First Impressions - Jing Yuan
First Impressions - Jing Yuan
Word Count: 621
POV: Second Person
Commission for: myself
Note: this is ocxcc! I wrote it in second person, yes, but this is ocxcc!
When you guys arrived on the Luofu you didn’t expect to be running around like chickens with your heads cut off saving people. Welt explained that the Luofu is generally a serene and peaceful environment, but that this time was much different. You already knew what lied ahead, having played the game and all, but decided to stay quiet about it for the time being. Everything had gone smoothly so far, even despite the small differences. You didn’t want to accidentally fuck anything up.
“The Ambrosial Arbor sure is pretty.” March 7th commented, “So that tree is what keeps everyone alive for so long?”
“It is a plague mark,” Welt explained, “planted by the Aeon of the Abundance, if my readings are right.”
“But the people of the Luofu still see it with such grandeur.” you said. “Right?”
“I wouldn’t say everyone does,” Welt said, “though, that foxian lady did.”
“Tingyun?” March 7th said, “Yeah. She’s giving me a weird vibe.”
“You’re not alone in that.” Welt responded.
You shrugged to Stelle, who shrugged back in response. Stelle looked at March 7th and Welt before sighing and heading into the Seat of Divine Foresight. Stelle had always been a quiet one among the Astral Express, being a Stellaron and all. You never knew what she was thinking, what she thought, or how she felt about the whole thing. She mostly kept to herself, silently working in peace as the rest of you went around talking to people. She never seemed like much of a sociable person, but you two had been able to get close to one another.
The Divine Seat of Foresight was really a sight. Such a beautiful indoor library/office area with guards all around. In the front area there was something akin to a game of checkers on the projection. It was almost like a human sized checkerboard. You and the rest went up the stairs leading to the rest of the place, which is where Jing Yuan stood smiling and greeting you all.
“Hello there, nice to finally meet in person.”
The projection of himself did not do that man any justice. He was very tall (and you were only 5’) reaching to about 6’6, with big bulky armor that made his chest pop. He had this smile that reminded you of a cat, the way his lips curled up into a smile. It was almost as if you could draw whiskers on his face and he wouldn’t look any different. He also had this air of authority around him, but had a sense of gentleness too. You weren’t afraid of him, and it seemed like he didn’t want to make you afraid of him.
Throughout the conversation you realized that he was actually smart, not that you doubted him, but that he was clever. He knew how to strategically get around the mara-struck people and deal with the intruders around them. It had seemed like he thought of everything up to this point, and even then he was still planning what to do for the future. He was a kind man, offering you guys a place to stay in the Luofu (which March 7th was wary of) as you stayed for the unforeseeable future.
He seemed gentle and friendly, but also a good leader too. The way he knew what to do and what steps to take next. He really did earn the title of “General” with how well thought out his plans were, even if he did keep some of them to himself. As far as you knew, the General was loyal to the Luofu and was willing to do anything to protect it. He was proud of all that he had accomplished so far in terms of the Luofu.
Maybe that was what drew you to him the most.
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Isekai'd into the World of the Living
Word Count: 1950
POV: Third Person
Commission for: myself
Note: a prompt i made up after talking to a few friends on twitter. This is oc x cc work! If you do’t like it go away!
Prompt: Jing Yuan gets isekai’d into my world. That’s it
When the General went to bed that night he fell asleep quite soundly. Oftentimes when he comes home from the Divine Seat of Foresight he passes out on his bed, shedding any piece of armor he can until he’s left in just his sweatpants and shirt. His body was tired from the day's events, whether it be sitting in a chair all day or fighting some mara-struck beings, he was always tired by the time he came back home. The way he would have to drag himself out of his chair and walk home, his eyes droopy and slumped shoulders. Most in the office would get out of his way, knowing that if they tried to talk to him it would be useless and incomprehensible.
So when he laid down to rest, he was knocked out for the night. The way he would hug his pillow tight pretending it was another person for warmth and comfort. He was used to lonely nights, covered up in the sheets with no one to lay beside. Oh, how he longed to feel the warmth of another person. Bringing them closer to himself in his sleep, smelling the sweet smell of their scent in the morning, waking up to their figure still being there. Jing Yuan was a sappy person, he would admit that to no one though.
He opened his eyes, rolling out of bed and sighing to himself. The sun peeked through the room window illuminating everything in its path. Jing Yuan rubbed his eyes and rubbed his face, ready for another day of sitting in the Divine Seat of Foresight doing Aeon knows what. He yawned (quite loudly, the author may add) and stood up and stretched. He groaned and felt his hands hit the ceiling. Normally, he would be used to this. He’s a tall guy after all, but his apartment was suited and tailor made for him. His hands should not be hitting the ceiling.
He finally opened his eyes, seeing that this room was not his own. It instead looked like someone’s personal bedroom; the purple walls with various posters on them, the bookcase right beside the bed that seemed to be full of books he didn’t recognize, and a desk that had a dual-computer setup. He stood there for a moment, thinking for a second, remembering that he passed out in his own bed when he got home. Right? He didn’t accidentally wander into someone else’s home and fall asleep in their bed?
Regarding the bed, it was way too small for him. He doesn’t know how he slept on it, but he had a pretty damn good sleep on it. It looked like his legs would hang off the edge of the bed if he stretched out on it, and that his head would hit the headrest of the bed. Whoever did sleep on it must’ve been short. As he was thinking of all the possibilities the door opened (the door slanted downwards, making a rough sound as it opened) revealing a person standing there.
Jing Yuan, unsure of what to do, held his hands up. The person, on the other hand, clapped a hand over their mouth and looked at him with wide eyes. They stood there, unmoving for a second, before the person shut the door behind them quickly. They looked like they started panicking with the way their eyes widened and their eyebrows scrunched together and up.
“What…how…” they breathed out, “what the fuck are you doing here?”
“Excuse me?”
They started to shush him while flailing their arms around. “You!” they whispered. “You’re not supposed to exist here!”
“Again, excuse me?” he said, quieter this time.
The person sighed, before pulling out their phone. “I don’t know what this will do to the space-time continuum but look.”
Jing Yuan took the phone from their hands, seeing a game called ‘Honkai Star Rail’ appear on the screen. When he tapped to play it, the other person on the screen surprised him. It was of himself, dressed as he usually was. He could control him, do anything with him, and he stood there in awe at the little phone screen showing this to him. He must’ve been too caught up in watching himself because the person reached for their phone.
“You’re a video game character in our world,” they finally whispered, “you’re really not supposed to exist here. Wait…is this what they call a reverse isekai?”
Oh, right, that term. Jing Yuan knew what the term meant due to many of the kids on the Luofu watching certain shows and reading books. Isekai was a term that meant the main character was somehow teleported into a fictional universe, so if that’s what isekai meant then reverse isekai means…
“Oh,” he said finally. “So, now what?”
“First, you need clothes.” the person said, crossing their arms. “Unfortunately for you, there’s nothing that can fit you here.”
“Surely, there must be some sizes.”
“No, seriously, everyone in this house is under 5’9.”
That…was definitely a problem.
“I got a plan.” the person said, opening the door and closing it.
Jing Yuan sat on the bed, checking his own phone. He checked if he could send messages by texting Qingzu first. It didn’t take long for him to receive a reply back, “Sir, it is 1 am.” Welp, that answered his question. It was still the same time he went to sleep on the Luofu, meanwhile the day went by here. He wondered if he could ever get back home. How does one get isekai’d in the first place? Most shows and books that Jing Yuan read were by mysterious means. Could an Aeon be playing tricks on him?
The door opened again, revealing the same person, and they shut the door behind them. “Okay, so thank God my grandparents aren’t home, my brother is out taking that test, my niece is at school, and my mom is asleep. Come on. I’ll drive you to a mall or something.”
“I don’t think…” Jing Yuan started, before sighing. “You get what you get.”
“Hey,” the person said as they led him out of their room ducking under the door (what was this house made for small people or something?), “You’re not the one who has to drive an hour and a half to said mall.”
“I still don’t know your name.” he said, “I’d like to know it.”
“Kamski, but most call me Kam.” they said, opening the door to the outside.
It had been a long time since Jing Yuan had seen grass. He means real genuine grass. The grass on the Luofu was nice, but it was mere synthetic grass to make the ship look pretty. At the end of the day the Luofu was home, but it wasn’t a planet. He could smell the fresh cut greenery and the smell of the earthy tones—something that was rare on the Luofu with its purified air. He stepped down off the front porch and into the grass feeling it between his toes. The way it tickled him, the way it felt like a warm heartbeat of a living planet.
“Jing Yuan,” Kam called out to him, “what, never seen grass before?”
“Not entirely.” he said, making his way to the car and opening the passenger side. “The Luofu doesn’t have real grass like that.”
“Oh,” Kam said quietly, “that’s kinda sad.”
“You seem to live with a lot of family,” he noted.
“Not by choice. My mom had to move back in after my dad and her divorced,” Kam said, while starting the car, “and my brother and I don’t have the funds to move out. Plus, I’m disabled so I can’t live by myself.”
“No, I wasn’t saying it as a bad thing,” Jing Yuan said, as Kam pulled out of the driveway and onto the road, “it’s…oddly comforting. To see such a thing.”
“Again, that’s sad.” Kam said, “but if you see it that way then I can’t change your mind.”
It was a long and boring ride to the mall. Kam apparently lived in the middle of nowhere with nothing for miles and miles. At least in the Luofu there was stuff within walking distance, and if it was too far you’d take a Starskiff. Here, though, you drove to places. Kam explained to him that in this world ‘Paths’ didn’t exist, and that everyone here was normal. Long life species didn’t exist, and that space travel was miles behind compared to what the Luofu and his universe was.
The mall that Kam brought Jing Yuan to was in the middle of a metropolitan area. People buzzed by as they entered and exited the mall, some with bags full of stuff and others without. They looked for a parking spot and got out of the car, with Jing Yuan following suit. “So, you have to make this trek just to get clothes?”
“Nope,” Kam said, getting their wallet and walking towards the entrance of the mall, “just for you.”
There was a sudden jump in his heart that made the General’s ears turn red, but outwardly he looked fine. He had never had anyone care for him like this, especially someone that he just met. There was something endearing about the way that Kam was able to drop everything just like that and come to his aid. He had never felt this type of appreciation before. He closed the car door, cleared his throat, and followed Kam into the mall. Then there was a sudden realization that Jing Yuan remembered.
“Are you sure I’m allowed to be dressed like this?”
“A shirt and sweatpants? I’ve seen worse, and worn worse, on college campuses.”
“If that’s what you say.”
They went into the first store, which was just a simple brand of clothing store. All of the clothes were foreign to him, nothing like the clothes on the Luofu. They were so plain and ordinary to him that he didn’t know what he liked, but also so intriguing that this is what people wore in this world. Thankfully the store did have some shirts and pants that were in his size. Then they went onto the shoes searching for sneakers in his size. Quite frankly, Jing Yuan didn’t know what his size was. Since all of his clothes had been tailor made for him he had never had to actually know what his size was.
“You got big feet.” Kam said, before realizing what they said and a crimson blush showing across their face. “Forget that.”
After they got out of that store, Kam made Jing Yuan change into said clothes so they could walk around the mall without him worrying about prying eyes every single second. Reluctantly, he agreed, before changing out of his clothes and into the new ones, walking with Kam around the store to various other shops.
“Would you come with me?”
“What?” Kam asked. “Go with you where?”
“The Luofu,” he said, “home. Wherever that may be.”
“What makes you ask that?”
“You look…lonely.” he said, “I’m sorry if that offends you.”
“No,” Kam shook their head, “no, it doesn’t offend me when you’re right.”
There was a hint of sadness behind Kam’s eyes as Jing Yuan studied them closely. The way their eyebrows drew together and looked away from him. Like they were embarrassed that he was able to read them so easily, that he was able to see into who they really were. They had been trying so hard to keep up a front that they didn’t notice the mask had slipped. They took one final deep breath and looked up at Jing Yuan.
“I would love to.”

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