snakegorl212006 - Random Things
Random Things

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180 posts

Exploration (pt 5)

Exploration (pt 5)


Exploration (pt 5)

Seeing as I know who they are going though this part should be a much as a breeze this will be, it would be cruel of me to skip them entirely. Based on kalim’s reaction, it would be a relief to find out that someone from the living know that they exist and they don’t feel invisible . Though I would say I’m quite nervous meeting a famous actor and model. Grim seems relaxed going in here. When I entered the luxurious doors of the Pomefiore wing I was greeted with music and the scent of honey lavender. The air felt refreshing, almost like a calming relief. Just one problem. The feeling of eyes watching my every move. Like I’m on stage. Fortunately it seems peaceful in the main lobby. My search began starting with the lower floors plus the outside. I walked to the kitchen,nothing in there ghost wise. But there was a basket full of fresh apples. Something that wasn't there before. Still feel like I’m being watched. I exit the kitchen where I saw grim being petted by a young guy with unusually lavender hair. In his hand was an empty basket. I walked forward which made him look up at me. He looked surprised that I could see him now. He walked to me and placed the empty basket in my hands then he grabbed my wrist and tugged me to the backyard to the garden. Though there were mostly poisonous and medicinal plants and herbs there happens to be a single apple tree with fresh apples still left on the branches. When we reached the apple tree the young male disappeared .This tree must mean that the ghost was epel,the assistant who was an apple farmer I guess he wanted me to pick some apples. How am I gonna get them out of the tree? I only picked the apples that were in my reach. Then something told me to look up behind me. I turned to face a window. As soon as I turned, a figure exited out of view. I quickly wrapped up the apple picking and headed back inside. I placed the apples next to the other batch, then I headed upstairs. Before I could pick a room, a sharp gust of air passed by me which ended with a sound of something being punctured. I turned down the hall to see a make-shift archery board. There was an arrow stabbed dead center. “I apologize. I had no other way to gain your attention, amore” a voice spoke with a slight accent. I turned to see a familiar face holding a bow. His green eyes smiled as he gazed at me. That bob cut and that accuracy and that unforgettable gaze. I’m looking at rook hunt. “Roi du Poison, is waiting in the other room” Rook said as he pointed to the master room. “Thank you…” I said and he gave me a smile before walking down stairs. I looked to see he was gone. Behind me was the creaking of the door. The master bed room is open and has an overwhelming sweet smell rolling from it. Whatever it was sure attracted grim who came walking upstairs head up high. I followed behind the silly cat but the more I edged closer, the more dizzy and suffocating the air became. Humming was heard from the room. An eerie toon. I reached the door where the dizzy smell grew the strongest. The room was slightly dim where the majority of the lighting came from the vanity. The main issue was there was no one around. I entered the room where the door closed on purpose. That smell grew stronger which made me feel dizzy. My vision blurred for a second. When I gained some control I noticed a person sitting on the validity chair. The Vil Shoenheit was sitting in front of me doing his makeup while humming. Well i see it it’s proof enough now i have to go before i pass out. I turned around to leave only to feel paralyzed. I couldn't even speak. That smell continues to overwhelm my senses but its not a painful dizziness. Now it’s drowsiness. This air once again brought me comfort like a blanket. My body leads itself to the comfort of the bed almost like I was floating. The comfort of the sheets. The perfect air. I guess a nap wouldn't hurt. My vision fades so does that figure resting above me stroking my head comfortably. I guess a nap woulden”t hurt….. The i felt something sharp. I shot up awake to see grim hair on ends as he meowed almost in panic as he rubs against me like we haven’t seen each other in years. I looked at the time and it was almost sundown. How long have I been asleep? Weakly i got up from the bed and searched for my journal. The journal is on the vanity so I went to grab it. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted something glossy. There was a kiss mark on my forehead leaving me with much confusion. I wiped the mark off,I gathered my things then I began to leave. I wonder why he did that.

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More Posts from Snakegorl212006

1 year ago

Zenos Headcanons pt 1

Zenos Headcanons Pt 1

(Friend Vs partner)

---Friendship------------------------------------------------ -literally wasn't even your choice but he dragged you into this twisted friendship -If he sees you from afar he’s automatically going to go towards you -he’s not walking he’s sprinting -fights like 3-4 times a day -he’ll spare you if you lose but you better win the next one or he’ll get bored of you -low key wants you to win though -makes sure no one insults you or they’ll be put six feet under -that's not promise that’s a fact -that also goes to anyone else that is trying to harm you -if you have your own house he’ll definitely see if he can be roomates with you -he’ll be the type of friend who bullies you but if someone else tries to do the same thing he’ll get defensive -he’s pretty helpful if needed -if you had a disability or any physical or mental problems he’ll be impressed and very supportive.. In his own way -You’re like his second in command and his most trustworthy comrad ---Partner/lover--------------------------------------------- -none of you know why you two are together but it works and he’s happy about it -you guys have the best hate-love relationship - he seems like the type of person who wouldn't like to sit around all day but if you want to just lay down in bed with him. He’ll make the acception -HATES interruption -he’ll be annoyed if someone interrupts his time with you especially if he has stuff to do -you guys still spar eachother but depending on the day of the week it could be more or less -normal conversations are almost non existent -possessive af -sit on his lap to boost his pride -he’ll buy you a weapon -over all attached to the hip with you -a sadist but is respectful but still a sadist -his love languages are Physical touch and Quality time -He just want to be around because you make him feel a certain way that is addicting to him

Zenos Headcanons Pt 1

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1 year ago

Exploration (pt1)


Sam’s words were still lingering in my head. I guess I’m not crazy after all. My thoughts were interrupted by meowing. I sighed and sat up from my bed and began heading downstairs to feed grim. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a can of tuna and opened it. Grim was on the counter so I just placed the can there. I should order a cat bowl so he doesn't risk cutting himself. I made myself breakfast and after I’m done I just headed into the dining room and started eating. While I ate,I pondered on if I should try to communicate and report to sam or ignore it and just assume I’m going to die from insanity. Well I can’t just move out and ignore the situation and prevent myself from becoming a horror movie cliche so I might as well humor his words and see what’s really going on. 


Exploration (pt1)

Heartslabyul seems to be the most mild wing besides Ignihyde but I’m not ready for the doll just yet so might as well start there. Before leaving I grabbed my necklace and the journal. Grim decided to follow along which can help sense they say animals can see things like ghosts so even better. As we walked to the Heartslabyul I began preparing the journal. I also should be fine if I have to do an overnight stay since it has a very comfortable setting and I could just order food. After mentally preparing myself I enter the wing only to be hit with a soft smell of roses. I found this strange sense last time I checked. I never put any scented freshener in this room. I never smelled it when I went on a picnic here. I began walking around to find anything about any entities. Maybe I should've gotten ghost equipment. Surely there’s a way to communicate with ghosts. As I walked past the kitchen the necklace vibrated which startled me. I looked over at grim who was just looking in the kitchen from the couches. There's someone in there. I sighed trying to calm myself down and pray I don't mess up this encounter. I stepped back and interred the ‘empty’. The gem was vibrating every few seconds which maybe indicates danger level i don’t know. I had no clue on what to do so I just stood there. After a few minutes the cabinets flew open and a bag of flowers fell out and spilled on the contour. After a few moments i walked over to see someone wrote in the flower “can you see me” I looked around to find anything and just shook my head. I grabbed a bunch of the flower and placed it on the island so i could see better “if you are here, tell me your name” I asked. Slowly words began to form spelling ‘Trey clover’. Yay progress. I began to write it down and log it. As I was writing I felt a bref cold tap on my shoulder. I looked up then down at the writing. ‘Name?’ it reads. I told him my name. He’s friendly which gives me some hope for this. “Is it just you” i asked. After a few seconds I looked down ‘no. 4+ me’ so there’s five of them here. I nod. Seeing how old this place is I don't think there were any cameras so I have to rely on paintings or if google just happened to know who clover is. I caught a glimpse of what he wrote now ‘gifts in the cooler’ . We have a refrigerator so i checked in there to see (favorite dessert). That’s actually really nice of them. I placed the (favorite dessert) on the counter. I took a bite and it was really good. Better than the store bought ones i’d say. I wonder if he was a baker before he died. I have to move on since there are still so many left. I exit the kitchen just to feel vibrations across the room. It was to the painting room. Like the last time it was vibrating every few seconds up until I reached the room. I saw no one and grim looked uninterested and basically left somewhere. The area felt a little cold so something to jot down. I spot something from the corner of my eye. A polaroid camera. A more modern one shockingly. I turned the camera on and took one picture. It surprisingly had some film left in it. I wonder who left it here. I waved the picture that came out the camera and to my surprise there was someone in the picture. There sat on a stool in front of an easel was a young man with orange hair which was pinned back in a sort-of half up half down style. He wore loose yet comfortable clothing with just some pants and a ruffled shirt. He was gazing at the canvas, all charming like. Is he a painter? I walked forward to the easel where the canvas stood and there was a painting of…. Me? Well she looked like me with the skin, hair, eyes even body type yet. Why did he depict me in Victorian clothing? Regardless, it was a beautiful painting. I looked around the canvas for some sort of signature which I found in the back. “Cater diamond ♢” i mumbled as the vibrations of the necklace stopped and the room got warmer. Well I have something to write down and a ghost camera. I chuckled to myself. Then I was startled by the creaking of a door. I looked out of the art room to see the game room door wide open. I calmed my nerves and began my exploration to the game room. There in front of me was a table with two hands. One was full of heart cards and the other were spades. both have a straight flush. Then my necklace vibrates but in slower interables. It was vibrating twice then stopping for like a minute before doing it again. Are there like two of them? I followed the vibrations to see a painting. There were three guys. Each looked uniform with a vest with different card patterns consisting of hearts ,cloves, spades and diamonds.the One who was passing out food, had short green hair, glasses,black vest with card pattern engravings and an apron with cloves matching the clove underneath his eye. The one in red who looks to be winning using cheats seeing the cards in his sleeves. He had a heart painted on his eye. His hair was almost a like aTerracotta type of red. The other had bluish hair and had a baffled expression like he lost. He had the prettiest turquoise eyes with a spade on his eye. I couldn't help but to smile at the picture as everyone looked to be having fun. I wonder what caused their deaths. I turned around to see the card now rearranged and were scrambled. Two cards stook out which were an ace and a card with two spades next to a cutter box. I guess the two people here were ace and deuce.i took the box as i might be in need of it later. I began to write this down. Then I heard loud meowing which was followed by hissing. Concern i exit the room as i followed the noise which leads upstairs the necklace started vibrating rapidly almost panicky. I saw grim who was alert and stiff like. He was glaring in the master bedroom where I saw nothing yet there was a strong sense of rose in the air. It’s not suffocating but it is a bit overwhelming. I looked around the room to see a person standing at the window seal. He was translucent but i was able to make out the red hair and gray eyes. He had shorts with a train belt with roses. He looks like something you’d see in black butler or aristocratic ouija fashion with the color schelms of gold white and red. The ghost turns around and glances at me then looks down at the cat. He frowns. I can see his lips moving but no words came out. Grim hisses and backs away. The spirit looks up at me and mumbles something then he vanishes. The panic vibrations stopped and grim looks more releaf but scared. I was stunned yet felt physically drained. I left the room and began heading downstairs. I happen to look at the painting in the middle which matches the description of the spirit i saw. Seeing there was a golden frame i assume they'll be some name on a plat. There it was at the very bottom. “Riddle Rosehearts”

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1 year ago

SCP headcanons pt1

(how did you meet)

SCP Headcanons Pt1

Scp-070(you’re a SCP)

You always was a entity at site** and honestly you thought you saw everything but this would’ve been one of the weirdest things you’ve seen. You had a hard time sleeping so the guards let you stay up for one hour before returning to your room. With that hour you head to the cafeteria , got yourself a snack, then you hear clanking on the floor. You turned around to see a native american male who appears dead asleep. That’s not the weirdest part you’ve seen researchers sleep walking before but this man wasn't walking as he’s held up by rusted metal wings with long pointed chains coming down from the structure. He was crawling on the walls well, his wings made him crawl. I waved my hand to see if he was ok but in return he floated down and crashed onto me. The wings stopped moving and it looked like his whole body was asleep. When that happened no more than 2 or 3 security personnel  came in with sticky foam. They handled the rest and I was sent back to my room.

SCP Headcanons Pt1

Scp-073(you’re a SCP)

You just got taken from your home after some rando exposed your powers and your true form. Due to the incident you had a hard time opening up to research personnel and were not very compliant to test due to a build up fear. Due to you being difficult, tests were suspended for the time being. In the present day, you are allowed to go around the facility to help boost your trust. The first place you went to was the cafeteria. You were in your human form and honestly you could almost be considered a D-class if the researchers and security personnel didn't know who you were. Now you just got done going through the line and you yourself some (favorite food)which wasn't normally served but due to you being a SCP and wanting to get on your good side you kinda get special treatment. This caught the attention of many D-class personals who envy you. You were casually minding your own business until a small group of D-class were surrounding you . each one was just itching for a fight. But you just were not interested. Before anything else happened to you a man grabbed his arm then the guards came and took them away before anything else could happen "are you ok" the man asked which sounded cold,kinda robotic but it felt warm to you. You nod which made him give a small smile "good. I'm scp-073 but I'm calling cain" he introduced "(y/n)" you replied significantly you're first steps of your friendship

SCP Headcanons Pt1

Scp-076-2(you're a D-class)

You never wanted to be here. But if it wasn't for you being accused of a massacre you wouldn't be in this mess. Multiple containment breaches happened at the same time. All you had was a knife from a dead personal, a flashlight,and a couple key cards ranging from levels 1-4. The people were dropping like flies and reinforcements were coming soon. you were roaming around the halls aware of the sound and the quiet screaming from the victims. Unfortunately for you you came across a hostile scp who was stabbing another military personal. He wouldn't have noticed you if you hadn't flash your flashlight in his face. He turned slightly for a second and you booked it. As you ran you heard his footsteps getting closer and closer. You managed to shut a gate on him and you didn't stick around to find out if he broke though or not. Lucky for you  found yourself in the cafeteria. You head to the kitchen and grab yourself the biggest knife there. It wouldn't be too useful on a scp but hey you got a weapon. From behind the kitchen counter the doors burst open and you quickly hid in the cabinets in the back. You readyed your knife and calmed your breathing “where are you? Little mouse”he called as his footsteps grew closer to your location. Then without warning his sword pierce through the cabinet from above you making you run out. He tries to slice you again but you also dodge that move. Using the knife in your hand and stabbed through his neck and managed to snap his neck by twisting the knife towards the back of his neck. To add insult to injury his collar exploded making him disintegrate. Some MTs’ found you and managed to get you to a temporary cell.

SCP Headcanons Pt1

Scp-085( you’re a scp)

You were in your cell minding your own business until you saw foundation personnel transport a canvas in your room. It wasn't just any canvas but there was a person inside “Scp-(random numbers) this is scp-085. You’ll be helping her and will be sharing the same containment cells for a few days. There was a breach that destroyed her containment.”the rechercher said then he left. You turned to the 2D girl and saw how sad she looked. You grabbed a pencil and wrote to her “hi im (y/n) what’s your name”  you asked. She slowly wrote the word ‘cassy’ “why are you so sad” you asked. She shook her head like she didn't want to talk about it. “What do you like”you wrote “cars”she replied “why ask” she said “well you look sad and i want to know what makes you happy” you wrote a reply. She smiles through the picture “want to be friends”she asked. You nod in reply and thus a friendship was born

SCP Headcanons Pt1

Scp-049( you’re a researcher)

You’re the new researcher at the facility and were told due to a previous breach you have to interview Scp-049 asap. You reach the interview room “good evening 049. Im dr.(l/n) and i’ll be asking you a few questions. Is this ok with you”you asked.'' It’s completely fine, doctor,”he replied. The interview began and he was very polite to you and you had zero issues with although he never gave a clear explanation on what the pestilence is. At the end of the interview selection you declared your leave “wait Doctor.”049 called “is there something wrong”you asked “if it’s possible i would like to chat with you again”he said. You thought for a moment “I suppose it wouldn't hurt. I’ll see you soon 049” you declared as you were escorted out the room.

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1 year ago

Weiss The Immaculate headcanons pt 1

Weiss The Immaculate Headcanons Pt 1

----dating them includes----------------------  

-Dealing with his rough personality Weiss can be demanding and a vary dominated person and it's indiscriminate. Although he's charismatic he can also be sadistic which to most is hard to handle

-Being treated like royalty Being his significant other does have it's perks like being respected throughout the entire board. Most wouldn't even think you would stand a chance to win his heart but you did.

-Treats you better then he treats anyone here Yes he's a sadistic prick but he dose have some form of boundaries when it comes to you. Although it really doesn't seem like it you have a lot of freedom and he doesn't order you around or controlling over you heck your even allowed outside the base.

-You having to make the first move Good luck if you want him to ask you out on a date because after that confession you have to make  the first move 99% of the time for he has absolutely no idea how to be 100% romantic. He does try his best but dates when he takes you out mostly consists of missions and killing humans as he hates them.

----How do they get your attention-----------------

There are many ways he would get your attention but he would only do it because he’s bored. Rarely would he pin you agent on the wall and would start a makeout session with you or ,Sometimes, would randomly ,if you happened to sit near or on him ,he would bite you and leave a mark. Most of the time he would just straight out say something to you like calling you over or just go near you and scare you by blowing your neck or just roughly grab your shoulders.

---What happens when there jealous-----------------

-who possessed you to have the intention of having death following you -who hurt you as a child -why would even try -ok jokes aside, similar to the revenants murder is his first and only option - bruh they’re lucky to breath in your general direction -but sometimes would low-key join the flirting before ending the person’s life like a whole uno reverse card -just saying his blades are rated E for everyone

--How would they react when there S/o says "I love you"-------

-would stay silent - would have no idea how to even react -he would say “I know” or give a small hum as a reply -be he would be confused why you say it often -eventually he would say “i love you too” to humor you but it backfired and he studded as he replied -anyone who witness that event were sworn to secrecy or they’ll die

Weiss The Immaculate Headcanons Pt 1

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1 year ago

SCP fondation

how you meet pt1 

how you meet pt2

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