Evil creature, bite bite biteI post ferrets and drawings Monsters, bugs, biology obsessed Imprisoned in a college basement

532 posts

A Look Inside The Cells Of Some Water Sprite

a look inside the cells of some water sprite


More Posts from Snezztheferret

1 year ago


Join me for monster au sun and moon stuff, if you dare!


1 year ago

Tag List:

#others art- tag when I reblog a drawing/animation/etc that someone else made

#snezz art - all my art stuff in one place!

#monster dating sim - art, lore, etc for the imaginary game i'm creating

#microscopy - any photos or video I take of little micro critters

#snezz nonsense - my own text posts or musings that I feel fit

#snezz pets - photos of my pets (usually ferrets)

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1 year ago

So Arizona launched an “education hotline” that allows “concerned parents” to report “””critical race theory””” and other things like ~gender identity~ being taught in the classroom

It would be a shame if the number and email were spread to bad actors looking to prank call the AZ Department of Education

602-771-3500 or empower @ azed .gov 🤡

Horne said two staff members are sorting through the calls, and two investigators are working on credible leads.

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1 year ago
Drawings @ Work
Drawings @ Work
Drawings @ Work

drawings @ work

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1 year ago

Thinking about when CG was used exactly one time in the entirety of spongebobs pre-movie 3 season run

Like, they could’ve easily just had him instantaneously burst through the wall and get roughly the same joke across, but the fact the writers wanted him to slowly push through the wall like that SO BADLY that they went out of their way to implement the cg effect to do so is so fucking funny to me fndmmsmsms

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