Do not touch the lurker, do not look at the lurker, it does not like knowing it has been seen. It would remain anonymous if it could.
241 posts
Look I Have Never Watched This Aphmau Person But I Saw This Box Of Surprise Figures And Got One. Now

Look I have never watched this Aphmau person but I saw this box of “surprise” figures and got one. Now I have a pancake cat and I’m content with that.
More Posts from Spookyscarycreepydollgirl
NSFW vore scenario
Okay so demon hunters sacrifice their own souls and lives by contracting a demon to help them hunt stray demons.
The contract has a time limit and at the end of the time limit the demon devours their master and heads on back to hell.
A demon hunter who is a massive exhibitionist asks another demon hunter and their demon to watch them get eaten.
Though reluctant the other hunters own time is growing short and they can’t help but be morbidly curious about what’s in store for them. So they watch the geass the demon is under come undone and the demon proceed to ravish the shit out of their former master in ways both sexual and voracious before the demon sensually and greedily swallows them down and makes the most depraved and suggestive noises as the former demon hunter in their belly makes similarly suggestive noises. Until the belly shrinks down and all that’s left is the panting and blushing demon who is then desummoned.
Trying to hide their burning cheeks the Demon Hunter turns to their contracted demon and goes “Okay that looked way way waaaay more depraved and perverted than I was expecting.”
The Demon hums noncommitally then says “Do you want to know a secret master?”
“When our turn comes I plan to be much much worse”
I’ve discovered Astarion from Baldur’s Gate 3! But I can’t play Baldur’s Gate 3 because Microsoft still refuses to accept my login password, even though it’s the same login I’ve always had and I’ve never fucking changed it. Why are all the best RPGs on PC? And why is my PC being a little fucking bitch?
On the topic of sexual orientation though, I’m pretty unsure if I like men or women.
I find it easier to write male preds in the way I want, but I’m not sure if that’s attraction to the male sex rather than the writing potential of the archetypes and mythos built up around the male sex and the fact that male pronouns are slightly less unwieldy to use repeatedly in sentences.
There’s a reason the tongue twister “she sells sea shells by the sea shore” starts with she and it’s cause linguistically “sh” is a bitch of a sound to rangle.
And honestly even though I did experience attraction to women as a teen I’m unsure if that was because my hormones were a raging mess or not. I think it’d be easier to know what I like if it felt like my fetish, you know if it felt obsessive or like it was with me even before my body fully understood what sex actually was.
But as things are I’m not sure I can really tell the difference between aesthetically appreciating someone’s body and sexual attraction at least not without a fetish to fall back on.
I think that’s cause I repressed the shit out of any attraction I did feel to anyone growing up. So now I don’t really know what to do with it. In my defense my hormones always felt completely inconsistent and like they’d freak out over anything so ignoring them was kinda necessary. But I’m wondering if there wasn’t a less maladaptive way to go about it…
Sometimes, I think about how all Anime Characters are just poorly disguised cats and wonder if the people who don’t like anime designs would like a character design that used dogs as a reference instead.
See you can tell I need to get my computer to let me in. So I can play the DND game because I’ve gone from Tav X Astarion to Bloodweave to a secret third thing where you combine it all together into a love pyramid and no one else has thought of this which means those people are having fun in the game and don’t have the time to crossbreed pairings.