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Top 15 Stydia Moments: #13. “We’re all alive.”
Peyton talking about Sabrina when she was dating Bradley. Link in my bio to watch the video! 😄😆😄 #sabrinacarpenter #peytonmeyer #peybrina #gmw #lucayarising
196......alright its getting out of control
For some of you who still don’t get it...

Las emociones - Emotions
la emoción = emotion
el sentimiento = feeling
el humor = mood
el estado = state
la actitud = attitude
la personalidad = personality
el temperamento = temperament
el carácter = nature, temperament
el genio = temper, temperament [in addition to “genius” and “genie”]
el estado de ánimo = current mood, state of being [lit. “state of mood”]
el ánimo = mood, spirits, “cheer”
la alegría = happiness
la dicha = joy
el júbilo = jubilation
la felicidad = happiness / good fortune
el gozo = enjoyment, happiness
la tristeza = sadness
la pena = sadness, grief, sorrow
la pesadumbre = sorrow [literary]
la depresión = depression
la vergüenza = shame
la culpa = guilt
el arrepentimiento = remorse, regret
la decepción = disappointment
la desilusión = disillusionment, disappointment
el desengaño = disappointment
el dolor = pain, grief
la herida = injury, wound
la lástima = pain, pity, sorrow
la frustración = frustration
la molestia = annoyance
el aburrimiento = boredom
el tedio = boredom, tedium
el hastío = weariness, boredom
el cansancio = tiredness, exhaustion / boredom, weariness
el agotamiento = exhaution
la crítica = criticism
la tontería = foolishness, silliness, nonsense
la barbaridad = nonsense
la torpeza = awkwardness
el enojo = anger
el enfado = anger, rage
la furia = fury
la ira = wrath, ire
la rabia = rage / rabies
la violencia = violence
la paz = peace
el estrés = stress
la envidia = envy, jealousy
los celos = jealousy
la ansiedad = anxiety
la ansia = desire, yearning, longing
la preocupación = worry
la inquietud = anxiousness, a state of something not feeling right
el recelo = mistrust, suspicion
la aprensión = apprehension, nervousness
el temor = fear, nervousness
el miedo = fear
el susto = fear, fright / shock
el choque = shock
el shock = shock
el horror = horror
el terror = terror
la confusión = confusion
la esperanza = hope
la desesperanza = despair
la pasión = passion
la admiración = admiration
bueno/a = good
malo/a = bad
así así = so-so, not good but not bad [regional]
más o menos = so-so [lit. “more or less”]
regular = regular, normal, so-so
alegre = happy
contento/a = happy, content
feliz = happy, fortunate
animado/a = cheerful, “animated”
temperamental = temperamental
triste = sad, unfortunate / tragic
penoso/a = sad, pitiful, embarrassing
deprimido/a = depressed
vergonzoso/a = shameful
avergonzado/a = ashamed
culpable = guilty
arrepentido/a = remorseful, regretful
decepcionante = disappointing
doloroso/a = in pain, painful, causing pain
dolorido/a = causing pain, sore
herido/a = injured, wounded
lastimado/a = pained, injured
frustrado/a = frustrated
frustrante = frustrating
molesto/a = annoying
fastidio/a = annoying
harto/a = fed up, sick of, tired of / filled, satisfied, satiated
aburrido/a = bored, boring
pesado/a = heavy / tedious, boring
cansado/a = tired
cansador(a) = tiresome
exhausto/a = exhausted
agotado/a = drained, exhausted
agotador(a) = draining
mandón, mandona = bossy
exigente = demanding, finicky
tiquismiquis = finicky, picky, nit-picky
criticón, criticona = overly critical, nit-picky
tonto/a = foolish
tontito/a = silly, goofy
bobo/a = ridiculous, silly, goofy
torpe = awkward
enojado/a = angry
enfadado/a = angry
furioso/a = furious
enfurecido = enraged
airado/a = irate, angry
rabioso/a = rabid, furious, enraged / rabid (medical)
violento/a = violent
malhumorado/a = moody, in a bad mood, grumpy
gruñón, gruñona = grumpy, grumbling
pacífico/a = pacific, peaceful
tranquilo/a = peaceful, tranquil
tranquilizado/a = calmed down, tranquil(ized)
tranquilizante = calming [usually medicine or music]
tranquilizador(a) = calming [usually words]
calmado/a = calm
calmante = calming
apacible = peaceful, pacified
relajado/a = relaxed
relajante = relaxing
estresado/a = stressed
estresante = stressful
celoso/a = jealous, overly protective
envidioso/a = envious
codicioso/a = covetous, envious, wanting what someone else has
vano/a = vain, conceited
engreído/a = conceited
arrogante = arrogant
soberbio/a = proud (negative), sovereign, haughty
altivo/a = haughty, believing oneself better than others
egoísta = selfish
santurrón, santurrona = “holier-than-thou”, believing oneself better than others
orgulloso/a = proud
ansioso/a = eager, excited / anxious, worried
nervioso/a = nervous
inquieto/a = uneasy, nervous
inquietante = unnerving, disquieting, worrisome
preocupado/a = worried, nervous
preocupante = worrisome, alarming, causing worry
receloso/a = suspicious, mistrustful
sospechoso/a = suspicious, suspect
amenazado/a = threatened
amenazador(a) / amenazante = threatening, intimidating
da miedo = scary [lit. “it gives/inspires fear”; can change to plural dan miedo “they are scary” or can change for subjects like (me) das miedo “you’re scary / you’re scaring me”]
alterado/a = upset
asustado/a = scared, frightened
temeroso/a = fearful
atemorizado/a = frightened, fearful
horrorizado/a = horrified
terrorizado/a = terrified
alarmado/a = alarmed, frightened
alarmante = alarming
shockeado/a = shocked
escalofriante = scary, spine-tingling
confundido/a = mixed-up, mistaken
confuso/a = confused, not knowing what’s happening, perplexed
perplejo/a = perplexed, confused
dudoso/a = doubtful
atontado/a = scatterbrained
aturdido/a = stunned, shocked
ensimismado/a = lost in thought, daydreaming, in one’s own world
ilusionado/a = hopeful
esperanzado/a = hopeful
desesperado/a = desperate, hopeless
apasionado/a = passionate, inspired
entusiasmado/a = enthusiastic, inspired
emocionado/a = excited, anxious, full of emotion
excitado/a = aroused (sexually)
conmovedor(a) = inspiring
alegrar = to please, to make happy [gustar verb]
felicitarse = to be pleased with oneself
contentar = to make happy, to content
contentarse = to be content, to be happy
animar = to cheer up, to cheer on, to encourage
animarse = to be in a good mood, to be cheered up
gozar = to enjoy
disfrutar = to enjoy
estar de buen humor = to be in a good mood
entristecer = to sadden
entristecerse = to be sad
apenar = to sadden, to afflict
apenarse = to be saddened
deprimir = to depress, to sadden
deprimirse = to be depressed
avergonzar = to shame, to embarrass
avergonzarse = to be ashamed, to be embarrassed
arrepentir(se) = to regret, to feel sorry for
decepcionar = to disappoint
desilusionar = to disappoint, to disillusion
desilusionarse = to feel disappointed, to lose faith/heart
desengañarse = to have one’s expectations not be met, to lose faith
doler = to cause pain [gustar verb]
hacer daño = to damage, to harm [gustar verb]
herir = to wound, to injure
lastimar = to wound, to injure, to hurt
frustrar = to frustrate / to hinder, to make difficult
molestar = to annoy [gustar verb]
fastidiar = to annoy, to bother, to tick someone off
fastidiarse = to put up with, to shoulder a burden
hartar = to annoy, to irritate / to fill up
hartarse = to be fed up, to be tired of, to have had enough
cansar = to tire, to be annoyed by [gustar verb]
cansarse = to become tired
aburrir = to bore [gustar verb]
aburrirse = to become bored
agotar = to drain, to exhaust
agotarse = to become drained, to become exhausted
mandar = to mandate, to order / to send
exigir = to demand, to require
criticar = to criticize
enojar = to anger
enojarse = to get angry
enfadar = to anger
enfadarse = to get angry
enfurecer = to infuriate
enfurecerse = to become infuriated
airar = to make wrathful, to anger
airarse = to go into a rage
hervir = to boil
echar humo = to seethe with anger [lit. “to give off smoke”]
tener buen genio = to be easy-going
tener mal genio = to be temperamental, to have a bad temper
tranquilizar = to tranquilize / to make peaceful
tranquilizarse = to become tranquil, to become at peace, to calm down
calmar = to calm
calmarse = to calm down, to settle down
apaciguar = to pacify
apaciguarse = to settle down, to be at peace
sosegar = to pacify
sosegarse = to calm down, to be in control, to get a grip
relajar = to relax
relajarse = to become relaxed, to loosen up
estresar = to stress
tensar = to make tense
enervar = to enervate, to irritate, to make someone jumpy or anxious
envidiar = to envy, to be envious of, to be jealous of
poner de los nevios = to get on one’s nerves
ponerse nervioso/a = to become nervous
preocupar = to worry, to concern [gustar verb]
preocuparse = to worry about, to be concerned about
dar miedo = to be scary / to scare [gustar verb]
tener miedo a/de + algo = to be afraid of (something)
tener miedo a/de + alguien = to be afraid of (someone)
horrorizar = to horrify
terrorizar = to terrify
atemorizar = to terrify, to frighten
asustar = to startle, to frighten
alarmar = to alarm, to frighten
shockear = to shock, to startle
shockearse = to be in shock, to be surprised
confundir = to confuse, to mislead
confundirse = to make a mistake
estar confuso/a = to be confused
aturdir = to shock, to stun
aturdirse = to be stunned
extrañar = to shock, to bewilder [gustar verb]
esperar = to hope / to expect / to wait for
tener la esperanza = to have hope
guardar la esperanza = to remain hopeful
desesperarse = to lose faith, to lose hope, to despair
perder la esperanza = to lose hope
perder la fe = to lose faith
confiar = to trust
apasionar = to inspire
conmover = to inspire
entusiasmar = to enthuse, to inspire
emocionar = to excite, to make others excited
emocionarse = to get excited
*Note: Most emotions are done using the verbs estar “to be (temporary)”, sentirse “to feel (an emotion)”, or ponerse “to become (typically suddenly as in moods)”. Using ser “to be (more permanent)” is not typically recommended because it can make it sound as if someone’s emotion is their natural personality, and can confuse the meaning since it isn’t technically wrong.
*Note 2: Many of these verbs can exist as non-reflexive or reflexive. This means that a verb like enojar means “to anger (someone else)” while enojarse means “to become angry”. The difference here is the object (the person or thing that receives the action of the verb. Some verbs aren’t going to be mentioned if they’re not pertaining to emotions, such as felicitar is “to congratulate”, but felicitarse means “to be pleased with oneself”.