stars-are-4ligned - Sunset it is Maroon
Sunset it is Maroon

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It's The First Time I Posted Something I Actually Translated...It's My Friend's Work, And He Asked Me

It's the first time I posted something I actually translated...It's my friend's work, and he asked me to post it to Tumblr👉👈 I'm not sure if there are any romantic contents... English is not my mother language, if you guys have any idea about the fic please comment below, thanks~

The War of the Forsaken—Chapter 1

London, 1985.

Agent Helen Park took a sip of her warm coffee and then stretched out after finishing today's business.

In 1981, Perseus's plan to detonate all the nuclear bombs in Western Europe was completely smashed by Russell Adler's team, and Perseus seemed to dropped off the face of the earth.

No one have sign of the activities of Perseus now, not the CIA, MI6 or even the KGB. The authorities believed that Perseus has been killed in the melee of Solovetsky. But since the body was not found, the task of tracking Perseus must continue.

However, four years of aimless search has obviously made the authorities of the United States and Britain impatient. The power of the Soviet Union is fading, and the War in Afghanistan has made the Union worse. The KGB's overseas intelligence network has also been damaged bit by bit. The authorities begin to think that Perseus is no longer an important target.

Park's tracking team was forced to disband, and the original team members were assigned to needed positions.

Although she is seriously understaffed, she somehow managed to get some scattered clues through her own relationship.

And she's been sorting out these clues for weeks.

Most of them are useless and repetitive information, and there is very little valuable information. What she can learn now is that CIA agents stationed in Afghanistan are being systematically arrested and tortured recently.

Most of the agents were hit in the head by blunt instruments after being tortured, and they were in a coma. When they woke up, they lost part of the memory of the interrogation to some extent. There was only water on the ground and a few rags left at the scene of the interrogation.

This is unlike what Perseus would do, most of the agents have little to do with the War in Afghanistan. Some of the agents only have the task of monitoring a senior official in Afghanistan. If Perseus wants to help the Soviet Union win the military action in Afghanistan, it will not do any good for him to torture these agents. On the contrary, it will make it easier to reveal his whereabouts.

When the information was sent to Park's e-mail, it was marked "delete after reading".

Of course, Park will do it, but she will extract all the information first, and then delete the email.

She hasn't had time to read today's email. She wants to copy down the content before she gets off work and analyze it slowly after she gets home.

Park opens her email and clicks in the latest one.

However, the moment she saw the content of the email, her heart acetated and she got goose bumps.

"There was an agent who remembered what happened. He claimed that the interrogator was a 30-year-old woman, blonde hair, calling herself"Bell ", has a London accent and can speak fluent Russian."

Bell, the memory that she dares not touch like an exposed nerve, has been conceal for four years.

In Solovetsky, she saw the girl in a pool of blood, and Adler, who asked Park to help carry the body.

1981, West Berlin hideout.

"Where's Woods?And Mason? And Adler? " Bell just got out of a battle, she took a bath, pushed open the door of the bathroom, but found that three of them disappeared.

"They went to meet Hudson. I'm glad you're back safe and sound." Park said as she wrote at her desk.

"Maybe that's the British luck." Bell recalled the situation when she was hunting down by the Soviet infantry chariots.

"It's not just luck that made you stay in the MI6, is it?" Park put down her pen, turned to the Bell and said, "The team say that you are the a cryptography master in the whole Ministry."

"I taught myself when I was in the university, when my brother was just killed in a terrorist attack……May him rest in peace. " Bell picked up the 63 rifle leaning against the wall, unloaded the mag, and then pulled the bolt to withdraw the gun. She skillfully unloaded the gun for routine maintenance.

There was a subtle change in Park's expression, but her professionalism immediately calmed her down.

"I heard you graduated from Oxford, too?" Asked Bell.


"Do you know Professor McFarlane? I might not have choose this job without him."

"I think you should have a rest. Chatting too long is not good for the next mission." Park diverted the topic.

"I must clean the dirt inside the gun before I go to bed... I do know I really need a rest. My thoughts are a little messy these days." Bell replied.

London, 1985.

"You know it's against the rules of MI6. Even allies can't contact each other's intelligence personnel without permission."

The speaker is a tall, thin man with a bushy beard. He lean against the railings of the Thames River to enjoy the scenery of late autumn. On the other side of the river is the retired cruiser Belfast.

"I heard that you are going to sent a team to an observation mission in Afghanistan. Maybe there would be a place for me?" Park asks.

"The CIA didn't invite MI6 to the mission. I'm not sure I can convince Hudson to let you in." The tall man replys, "your boss won't agree either."

"I'll take care of the bureaucracy of MI6. Just squeeze me in. Don't worry, my action is also for the benefit of the free world. "

"I've always believed in you, Park, but I also want to remind you not to mess around." The man left with his hands in his pockets.

Park can understand his worry, since he has taken this job, he will have many kinds of worst assumptions in his subconscious.

On the battlefield of Afghanistan, the Soviet army is still deadlocked with the Afghan soldiers. The observation team organized by the CIA nominally represents the United Nations, but they provides military training and weapons for the Afghan soldiers in the dark.

Even when the Soviet Union is on the wane, NATO never dared to despise the "Red Giant".

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More Posts from Stars-are-4ligned

3 years ago

BOCW Characters and their MBTIs


The characters of BOCW take the MBTI Personality Test and find out their personality types. They were a bit shocked. Some can't believe it while others believe it fully.


The link to the MBTI test is above if you still don't know your personality type and want to find out. It's a long test, but worth answering. More information about the personality will be in the parenthesis beside the character.

It was a bit hard taking the test because I had to picture myself as them answering it in their character.

These aren't exactly their MBTIs, but this is a depiction based on their overall character from the events in the games (Black Ops Series)

I hope I did my best!

Russell Adler (INTJ-A — "Architect")

BOCW Characters And Their MBTIs

Information about the personality type:

These thoughtful tacticians love perfecting the details of life, applying creativity and rationality to everything they do. Their inner world is often a private, complex one.

comprises 2.1% of the total world population (rare personality type)

highly analytical, creative, and logical

introverted and prefer to work alone

greater emphasis on logic and objective information rather than subjective emotions

like their world to feel controlled and ordered


self-confident and hard-working - believe in Bell most of the time

takes criticism well

most independent


good at listening - evident with the number of dialogue options you have


lack of empathy - apparent when reading the paper regarding Bell's brainwashing and his persistence

romantic relationships are their Achilles heel - it doesn't mean they don't feel, but they don't want to express it to anyone

sometimes callous or insensitive

highly analytical towards everything



Alex Mason (ISTJ-T — "Logistician")

BOCW Characters And Their MBTIs

Information about the personality type:

These people tend to be reserved yet willful, with a rational outlook on life. They compose their actions carefully and carry them out with methodical purpose.

male ISTJs comprises 16% of the total world population (common personality type)

enjoy taking responsibility for their actions

take pride in the work they do

reserved, practical, and quiet

value loyalty in themselves and others



observant - can be applied to his "excellent sniper" trait

orderly and organized

calm and practical



stubborn - shown in the interrogation scene in BO1 for a few moments

tends to blame others



works always by the book - reluctant to bend or change the rules


Frank Woods (ESTP-A — "Entrepreneur")

BOCW Characters And Their MBTIs

Information about the personality type:

They tend to be energetic and action-oriented, deftly navigating whatever is in front of them. They love uncovering life’s opportunities, whether socializing with others or in more personal pursuits.

comprises 4-10% of the total world population (fairly common personality type)

live in the moment and dive into the action

unique skill in noticing small changes - shift in facial expression, new clothing style, or broken habit

full of passion and energy complemented with a rational mind

prefer the practical over the abstract


gregarious, funny, and energetic - shown in CW

adaptable and resourceful

rational and practical - apparent in BO1 for his overall character

makes decisions based on logic and reason



risk-prone - most likely the person one will be paired to operations where things can go wrong quickly


easily bored

impulsive - true to his personality

too competitive


Jason Hudson (ENTJ-A — "Commander")

BOCW Characters And Their MBTIs

Information about the personality type:

They are decisive people who love momentum and accomplishment. They gather information to construct their creative visions but rarely hesitate for long before acting on them.

comprises 1.8% of the total world population (2nd rarest personality type)

gifted with charisma and confidence

quick to see inefficiency and conceptualize new solutions to them

love a big or small challenge and overcoming them

dominant at the negotiating table


strong leadership skills - the overseer in BOCW


good decision maker

assertive and outspoken

strategic thinkers


stubborn and dominant - shown in the scene where he talks to Bell about Lubyanka



cold and ruthless - true to his nickname "Ice Cube"

poor handling of emotions


Helen Park (INFJ-T — "Advocate")

BOCW Characters And Their MBTIs

Information about the personality type:

They tend to approach life with deep thoughtfulness and imagination. Their inner vision, personal values, and a quiet, principled version of humanism guide them in all things.

female INFJs comprises 1.6% of the total world population (rarest personality type)

thinks about deep topics and contemplates the meaning of life

has a deep sense of idealism and integrity, but aren’t idle dreamers

speak with great passion and conviction

soft-spoken and understated


sensitive to the needs of others


altruistic - use their strengths for the greater good

passionate - eagerness to capture Volkov in E. Berlin



sensitive to criticism - may be shown after joking about her scar

reluctant to open up - shown with the scar scene with Lazar

prone to burnouts

dislikes confrontation



Eleazar "Lazar" Azoulay (ENFP-A — "Campaigner")

BOCW Characters And Their MBTIs

Information about the personality type:

These people tend to embrace big ideas and actions that reflect their sense of hope and goodwill toward others. Their vibrant energy can flow in many directions.

comprises 8.1% of the total world population (common personality type)

reads between the lines with curiosity and energy

see life as a big, complex puzzle where everything is connected through emotion

do best in situations where they have the freedom to be creative and innovative

spend a lot of time exploring social relationships


empathetic and caring - apparent and true in the Duga ending and after being saved in Cuba

fun and spontaneous - evident when talking to him and Sims

warm and enthusiastic


observant - can be applied after the Cuba briefing about the LMG he and Sims are talking about


can be overly emotional

tends to get stressed out easily - can be apparent when being loud in E. Berlin and talking about Lubyanka

struggles to follow rules


poor practical skills


Lawrence Sims (ESFJ-A — "Consul")

BOCW Characters And Their MBTIs

Information about the personality type:

They are attentive and people-focused, and they enjoy taking part in their social community. Their achievements are guided by decisive values, and they willingly offer guidance to others.

comprises 12.3% of the total world population (common personality type)

continue to enjoy supporting their friends and loved ones

gain energy from interacting with other people

encourages other people to be their best

have a hard time believing anything bad about the people to whom they are close


practical and dependable - true to his character being in charge of logistics; you can trust him with anything related to gear requests

organized - can be seen writing in a ledger and making phone calls to everyone about the lists of equipment needed for an operation

sensitive and warm


very loyal


sensitive to criticism - can be triggered in certain dialogues about Vietnam

too selfless and doesn't look after themselves

dislike change




Perseus (ENFJ-A — "Protagonist")

BOCW Characters And Their MBTIs

Information about the personality type:

These warm, forthright types love helping others, and they tend to have strong ideas and values. They back their perspective with the creative energy to achieve their goals.

comprises 2.5% of the total world population (3rd rarest personality type)

strong extraverts and enjoy spending time with other people

interested in devoting their time to others

radiate authenticity, concern, and altruism

unlikely to be afraid to take the slings and arrows while standing up for the people and ideas they believe in



persuasive - apparent in the meeting scene during Bell's remembrance of him

wide social circle - can be his list of agents, whom he may have close ties with personally


natural-born leaders


self-sacrificing - may be related to sacrificing half of Europe for his plans to expand the Soviet Union




overly idealistic - can be apparent in the meeting scene in Bell's remembrance


Dimitri Belikov (INFJ-A — "Advocate")

BOCW Characters And Their MBTIs

Information about the personality type:

INFJs are deeply concerned about their relations with individuals as well as the state of humanity at large. They are, in fact, sometimes mistaken for extroverts because they appear so outgoing and are so genuinely interested in people -- a product of the Feeling function they most readily show to the world.

male INFJs comprises 0.5-1% of the total world population (rarest personality type)

emotionally intimate and fulfilled with a chosen few

have the clearest insights of all the types into the motivations of others, for good and for evil

usually reserved but highly sensitive to how others feel

capable of taking their values and using them to bring about positive and lasting change


focused on the future

values close, deep relationships - evident with Charkov being his best friend, despite the needed betrayal for the CIA

not materialistic

enjoy looking good and taking care of their appearance

very sensitive and emotional


difficult to get to know

incredibly stubborn

has a rebel attitude - true to him being the mole of the KGB and working for the CIA for a decade

dislikes confrontation - may be true to be called to the central committee and talking to Kravchenko

avoiding the ordinary


Greta Keller (ISTJ-A — "Logistician")

BOCW Characters And Their MBTIs

Information about the personality type:

They like strengthening their current relationships rather than seeking out new ones. These people tend to “play the hits” in their lives. They find joy and comfort in the things they know they like and rely on what worked or didn’t work in the past when making big decisions.

female ISFJs comprises 8% of the total world population (common personality type)

have a keen sense of right and wrong

enjoy order and organization in all areas of their lives

carefully plan things out well in advance

place a great deal of emphasis on traditions and laws


self-sufficient - evident when letting Bell take lead and leaving herself behind




thorough - apparent in her dialogues in the bar



gets involved in win-lose situations - evident when captured by Volkov and almost snapped by the neck to death

have tendencies to believe that they're always right


uncomfortable expressing emotion or affection towards others

3 years ago

Stitch Headcanon

He speaks in broken English

3 years ago

The reason I dislike Fifty Shades of Grey and After so much is because as a writer, it kinda kills my confidence how stories like these are worth so much and they aren’t even good. There are much better fics out here on the internet that are amazing but won’t likely get a movie deal let alone get published, because they aren’t popular. I know my stories aren’t perfect, but it does make me feel insecure a little bit. 

This is why you need to support writers you see online. If you like to story, vote and comment on it, even share it. Because when they see crappy stories like these get all the attention and theirs not getting any, it hurts and discourages them. 

4 years ago

So my friend wrote a fanfic of Bell and I translated it, going to post it later 👉👈

3 years ago

oh god what did i do
