I join A lot of Fandoms and here a blog to post all my feelings and thoughts about them all
738 posts
Sneak Peek On The Collp With @tsutsuji-mystic

Sneak peek 🫣 on the Collp with @tsutsuji-mystic
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More Posts from Space-lover-called-nxy-1134
Why is the cast of NRC so hot.

Malleus draconia
My just my life at school

Guys I need to tell you this. So you know motion right? Ok so I never understood the concept of it. So like 1 day while I was walking with my friend to 6period, I saw 2 kids getting in a fist fight for motion. So after this fight the 6 grader heard about this. So there thinking “Oh motion must be pretty important/cool if these 8 or 7 grader are fighting for it”. So these 8 or 7 grader was selling motion for money. 1,000 for $.50. So my thoughts were they folding a 1,000 paper and selling it for $.50, like… isn’t that to little. But they just wrote 1,000 on the motion. Like girly/boy let me on this pls I’m down scamming little children like this.
Ahhh!!! It too cute

Kitty Grim searching for The Prefect.

Warning spoilers for obey me night bringer

Listen like we been through too much in the obey night bringer community so this is a reward for all or suffering.