Utebonc, More Commonly Known As A Pale Lizard, This Small Subarctic Frugivorous Bipedal Reptile, It Spends

utebonc, more commonly known as a pale lizard, this small subarctic frugivorous bipedal reptile, it spends the winter in a form of torpor buried partially in the ground, they also are the only mesothermic reptiles known on dumuno at the moment, when theyre in a torpid state they surprisingly are at the height of their endothermy, this is hypothesised to be due to the fact they tend to be surrounded by snow when theyre partially buried, they also have a strange kind of poison in their blood stream which lowers their bloods freezing point, so that combined with its endothermic potential allows it to survive during its winter, it uses its single claw on its hand to inflict venom into potential predators to escape before theyre eaten, if you have any questions regarding this reptile please dont be afraid to ask
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pruvis, more commonly known as a snow ostrich, is a large flightless carnivorous bird, it is a widespread predator which is the fastest creature on dumuno, and uses its tail for sexual display purposes and whichever pruvis has the smaller and less vibrant tail feathers of the two having to lay the eggs, they also use their tail feathers to ward off potential predators that might kill it, the vibrant spots mimic the eyes of the apex predator of the arctic and subarctic, if you have any questions regarding this flightless bird please dont be afraid to ask

folisca, more commonly known as an ocean shelf, is a marine plant which grows pads of "leaves" that all grow in accordance to the size of the bottom pad, the other pads are a fraction of the size of the bottom pad depending on how many pads there are, the bottom pad has been observed to grow a maximum radius of 24 inches, the stick like woody main body can grow to a maximum height of 48 inches the pads are rather tough compared to other green plants photosynthetic parts, if you have any questions regarding this plant dont be afraid to ask i am more than willing to answer them

this is the dumunoan "alphabet", it was hard to define an order for the glyphs considering how they are written, if you were to write a glyph it wouldnt be a single sound per glyph, it would look more like this

with two sounds mixing together to make a single glyph, every glyph is made of a vowel and a consonant, and depending on which sound comes first, if the vowel comes first it ends up on the top of the glyph, and if the consonant ends up on top it comes first

it took a long time to write out and figure out everything, but this is the the sounds all of the glyphs make, along with a handful of words of the language all of which being important religious figures on dumuno which is a ramble post for another day the translations for the words will be explained in a sense from the first word
ki-ɹə ki meaning earth [as in rocks and dirt and such] ɹə meaning power
leading to the name kiɹə the deity of earth and power
due to how i created this languages words i've had to work with loopholes and potential cultural ideas for dumunoans to create new words out of my limited glyphs, such as the name of the language being ɱa-ɱo, which means information carving, or fish being ʎu-iɹ meaning swimming reptiles, which is, if infuriating, makes for a very interesting conlang in my opinion, if you have any questions about this conlang at all please dont be afraid to ask, i am more than happy to answer

paramix, also known as the proboscused parasite, is a parasitic wide spread insect, it clings to the host using its proboscus, eating a small potion of the flesh, then using their sharp legs to stay stuck to the host while they walk to a new spot to cling onto, interestingly they appear to be able to resperate in both the atmosphere and the hydrosphere, allowing them too find a host anywhere, if you have any question about this parasite please dont be afraid to ask

culis, very commonly known as a burrowing feline, is a feline like insectivorous mammal which digs burrows for it to rest in during the day though unless its raising its brood of kits it tends to live a seminomatic life, caring less about territory and more about which ever spot they can find which has the most insects at that moment, due to this nature they also have a migratory life style, spending all of autumn going farther south, and spending all of spring going farther north, due to their size and seminomatic life, its not uncommon to find abandoned burrows all over fields and forests, they can use their beak to snip away roots in their way, or use it too reach farther into small places where insects might be, if you have any questions regarding this creature please dont be afraid to ask