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Nothing Beats Blonde Hair On Christopher Idc, We Need This Back Again!!
nothing beats blonde hair on Christopher idc, we need this back again!!

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CHANGE OF PLANS - pass the tissues

synopsis - yang yn. a sweet girl who is in love with a man who is, unfortunately, in love with someone else. all yn can do at this point is just hope that they cross paths. and they will… right?
warnings - kys joke, cussing, yohan back at his mean old ways. lmk if i missed anything 🙏
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@itspalaly @forever-in-the-sky2 @wonioml @aestheticsluut @cutesince2000 @taekwondoes @mackjestic @ghostfacefricker6969 @venmntl @ashxxgyu @luvsoobs @captivq @catsyoon @pinkheadflowers @belovedxiao @marekmybeloved @sullystraw @lovekyr @beomfair @thisisnotjacinta @ckline35 @softie00 @strawbrinkofdeath @hawkins-hs @ioszzn @b1ndignity @enhapocketz
author’s note - is chapter 16 too early for taehyun to fall in love 🤔

thank you 🥺🥺 im glad it did because we love a soft minho ❣

pairing; lee know x reader
warnings; fluff, cute bf minho, teasing, jokes, reader feeling tired and drained, use of jagi, going in nature, flowers, words of affirmations, kissing, very cute minho!!
word count; 1-2k
summary; you haven't been feeling the best these days, feeling drained as each day comes. but your cute boyfriend minho has something planned for you, hoping it'll help bring some ease.
a/n: something for myself and i hope for those who also have been feeling this way❣
Drained. You've been feeling this way for quite some time, not knowing why. The busy days at work, interacting with a bunch of people, making reports and handling all sorts of deadlines at once just makes you want to internally scream.
When was the last time you've had no interruptions? You probably don't even remember.
But you do know that once you reach to the comfort of your home, it stops. Seeing your beautiful boyfriend minho just brings you so much inner peace. It may even sound weird but whenever you struggle to sleep in the night time, you shift your focus fully on Minho's sleeping face.
How peaceful and adorable can one look just sleeping away? You've always thought angels only existed in heaven but how lucky are you to have one besides you.
Yes, only an angel could look this beautiful.
He isn't even aware how you thank those from above for delivering his sweet ass to you. A person who brings ease by just watching his face, being in his presence feels like a big warm hug, removing all kinds of negativity away.
You plant a kiss above his head, just before you fall asleep.
The routine begins once again. Getting up in the mornings are always the worst. Minho leaves earlier than you since his schedule is a lot different to yours. Though some days like today, you had wished to feel his lingering warmth right beside you for extra few minutes.
You gain the strength to finally get up and do your routinely quick shower, which has also felt like a chore. Once your done and you've put on your fresh clothes, you make your way down to the kitchen to have a quick little breakfast before you leave for work.
Just as you make your way to grab the milk from the fridge, a sticker note is placed above. You brows furrowed ahead before you read.
Wanna know a fun fact?
Octopuses have three hearts
And they still couldn't love you as much as I do ;)
If only Minho was here to see how hard you was smiling right now. Til this day, you're not used to him professing his love in various ways, almost immediately making you flustered. It's almost in sync when he does these things, particularly on the days you feel drained.
You love his silly little jokes and sometimes you question how he even comes across certain things but hey, it made you smile.
Like always.
You really needed to hear this today. Words of affirmations are so important to you and your boyfriend almost never fails to deliver. He really knows the key to your heart.
Oh Lee Minho, I fucking love you
Surprisingly your day wasn't as bad. It helps even more to know you have the weekend coming up, finally some break. But really thanks to your boyfriend's sweet words that instantly changed your mood for the day. Feeling a lot more loose.
You arrived at home as usual but was surprised to see Minho present. During the time at work, Minho cleaned up the place and made it look a lot more presentable. You appreciate his kind gesture as you were just about to approach him.
"Hey jagi, you're back."
Minho embraced you with his both arms, a warm feel arises as inhaled in this comfort. His fresh soft scented body wash still lingering over him, a scent that brings you to comfort.
"I missed you," You respond back. ever since the morning and even the past few days, you've missed having Minho around you for longer. But due to his work, he's been waking up a lot more earlier often leaving you alone.
"I missed you too, jagi." Minho replies, his hands squeezing you tighter. A part of him feels guilty that he hasn't been around much but he will change that very soon.
The hug felt like it just got rid of all your worries and distress of all them days you've had. If there is one place someone had asked you where you'd stay, the answer would be in Minho's arms.
Minho pulls aways first, causing you to frown but immediately plants a kiss to your head.
"Go get ready, we're going out today." Immediately you eyes open, surprised at his words.
"Where are we going?" You asked, part of you actually feels like a kid as the excitement grows. Minho watches your eyes for your reaction, just as he expected. They lit up almost in quickness, something he had missed seeing before.
"Somewhere, now go" He quickly brushes off. Only to make you get even curious.
"Go. Now" He demanded.
"But where-"
"Jagiiii don't be stubborn please, just get ready. Pleaseeee" He begs sweetly, gently pushing you towards the door because he knows your ass won't stop questioning, which makes you giggle hearing how cute he sounds already.
"Okaaaay fine!" As you laughed to yourself getting inside the room.
You've been questioning Minho for the past 30 minutes and yet he still isn't giving up to tell you where you're both going. You look outside the car before opening up the window all the way down, letting the cool breeze hit your face.
How long has it been since you've just closed your eyes and felt some fresh breeze?
You almost forgot how calming it makes one feel. You breathe in and out, all thoughts of the days slowly becoming smaller and smaller until they are left to cease in your mind.
The feeling of nothing. No sadness, no anger, no frustrations, no worries, no stress, no nothing.
Just you being present, having the love of the life right beside you and some really cool breeze hitting your face.
This is what you've missed having.
You don't even realise that you've finally reached your destination, having your eyes still closed until Minho calls out.
"Jagi," He admires how peaceful you already look, his hand moves through the hair on your face, "We've arrived."
The sensation of his hands wake you up, not realising you almost fell asleep. You slowly opened your eyes and watched ahead. You have no idea what this place even is and before you even ask more, Minho already opens your door with his hand reaching for yours.
You don't remember when was the last time you've even visited nature. Nature was always a place you'd end up in whenever you needed a breather. Though these past few days, you couldn't even get yourself anywhere.
Normally you'd raise a comment on how much longer you'd need to walk. In places like these, it feels never ending.
You allow yourself to just feel. Let the wind fall through your skin, your hair as it flies away softly, let the birds sing to you and let the trees embrace you. Hand in hand with Minho, who seems rather ecstatic at the beautiful trees ahead as you both walk.
It feels peaceful.
As you both keep walking, there's fields of beautiful flowers that have blossomed, filling their love all throughout the way. Pink. It's such a pretty colour isn't it?
And before you could even say that, Minho beats you to it.
"Wow, I've never seen this many pretty flowers in my life." He says in amaze and you agreed, "Me too, they're beautiful."
Minho immediately engulfs you in a hug, like he's trying to protect you from something. "Jagi I think we need to hide you away from them," Which made you feel a bit confused to why.
They're only flowers. So harmless you thought.
"But why babe?" You questioned.
"Right well, you see how pretty they are right?" He explains as he goes on, "And how much space they've taken up?" Which you nod to trying to understand what he's coming at. "I fear them being within your presence they may end up taking away my beautiful flower, too."
Your heart melted. Stop. No. How much more cuteness can you take from this man?
"Minhoooo," you whined out, smiling like crazy, "Why are you cute and also are you actually jealous of a bunch of flowers-" you almost laughed.
"How could I not be! They also recognise beauty to, don't they?" He pouts cutely, and your heart is fluttering so much right this moment. You can't believe you've found someone who's this adorable.
"Exactly, so in that case," You grab on to his hand and move away from the flowers. "I'd have to protect my flower too." In which Minho immediately blushed with a cute smile creeping in. God, he is so cute when he gets shy too.
You both venture off until you finally stop to the end. The hills. You didn't realise you both had climbed all the way up here, which to be honest was worth it. You walk hand in hand, mouth dropping at the amazement of how beautiful this hill is.
It feels like your on top of the world right now. Seeing everything from above and below. The gorgeous fields that are formed within this place, the different type of flowers, the greenery. The people, the lights as you watch the city running in fast speed. Perhaps, you may have been on speed to. Not having a chance to actually slow down and just breathe.
Reminding you of the times you would often walk off to nature. Something you've actually missed doing. It brought you so much peace and only today you've realised how badly you needed to see this.
You don't realise when Minho has actually sat down, leaving you to fully embrace this lovely view on your own. He knows how badly you needed this and to be alone for some time.
Which you appreciate so much. You notice he isn't beside you and you make your way towards him, sitting down on the benches present.
You both listen and immerse yourself in the silence. Well not so much until the birds begin to hum, sending a lovely melodic sound to your ears. You don't know how long its been to just stay still. Quiet. No sounds of people nagging you, no one expecting you to do anything, just you two alone, in this world.
Allowing yourself to feel the earth for once.
"I'm proud of you."
Is all you heard as you break out of a trance. You look next to you as Minho watches you with intently with a soft look, his hands brushing above yours.
"I'm proud of you for existing today." The words seemingly hit your heart and before you could speak, he stops you. "I'm proud of you for waking up each day despite being tired of life. For taking a shower, for eating your food even on the days you don't feel too. For going in to a hell called work. For dealing with a bunch of humans that drain your energy and on top of the workload. For faking your smiles in order to show you're fine when really your crumbling inside. For gaining the strength to perform for people and society when all you want to do is hide. He utters, causing you to breathe slowly as you take in all of his words.
You smiled, with teary eyes, "Thank you so much Minho." You feel loss at words. No one in your life has ever seen you this closely to notice such things about yourself. No one. Not even your past lovers did.
But Minho? Oh, he's special.
Now you realise how Minho started doing more things at home, not allowing you to do anything. This goes to making food for the two of you, to cleaning up the place and washing up. Even those times where he would sneak into your showers, which you had thought was for other reasons. But no, you was wrong. Because each time he came in, he smothered your scalp with shampoo with his gentle finger tips, slowly massaging away the worries of the days. He picked up the soap and let his hands work through your body, all whilst he gave you kisses. It felt so comforting and you couldn't even think of anything else. It made it easier for you not to feel exhausted when you have him beside you.
And you never even thought of that, until today. Now.
Minho has always noticed. And he's always shown that through his actions.
Immediately you wrap your arms around him as you continue to sob, "I'm sorry I didn't even realise those things-" which he shuts you off right away.
"Listen jagi, you shouldn't need to apologise at all. It's my job and responsibility to care for you. I don't do these things out of pity, no. I do it because I love you, so much that I just want to make life easier for you." He breathes, "We can't control how we feel but what I can do is make things feel easier even if its little. And honestly this is so effortless for me because I love you. I want to care and do things for you." He emphasises.
You cry even more, letting your tears flow below him at his words. To be loved this way was always what you dreamed. You had thought these things only exist in movies, which only was proven wrong when you first came across Minho.
Minho removes your arms and faces you directly, brushing off the tears with his fingers gently, "Shush. It's okay. You're safe now. With me." He smiles, planting a kiss right above your lip.
You chuckled and leaned into the small kiss, placing your mouth on to his. His lips felt ever so soft.
You both leaned back to the bench, cuddled up just before Minho asks you something. "Jagi?"
"I know you always love admiring my face, even right now haha. But am I that handsome that you watch me sleep too?" He teased watching how completely flushed out you looked when the shock runs through your body.
"Minho what the fuck-"
He did not just say that. Wait, how does he know you watch him?
"No no jagi it's completely fine. I'm just so handsome to look at, so I can't blame you," He smirked making you feel even more flustered. Great, cats out the bag now.
"This is so embarrassing" You screamed, trying to hide yourself away from him. How weird does that sound that someone watches you sleep? But you don't do it weirdly, it's just become an habit over the past few days. It just instantly makes you feel better and yeah.
You huffed as you got up trying to escape until Minho grabs on to your waist and pulls you down to his lap, "Why are you running away?" He looks further into your eyes. Even though you've been together for time, his eyes still feel so intense, reading through every thought in your mind.
"Hmm? Shy now?" He continued to tease you further, only for you to hit your palm against his chest. "You're unbelievable." You sighed out as you chuckled. "You know what, they shouldn't have dropped you down yet." You thought back to your whole theory on Minho, your boyfriend being a whole angel from heaven who accidentally fell.
Minho only looks at you confusingly before he laughs, planting another kiss on your cheek, "Who?"
You giggled to yourself, "Nothing." And kissed him on his cute nose, watching his puzzled adorable face.
"But jagiyaaaaaaaa."
copyright ©2023 softie00
♡ 10:45 PM — KIM SUNWOO

bf!sunwoo x reader | wc : 0.3k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, domestic fluff, established relationship, mild swearing, playful fighting, one suggestive (?) line towards the end
loki's lines : i kinda sorta maybe did it again @ethereal-engene and it’s all bc of you

"you really need to be bundled in bubble wrap."
you muttered, glancing at your boyfriend from your phone, before going back to it as if nothing happened.
kim sunwoo laid on the ground after having tripped over air for the nth time that day.
the stack of papers he held was all over the living room, and somehow he managed to get a chair toppled over him as well.
how did that happen? you had no clue. but this was sunwoo, so you weren't really surprised.
"fuck you," he groaned, wincing in pain as he sat himself up. "i could've died, you know?!"
"not my fault you keep tripping on air!"
"it so is! you must've put a curse on me to keep falling or something!"
you scoffed, rolling your eyes playfully. "you were born with that curse," you muttered. "i didn't even do anything to you!" you shook your head.
sunwoo furrowed his brows, standing in front of you with his hands fisted. "oh, yeah? you wanna fight? let's fight." he did a little shadowboxing, purposefully missing your face by inches.
and just like how these playful fights always go, you stood from your seat, grabbing your boyfriend's fists, and pushing him against the nearest wall.
even though he would never admit it, you saw the slight smile on his face at your actions before he covered it up with a playful frown.
you smile to yourself, playing along. "you know you never fight back," you said, leaning closer to sunwoo's face.
"you always tell me to fight you, but you never do. you just give up whenever this happens."
sunwoo looked away, avoiding eye contact. "yeah, well, you know, i just don't wanna fight you anymore, i guess." he cleared his throat.
you let go of his fists, tilting your head to the side with an amused smile on your face. sunwoo's face slowly turned red, biting his lip as he realised you had caught on to his schemes.
"oh, yeah? my bad, then. i thought it was because you just liked me pinning you against walls."