loass diary | 20⋆🎧: live now think later, i do it so well
26 posts
Soggysouppp - Rin . - Tumblr Blog
one of the greatest discoveries i made in my journey for me was realizing that the 3d isn’t something separate from me. my 3d isn’t “out there”. my 3d doesn’t need to be changed.
i’m literally within myself. think of your 3d as your mind. you’re IN this 3d world. that means you’re INSIDE your own mind. you’re within yourself lol.
your mind isn’t in your body, your body is in your mind.
jesus said he is in father and father is in him(john 14:10). william blake said god is in us and we in him.
this is why there is nothing to change but self because self is the only thing there is. you’re within yourself. the world is truly your own simulation. you’re within the mind of god. you’re inside your own self.
think of a blue butterfly. you don’t even have to “manifest” it. just think of it. whenever it comes to your mind, just think of a blue butterfly. you’ll somehow end up seeing a blue butterfly in the 3d even though you didn’t “manifest” it.
why? because you’re literally within yourself. this is why it’s absurd to want to change the 3d or seek results from in the 3d.
you’re literally inside yourself………
i hope you get what i’m trying to get across here because i want you to know that you’re NOT changing the 3d, you’re changing yourself, your consciousness. your 3d exists WITHIN you.
daydreaming vs visualization vs imagination
i was thinking about before i got into the law. you know when you imagine steamy scenarios before you go to bed for fun? i know you know what i mean. i used to do that every night in 2020 (even now) with the same scenario bc it was fun. keep in mind that i didnt know about the law at this point so i obviously didnt intend for it to "manifest". a year ago when i started to understand states, i used to think back to 2020 and wonder why those scenarios didnt manifest since i kept visualizing and imagining the same thing. last week i randomly remembered about how i used to wonder that and i immediately knew the answer: i wasnt changing self.
when i was visualizing/imagining, i wasnt becoming the person who actually knew i was experiencing it. i was not being someone who was experiencing those steamy scenarios. in order words, i was just daydreaming.
in my own words, i think daydreaming is visualizing something while being someone who knows they dont have it. for example: visualizing owning a car while knowing that you dont have it. so you are just visualizing it for fun, not for the purpose of changing self but for the purpose of just experiencing something in imagination (via visualization) just for your own enjoyment. daydreaming is like visualizing for fun, without changing states/self. this "knowing" i talk about is based on what state you are in, so if someone knows they dont have a car, they are in that state.
i think daydreaming is always visualization but visualization is not always daydreaming. daydreaming is for fun, without the intention of "manifesting" or changing states while visualization is changing states whether or not you intent to do so.
so i was visualizing my freaky scenes as the version of me who didnt identify with those freaky scenes (aka daydreaming). i wasnt identifying with it or using it to change self. same thing applies to when i used to repeat positive thoughts 100k times but i didnt identify with them. those are called vain repetitions and can be used to change self but if they just dont change self/states, then it is just daydreaming/vain repetitions. you can change self/states without realizing too which is why i think people put so much power onto techniques by thinking the techniques themselves are doing something, when its only self (imagination/you) that is changed by the techniques. those techniques were the things that consciously or unconsciously made you change self. regardless, self/you will always be the thing manifesting.
realize that regardless of everything, your state/version of you you are being, will always determine the "3d".
visualization ≠ imagination
visualization is a tool to change self / imagination. you can visualize things but that doesnt mean you are identifying with it or accepting it as true. i think of visualization as a smaller form of imagination but its very small compared to imagining/imagination itself.
imagination is what you are (aka self). imagination is not a tool like visualization because you always are operating in imagination since everything is self. you are always being a version of you. you arent always visualizing. visualizing can be daydreaming if you arent visualizing that thing to change self.
when you imagine something in a law of assumption context, imagining = what version of you you are being.
imagination is not limited to visualizing. there are some people in this community who have aphantasia and think they have no imagination and therefore "cant manifest", etc. but they just cant visualize. imagination is not equal to visualization. no matter what type of or stage of aphantasia you have, you will always already be manifesting.
visualizing and thinking without changing self means nothing. changing self means being a new version of you who knows they have (insert whatever desire).
self changes everything
so back to my story, i was just visualizing me and my imaginary bae, i wasnt being the person who was experiencing what i was visualizing. this is why it didnt manifest. i like this idea because that is just more proof that self changes everything, who ever you are being in imagination will express. it also means i have control bc i can daydream anything for fun and control whether or not it expresses bc i dont have to identify with that version of me who is experiencing whatever i am daydreaming.
i hope this makes sense and if it doesnt, dont stress. just focus on changing self, be the version of you that has whatever it is you want. i made this post because its been on my mind and hopefully it can help someone else realize that changing self is all you ever have to do.
kisses, jani ☆
processing your emotions about the 3D ≠ being a victim and ruminating on your negative thoughts/feelings about your desire
one actually allows for you to grow and move on from an undesired state while the other keeps you stuck there
idk if I need vitamin d, prozac, dick or an exorcism
i feel like the topic of mental health and the law of assumption needs to be talked about a lot more but idk thats just me !
something i feel that few people understand about the law is that no one has the absolute truth. there is no rule book to follow, which is why you have rhonda bryne on one side and neville goddard on the other. there are so many different interpretations floating around bookstores and the internet and that's the reason. some say your dominant thoughts manifest, some say your feelings, others talk about your state, and others will tell you that it's defined by your self-concept.
so, take what ppl tell you with a grain of salt and find what works for you. find your own key and your own rule book.
people realizing that they can do anything, have anything, delete anything, create anything because they are only pure consciousness and their reality is manageable to their will and have nothing to do but only imagine and not do literal witchcraft.
There will always be someone who feels better because you exist
bro this is such a dumb realization but i realized that all youre doing is just manifesting a version of yourself that has it. like instead of focusing on your SP loving you, focus on the fact that youre the you thats loved by your SP.
i think framing my affirmations so that its centered around ME and already BEING the version of me that has it instead of focusing on trying to change my circumstances or the person itself was such a game changer
Stop making it hard for yourself 😭😭. The only reason why u think it’s hard is because you care about the 3d. GIVE UP ON IT. BE the person u want to be in imagination. FREE YOURSELF IN IMAGINATION. You can have what u want INSTANTLY in imagination, so why are u crying about not having it? You are your only enemy in the law. Take YOUR word for it. Be unstoppable. Take what u want. BE what u want. When are u going to get sick of not having what you want? When are u finally going to say, “fuck it, I have what I want.” ? Stop being a victim and be victorious.
There will always be someone who feels better because you exist
⤷ ∿ ⍟ ﹒❋﹒ @s-heon
shit changes so fucking fast when you imagine with no expectation of the 3d conforming
sounds familiar, right? you've mostt likely seen other loabloggers say this but its 100% true
one thing about the law is that the 3d will conform no matter what so dont even worry about it
and i know that we all want the 3d to conform but i want you to look at it this way. the 4d is just as real if not more reaal than the 3d so what could the 3d possibly give you when you have already experienced having your desire in imagination
you worrying about the 3d, worrying about deadlines or when its going to conform, etc, is you not letting it conform. you worrying about not having it in the 3d is confirming your lack because you are worrying about it
stop worrying, stop stressing because i know damn well that neither of these thing would be happening if you had it in the 3d and just relax in the knowing/fulfilment that its yours and in the knowing that the 3d will conform
imagination is the real reality
Give up.
Yes, you heard me. Give up. Entirely. Completely. Let it all happen however it wants to.
Become indifferent. Do not care.
What are you trying to control anyways, an illusion? That you created? You are God. You are Everything. That must mean it's all perfect, what are you trying to change?
Do you not trust in your powers enough? And then you 'claim' to know you are GOD? What kind of God is that?
Just be. Watch it all unfold. Observe.
You must be thinking "But my life's going to sh- " Stop.
Whose life? What can go wrong? I know the pain and misery feels too real, but...aren't you tired of trying to make it all better? Doing efforts after efforts for nothing, then getting discouraged?
Why not try trusting in yourself, in GOD'S work a bit? Why are you shouldering this illusory burden, when you can just drop it. Breathe.
You are seeking freedom. Make that choice.
You are seeking peace. Make that choice.
Drop it all. Every burden. Every thought of doing. Every thought of trying. Life's effortless. Being is effortless.
Be free from this cage you've locked yourself in, the key has been in your hands all along.
The reality only comes when you give up yourself, when you give up your ego, when you give up your needs, your wants, trying to make something happen, desires, when you give up trying to become self-realized, when you just give up. - Robert Adams
Enough with the "How do I..."
You just BE. Everything else will happen on its own.
"How do I stop thinking?" "How do I observe?" "How do I go within?"
You do nothing. No efforts. Just BE.
ⓘ congratulations: it has been confirmed that what you wanted has already been manifested.
" 𝑇𝒉𝒐𝒖𝒈𝒉 𝒇𝒂𝒍𝒔𝒆 "
In a community where strict mental diets and positive affirmations/self concepts are often pushed into your fyp 99% of the time, admitting your current mental circumstances feels like a fall from haven to hell. As if you were the brightest, most high angel, who sinned by having a bad thought and fell from your grace.
But you cannot put blame upon loa bloggers or their posts for feeling helpless, you cannot put the blame into the 3D or it's people. After all, even if every loa post has positive intention, it's what you do with it that matters.
So I ask you, did you use the post you read to free yourself, or did you use it to see more things you are now afraid of?
To be afraid of negative feelings, negative thoughts and God forbid- have doubt.
And while I've seen affirmations and methods work for people, if you're anything like me, they only caused a war in my head.
I decided to go back to Edward Art's older posts, where I stumbled upon something he wrote which I find very interesting, helping me come to a fascinating conclusion.
He talked about the famous Neville quote:
" 𝐴𝑛 𝑎𝑠𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑝𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑡ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑔ℎ 𝑓𝑎𝑙𝑠𝑒, 𝑖𝑓 𝑝𝑟𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑖𝑛, 𝑤𝑖𝑙𝑙 ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑛 𝑖𝑛𝑡𝑜 𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑡"
I tell you now I always hated that quote, never understood it as it always felt contradicting to what Neville was teaching. I asked myself why would he say an assumption is false if he was teaching people that their desires are real amd within them? That quote made me feel like I was beliving in a delusion, that is why I stayed away from it.
Up until now, I feel in love with it. It was when Edward art broke it down to what Neville was truly saying, that I understood.
Forcing yourself to believe in something makes you feel delusional, doesn't it? Unnatural.
It is when I accepted that what I was assuming of myself was fake, that I felt the sense of freedom and relief. It was then that I could imagine whag I wished and feel what i wanted without worrying if I was doing it right or not, if you dare, accept that you assumption is fake, and feel foe the sake of changing your feelings simply because you want to.
But then as Neville said, what if is the difference between your assumption and this reality was simply trust? It's all real only because you trust that it is, that you experience it.
It is then that I realized, the point isn't that every reality/state is real and I must occupy the one I want. It's that everything is only as real as I make it to be.
Nothing is real without your trust that it is, nothing has it's own life without you breathing air into it's lungs. That is what Neville meant with this quote.
I found it easy to imagine after that, I didn't worry how real it was to me, if I was doing it correctly or if it would ever even happen.
So let it all go, break your inner self free from 3D and make yourself absolute in your mind. To feel beautiful because you want to, to feel rich because you can, to feel powerful because you must.
This is because many connect the word " real" in their dictionary with the 3D. But like i said previously, everything is as real as you trust it to be.
This goes for everything on this earth, the undesirable circumstances you loathe to wake up to everyday, the frustration you feel when you imagine what you want because it feel so close and so far at the same time, it's all another state/reality-yes- but it's only as real as your focus on it is.
I found it ironic that this is what helped me the most. To stop caring of the truth of my assumption is what made it real for me.
This should free you, you should be able to imagine what you wish and how you wish whenever you want to, knowing you can't do wrong because what wrong is there to do? You are reality, the only thing that truly exists, that is why a change of self/mindset is a change of everything, because that's all there always is.
To me it was not a matter of " everything/ every state or desire is real and I must come the realization and acceptance of it" it was that nothing truly was without me bringing my focus to it.
So go ahead and let your emotions out whatever it is that you've been keeping in, no matter how negative it feels, you are not called to be perfect or move mountains, not to change things or make them happen. You are called to be free in your own mind only, you are called to be alive.
And so when your mind tries to argue you out of imaging by saying " this is all fake" it is then you fire back by saying " well so is everything, what does "real" mean to you after you found you bring meaning to it?
I need a sticker for surviving 2023 so I made one and thought I’d share it with you all too. Reblog to give everyone stickerssss
how do you accept something as true ?
it's so simple. you accept(assume) "i am xyz" "i have xyz"
don't complicate things. JUST DO IT. simplify everything.
how difficult it is to be simple! -vincent van gogh
you do NOT accept your desire in the 3d. the 3d is irrelevant. the 3d has nothing to do with manifesting, NOTHING. leave it alone. you accept it IN IMAGINATION-where all things are already created and you can be anything you want and you don't need no one's permission, where you can just do you. and identify yourself with the "you" in imagination(which is the real you, what you always have been) who has the desire not with the outer self which is a temporary body.
I remember my only goal is to BECOME the one I want to be IN IMAGINATION ONLY. So I think about something I want to be, anything. Then I assume I AM that IN IMAGINATION, and in Imagination I can be all things. When I say the words, “I AM” I am not speaking about this outer-body but the Inner Man. The Inner Man to me is I AM and I know that all I must change is I AM to change my life. I accept that I AM that Inner Man EXPERIENCING in present tense what I desire -ed art
your desires are in your imagination WAITING and BEGGING for your acceptance. it's right there. all you have to do it give it to yourself in imagination.
manifesting has absolutely nothing to do with the 3d....nothing....not a thing! it's about giving yourself what you want for yourself. it's about showing love to yourself in imagination.
I wanted to share a few words of advice with you guys for times when you feel overwhelmed by doubt or uncertainty that you might fail or it won't turn out in your favor:
whenever I feel myself succumbing to an unfavorable pattern of thinking by giving into my worries, I like to recenter myself by remembering that I don’t live in a world of facts, I live in a world of imagination and the only one who can sabotage anything is myself by what I choose to be because I am, have been and always will be the cause, so if I can pick between being accepted or rejected and the same "effort" is required for both then why would I not pick acceptance?
a lot of us self sabotage by feeding into the unfavorable scenario because we have so many reasons to believe that it won’t work out. but you don’t need to be concerned with it “working out” or not because creation is finished. you’re not "creating" a state of consciousness because they all exist within you awaiting occupancy. the means are not up to you to determine. you're only asked to accept it by claiming yourself to be via I AM.
I'll repeat this again because it's very important that you understand this: the world is a reflection of the state you choose to be conscious of. key word: choose. if you can choose fear, you can also choose love. if you can choose failure, you can also choose success. every possibly conceivable state is ready for you to select and occupy at all times. there's no need to fear the outer world since it's only showing you your self concept (the state you have selected willingly or unwillingly). when you bring yourself back to this fact, you realize that you really are above your fear and you no longer need to feel bound by it because you can always select something other than fear. the 3D cannot show you anything you aren’t conscious of being, so it’s always up to you whether you want to be conscious of winning or losing. it follows you, the 3D isn’t randomized and subject to chance, it is a reflection of you. at this and every moment you get to decide what the reflection will look like. so will you persist in desire or will you persist in fulfillment?
my mom's success story .ᐟ
During the summer of this year when my mom and I went to her home country for vaca, she went to her high school reunion where more than 1000+ ppl attended. This is important to note because they were holding a raffle where people can win different things and the grand prize that everyone wanted to win was 3 days at this snazzy 5 star hotel resort for 2 people. Like it was luxurious ASF. Anyways my mom fucking wins out of the 1000+ people there and she tells me when she got back from the event "I just had this feeling that I'd win". That was before she learned about the law but anyways, yeah the hotel was so fucking nice istg.
𐙚⋆ Masterlist ⋆𐙚
hey guys I'm rin. I've been lurking a lot on here but decided that I wanted to get more involved in the community, so here I am lol. Even though I've been aware of the law for almost 6 months now, I don't think I'm anywhere near qualified to give advice or make educational posts since I'm still learning. Because of that, this blog is mainly gonna document my loass journey and consist of reblogs for posts that have helped me understand the law better♡. I might also use this blog as a platform for all my yap sessions about things I've realized along the way so keep an eye out and take everything I say with a grain of salt lol.
⋆Success 1 , 2
this is obvious, but i recently have been revisiting neville's work and i've realized that quite a lot of people don't fully understand what he's talking about, they add their own interpretation, not accurately reflecting Neville's philosophy, e.g., which was that physicality is secondary and power lies within through imagination alone. imagination creates reality. even those who have a big following and sometimes hit the nail on the head tend to not fully comprehend some things and their lack of understanding perpetuates into more confusion. and what i've realized is that where they're coming from is always linked to a logical mindset or law of attraction beliefs. it's a grave mistake not to learn law of assumption from the source, neville. anyway, i just wanted to say thank you hera for being pillar on loatumblr, you were the first account on here i subscribed to and i'm so thankful for the time you take out of your precious life to share the knowledge reliably,, the community on here has sort of vitiated with the infestation of loatwitter people, but it's been a great experience!
^^^ I agree 100% with this and thank you so much! I myself was one of the people in question so I know very well myself how important it is to learn from Neville himself.
Here I am reminding you all once more how important it is to read Neville before you listen to someone else speak about the law of assumption. I promise it's most definitely worth your time.
you need to drop the old story COMPLETELY.
when manifesting an sp, you occupy a new state and leave the other. to one where you have an sp that loves you back, an sp who spoils you, whatever your intentions are. the other state however, does not change. why? because creation is finished. the sp who you were once with who was a cunt, remains in the state you abandoned, and that state will always exist.
as you’re abandoning your current state, remove your awareness from the old story completely. what i mean by this is that you need to stop viewing this as you “fixing your sp” or “changing your circumstances” because that’s not what this is babe. it’s not your job to. you need to ditch that version of them and IDENTIFY as the version of you who is with an amazing, loving, and loyal partner. not the you that is stuck in the old story.
when you start viewing them as a whole new person it’s a lot more freeing isn’t it?
love u xx