455 posts
Im Pretty Excited About This. Im A Little Bit Tired Of The Winchesters (though That Could Change Based

I’m pretty excited about this. I’m a little bit tired of the Winchesters (though that could change based on the next story arc), and I hope that this show will be a breath of fresh air, albeit with familiar themes. I really like the characters, especially Sheriff Jody, and am so looking forward to seeing these women not playing second fiddle. I even like the title of the show, which is fitting and meaningful to Supernatural fans.
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Happy birthday @b-griveros! <3
Garters and Guns
Family Feud was on the TV.
The question was “What would a groom be surprised to find on his bride’s leg when he tries to get the garter?”
Me: Gun! Hahahaha.
Me: Not really. Roy would expect at least one gun.
Fourth place answer: Gun

Two of our FMA faves are on the list!

My son!
Or, a young Roy Mustang? The hair!
Riza and her lead foot!