Gojo Because He Cant Go One Day Without Keeping It In His Pants :// Hes A Slut For Good Pussy Fr
gojo because he can’t go one day without keeping it in his pants :// he’s a slut for good pussy fr
I WAS WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO SAY HIM i bet he would fold so fast for some coochie 🤩 HAHAHA
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More Posts from Sp1tw1tch
Warnings: cursing
~Accidental Reunions~
Miya Atsumu

"Shut up Osamu" The setter muttered in irritation towards his twin who was laughing at his absolute humiliation. Osamu never had something he could tease his brother with that would so easily pick at his nerves, but he finally found his new subject. The reason for all Miya Atsumus teasing. You.
The recent discovery that one of their MSBY Black Jackals teammates was crushing hard on the young, pretty librarian who was sitting in the stands at one of their games had left the team in shambles. It was highly unusual for Atsumu to develop crushes on anyone, but when he saw you in the crowd he had physically felt his heart stop.
The two of you had went to high school together. You could never forget the boy that was Miya Atsumu. He was tall, handsome and Captain of the Inarizaki High Volleyball team when he was a 3rd year and you were in your 2nd. He had never noticed you. Obviously. You weren't the sociable type. You had a small group of friends and by small you meant two. You always had your head in a book. And by some horrible turn of events someone upstairs had decided to give you bad eyesight, crooked teeth and acne. Hence the glasses, braces and multiple face masks. High-school for you was just your awkward phase and even though you had the biggest crush on the blonde Miya twin back then, you knew there was no chance in hell that he would've actually noticed you.
Atsumu had recognized you the minute he saw you in the crowd. The pretty girl who used to sit in his math class because she was too advanced for her own years. The girl that would lend him pencils and help him when he used to get stuck on number problems without any judgment. The girl who had reached into her bag and given him her granola bar because he's stomach had growled in class the day he missed breakfast. He hadn't seen you in years. He would never admit to the small infatuation he used to have on you in high school. Constantly looking for ways to talk to you but you were too smart for the likes of him and eventually he would just give up and settle for watching you from the sidelines.
Osamu had known about this crush for years of course. You were all his brother would talk about for months in high school so when he had followed his twins gaze to the pretty brunette in the stands he couldn't hold back his laugh. "I can't believe it! First girl you ever had a crush on attends the first game of the season. That's a sign. Oh and look at that she's looking right at you"
Atsumu felt his heart tumble when your pretty eyes found his and you held his stare. He watched mezmerised when a small smile curved at your lips and you lifted your hand to give him a cautious wave. He felt giddy. You noticed him. You remembered him. He was going to have to shove off these butterflies before he starts playing or else it was going to be a shitty start to what was supposed to be a good season.
"You know he hasn't taken his eyes off you" Your friend Akira whispered during half time and you turned to look at her.
"Who?" But you knew exactly who she was talking about because your eyes hadn't left him. You watched him play with enthusiasm and everytime their team had scored his eyes would move to the crowd, find yours and he'd smile like that point was made just for you. You knew it was your imagination but still you couldn't help the little tatters of your heart.
"Oh come on! You know exactly who I'm talking about. Does Miya Atsumu know you?" The question made you pause. Did he? Sure you were in the same math class but the fact that he would remember you all these years later was impossible. Right?
"We went to high school together" You murmured.
"Shut up! Were you guys a thing??" Akira grabbed your arm and shook you.
"Uhm no we hardly spoke at all" You turned your attention back to the game and blocked out Akiras excited babbles. This was beginning starting to make you feel like a teenager again.
They had won. They had fucking won! Atsumu was tackled by an excited Bokuto who's screams merged with the crowds.
"That's what I'm talking about! Fucking killed that man! We're celebrating! Tonight" But he wasn't listening. His eyes for what felt like the hundreth time tonight found yours and he visibly melted at the proud grin you were shooting his way. He had to talk to you. He had to.
"I'll catch up with you guys later, man. I gotta go do something first" You watched as the setter slid away from his teammate and made A beeline towards where you were standing . You froze. Was he coming to talk to you?"
"Y/n I'm going to go talk to my friend real quick" Akira squealed knowingly and left you just as the blonde boy came to stand in front of you
"Y/n?" Your eyes widened comically. Did he just say your name or did you imagine it
"Miya." You sounded breathless. Oh fuckity fuck man "That was a great game. You played brilliantly"
He rubbed the back of his neck flushing at your praise and shrugged "It was nothing. Its really good to see you. How-" He cleared his throat "How have you been?"
"Great! Thanks for asking. How've you been?" You asked.
"Better now." You flushed like a school girl "You want to grab a drink with me? Catch up?"
"Uhm sure" You mumbled and he grinned motioning you to walk out of the stadium with him.
"What? Right now? Don't you want to celebrate with you team?" You asked when he grabbed your hand to help you down the staircase.
"Not really. I rather celebrate with you. You look pretty by the way" He said the last sentence quietly and you laughed
"Yes I'm alot better than what I was in high school"
"You were beutiful in high school" He Defended harshly and then clamped his mouth shut when the words spilled. Your walk along the concrete path came to a dead stop.
"Don't lie Atsumu. I was hideous. It's okay I've accepted it" You felt his arm tug you so he could look at you straight in the eye.
"You listen l/n y/n, you were gorgeous in high school and you're even more gorgeous right now. And I don't want to hear it because I'm only supposed to start flattering you when we're in the restaurant so you'll agree to go out with me. You're ruining my game plan"
You physically buzzed. Did he always have this way of making you feel like a school girl . You laughed incredulously making him smile.
"You don't have to flatter me. I'll go out with you regardless " He grabbed your hand again, linking your fingers he smiled to himself.
"I'm going to do it anyway. I have years to make up for"
i'm so deep in the nsfw and anime side of tumblr that i forget this is a multi-content app. like people actually do more than thirst and write fanfics. that amazes me.

atsumu miya is notoriously bad at keeping secrets.
if you ask anyone he knows - and i mean, anyone at all - they'd all be able to tell you the exact same thing: never ever trust atsumu miya with a secret, because chances are he won't be able to keep any of them.
"okay, it is so not fair that osamu knows, but i don't."
atsumu groans, his gloved hands stuffed tightly in his coat pockets, and he curses once again that he didn't anticipate the snow coming down onto the city tonight.
it's ten in the evening, you've just clocked out for the day, and even despite your numerous insistence that you'd be fine walking home alone, atsumu happily strides beside you anyways.
"samu can keep a secret," you remind him, and your shoulders rise as you laugh, "you can't."
"wrong." atsumu scoffs, shaking his head disapprovingly, "i can keep a secret. i just purposefully tell everyone what it is because it's part of my natural charm."
you narrow your eyes, giving him an unconvinced look as you try to stifle a laugh.
"it's part of your natural charm to literally never be able to hide anything from anyone ever?" you repeat, your intonation asking him if that's really the excuse he'd want to go with.
"yes." he nods confidently, "it is part of my natural charm."
so you grin, wide, with childish stars in your eyes, "which adds reason to why i shouldn't tell you my secret!"
"wait," he blinks, realizing what you've just said, and he stops walking for a second, "no, of course you should tell me the secret - you duped me into saying that!"
you cross your arms over your chest, "they were your words."
and you overtake him, walking past where he stopped, and you turn on your heels slightly, turning to look back at him with the same smug grin on your face.
"you're horrible." he tells you, shaking his head as you only look back at him with that same expression.
you take your free hand out of your coat pocket, the smile on your face pursed slightly as you hold your hand out to him, and before you know it, atsumu's back on your side, your hand in his own as he easily takes yours, and just by the way he's holding on to it — you have a strong feeling he has no plans on letting it go.
"i'm not telling you my secret tsumu." you smile, starting to walk with him again, your hands swaying in the middle of the both of you.
and his eyes narrow, "did you do something bad?"
and you think - maybe - but you're not sure if you want to tell him that yet.
"no." you answer.
"are we planning a murder? a nuclear attack?" he presses, the same grin on his face lacing into his voice, "i will get on board with it, i swear."
and the hold he has on your hand feels so much tighter.
"but you have to tell me what it is." atsumu shrugs, the way he's looking at you overwhelmingly soft.
"it's not that." you shake your head as you laugh, "but i admire your loyalty though, i'll definitely call you when that happens."
"well, why won't you tell me?" he asks you again, looking at you this time, and he stays this way long enough for you to actually notice that he is, in fact, looking at you.
he narrows his eyes, "and i know it's not because of that "i can't keep a secret" excuse, cause we both know that's not why you aren't telling me."
( leave it to atsumu miya to know exactly what to say or do to back you into a corner. )
you look at him, laughing, "why does it matter so much?"
and this is what gets him to look back onto the road, completely acting like he never was looking at you in the first place.
"i like..." and he pauses mid-sentence, "i like knowing things."
( he was going to add "about you" to the ending of that sentence, but he decides against it - it isn't the right time for that. )
you stop walking.
straightening out your jacket and making sure your bag is still with you, you look up to see atsumu who's walked a few steps ahead of you already, looking back with half-turned heels in anticipation.
"what're you doing?" he smiles, eyebrow raising.
"this is my stop." you say, your voice not as loud as you want it to be, and you reluctantly point to the building beside you, "i live here, remember?"
and atsumu's smile drops, "oh."
he's been walking you for a few weeks now, even driving you home when he has the chance, so he feels pretty stupid right now for forgetting to stop when you did.
"oh, yeah." he lets out a chuckle, his hand making it's way to the back of his neck in embarrassment, "i think i forgot about that."
and you smile, telling him it's okay, and there's nothing more in the world that he could want except for you asking him to stay.
he looks to the ground, "so i guess i should go."
"you know, you really didn't have to walk me home." you tell him, smile still as unsure as ever, and you tell him this every chance you get.
and he says, the way he always does, with that same smug and lazy grin, "i know - i wanted to."
( and that makes you smile, because atsumu always makes you smile. )
he takes a step away, getting ready to leave, but before he does, he tells you, subtly pointing to your front door, "you should get inside."
and you smile, "yeah."
"bye." he tells you, the smile on his face smaller this time, but the crinkle in his eyes doesn't leave.
and you repeat, laughing slightly, "bye."
and that would've been the end of it - atsumu walking home under the snow, and you walking up the steps of your building to get inside your home.
he would've went home not knowing your secret, and well, for a short second, atsumu really did think that he was okay with that.
but he's not.
"no," atsumu says, more to himself than to anyone else, and he turns, running back to the foot of your building and he yells, "wait, hey!"
( of all the stupid things he could do tonight, stopping you as you're mid-way into coming home would probably be the worst of them. )
but you turn to look at him anyway, the smile on your face easily reaching your eyes, and atsumu likes to think it's because you wanted him to come back and call to you.
"atsumu?" you ask.
and maybe it's the snow or maybe it's you saying his name like that, but he really really wishes that for once — even if it's just for tonight — things would go his way.
"how about this - i tell you a secret, something no one knows," he's breathless, but he looks at you anyway with a nervous smile, "and you tell me yours."
because believe it or not, atsumu miya, most notorious for never being able to keep anything quiet, has been hiding something extremely important to him for a very long time now.
so you say, "okay."
and atsumu smiles.
the edges of his eyes crinkle upwards as he hears you say that, and for the first time tonight, he's got a strong feeling that the universe is finally on his side.
your keys are in your hand, dangling lightly as you take the short three steps down from your building and coming back onto the pavement where atsumu waits.
he stands awkwardly, the smile on his face almost as nervous as you paint it out to be, and when you finally stand in front of him, it only appears to get a tiny bit wider.
you tilt your head, "tell me a secret."
and atsumu nods, an expression on his face that you've only seen a handful of times, but before you could ask him about it, he's already taken a step forward, his hands on either side of your face—
and he kisses you.
atsumu miya has always wanted to kiss you, not that he ever planned to do anything about it, he just — for as long as he's known you — wanted to know what it would be like to kiss the person he's been in love with for the past two years.
so he steps back, pulling away from you first, feeling not so different from the man he was two minutes before all this, but now, he’s someone who doesn’t have to wonder what it’s like to kiss you anymore.
"i've always wanted to do that." his smile taints his voice.
it's snowing — it's ten in the evening and the snow just keeps on falling.
the cold is almost unbearable, and even beneath all those layers of clothes, you still can't deny the slight chill coming on your spine.
atsumu's face is red - his ears, nose, and cheeks covered in a pinkish glow, and this time, he's sure that it's not just from the cold.
“i told you i can keep a secret.”
he smiles, breathing out a puff of white air, and the hand he has on your face still hasn't let you go.
for as long as he can remember, atsumu has always, always, wanted to kiss you the way he's dreamed of, and now - now that's actually done it - he decides that he's done with secrets.
whatever this is, whatever he feels for you, it isn't a secret anymore, because this time, he decides that he's finally gonna do something about it.
his smile is unwavering, watching you as you stand in from of him, and his eyes are expecting of what you're going to say next.
"atsumu," you blink, "i'm transferring out of the msby jackals."

Burning Flame Full of Desire

Day Nine: Flashing + Face Painting | 𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐊𝐓𝐎𝐁𝐄𝐑 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
Ryomen Sukuna x f!reader Genre: Smut Notes: I kinda... rly gotta write more of this sexy mf after kinktober 😋😈 Warnings: 18+, dubcon, noncon, misogyny, physical violence, flashing, degradation, praise, cumplay?? public humiliation, exhbitionism i think. Words: 1.8k

As much as you adored Yuuji, you couldn’t stand doing missions with him. As a teacher you were expected to take students under your wing and help them gain experience. Today, the students you were giving a hands-on education to were Yuuji and Megumi. Megumi is fine. He’s just quiet and moody, but he minds his business and keeps to himself. He’s incredibly powerful and you know how hard he works to be the best he can be. He usually works with Gojo, but today he has the pleasure of your company. Yuuji, being nothing but a vessel, is a little out of his depth. You think he’s adorable and always does what he can, making the best use of his raw strength, but it’s Sukuna that makes your missions together unbearable. He can’t apologise enough when the curse within him steps out of line. Yuuji can’t help it, it’s not his fault – and you make sure to tell him that. It would seem that the king of curses is touch starved and craving female attention. The lewd sentences that spill from his lips with no hesitation make your skin crawl.
You’d been sparring with a particularly difficult curse with your two students for what felt like a lifetime. Even with three of you, it seemed like you were getting nowhere. You couldn’t stand it; because you knew Gojo would have something to say about your utter incompetence when you returned to Jujutsu Tech. He and Nanami never fail to make you feel small and ashamed of your skill whenever you mess up – which unfortunately for you is more often than you’d care to admit.
You take a risk. You think it’s better that you die, and your students escape with their lives, rather than all three of you continue to fight and waste all of your energy. Adrenaline surges through you as you rush towards the curse. It overpowers you easily, knocking you back so far you feel like you’ve been transported to another dimension. The crown of your head cracks against a large piece of rocky debris, everything turns black.
“Sensei!” Fushiguro exclaims as he turns to face you. Out of the corner of his eye, a blur rushes by him faster than he can process. He pivots his body when he realises Yuuji has sprinted towards the curse too. He turns fully to see what his friend is doing, when he realises. “Don’t use him, Itadori!” but it’s too late. Yuuji had no say in the matter when Sukuna took over. It would be endearing if Sukuna wasn’t such a creep. It was like he was defending your honour.
In one effortless strike, Sukuna had defeated the curse with ease. Megumi’s whole body tensed up, he was on high alert. But he knows from past experience he’s no match for the curse. He began to protect himself with cursed energy, but one particularly harsh strike to his neck from Sukuna had knocked him out cold.
The curse approaches you slowly. Studying your unconscious form like it was a Michelangelo painting. You are so perfect to him. He thinks you’d be shocked if he knew how often he thinks of you whilst Yuuji supresses him away. He has an opportunity to have his way with you now, Itadori is trying with all his might but he’s failing to regain control of Sukuna.
He’s going to have fun today.

The curse smiles when he finally sees your eyelids begin to flutter. You’re finally waking up. You smile back cutely when your eyes open and you see Yuuji hovering above you. But then your heart twinges and you feel it sink into your lower stomach. Your hazy mind didn’t process him properly. It isn’t Yuuji. The additional pair of eyes and the unmistakable markings tell you that much. Why the hell did Itadori let Sukuna out?
You sit upright when you remember Fushiguro was with you on your mission too. Eyes quickly scanning the area inside of the veil to try and see where he is. You clamber to your feet to get a better view of your surroundings; and eventually you do see him. He’s out of it, just as you had been.
“There she is, my favourite pair of tits.” Sukuna speaks.
“Did you do that to him?” you ask him instantly, completely disregarding his piggish comment. He didn’t answer, instead, he pulled you closer to him by your wrist. He balled up his fist and struck you with a backhanded punch that knocked you straight on your ass. Your nose bled like a tap; Sukuna didn’t think you could look any cuter until he saw your nostrils dripping red.
He had nothing to be ashamed of. He’d made it very clear to you and Itadori that it had been a long time since he’d known the touch of a woman. Your eyes widened in horror as large veiny hands ventured towards his zipper.
“Stop right there, that’s enough!” you demanded. But he chuckled in response. You stood to your feet again and positioned yourself in a fighting stance. But it was embarrassing to you when he laughed raucously at your feeble attempt of seeming intimidating. But you didn’t let up. If you faltered you’d really be letting him win. He continued his actions of fumbling with the zipper of his trousers. You felt tears sting in your eyes preparing to form in your lash line. He’s disgusting, despicable.
“You really think you can beat me when you let that little guy knock you out a few minutes ago?” he teased, referring to the curse he'd just vanquished. You shuddered at that, he was right. You’re probably the worst Jujutsu sorcerer in the world. And now the lives of both of your students are in your useless hands. Finally Sukuna had achieved what he’d been working towards, pulling his cock out for you to see. You were worried he was going to force himself on you, but all he was doing was stroking himself slowly. Lazily, in fact. “Sit, like a dog. Or I’ll rip the pink-haired brats heart out again.” he informed you.
You did as you were told. You had no choice but to do as he commanded. He kept a fair distance away from you as he played with himself. It was uncomfortable to see how nonchalant he was about what he was doing.
The curse was not only the king of his species, but you were sure he’d be considered king of his impressive size. It’s truly monstrous, just like him. His trousers were lowered just enough so that you could see both his shaft and his balls – both of which were equally as notable. It was just dawning on you how much you’d blocked out since you came around. You’d only ever normally noticed Sukuna with the markings on his body and additional eyes. But now you’re looking at him. Now you’ve calmed down and you’re really looking at him, he’s displaying more of what he has to offer. This is the first time you’ve seen him debut his additional arms, four in total now. And the horrendously creepy tongue on his lower abdomen made your head spin. But still, despite all of that, you were still spellbound by his enormous, pulsing cock. The furious red tip that matched his personality. The sheer thickness of his shaft as well as the inhuman length. The beautifully placed veins that decorated his length so perfectly. Why are you thinking such sick, intricate thoughts about a curse?
“Never seen one this big before, have you sweetheart?” he questions as he picks up the pace of his strokes. You don’t answer. You aren’t even sure what to say, honestly. You’re so disorientated from the sight and the girth. Are you sick in the head? You must be, because all you can think about is how badly you want it. He smirks when he notices how you try and subtly squeeze your thighs to alleviate the tension brewing at your core. “Not such a good girl after all. What would your poor students say? What would your co-workers say?” he torments. Isn’t it good enough that he’s humiliating you like this? Of course not. That would never be enough for someone like him.
He pulls his bottom lip between his teeth as he starts to feel particularly sensitive. He thinks you’re such a bitch, because you don’t understand how wild you drive him. Perhaps it’s because you’re the first (and only) woman who’s given him any form of conversation since he let Itadori become his vessel. Regardless of your frosty attitude, you never fail to entertain him. And even under that Jujutsu uniform, he thinks you have a body to die for.
“I want to fuck your cunt.” he admits. You shake your head.
“This is degrading enough, Sukuna.” you tell him, doing your best to stand firm. He bares his teeth in an intimidating snarl. Just who do you think you’re talking to?
“I will fuck your pretty cunt. And you will love it, whore. But not today… We can arrange—”
“Not ever. Nothing will be arranged.”
The curse approached you with a sadistic grin on his face. You tried to back away, but you could only get so far without knowing where you were going. Sharp edges from the crumbling and decayed buildings stuck harshly into your flesh. Before long you stopped trying. Your body froze up as it recognised you were no match for your foe. He grabbed a fistful of your hair, commanding your attention. Your eyes found his and he stuck his tongue out teasingly – a signal of victory. He rested the tip of his cock on your swollen, pouty lips.
“Shall I make you pretty?” you knew what he meant. A vein in his forehead twinged slightly and his eyes scrunched. It was a dead giveaway. He was about to cum, and he was asking where you wanted it. “I’m gonna do it anyway…”
He manoeuvred his cock to paint thick ropes of milky white all over your humiliated face. It wasn’t an exaggeration to say you’ve never experienced this much ejaculate in your life. The curse was extremely pent up and he’d been waiting for a poor, wretched soul to be the recipient of his load. He rested two fingers beneath your chin and pushed slightly. And like an obedient little bitch, you tilted your head in the exact directions he wanted so he could inspect his handiwork.
“Good girl.”
And with that, he allowed Yuuji to reclaim his body. You couldn’t be more embarrassed as he and Megumi awoke to the reality that their teacher had been humiliated by a curse. You also had to live with the knowledge that you wouldn’t be opposed to being Sukuna’s cum slut again.

© 2021 fuwushiguro

adding tags in a reblog 🖤 tag list form in navi if you're interested!
i’m such a huge fan of the headcanon that megumi’s cursed dogs are basically like service animals. everytime yuuji pets them while they’re dealing with a curse megumi would snap at him like, “yuuji, fucking… quit it! they’re working right now. you can pet them later.”