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Spirit-02 - - - Tumblr Blog

jkasjdkasjksajfdasfdsafd goodbye

i love how the only thing this tommy and logan beef is proving is that tommy is actually just a chill guy who checks up on his friends often and logan has managed to become a deadbeat dad only one week into his daughters life
Is there a word thatβs a mix between angry and sad

Oh fuck XY came out today!
Wheel of Doom Round 3

calling on all shubbies, is there a quote or something i've said that helped you that you remember specifically or a quote i shared on tumblr that stuck stuck with you? i need positive quotes i've said for something cool :)
the only reason i know that a gigabyte is bigger than a megabyte is because giga drain is stronger than mega drain in pokemon
THE CARM IS IN THE ANIME OP!! i can't wait to see her girlfail self interact with the rising volt tacklers!!

THE CARM IS IN THE ANIME OP!! i can't wait to see her girlfail self interact with the rising volt tacklers!!

THE CARM IS IN THE ANIME OP!! i can't wait to see her girlfail self interact with the rising volt tacklers!!

please can we do inbox trick-or-treating this year. can we make that a thing on tumblr. please please please please please

I fear people overestimate how normal any given Pearl fan is. I think this is because to people who are fans of other hermits, Pearl seems like one of the most normal people on the server and thus is a perfect side character for their fics and aus and such. But people who watch mainly Pearl know the truth. She is possibly the most insane of them all, possibly by virtue of the fact that she works the night shift and possibly because she is an Art Kid β’.
Triple Iono comics!

"Let's compare heights when you come back to Alola!"
("...No way... is she taller than me now?!")

Octillerink2024 Day:5 Cynthia

SNAPDEX REPORT: WEEK 3-4 forgot to upload these earlier, so its more like two weeks worth. oh well, more pokemon for you!
Unhinged Nezuko can turn her head 180Β° degree and clings on ceilings too

She enjoys some warm hot springs too π

firstname anya lastname mouthwashing
Um actually scrub daddy is my comfort character and it physically and psychically hurts me to see you chop him up and eat him after freezing and cracking him up with liquid nitrogen while naked with big boobs?

JASON X (2001) dir. James Isaac
if your f/o is someone who always has to go through the most insane shenanigans and go on wild adventures in every major piece of canon media they've been in, do NOT be scared feeling like you are boring compared to what they've gone through. you are the closest to a domestic life that they're gonna get. yeah you can't fight giant monsters with them. or be part of a huge open world adventure. or can't discover new crazy lands or planets even. but you can make sandwiches together. think about how long it's been since your f/o has had a sandwich. now think about how happy they would be to make one and eat it with you. without you they would never have a place to come home and feel safe around and enjoy the wonders of a normal life, and ESPECIALLY would never get a sandwich.