30 | she | Russian | proud Rammstein fan | new mom | LOVE to chat
81 posts
Ive Woken Up To No Power And The Forecast Is Rain. This However, Has Brightened My Day Significantly.
I’ve woken up to no power and the forecast is rain. This however, has brightened my day significantly. Thank you Jens Koch for all that you do.

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More Posts from So-darya-darya
Baby *cries*
Richard: He just cries and cries and I don’t understand what he wants!
Paul: Guess, he wants to rewrite the guitar part for the 100th time really badly, our little diva baby boy.
Imagine having such a chat now! Mind blowing
Transcript from fan groupchat with Flake, 2000
I tried to upload the link but the link seemed broken or unsafe so I copied & pasted the text instead. Enjoy! (I have highlighted the best questions and comments).
Transcribed and translated by Jeremy Williams
Taken from the Fan Area
Dec. 16th, 2000
Flake: Links wird nicht die erste Single sein. Es geht um uns.
Flake: Links will not be the first single. We will decide.
Flake: ja, wir spielen auch alte Songs.
Flake: yes, we play old songs too..
Flake: we are with Limp Bizkit
Mikki: m friend wants to know if Till was nervous to sing Stripped in front of an English speaking audience
Flake: yes, his English pronunciation is also really bad
Flake: the next video will be for the song Sonne.
Flake: and it will be an older German farytale
Mikki: Really? Cool! Will that be the first single or will it be Der Boxer?
Flake: Der Boxer and Sonne are the same song
Mikki: you have a lot of names for one song, lol
Flake: the song went through numerous developmental phases
Mikki: any idea when a US tour might occur?
Flake: wir hoffen wir mit Tool mitnehmen können
Flake: The US will be in the summer
Jeremy: Flake, what do you think of Napster?
Flake: I like Napster
Pipsqueak: so what is made first - music or lyrics?
Flake: First the music is there.
Mikki: Why is Poland your favorite?
Flake: the nicest people live in Poland and the food is really good
Flake: I myself do not even have a computer
Kolla: Iceland, is that part of your tour?
Flake: We hope that we are going to Iceland
Flake: At the concert it is always really nice regardless of where we are.
Flake: the first time I burnt myself and had to jump around to put out the fire and then all thought that it belonged to the show which is why I now always do it.
Adelante: tretet Ihr mal wieder mit Witt auf?
Adelante: will you guys appear with Witt?
Flake: Mit Witt ist nichts geplant, weil er sein Tour schon fertig hat
Flake: Nothing is planned with Witt because his tour is already over
JoeHunter: What do you think of Rammstein's comparison to the group Megaherz?
Flake: We are happy when other bands find us so good that they attempt to imitate us.
Kolla: What is DER MEISTER about?
Flake: Der Meister is about God
Cindra: Flake> There was a post on your site's guestbook about you guys went to a Swedish erotic fair, did you guys really attend? ;-)
Flake: We were invited to an erotic fair as our music was played. Otherwise we had not have gone.
Mikki: are there any bands that sing in German that you would recommend, Flake?
Flake: Element of Crime and Einstürzende Neubauten
Flake: and die Aerzte
Flake: Die Aerzte are funny when one understands the lyrics
Pipsqueak: did you hear Blixa's coment about Rammstein- "Bands like Rammstein make me ashamed to sing in german"?
Flake: I do not believe that
Adelante: was haltet ihr von witt?
Adelante: what do you guys think of witt?
Flake: Witt is ok but not entirely my taste
JuckDoch: Flake was hälst du von In Extremo
JuckDoch: Flake what do you think of In Extremo
Flake: In Extremo ist lustig.
Flake: In Extremo is funny.
Kolla: Flake do you like GOTHIC?
Flake: Yes of course we like gothic
Flake: We would like to go to South America, especially to Mexico
Flake: Perhaps Das Modell will be available on video in the future.
QueenLanders: how many times shall I have to ask if kokain will be played in concerts?
Flake: We played Kokain two or three times live and it is a really hard song to put across live.
Susie: do you know any rumors about yourselves? Do you care?
Flake: We for the most part have to laugh when we hear rumors because they are so nonsensical.
JoeHunter: Since you are not up to the new bands, what do you think of Die Toten Hosen?
Flake: Die Toten Hosen were one of the most important punk bands in Germany and influence music history here tremendously.
Flake: We have also played festivals together with Die Toten Hosen.
Flake: I like Hendrix.
Susie: how come you ended up playing the keyboard?
Flake: A childhood friend of mine played the piano and so I also wanted to learn.
Zmagatha: will you attend the roskilde festival again? Saw you last time it was fucking great!
Flake: The exact festivals are not yet planned.
Diana: Have you ever thinking of splitting up?
Flake: We want to grow old and play music together.
JoeHunter: Have you ever thought of covering a Falco song like so many other groups seem to be doing lately?
Flake: We are not the biggest Falco fans
Diana: Do you play any other instrument except keyboard?
Flake: I only play keyboard and am not that good
Susie: Flake, how long have you played piano?
Flake: Since I was 7
Flake: At the beginning I was afraid of the people and didn't trust myself to play with them.
Flake: Now that I know everybody I have all intentions of staying
Connie: Flake, how did you get that nick name? What does it mean?
Flake: Flake is my proper name. It is just a name, it doesn't mean anything specific.
Flake: Und machen das Musik machen spass und wir schreiben keine Titel um in der Top Ten zu kommen.
Flake: And we make fun music, we write no songs for the Top Ten.
JoeHunter: During your little "Flake-Dance" during Weißes Fleisch, is that choreographed, or do you just do what you feel?
Flake: It would be really difficult to choreograph this dance
Susie: Flake, what's with the "Dr. Lorenz"?
Flake: I once wanted to be a surgeon.
JoeHunter: What do you think of the latest spread of the new "Links" MP3?
Flake: I have no idea
Sylvia: Flake was war damals mit Schneiders Ohren?
Sylvia: Flake what was wrong with Scheider's ears?
Flake: Schneider hat sich den Monitor zu laut gemacht und da nichts mehr gehört
Flake: Schneider had turned up the monitor too loud and couldn't hear anymore
JoeHunter: What is your favorite kind of beer?
Flake: I do not really notice the difference between the various types.
Flake: Tschüss bis zum nächsten mal.
Bye, until the next time. Flake.

Summer is blossoming in the city. An evening stroll, some shaggy buildings and plenty of beautiful flowers. Part 1
Your sixth most recent emoji is how your guardian angel feels about you
Richard: All his clothes are 50 shades of blue((( Let’s dress him in red/green/florals/any other colour!
*On the street*
Every old lady: What a lovely baby girl!