spideyjimin - catie

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In the next part, he will come to her again and oc will just accept him right away?

eeeh it would never be that easy, love! now he’s the one who broke her heart but maybe he will not come back to her, just saying 🤷🏻‍♀️

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1 year ago

Omg I'm heartbroken. It wasn't easy for YN to give this relationship an another choice. Even she's been through a lot. A death of a sister, a broken engagement. But as much as Jungkook's life looks difficult. It wasn't that difficult isn't it? Of course he built a company, he made a child. He looks like he's happy with his daughter & her mother. If he can easily forget YN's entire existence when he's with his perfect family then why he wanted to try again? He was happy before Eunji came to give her two unnecessary hoots about JK's relationship.

I'm sorry for you YN girly! He isn't worth it. If he can easily say he needs time and he his life looks complicated because you came back then it definitely isn't worth it at all. If he can break up over some workload at his company then he would definitely leave at the altar if his daughter wants him to love her momma. You shouldn't have dated a fuckboy.

And jk. I bro. I really felt bad for you last time but now you can gfy🤗

hi angel ✨ first of all, thanks for your ask & to be honest, in the midst of all the asks i received hating on jk, i felt yours kinda peaceful, i don’t know how to explain it but maybe i didn’t feel any hate.

well, everything that you said is totally right, i couldn’t agree more with you! oc deserves better & jk definitely doesn’t deserve oc, especially after she came back & gave their relationship a second shot. honestly, from my perspective, jk is still immature even after building his company & having a daughter. there are clearly some aspects of his life that he can’t handle so instead of trying he just gives up. which is what he did with oc. this immature version of jk doesn’t fit with this version of oc who tried hard to heal after everything that she went through. they simply don’t match during “right time”.

But it’s a moment in time. this entire fic is built around time. like 10 years ago, they had a good relationship but it wasn’t their time yet. then, they meet again & try again but it’s still not their time. it’s simply because the versions of them when they are together don’t match. that’s why perfect time leaves in suspense if it’s now their time. if finally both versions of them match.

i don’t know if this makes any sense but that’s what i want to portray through this series 🤗

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1 year ago

If u don't mind me asking when are you going to upload the next part? Sooner or later? No pressure at all am just curious;)

well, right now, i can’t tell you exactly when it will be posted, but i will try my best to not make you wait long, which i did for the 2 first parts 🫠 but let’s see!

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1 year ago

Eunji and jk are gonna do something and they’re gonna try to be more but jk can’t let oc go so he tries to find her… and when oc is happy with someone else jk is devastated by his actions. He needs to stop giving ppl false hope cause damn I know this man is hurt and sad but you can see that oc is still hurting as well and he just blew it up and blaming how he wants the best for his daughter where his baby mama is probably just scared to be replaced by someone who isn’t her!! Ughhh my mind is going crazy from all this I’m making so many scenarios in my head after reading all these asks.. great job this series is so good and realistic! ❤️❤️

wow i absolutely love the way you’re imagining many scenarios 😅 but it’s okay & understandable after all those asks!! just to say it to make sure you all know it, Eunji isn’t scared to be replaced nor anything, she knows she’s just jk’s baby mama & that’s it. she doesn’t want a relationship with him & she’s aware that one day he might have a child with someone else. all she cares about is her daughter, nothing more. so yeah, nothing is ever going to happen between them 😊

thanks a lot for your sweet words ❤️

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1 year ago

No matter how much of a good person Eunji as a friend & a co parent in Jungkook's life. Can she fuck off? Like it wasn't her place to say about anything about her baby's father & his ex's relationship. She wasn't there in their relationship.

Does she even know what made YN break off the relationship? Looks like she never heard both the sides of the story.

Coming to Jungkook. I was honestly pissed off when i read that he just like that took the name (Arya) which he decided with YN for their child and gave it to the daughter he had with another woman. I was heartbroken for him too. He never deserved to be heartbroken but god what a jerk!

Bro never had any issues at his company like ever? Is he only facing problems only after he met YN again? Ain't he's acting like a petty ex? He clearly used YN after 10 years. It was just sex? If he feels that his family is perfect as it is then he should've kept it inside his pants instead of kissing & having sex with YN whenever possible. Looks like be just want to break her after what she put him through.

"This's a moment deeply cherished that will forever stay in his heart.... This is a moment where time completely stops"

Helppp! Me!!! I agree with him being a best father for Arya. Him putting her as his first is appreciatable. But bro Eunji?

"This would have probably never existed with you by his side" then fuck off you ratass!

This girl put him as her priority and resigned her job to be beside him and it only took him "JK, are you sure it's a good idea, would you want to try again?" from a chick he had ONS with and someone who's also dating a whole ass human behind her daughter's back to reconsider his decision. Eunji simply gaslighted him :)

Jungkook is a fucking coward. Honestly he fucking used YN and threw her away like a paper this time and never bothered to even stay until she said something back. He just said one simple 'take care' and left.

No wonder YN felt wanted (used) but not loved. I hope she finds her happy ending. And if (only if) JK & YN dosen't end up together. Then he should go broke or get heartbroken again. Ass.

Sorry for this long ass ask. I couldn't stop myself from writing this. I hope you don't mind the fact that I dragged JK's character here. 😅

Love your writing. Looking forward for the next chapter (honestly petty me wants to see JK regret using & throwing away YN).

hi angel ✨

don’t be sorry about this long ask, it even made me laugh & you can totally drag this jk!! thanks also for being adorable & hopefully you’ll like the next part 😬

then, i totally understand your point of view with eunji, probably, she shouldn’t have given her opinion because she doesn’t know the full story & doesn’t know yn’s side of the story. she actually went through a lot before breaking up with jk. but she simply wants the best for him, they are close & she was just trying to be helpful. for sure it didn’t help but it came from a good place.

then, for jk, he didn’t act well at all but it’s just completely lost. having Yn back in his life was harder than expected & he simply was overwhelmed with everything. the company issue was just the final straw. he was unhappy & hurt people hurt people. he could have done things better & it really feels like he used yn (which he did). but let’s hope he acts better afterwards 😬 i can guarantee you that yn will have her happy ending because she truly deserves it 💛

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1 year ago


First of all I want to say your really talented, I love how you made the timing series realistic even though this part was really unexpected, I thought it's going to be lovely dovey like the other exes to lovers stories but no it completely shocked me in a good way. I loved how you didn't make them just start like nothing happened. Jungkook is at fault a lil bit in my opinion, he let her in his life again started being intimate with her and went on a date he gave her false hope but then just dumped her? My heart broke for her she thought that he forgave her and everything is alright but no and it wasn't like she forced him to get together again so that's why I think the only one here at fault is jk not totally tho because getting back together with an ex is not easy especially if love was that deep but in my opinion he shouldn't have start all over. I guess he just thought everything is going to be fine be instead he got overwhelmed and broke her heart. Anyways sorry I am yapping alot lol😭😭💀💀. I seriously can't wait for the third part you left me hanging so bad with that ending 😭😭😭 ✋


hi angel ✨ thanks a lot for reading the timing series & for being so adorable 🥹 well honestly the exes to lovers situation is in my opinion quite complicated & they can’t pretend like nothing happened, there’s always a lot of background, there was love & there was a breakup so there’s that to consider.

regarding jk, he is to be blamed this time. in a way, it’s good he was honest with oc but he should have not let things go that far, especially being intimate with her (but he’s human after all & he has needs 😅). however, he’s just not happy, seeing her again is quite overwhelming & he’s mostly lost but he’s not acting the best way possible.

don’t apologise, angel! it’s always good to have the opinion of the readers 💛 now i just got to start writing the 3rd part & hopefully it will be out soon so you don’t have to wait a lot 😊

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