Hey Baby How U Doin'
Hey baby how u doin'
I am editing a nct fic...need to post it today for my bff on her birthday. Rest everything is fine. wbu?
More Posts from Starillusion13
Creepy stalker? BYE-
I mean I do like to pull a prank on some PPL pretending to be a stalker (I am freinds with all of them)
But I didn't do anything like that to you (yet)
Lmao hacker too srsly nagszsbav i wish
GOOD GOOD...it's nice to have a friend like you tbh...
Wow...that sounds like a threat(?) yet...Imagine Yunho telling me this with that finger claw jewellry and a smirk...DEAD
Yeah...hacker...Ik its too much but my brain works like that lol
Pathetic becuz it has a nice ring to it. paTHEtiC so yeah
And lol i imagined myself with woo too. (Now it's 2 PPL who paired me and woo rahhhh)
Ok now my turn
Atz - seonghwa (u give off that calm and sweet vibe,I feel like even when u are being nasty u are sweet lmao dygwim)
Exo - (Idk them that well but I would say) Do. he is a mood
Nct - (again I am just getting to know them soo) yuta?
Ik ur bias is taeyong 😈 but I am pairing based on vibe.
Any more favs?
Ohkay I got it!
If my bestie sees me pairing u with woo here, she will kill me. I hope she overlooks this one😌
Honestly, everyone tells me I sound like Hwa’s girl🎀. I get there whatever u r trying to say👀 nasty huh! I don’t know how my smuts turn out but the reviews makes me motivated to write more (btw I want to be Yunho’s girl🫠)
The way I’m so impatient and annoying D.O will chase me with a knife I’m sure💀
No dude Yuta likes baddies and I’m nowhere near to that vibe…well others tell me I go with Jaehyun coz he would love my vibe.
Thanks for your ships tho. I like it☺️
Well u can ask me whatever more u want to know! Also let me ask u which fic of mine made u follow me? And how did u feel about me from the fic? Also which one is your fav? I’m really curious…I would love to know this from you!🎀
what? what happened?
Are u awake?what are u doing staying awake?
I am filling some applications 😭