I Am So Proud To Have Been Bestowed This Wonderful Power Of Booping. I Will Definitely Not Take Advantage
I am so proud to have been bestowed this wonderful power of booping. I will definitely not take advantage of it. Why would I do that?
More Posts from Snailpence
I live to see the day that one of my posts or reblogs or something gets posted on a YouTube video
It better be a good post though
since I have both adhd and anxiety i took both the creatures and combined them into one species.
I call it the “holy shit”
Taking a brief break to record progress
The boop meter seems to progrsss on a scale of
30 > 100 > 300 > 700 > MAX > LOL > OMG
Of gives, the appearance only changes based on gives, but the revived seems to follow the same process
Additionally there are two badges I’ve unlocked so far! Let’s see if there’s more, I doubt so since staff seem to have all the badges pre unlocked
Ever since I joined Tumblr (which, by the way, was a few moments ago,) I have felt oddly competitive against the other mysterious new users. Which is strange because I've never met them and yet I feel compelled to learn the ropes of Tumblr before they do.
@jeb @echo DID I DO IT???