Oliver 20 They/Them. I finally caved and made a kink blog
52 posts
Squirgletums - Can't Escape The Brainrot - Tumblr Blog
Damn boy why your tummy so rumbly
omfg. his eyes r so pretty. would love to see him in tears and sobbing
another beach vacation
inspired by those bizarre moments when it’s sweltering out and somehow you’re freezing with a fever (most definitely not inspired by my low-grade fever last week lol)
It was just another hot day at the beach during their vacation at the oceanside cottage, but B can tell something’s off. They’re all swimming, B a bit further out from A and C, but B notices that A’s out of the water more than they’re in, and they barely get in past ankle-deep water. After a few minutes and some wild gesturing from C, they get in deeper, and B goes back to swimming alongside the current.
But when B checks again, A’s left the water entirely, sitting directly in the sun even though they burn easily. When B gets out to investigate, they see A’s covered in goosebumps and visibly shivering, arms wrapped around their knees.
“A, what are you doing? You’re gonna get burned.”
A shrugs. “I’m cold. Like, in my bones. I don’t know what’s wrong.” A gentle breeze wafts through the air, sending a shudder rippling through them, and they hug their knees tighter to their chest. “I thought the sun would help me warm up.”
B wraps a towel around them and curls behind A, hugging them close. Contrary to A’s belief, they feel like a banked coal against B’s body, yet B can feel the small shivers that ripple through them as they rub A’s blanketed arms. “You’re probably just a little chilled from the water.”
“Maybe.” A’s voice is small, shaky, quiet. Not at all like themselves.
Eventually, A pulls on the dry t-shirt B offers and lays down under the beach umbrella, curling up in a ball with arms wrapped around themselves, while B pulls out a battered old paperback. Every so often, B can hear A’s teeth chatter, and eventually they drape one of the dry towels over them, even though it’s sweltering out.
C darts up dripping wet, starting to say something to B, but stops short when they see A laying down. “What’s wrong with A?”
“Not feeling well.” B glances down from their book to see A, still curled under the towel. “They got chilled and needed to warm up for a bit.”
C stops short, glancing down at A, then to B, face guilty. “I….may be the cause of that.”
B gives A a confused look. “What?”
“They…didn’t really want to swim, said they didn’t feel up to it. I nagged them, told them they were boring and never wanted to have fun, and then they finally got in.“ C shrugs, swiping their foot in the sand. “They shook so bad the whole time they were in the water. I thought they were faking to be dramatic.” C looks sheepish. “It’s just….it’s so hot out, and the water wasn’t that cold…”
C’s not wrong—the air temperature must be over 90 degrees, and there’s barely a cloud in the sky. But A’s visibly shivering, face pale in the shade of the umbrella, hands clutching the towel tightly around their shoulders like they can’t get the extra layer close enough.
“A, you feeling any better?”
A just moans, pulling the towel up to their chin. B reaches out a hand, and the mystery is solved the second their palm touches A’s feverish forehead. They’re even warmer now in the shade than when B felt them earlier.
Poor thing. “A, we’re gonna go back up to the house now and get you dried off and in bed. You’ve got a fever.” A moans again, softer this time.
C’s face falls at B’s announcement. “I guess I’ll…stay here a bit longer then. Meet you at home.”
B nods, hoists A up in their arms in a bridal carry, towel and all, and begins the trek up the winding path back to the coastal beach house.
Arriving home, B carries A up to the bathroom and persuades A to allow a quick shower to wash off all the sand and salty seawater. A shivers the entire time, knees tucked to their chest and arms folded to their body, head bobbing as they fight to stay awake, hands feebly rubbing at the goosebumps that skitter across their arms.
Eventually the two minutes of misery are over and B wraps a thick bath towel around A’s waist, and another around their shoulders. The rest of the home is frigid from the air-conditioning, and A hunches over to try and preserve warmth as they half-shuffle, half lean on B to their room. B helps them dress in a dry t-shirt and shorts and eases them under the light summer covers, and A pulls the top quilt tightly around their body.
“I’m going to run to the corner store and see if they have some medicine. Stay in bed, okay?”
B takes the single moan from the lump of blankets as a yes.
A half hour later, B returns with a plastic grocery bag full of medicines, expecting to find A still curled up in bed. But instead, A’s on their hands and knees by their suitcase, frantically rummaging through their clothes.
“A, what are you doing out of bed?”
“I need s-s-something, anything warmer.” A’s teeth are audibly chattering, and they’re clutching their arms close to their body as they shake with chills. “I tried to sleep, I tried, but the c-covers are so thin, and I couldn’t stop shivering, and I couldn’t figure out how to turn the AC down…” A’s lower lip quivers as they stare mournfully at their suitcase. “I didn’t bring anything warm. Not even a pair of socks. I’m so cold…”
B’s heart squeezes at the admission. “C’mon. Let’s get you back under the covers and I’ll see if I can find some of my stuff you can wear.”
After getting A back in bed, B goes to their room and begins tearing clothes from their suitcase, but it’s useless—the weather forecast had been for sweltering temperatures all week, so they just some lightweight T-shirts, shorts, an outfit for when they went to town for dinner….
“What’s wrong?” C must’ve gotten back after B, and they’ve now changed into regular clothes, hair still damp, with a half-eaten popsicle in one hand.
“A’s got bad chills and can’t sleep. And of course, none of us brought warm clothes because it’s so hot here.” A tosses another pair of shorts to the side. “We used up all the towels, too, so we can’t even have that as an option until I do some laundry—“
“I’ve got some sweatpants they can borrow.” C shrugs. “And an old sweatshirt, I think.”
“You? In the summer?”
C shrugs. “What? I hate the thought of being cold.” Their eyes flick to the carpet. “And it’s sort of my fault anyways. I shouldn’t have made them swim when they weren’t feeling good.”
“Hey. You didn’t know.” B gives C’s shoulder a squeeze, even though C doesn’t look absolved.
Within a minute, C makes it back to A’s bedroom with the extra layers, plus some extra blankets they found from the linen closet. B helps A dress, then wraps an extra blanket around their shoulders before tucking them back under the covers.
“Better?” B asks, rubbing A’s back through the blankets.
“Uh huh,” A says with a sigh, burrowing deeper into the blankets. “I thought I was gonna freeze.”
C’s at the end of A’s bed, scuffing their toe into the carpet, when they finally speak. “A, I….I didn’t mean what I said back at the beach. Heck, I shouldn’t have said it, even if you were feeling well. You’re not boring, I promise. I was just being stupid, and I’m sorry.”
“C, you were forgiven the minute you gave me these clothes,” A says, voice muffled from beneath the blankets. “But if you’re not feeling forgiven enough, making me a cup of hot tea will absolve you fully.”
“On it.” C darts away to the kitchen, and after giving A three different types of medicine, B settles in with their book on the bed next to A.
“Sorry I’m ruining the vacation,” A mumbles, quieter. “I’d much rather be out in the sun and swimming than in here trying to stay warm.”
“Nonsense. You’re just giving us a little break from the sun.” B smiles, giving A’s shoulder a little squeeze before tucking their blankets just a little bit tighter.
Do other people also think about tummy scenarios when they're watching normal series and movies for the first time or am I just insane.
being aromantic and into whump is like. shoutout to whump for being a great opportunity to engage with stories about intimacy and vulnerability and powerful emotion and physical interactions with other people and intense relationships that are not presumptively based in romance. what would i do without you.
Humorous forehead feeling that turns serious!!!
A is feeling B's forehead literally jokingly, to insinuate that B is being silly or incoherent or just wildly off base somehow. So A gives them a mock-concerned look and places their hand on B's forehead for just a moment.
Then: Hesitation. Confusion. The mock frown turning serious. "Wait, what the hell, B?"
And in that moment A realises that B is ACTUALLY running a temperature and hasn't said a word this entire time 🥰🥰🥰
Me writing an emeto sickfic:
"Am i making it too obvious that i like emeto?"
so slutty when a man stretches and exposes his lower tummy. you know what you're doing.
Make him hungry. Make his tummy growl. Starve that boy. Get his belly empty. Let me listen to his tummy. Put him in something tight and let me feel hi stomach growling under it. But then, also, do not forget, we must fill his belly up so completely afterwards. I need to hear his belly begging for food and then begging me to loosen this corset a bit...
A seamstress doing a suit fitting for one of her clients. She's currently knelt down placing pins in his trouser legs, her head close to his torso when she hears the first growl. She hopes to god she isn't blushing too hard. She notices him look down, making eye contact briefly before he looks away embarassed. A blush not too disimilar from her own on his cheeks.
She moves her way up to his waist. The fit of the suit jacket is way too loose. She decides to grab the measuring tape and wrap it around his waist to double check her measurements. She holds it tight there for a few moments so she can *really* make sure she's got these numbers down right. Trying not to get too distracted by how loudly his stomach is growling in front of her.
Episode 2 of the new season of U//mbrella A//cademy really did something to me 🥴
Gotta love the phrase 'gurgled ominously' to describe sick bellies 🥵

I saw this and had to make the edit
Ok so I can’t take credit for this one because my minx of an SO randomly dropped this on me and left me all flustered but:
Caretaker realising their partner isn’t feeling well when they kiss them and taste Pepto…
was just making dinner and hear me out--- im crazy asf over getting worse at night...... but what if sickie feels better super late at night . . . .
just think abt it!!!!! your babe has been feeling so nauseous and pukey all day, and they haven't eaten anything at all. they've had almost no appetite for days, only taking in water and light liquids. until it's the middle of the night (like super late like 2am late) and you're both in bed. their belly grumbles and you think they might be sick again, but they admit that they finally want something to eat.
idk about you guys but i would be running to the kitchen 🏃♀️
Spitting up
Another underrated action. Sickie's nausea is giving them horrible, wet, hiccup-burps they just can't control. Maybe they've been drinking something carbonated to try to settle their stomach, and now it's mixed with saliva and stomach acid and suddenly, one particularly nasty heave of their stomach brings up a mouthful they absolutely cannot swallow down, so they have to spit it out - into a receptacle if they're lucky, or maybe into a napkin, or the sidewalk, or . . . the floor. And it gets the yuckiness out of their mouth for the moment but they know there's more waiting to come up.
Or . . . sickie ate too much and has bad indigestion. A burp will help, right? So they're forcing them up, under their breath, trying to feel better. But the discomfort in their stomach keeps building, and the next burp comes up on its own, except it brings a little more with it. It's not a full vomit, not yet, but just enough to cause panic to set in, because the next time they spit up, there's going to be a lot more . . .

I love getting a new character to enjoy normally for a while and then suddenly the kink side coming out to be like 'yes you have the worst immune system ever. You will suffer the most debilitating stomach bugs and you will look absolutely gorgeous whilst throwing up into a bucket.'
Please reblog this post if you belong to the whump community.
Let's see how many reblogs this gets!
Nerdy boy tummy save meeeeee. Save me nerdy boy tummy....
Hungry and stuffed nerdy boy. augh....
I think the idea of a couple chilling out and playing with one of their hungry stomachs is adorable yknow, especially if they’re both into the noises but not enough to where they wanna pounce on each other.
Person A poking, prodding, gently squishing Person B’s stomach as it growls, both of them making little comments (‘Damn, it’s really chatty today, huh?’), Person B intentionally lifting their shirt up so Person A has a better view, all the while they’re both relaxed and maybe a little drowsy, laying back and enjoying the rumblings
Sure, lazy couch potato cheeseburger and french fry feederism is cool, but hear me out.
Give me feedees who don’t want to be helpless and immobile. Feedees who love their bodies but also love their hobbies. Feedees with interests apart from becoming a sentient couch for someone else to look after. Feedees who cosplay or garden or want to eat a variety of things. Feedees begging their feeders to learn how to make authentic chicken vindaloo, Jamaican style curried goat, maduros and ropa vieja, real pirogi, or llengas tacos. Feedees who work all day and come home and wolf down a table full of food because being productive enhances their appetite like no other. Feedees who absolutely want homemade apple butter and biscuits over egg mcmuffins. Feedees dragging their feeders out to the local U-Pick and eagerly filling their buckets with fresh summer berries and going “youre going to make pie AND cobbler right? and jam? i need that clove and raspberry jam. please.”
And give me feeders who can’t just cook, they can throw down. Feeders who can make - and cure - their own sausages and bacon. Feeders who bake bread without recipes because the way their feedee eats it’s honestly easier to just bake it than keep going to the store every single day. Feedees who take pride in the variety and quality of what they put into their feedee. Feeders getting mad their feedee bought canned whipped cream because fresh is so much better and of course, there’s whipping cream already in the fridge just get the hand mixer out it takes like 20 seconds what are you doing with the Reddi-Whip. Feeders who make artisan ice cream just for their feedees. Feeders grinning at the U-Pick because they’re going to make pie, cobbler, jam, and summer berry wine for when their feedee wants something special after dinner. Feeders who have enough food skill to run a homestead if they really wanted to.
Give me cozy, loving, interesting, high-variety, quality over quantity style feederism that’s less about size and more about nurturing and the long, drawn-out path between “starting” and “ending.” Give me a leisurely walk in the inbetween instead of a sprint, and live your life in the meantime.
just thinking about ✨🌸🩷ambient tummy noises🩷🌸✨ as someone goes about their day, ignoring how hungry their little belly is as it gurgles and groans, begging for their attention…