snowontreeleaves - snowy guy
snowy guy

I don't know how tumblr works. sorry. despite the 'guy' I am not a guy. if you can't read my handwriting then it's in the alt text. don't be afraid to send me asks!!! I'll answer anything and I love notifications! use my art for whatever you want I don't care

83 posts

Snowontreeleaves - Snowy Guy - Tumblr Blog

1 year ago
a fluffy white creature with pink horns has laid down in a void of different shades of blue. they have fluff covering their eyes and floppy ears, and have big back paws. along their hair, ears, legs, and tail, they have a reddish pink stripe. they are holding a star pouch. music notes are around their head

this guy loves dirty low frequencies.

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1 year ago
1 year ago
Rime Dart plans to vist the medicine cat, his mate is Union, a medicine cat

wonder what he's going there for...

Union is watching as Rime Dart is being overdramatic on the floor, reaching a paw out saying, "I'm soooo sick... If only a beautiful medicine cat could help me!"

a sickness only cured by attention, how tragic

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1 year ago
1 year ago
Borage Paw is feeling underappreciated. she are a mediator apprentice

the mediator apprentice... feeling underappreciated? how could the clan not see all the work they've done?!

Borage Paw is sitting on her hind legs, tail thrashing about, with her front paws crossed, being very upset. "no one appreciates me!" she thinks

it's not like you have barely done anything!

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1 year ago

cat enthusiast here! the newborn kits look different than their older counterparts to mimic real life cats, markings become more apparent as a kitten grows :)

i know!! it just makes them so hard to recognize for me

a big tabby cat is looking down at a newborn kitten, "Aww, what a cute little baby!" they say. one moon later. "who are you?!" says the cat looking at the older kitten

i have horrible recognition skills, i keep getting so confused :(

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1 year ago
Midnight Techo was seen arguing and borderline fighting with a cat from Breeze Clan. the war against Breeze Clan has begun

what did you say midnighttecho???

Midnight Techo is angry, saying, "oh yeah? well you're stinky!"
the Breeze Clan Warrior responds, offended, "how could you say such a thing?!"
then, from a birds-eye-view, we can see a cardinal looking scared about the two mass of cats rapidly approaching each other

how could you midnight? how could you?!

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1 year ago
1 year ago
1 year ago
I've Made A Habit Of Storing My Dogs Before They Die. But This One, This One Must Die

i've made a habit of storing my dogs before they die. but this one, this one must die

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1 year ago
1 year ago