So Excited Practically Shaking For Sailing Camp Next Week Ahhhh
so excited practically shaking for sailing camp next week ahhhh
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brad pitt black theme for amelia

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being married means I can break wind and eat ice cream in bed. - Brad Pitt
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@maybanksslut i'm sorry you didn't ask for this babe

is 50 followers even a milestone? maybe not but okay-
date: 1st july - 11th july
everything will be tagged as: #aspen's 50 followers pool party
events: ⛱ ; don't splash me! cym (send in a theme and i'll cym) or fmk. (send in 3 characters from this list)
🏐; gossip time girls! send in a fandom from the list above and a few facts and i'll ship you with someone from that fandom
🥏; play some eminem on the speakers! give me a composer/ band/ music artist and i'll tell you my favorite piece by them. (taken from @unedibledaisyduck's celebration)
🤽♂️; don't push me in- hey not cool! ,share an unpopular opinion and we can chat about it.
🍹; take off your makeup before going into the water!, i'll give you my first impression of you. (mutuals only)
how are youuu
i am goooood
i'm making another theme pack <3
(i love the theme)
🏐; gossip time girls! send in a fandom from the list above and a few facts and i'll ship you with someone from that fandom
since ur my sexy gf and u know lots abt me
ship me w someone from maneskin and a celebrity (cuz i desrve three fandoms aka special treatment) based on what u know bae
congrats on 50 followers sexyy
i ship you with VICTORIA DI ANGELIS

i feel like she would be super chill with you but sometimes would match your crazy personality
i ship you with TOM HOLLAND

i feel like he would match your crazy personality and i can imagine saying to you: "babe, calm down, it's only a band"
i ship you with ASPEN

i feel like you guys would be a very matched couple, like both crazy personality but knowing when you need to calm downd
and i feel like you aspen would be perfect together because you guys would go crazy and obsess over things and simp over people together