starlightfilmr - finding beauty in the dark
finding beauty in the dark

+vesper | xix | infj movie lover. know your worth and always defend it

146 posts

Summer 2020 Book A Week Challenge:

Summer 2020 Book A Week Challenge:
Summer 2020 Book A Week Challenge:

Summer 2020 Book A Week Challenge:

2. Stealing Snow; Danielle Paige

Dates: June 2nd - June 6th Rating: 4 stars Genre: Fantasy, Romance Favorite Characters: Kai, Gerde, Queen Margot

“We breathe out lies; we stutter the truth.”

Credits: hand through ice ballroom dance

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4 years ago
But Even Then, The Heroes Weren't Invincible.
But Even Then, The Heroes Weren't Invincible.

“But even then, the heroes weren't invincible.

They knew fear and loss, yet they fought anyway, because they knew it was the right thing to do.

Because in their hearts, they were brave and true.”

— reflection (2018) by Elizabeth Lim

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4 years ago

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4 years ago
Summer 2020 Book A Week Challenge:
Summer 2020 Book A Week Challenge:

Summer 2020 Book A Week Challenge:

4. Reflection; Elizabeth Lim

Dates: June 15th - June 15th Rating: 5 stars Genre: Supernatural, Adventure Favorite Characters: Mulan and Shi Shi

“I am Fa Mulan, a girl who would sacrifice her life for her family and for China. I am a girl who journeyed into the Underworld to save her friend from dying. I am a girl who has fought battle after battle to finally recognize herself in the mirror. And now I do.”

Credit: mulan + sword mulan + shang

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4 years ago
Disney Princesses (Live Action) 2014 - 2020
Disney Princesses (Live Action) 2014 - 2020
Disney Princesses (Live Action) 2014 - 2020
Disney Princesses (Live Action) 2014 - 2020
Disney Princesses (Live Action) 2014 - 2020

Disney Princesses (Live Action)         ↳ 2014 - 2020

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