap. 

"It's gold!" Jimin pointed out.

"It's hip-hop." J-Hope added.

"Isn't it great?" Bang PD smiled

"We'll work hard." Rap Monster reassured

"I'm going to give it to your manager so when you land in America and tell him to give it to you, quickly." Bang PD informed them. "Like it?"


'Smiles they cannot hide'

Jennie (I'm trying not to tear up right now like this is friggin' awesome! I'm going home! We're going to America! I can't wait to show them around!)

"Work hard and record well with the producers, too."

'What do you want to do when you go back to America?'

Jennie (See my family if they allow me! I want to go back to the beach and swim around. I also want to eat my favorite food and walk around the neighborhood.)

'The long hoped for departure to America day has come'

Arriving at the airport, Jen chuckled at the guys shouting. "Amerika!" in excitement while fans film them getting out of the car. On the plane, Jennie sat in front of Jungkook, Rap Monster and J-Hope while sitting with Jimin and Suga.

Playing games on her phone throughout the ride, J-Hope vlogged and turned his attention to Jennie.

"Munchkin~, you'll show us around, right?"

Turning around in her seat, she waved at the camera. "You betcha!"

"How do you feel going to LA?" He interviewed her. "What's it like going back home?"

"I can't even think of coherent thoughts at the moment. I still cannot believe this. But you guys will love LA."

'Finally, They Arrived'

As soon as they land and walk into the airport, they are met by loud, screaming fans, filming, taking pictures, videos, waving and holding up fan signs.

"JENNIE!" Someone screamed, startling her as she turned her head to the group of fans awaiting BTS' arrival. Surprised, she watched in awe as they wave and hold up fan signs of her.


"Welcome home!"

"We missed you!"

Cracking a smile, she started laughing to herself and waved back. "Can I please see them, really quick? Please? I'll be quick, I promise." She pleaded to the manager. Sighing, he decided to let her go just this time and came with her to keep a close eye.

The fans' screams got louder as she approached them with a big grin on her face. Their cheers were almost deafening as they were eagerly awaiting her to approach them.

"Hi!" She waved at them and started tagging some hands and giving out high fives.

"Can I take a picture with you!?"

"Me too!"

"Can you sign this!?"

Jennie nodded. "Yeah, yeah, sure. I gotta be quick, I don't have that much time, but I just wanted to thank you all for waiting for us to arrive." She beamed, earning a chorus of you're welcomes.

Making quick work, she tried to take as many photos as she could and autographs.

Suddenly, she sees one teen girl tearing up with tears of joy. "Oh dear, don't cry! Come here." She decided to engulf her in a warm hug, while other fans tried to join in the hug and touch her.

"I love you, so much. Please continue doing what you're doing in BTS." The girl muffled in the hug, holding her tightly. "I can't believe I finally got to meet you, thank you so much."

Feeling her eyes sting, Jennie murmured in a brittle voice, "Thank you..."

Meanwhile Rap Monster was watching on with a smile on his face.

Rap Monster (I don't think Jennie really understands how much she's cherished. It made me happy to see her with the fans, engaging with them)

Jennie (I'm mind boggled that I get fans emotional like this. It shocks me, that people give me so much love and support with BTS. I never noticed how beloved we are until now. It's great to be home.)

"Jennie! You do not know how much I have friggin' missed you! Good luck in K-Pop!" Another fan told her.

"Thank you! I will work hard. Look forward to our next album."

"Jennie! Can you tell J-Hope I said hi!?"

"Sure, what's your name?"

After the fan tells her, Jennie made a mental note to let Hobi know.

"Jennie, I brought you smarties!" A fanboy presents her with a big bag.

"This is all MINE!?" She happily accepted the bag. "Oh, I gotta give you a kiss for you, get over here."

"A kiss from Miss Bangtan? Yes, please!" He happily said as she pressed her soft lips against his cheek.

"Thank you for the Smarties, I'll eat them as soon as I leave."

"You are so beautiful! Do you think I can take you out on a date?" He shot her a flirty look.

"Oh wow, w-we just met!" She covered her cheeks, feeling flustered while the girls giggled at her.

"Jimin was right! She is easy to tease!" A girl giggled.

"Jennie, we gotta go!" The manager called out in Korean as she let out a sigh. She really wanted to stay but she has a job to do with BTS. And she didn't want to get another scolding for staying too long with the fans since they were on a time limit.

"I gotta go, but please continue to support BTS. Listen to our music and look forward to our next album! Love you guys, thank you so much." She waved and met up with the manager.

Jennie (The support is overwhelming. As soon as I got into the van, I just broke down into tears. I couldn't hold it in anymore. This. This moment. Being here with BTS, what we've accomplished so far. Tears of joy. Thank you, ARMY.)

In the van, Jennie sniffed and tried to control her tears of joy, while Rap Monster let out a laugh and wrapped an arm around her. 

"It's okay." He murmured in a soothing tone.

After pulling herself together, they all ride around LA and receive the golden envelope that Bang PD presented to them back in South Korea. Their first stop was heading to the LA Dodgers Stadium to watch the baseball game. After walking around, watching street performances, they're back in the van, while the guys are jamming out to Drake's 'Started from the bottom' while Jennie giggles at their goofiness.

Still feeling a bit jet lagged, she napped throughout the whole car ride. When it turned to night, she was still napping while the manager pulled over to check out the complications with his visa. When the manager leaves the car, a group of black men appear in front of the car and hijack it. J-Hope turned around and finched, leaning up against Rap Monster in fear while Jennie stirred in her sleep, hearing loud movement.

"What the hell!?" She blurted out, feeling her stomach drop as she opened her eyes to find unexpected guests in the car. The guys were frozen in fear, trying to comprehend what was going on.

"Relax! Relax!" One of the black men shout.

"Relax!? I'm not about to relax! What the hell are you doing!?" She shouted in nervousness.

Jennie (I know I shouldn't even be talking, right now, because I could get killed just like that. I dunno if they're carrying a weapon! I just woke up, what the heck is going on!?)

After the men took their phones and told them they were taking them to their hotel, Jennie closed her eyes and started to feel the tears coming. Shaking her legs, she started to feel anger pent up inside of her.

"No! No! No!" Jungkook exclaimed in English.

Jennie (I'm so...angry. I'm more angry than I am scared! I just got back home! And now I'm getting kidnapped? All I could think about was my mom, my dad, my life was flashing before my eyes. Am I going to die tonight?)

In a shaky voice, she murmured in Korean, "Guys, just stay calm. Just do what they say. We'll figure out."

"Where are you taking us?" She asked in English.

"To your hotel room." One of the men responded.

"You're not gonna kill us...are you?"

"No, we're not gonna kill you."

Jennie (I think my adrenaline kicked in. Because I would be scared to even speak but my heart was racing, I had to keep talking. Rebelling isn't a good idea. I don't know what to do! I feel responsible for all of our lives but I dunno what to do. I felt helpless.)

After the scary car ride, they arrive at Skid Row. The men shout at them to leave the car and they all head inside a hideout.

They all sit on the couch. Jennie sat in between Rap Monster and Jin. "S-so are you going to tell us what we're doing here?" She muttered, looking up at the men with butterflies in her stomach.

"Just look straight ahead." One of them ordered.

"They want us to look straight at the screen," Jennie told the guys in Korean.

"I ain't playing around, man!" One of the men shouted at Jungkook for looking around. The sudden shout made him flinch. "Look straight, fool!"

"Hey! He didn't do anything, wrong. Just leave him alone, all right? He's scared and so are the rest of us." Jennie spoke up in aggravation, narrowing her eyes at the man. "Just calm down."

"Jennie." Rap Monster hissed, trying to make her stop talking.

Turning her head to him, she protested. "I wasn't going to just-"

"Little girl! Look at the screen!" The man yelled at her and she flinched in fear at his booming voice.

After seeing her flinch, the BTS members glance up at the man who yelled at her. Jin grabbed onto her hand and squeezed it while Rap Monster ended up gritting his teeth.

Rap Monster (I just wanted her to stop talking, just in case anything else bad happens. I couldn't take it if anything happened to her. Or any of the members. But my blood just boiled a bit after he yelled at her.)

Jennie (If they had any weapons or anything, like a gun or something, I'd probably get shot for opening up my mouth. Honestly. I get hard headed and get stubborn sometimes.)

"Okay. I'll look at the screen. You don't have to tell me, twice. I already heard you the first time." She responded.

Jennie (I dunno if I was about to get hit, or killed, I dunno why I kept talking. It was stupid, I know, but I couldn't sit there and let them talk to Jungkook like that. He didn't deserve to get yelled at. I just got so protective. I feel like I have a huge responsibility for us as a group while here in America since this is my home. I know where things are at, but this is not what I wanted to happen.)

The men order the guys to take off their hats and also their shoes. "Take one sock off." The men order.

"Are you kiddin' me...?" She muttered.

Jennie (My damn nail polish is chipped. I didn't put new nail polish on. Now I gotta take off my socks? This is great. Very great. What's next? My death? Just let me go peacefully. That's all I ask.)

"BTS!" The screen said. "Welcome to the American Hustle Life hip hop school. beginning tomorrow for training provided by the greatest legends of hip hop, and the best tutors around, you will be born again as a true hip hop artist. See you tomorrow."

Jennie (You mean to tell me...this was ALL SET UP!? They couldn't have done it in a more CIVIL way?! Unbelievable! Big Hit count your days!)

"We goin' be back here tomorrow. So ya'll can stay here. Peace!" One guy said as the men left.

Jennie and the guys sit in silence while they leave. She sighed loudly and stood up, pacing around.

"I'll check the door..." She murmured and looked to see if they left. "Yeah, no one's there. They left."

"What is this...while I was sleeping..." Suga groaned.

Walking up to Jungkook, she kneeled in front of him. Seeing him so shaken up broke her heart as she grabbed his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "Are you okay?" She whispered. He nodded in response and she made him stand up, wrapping her arms around him for a hug.

Jennie (He was so shaken up. I'm just as scared as he is but I just really wanted to stay cool and calm. For him. For all the guys. I dunno how I managed.)

"J-Hope, are you good?" She tried to calm him down.

'In the middle of picking up their mental states and shoes'

"Hey, let's sleep. Just sleep." Suga advised as the guys made their way to the bunk beds.

"Hey, you going to sleep?" Rap Monster turned to Jennie who remained on the couch.

"I will in a bit. I can't sleep after what just happened." She replied.

"I'll stay up with you." Jungkook offered.

"No, no, it's fine. Get your rest. I know you're tired. I'll be okay." She smiled in reassurance.

Jennie (I'm sorry but I can't just sleep after what just went down. I can't do it. I'm going to be up for a while. I'm glad they're concerned. But I need to have my heart rate down and my emotions in check because I am still in a state of shock and fear. I'm blessed I get to live another day.)

The next morning, BTS and Jennie are awakened by loud shouting and clapping. As three of their tutors get them all awake and ready for the day.

"What ya'll come to LA for?" The tall guy asked as Rap Monster answered him that they were here to make music.

'Their tutors that decided to stay together with them for BTS' hip hop overseas studies'

'Their hip hop school, American Hustle Life, where they'll be together 24 hours with their tutors has started.'

"Let's start with the introductions, we're gonna introduce ourselves and we'll go down the line and ya'll can tell us your names and a little bit about yourselves," Tony announced.

"Well, I'm Zaire, man! I'm a rapper and I'm a producer." He introduced.

'Newcomer rapper who works really hard aka Zaire.'

'Dante Evans'

'Dante who is skilled with a lot of passion'

"Nate Walka. I'm a writer, and a rapper and a producer."

'Pro composer, Nate Walka. A pro composer who shines from Grammy Awards. The hidden treasure of the hip hop industry, the genius writer, Nate.'

"I'm Tony and I'm from Texas."

'Rapper and lyricist, Tony Jones. Used to be a basketball player and is a rapper while being a lyricist.'

'The giant good looking rapper who exceeds 2 meters, Tony.'

'Your first meeting with the tutors'

Jennie (I wake up to loud yelling, and see three guys. And Tony, I just couldn't stop staring. Tony is fine as hell! Oh, mah God...why is he so hot? It's been so long since I've gushed over guys. I can get used to waking up early to that. HAHAHA! Let me stop, cut this okay? Don't let it air! Hahaha! Oh God, what if he sees this? I may have a tiny crush on him. I'm looking forward to working with him...and the others. Yeah, the others. He saw me all bare faced and everything. He's so cute. My goodness. Why are the guys that I have crushes on, older than me? It isn't fair! I was born the wrong year hahaha)

"We have you guys for two weeks," Tony informed. "You can't go home. We work. No play. Not too much sleeping."

Jennie (Oh...great...not much sleeping...thank you. Sleep isn't my best friend.)

"Rule number two. We're gonna have competitions." Tony added. "We're gonna have a winner and we're gonna have a loser."

"The winners are gonna get a prize. Some type of reward." Nate mentioned

"The losers, bad. Rule number three you're gonna listen to us." Tony continued.

Jennie (Oh I can listen to you all~ day Tony. I'll be a good noodle for you. Let me stop, cut this out too! Hahah! Why am I so giddy!? Ah...let me stop embarrassin' myself.)

"We're gonna help you guys. So BTS, we have a very, very special guest. A legend in the rap game. He's known internationally. He's gonna come in and speak to you, guys. Make sure you guys pay attention. Okay?" Tony and the guys leave the room.

Jennie (It can be anybody. I have no idea who.)

After they come back, they reveal Coolio walking in as Jennie widens her eyes. 

"Coolio, right?" Rap Monster called out.

"Coolio! Holy crap!" Jennie stood up in surprise.

Jennie (What the-what the hell?! I'm in the same room as COOLIO!? Do you know how HUGE that is!? Gangster's paradise~)

BTS and Jennie applauded and he sat down. "So all ya'll speak English?" Coolio asked, sitting in a chair.

"I do. Rap Monster can speak it, too. The rest, not so much." Jennie answered.

"How did Hip Hop start? Where'd it start?" Coolio turned his attention to Suga who sat there dumbfounded. Turning to Jin, he asked, "What was the first rap single to go platinum?"

Jin just stood there baffled, while Coolio stood up and continued to ask questions but the guys didn't answer.

"Hello!" V greeted.

"What's up?" Coolio shook his hand.

"What's up." V cutely greeted in English. "Turn up!"

His sudden words made the guys laugh, while Jennie remained silent, feeling nervous at Coolio's serious expression.

Jennie (Oh no. Not good.)

"What does turn up mean?" Coolio questioned him.

"Let's go party? Turn up!" V jumped up and down in his seat.

Coolio was not amused and V apologized. "Give me 25 push ups." He said out of nowhere while Jennie dropped her jaw in shock.

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1 year ago

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 16- Spending White Day With BTS

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 16- Spending White Day With BTS

Chapter Summary: Jennie underestimated Yoongi's words when he said she would get spoiled for White Day

Words: 3,000+

Genre: FLUFF!! Jen with all the members! 


“Watch your step.”

“Don’t trip on anything.”

“Ahh, Munchkin’s going to freak!”

“Shh! Don’t wake her up!”

“Be quiet!”

“You sure this is enough?”

“It’s all over the room, it’s enough.”

“More than enough.”


“I hope she likes it.”

“She will, don’t worry.”

“You think she’ll faint?”

“Haha, maybe.”

“Stop talking, you’ll wake her up.”


Hushed whispers from the members were heard faintly from Jennie’s ears as she continued to sleep soundly. She couldn’t quite make out what they were saying and didn’t think much of it as she slept comfortably in her bed. She honestly thought she was dreaming. When morning came, Jen’s eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the sunlight from the window. Closing her eyes again as she groaned while stretching, she turned to her side. But suddenly pressed her body against something big.


And fluffy.

Very fluffy.

It felt like fur, as she flickered her eyes open, only to see a huge white bear, next to her.


Shrieking in surprise, she rolled over and ended up falling out of her bed. Expecting a hard thump, she braced herself. But she ended up falling on top of dozens of teddy bears, all in different colors and sizes.

“What the heck?” She sat up, looking around her teddy bear infested bedroom. “What is going on!?” She frantically looked around.

What was this?

Why were there teddy bears all over her room?

Grabbing a tiny teddy bear that read on its shirt, ‘Happy White Day!’, a smile came across her lips.

It was so adorable. Letting out a soft laugh, she grabbed a few more teddy bears and looked at them. 

“This cannot be happening...I gotta take a picture of this.” She grabbed her phone off her nightstand.

She snapped a photo of the teddy bears in her room and tweeted on the shared BTS account, ‘WHAT.IS.GOING.ON!? This is too much cuteness! #WhiteDay’

Managing to walk around the teddy bears, she headed for the door. Before she opened it, she noticed a sticky note.

‘Good morning, Sweetheart! Ready to spend the day celebrating White Day with Bangtan Boys? Get dressed and ready for the day. Breakfast will be waiting~’ Signed Jin.

“Yoongi really wasn’t kidding.” She let out a chuckle.

Excitement filled her body as she eagerly got ready, putting on her dance practice clothes and hair in a high, messy bun, with some curls falling out. Walking out of her room, she was greeted by Jin, who was patiently waiting for her with a bright smile on his face.

“You’re awake!” He beamed and pulled her in for a warm hug.

“D-did you guys put all them teddy bears in my room?”

“Uh huh.” He giggled at her shocked expression and gestured for her to sit down with him.

“H-how many teddy bears are there?!”

“We each got you three teddy bears.”

“How did you manage to hide all the bears!?”

“That’s for us to know and you to never find out.” He teased and placed a plate of blueberry pancakes in front of her. “Here you are. I hope this tastes like home. Your sisters told me you love this.”

Jaw dropped, she snapped her head up to Jin. “B-blueberry pancakes!?”

“Hm, hm. Namjoon talked to your sisters.”

First, it was the teddy bears, now it’s her favorite breakfast that her mom would make for her back at home. She was so happy they took the time to do this.

“I can’t thank you guys enough for this. This is so special.” She murmured, shaking her head in awe.

Jin watched her every expression as she took a big bite. “So...?”

Setting the fork down, she exclaimed, “Why is this so good!?”

He sighed out of relief, feeling proud of his cooking skills as he dug into his plate of pancakes. “Ah, just thanking our sweetheart for those delicious cupcakes. Please, make more. I brought the ingredients.” He hinted as the big grin on his face wouldn’t go away.

“I will, soon. You keep smiling, are you planning something else?”

“I’m just very excited, that’s all. You have a big day ahead of you.”

“I do?”

“Uh huh.” He slid her a note.

Opening it quickly, it read,

‘Munchkin~ are you ready to dance!? Meet me in the practice room so we can practice one on one for Just One Day.’ Signed Hobi

After finishing breakfast, Jen made her way to the practice room, opening the door to reveal Hobi, stretching out his limbs, and getting himself ready.

“Good morning~” She happily greeted, setting her bag down on the floor.

Turning his head to the door, a bright squeal came from his lips as he rushed over to her, pulling her in for a tight embrace. “Munchkin's here~. Happy White Day!”

“Thank you! And thanks for the teddy bears. You guys really went all out.”

“There’s plenty more where that came from! You and I are going to have fun, today.”

“All right! What are we working on?”

“I want to clean up a little bit of our dance in Just One Day.”

“Fine by me!”

After stretching, they practice the Just One Day dance with chairs. Giving her pointers and making sure her movements were sharp and in sync with his, Hobi had a blast with her. After taking a 15 minute break once they danced 8 times, they decided to dance, again.

neowa naega hamkke hago itdamyeon, let’s go time

24 hours neowa danduri itdamyeon

Hobi made her stand up from her seat, grabbing her hand as he spun her around.

Achimbuteo ibmatchumhae

Feeling his familiar lips against her cheek for the dance, she cracked a smile as they continued to dance in sync. Suddenly, he decided to spin her around and dip her.

Letting out a laugh, she held on to him before he brought her back up. “Looks like our dance session is over. On to your next destination~.” He took out a note and handed it to her.

“Thanks, Hobi, I had a blast.” She said as he gave her a big hug.

‘Ennie~ are you hungry from dance practice? Let’s eat lunch together! Take a shower and get situated. I’ll be waiting for you!’ Signed Tae. 

He gave her a destination and time they would meet for lunch.

After showering and putting on casual clothes, she entered the restaurant to see Tae grinning and waving at her.

Giggling at his goofy grin, she sat in front of him and he grabbed her hands. “Happy White Day! I already ordered for you.” He giggled.

“Oh really? And what if I don’t like it?” She teased.

“You will, trust me! How was dance practice with Hobi?”

“So fun! We cleaned up our dance for Just One Day. I still can’t get over the teddy bears you guys put all over our room.”

“I wish I could’ve seen your face. Did you cry?”

“No, I was so baffled, I couldn’t even say anything for a while.”

“Hehehe. We’re going to watch more Dragon Ball Z, soon!”

“Are we now?”

“Uh huh! Jimin and Jungkook won’t take away my hang out time with you.”

“Tae, we see each other every single day, it’s not like I’m going anywhere.”

“I-I know but you know what I mean.”

“I dunno, do I?”

“Jennie!” He whined.

“Okay! Okay!”

“Woo hoo!”

“Not so loud!”

“Woo hoo~” He repeated in a hushed tone. The two ended up laughing with each other as Jennie set her head down.

“Let me see your face~” He picked her head up and rested her chin on his palms, staring at her with a smile. “Smile~”

“I can’t, my face is hurting. You guys keep making me so happy. Happier than usual!”

“Okay, okay, let’s relax our faces.” He kept a straight face with her as they continued to stare at each other once he removed his hands from her face. 

Sipping on some water, she couldn’t help but notice him making funny faces at her. Swallowing the water in her mouth, she almost choked as she covered her mouth, letting out giggles.


“What? I’m not doing anything.” Tae looked around innocently with a straight face.

Rolling her eyes playfully, she continued to watch him as their noodles arrived. Handing her chopsticks first, Tae dug in, watching her with a serious expression.

After taking a few bites, she looked back up at Tae, who had another goofy expression on his face. The two of them end up laughing once again.

After their lunch, he slipped her a note.

‘U, Me, hot chocolate? I’m waiting for you at the entrance.’ Signed Jimin

Saying her goodbyes to him, she left the restaurant to see Jimin waiting for her.

“Ennie~ come on! Let’s go!” He said excitedly.

“I’m coming! I’m coming!” She giggled at his enthusiasm.

Sitting at a nearby cafe, they both ordered cups of hot chocolate with whipped cream and pastries to go with it. 

Sighing at the familiar taste, she took a few sips, enjoying the chocolaty goodness. “It’s been so long since I had this. This is so good!”

“I know right, I remember you telling us almost every day, last month.”

“I-I did? Sorry. I must have been so annoying.”

“Not at all, I thought it was cute.” He handed her a napkin. “You have whipped cream on your lips.”

“Ah, you’re such a gentleman.”

“Kissing it away wouldn’t be so gentleman like. Unless you want me to~.” He teased, nudging her on the arm with his trademark eye smile.

“Oh, cut it out!” She nudged him back, wiping the cream off her lips. She had gotten used to his harmless teasing these days.

The Bangtan Gal Chapter 16- Spending White Day With BTS

“Hehehe, I’m just kidding. You’re easy to tease. You should get used to it. Ah, but Jin won’t be so happy about it.” He chuckled at the memory of Jin coming to save her from his teasing, during the Boy In Luv filming. “Seems like Jungkook claimed you as his best friend.” He pointed to the black ring on her finger.

“Yep! Happily taken!” She proudly announced. “Jungkook is the bestest best friend I could ask for.”

“Aw, I’m disappointed! Jungkookie always beats me to everything.” He playfully huffed. “It’s not too late to dump him so I can be your best friend instead.”

Pondering for a few seconds, she smiled. “Thanks but no thanks. I’m his.”

“ was worth a shot.”

“Drink your hot chocolate!” She scooped up some whipped cream on her index finger and placed it on his nose.

“Hey!” He placed some whipped cream on the side of her face.

After continuing to bicker back and forth, and enjoying each other's company, he slid her a note. 

‘Let’s take a walk together, talk about life. I’m waiting for you, outside.’ Signed Namjoon

Putting her hoodie on her head, she walked outside and was greeted by Namjoon who had his hoodie over his head, too. “Hey, Happy White Day. You mind taking a walk with me?”

“How could I ever turn down my leader?” She playfully punched him on the shoulder. Earning a deep chuckle in response, they both strolled through a park. “I gotta say, you guys are unbelievable, doing all this for me.”

“I’m glad you’re enjoying the day, so far. It’s not over yet. Hope you’re not tired.”

“I was wide awake ever since I fell out of bed and onto all the teddy bears.” She admitted. Namjoon started laughing, thinking about the sight of her falling out of bed. “Go ahead, laugh. Whose idea was this, anyway?”

“Yoongi’s. Then we all decided to talk about what we should do with you, today. It was Jungkook’s idea to give you all the teddy bears. I thought it would be a good idea to contact your sisters about what you like to eat.”

“Amazing...thank you.”

“Ah, don’t mention it. I want you to get real with me for a moment.”


“How are you? Here with BTS? In Korea?”

“I’ve adjusted well, thanks to you.” She answered immediately. She enjoyed working here, performing, meeting fans, and eating the food. It was great. “There’s still a lot I need to work on, when it comes to performing, though.”

“So does everyone else.”

“I know, I know, it’s just that...I just want to perform for people.”

“And you’re doing that.”

“But I want to get better at my performances. My stage presence is still weak and so are my vocal skills.”

Stopping, Namjoon turned to her, staring down at her with reassurance. “And we’ll work on that. And you will get better. It won’t happen overnight but we know what you need to work on. When we make our full album, we’ll work on it.”

“I know we will.”

“But Jennie, when you feel like you want to give up, I want you to ask yourself, why you started this in the first place.”

“I felt like I had a great chance, to perform here. I always wanted to.”

“And what do you think?”

“It’s going well but I still don’t think I’m well liked.” She let out a sigh.

“Still reading the hate comments, huh? I thought I told you to not read them and let it get to you.” He said with a stern tone, crossing his arms. He hated seeing her so bummed. He enjoyed it when she was glowing and happily doing her thing.

“It just kind of sucks, you know...” She grumbled.

“Ignore that bullshit. Don’t even waste your time.” He pushed the negative thoughts she had, away. 

Nodding, she muttered, “I will.”

“No.” Shaking his head, Namjoon’s expression changed into a serious one. “I want you to say it and mean it. Now what are you going to do?” He raised a brow.

“Ignore the bullshit.”

“And do what?”

“Not waste my time.”

“Say it again. What are you going to do?”

“Ignore the bullshit and not waste my time.”

“One more time, loud and proud!”

“I’m going to ignore the bullshit and not waste my time on the haters!”

“Atta girl.” He nodded in approval with a smile. “We’re all going to get hate, it’s inevitable, but don’t let that control you. Don’t let that fear and negativity take over. I want you to keep your head up high.” He lifted her chin with his hand. “As a leader, I want to let you know that I see that you’re working hard and improving. I’m proud of you. I’m proud of what BTS has accomplished so far.”

His words began to light a fire in her as she continued to listen to his words of wisdom.

“I want you to know that, I got you, Jennifer. I’m not giving up on you. None of us are. Things are going to be fine. Relax. Breathe and follow your heart. There are going to be people out there who won’t believe in you and will make things difficult for you. And when you feel like you made it through something, something else happens and you have to overcome that. Things aren’t going to be easy, but don’t be discouraged. Believe in the greatness that lies within you. In here.” He pointed to her heart. “Prove to everyone that you can do it.”

Words couldn’t describe how grateful she was to have someone like him in her life. He was always known to be so deep, but witnessing it right now, got her in higher spirits.

“Always. Thank you, Namjoon. I don’t know what I would do without you, to be honest. I’m grateful to you.”

“I’ll always be there for you. Keep smiling.” He pulled her in for a comforting embrace. Pulling away, they continue to walk together. “Oh, good news, your food is still in the fridge. I didn’t eat it...yet.”

“Oh, so just because it’s White Day, you won’t eat my food? I need to find a hiding spot so you won’t munch on my stuff.”

“You know that I’ll find it.” He joked.

“Blah, blah, blah...”

“Oh, here.” He took out a bag of chewy sugar cookies. “They uh, got a little mushed because I fell, but they still taste good.”

“Of course, the cookies are mushed, you always break everything.” She poked fun at him, taking the cookies. “But them being broken makes it special because I know it’s from you. Thank you,”

“H-hey I’m not that destructive. Anyway, you're welcome. One more thing, can I borrow your phone charger?”

“You broke yours, didn’t you?” She deadpanned.

“K-kind of?”

Letting out another laugh, she agreed and told him it was in her room. “Great, I’ll get it later. I’m off, the kid is probably getting impatient. He’s so eager to see you.” He chuckled and handed her a note.

Saying their goodbyes, Namjoon left the park while Jennie opened the note.

‘Got time for your best friend? Let’s game. I’m waiting for you at the park entrance.’ Signed Your Best Friend, Kookie.

Running to the entrance of the park with excitement, she saw Jungkook waiting for her with his hood over his head. Hearing someone running to him, he looked up and broke out into a huge grin, opening his arms for her.

“I’ve been waiting to see you, all day!” She collided against him, wrapping her arms around his neck, tightly. He let out a soft chuckle and held her close.

Pulling away, he complained about the members, “Really? I feel special. You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting to see you. It was so annoying. I wanted to see you first, but the hyungs told me that I would hog you all day and they wouldn’t get a chance to see you at all, today. I was upset that I would be one of the last ones to see you. But it was worth the wait.”

“It really was. So buddy, what’s on the agenda?”

“Milady, would you do me the honor of gaming with me?” He bowed dramatically.

Playing along, she mirrored his movements. “I would be honored.”

“Let’s go. An arcade isn’t too far from here. I won’t go easy on you just because it’s White Day. Prepare to be schooled!”

“You wish!”

Arriving at the arcade, they immediately head to the Dance Dance Revolution game. “Jungkook, let me show you how it’s done. This is my favorite game. Watch and learn.”

“I’ll watch. And then once you had your fun, I’ll beat your high score.” He responded in a competitive tone. No way in the world she was going to be able to beat him.

“We’ll see!”

As she danced, Jungkook analyzed her movements, thinking of strategies for beating her. Staying calm, he was confident in his skills and that he had no problem getting a higher score.

“Your turn.” She gestured after she was done.

“I can beat that.” He smirked, making his way to the game.

“No, you can’t.”

“Yes, I can. Watch and learn.”

She watched and learned all right. Her smile turned upside down as she gaped at the score. “...Are you KIDDING me!?” She exclaimed, throwing her arms up in the air. He laughed out loud at her outburst. “How!? That’s not possible!”

“You know what they say, don’t hate the player, hate the game.” He managed to escape her hits, aiming for his arm as he continued to laugh.

After bickering, the both of them went all around the place, furiously button mashing on various games, with mostly Jungkook winning everything. 

“Basketball. You, me, let’s go!” She grabbed onto his wrist and took him to the basketball courts.

As soon as the timer went off, the two began to shoot baskets quickly, trying to make it in the basket more often than one another. Jennie stayed focused, ignoring his goofy comments.

“Oh look! I got another basket! And another one! Score! In your face, Jennie! Wow, another basket!”

“Shut up!” She shouted as he laughed wholeheartedly, enjoying driving her crazy. As soon as the bell rang, she looked at the score and started jumping up and down. “WOO! I did it! That is what I’m talking about! In your face!”

Staring at the score in disbelief, Jungkook turned to watch her celebrating happily, dancing around. He couldn’t help but gaze at her with his bunny smile across his face. 

She was something else.

“You want to take a picture?” She caught him staring.

“S-sorry.” He looked down, feeling his face heat up.

“I’m just teasing. But seriously, let’s take some pictures together.”

After goofing around, taking goofy selfies on her phone, they gathered up their tickets and Jungkook picked out an Iron Man plush for her. 

“Treat it with love and care. Iron Man is my favorite.” He dramatically presented it to her.

“I’ll add it to the numerous teddy bears all over my room.” She let out a laugh and happily accepted it. “Thanks, Kookie.”

Looking at the time, Jungkook sighed. He really didn’t want to leave her, but it was Yoongi’s turn. Handing her a note, she read it.

‘Head back to the dorm, Smartie.’ Signed Yoongi. Short, sweet and simple.

Walking inside the dorm, Jennie was met by Yoongi sitting on the couch, wearing dressy casual clothing.

“Smartie. Happy White Day. Get prettier. We’re all taking you out to dinner. I’ll be waiting for you in the living room to escort you.” He said out of nowhere with a smile.


“Yes, dinner.” He stood up and sighed when she pulled him in for a tight hug. “Don’t squeeze me to death!”

“My bad. I’ll get ready. This is great! I’ll get done quick!” She ran to her room.

After 30 minutes of getting ready, she wore a sweater dress and had her hair out of her messy bun and neatly down. Walking out, she announced that she was ready.

Turning around, Yoongi looked at her and shook his head. “Jennie, I said prettier, not beautiful-er.” He teased, earning a smile from her. “You look nice, Smartie.”

“Really? Thanks, Yoongi.”

After the short car ride, they see the rest of the guys sitting at a table, waiting for them. “Miss Bangtan has arrived,” Yoongi announced with her hand on his arm while the guys happily stood up and applauded.

Giggling at their energy and enthusiasm, Jennie was overwhelmed with happiness.

“Come on, sit! Let’s eat!” Jin eagerly gestured for her to sit down.

“I have a seat, right next to me,” Jungkook said, pointing to the empty seat.

“I feel like Jungkook is trying to hog Jennie. It’s my turn to be with her. Jennie, sit next to me.” Jimin pulled out a seat for her.

“Hyung!” Jungkook shouted, shooting him a look of annoyance as Jimin couldn’t help but giggle.

“Hey! Behave!” Yoongi scolded. “She’s sitting next to me, so be quiet.” He pulled out the seat for her and let her sit down. He then gently pushed the seat in for her and sat down next to her. 

“Before we eat, I just want to express my gratitude for all of you planning this special day for me. Today was really fun.” Jen smiled.

“Hey, I told you that you were going to get spoiled on White Day.” Yoongi nudged her.

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