snackara - Snackara

Call me Rue| Aspiring Writer/Filmmaker| 17

353 posts

The Solomonar Chronicles: The Magic System

The Solomonar Chronicles: The Magic System

The Solomonar Chronicles: The Magic System

I’ve been thinking a lot about how magic functions in the Mageborn’s universe, and I encountered one big question.

Why not use magic for everything? And the answer is simple, honestly.

Casting spells costs energy.

The exact cost of energy depends on the scale and complexity of the spell. Basic charms such as levitating a box of teleporting a cup across a room wouldn’t affect someone that much. Spells such as combat and healing spells drain more energy, leaving the caster feeling more tired. And spells such as teleporting long-distance and turning invisible leave the caster almost completely drained of their energy, and some will pass out afterwords. Several spells in rapid succession (usually during a fight) can also drain a lot of energy.

Casters can actually train to cast spells at a smaller cost. Think of it like exercising. The more that spell is cast and trained, the less energy it takes to do so. This is often the focus of job training and the magic part of mage schools, not just learning the spells themselves.

Something else to add is that since energy is converted into spells, objects and spells cannot be created from nothingness. The energy can be converted into things such as fire or water, but not solid objects. With objects, they must be transformed from something else. Such as transforming a pumpkin into a chair or something.


Casting spells comes at the cost of energy

The larger or more complex the spell, the more energy it drains from the caster

A caster can train with certain spells so that they cost lest energy

Spells cannot be conjured from nothing

Spells can only convert energy into elements such as water, fire, and air; it cannot be converted into solid objects

Magic can only transform one solid object into another or into an element and vice versa; the more alike the objects are the easier it is to transform

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5 months ago

not me changing the character designs again to give Atticus even more trauma-

Mageborns Character Descriptions

@signed-sapphire Here you go, since you want to draw the gang so badly. It’s not terribly detailed, since I wanted to give a general idea of what everyone looks like. I’ll work on full character profiles later that go more in-depth on them.

Atticus: Atticus is a pretty average guy. Minus the huge burn scar on half of his face that has claimed his eye. He has messy dark brown hair and permanently tired brown eyes. He looks constantly exhausted, but tends to perk up around his friends. Especially Jesse and Clara.

Jesse: Unlike Atticus, Jesse is much more approachable. His light brown hair is combed back neatly and his short beard is well-trimmed. His blue eyes are always very bright and curious. And generally he has an air of confidence and friendliness that makes him very approachable. Though, rarely, you can catch his staring into space with a distant and hollow look in his eyes.

Clara: Clara is probably looks the most professional and no-nonsense of the group thanks to her job as a teacher. Her dark brown skin is unblemished, and her curly black hair is usually tied up in a long ponytail or a bun. Her deep brown eyes are always look very thoughtful. Her demeanor makes her seem like a very stiff woman, but she’s really pretty alright.

Florence: Florence looks like she just stepped out of a magazine. Short blonde hair, emerald green eyes, even a cloche hat to really complete the look. She often has a little notepad and pencil handy because of her job as a journalist. She always has a pep in her step, and you can tell from watching her for just a little bit that she’s a very spirited young lady.

Edward Donahue: Donahue can make anyone and everyone feel uncomfortable around him. He always has a stern expression on his face, but will occasionally crack a shit-eating grin. (Atticus hates the way he smiles so smugly.) His black hair is combed back neatly and his dark brown eyes pierce right into your soul. Generally he is not someone you want to mess with.

Sorry if there wasn’t much detail with the clothing, I didn’t see a reason to mention anything in particular to them aside from Florence’s hat. They’re all basically wearing a typical 1920’s getup with the long coats and such

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5 months ago

Writing is all fun and games until you have to write the middle part.

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5 months ago

As a rule of thumb, don't reblog donation posts or people asking for donations unless they've been vetted and reblogged by Palestinian bloggers. We usually go to lengths to verify this shit because we know scammers have been faking to get people to send them money, using the urgency of our genocide as bait.

It's disgusting this is what we're dealing with, but people are losing money because of some truly evil people out there.

Accounts don't just randomly spring up on tumblr without gofundmes while asking for someone to help them create a campaign. Fuck out of here with that shit.