starshapedbandaid - pushing up daisies
pushing up daisies

they/them | 16 | #1 ginger ale fan

366 posts

Every Time My Birthday Is On Labor Day I Feel So Special ... School Is Cancelled And Everything Is Closed.

every time my birthday is on labor day i feel so special ... school is cancelled and everything is closed. because i was born

More Posts from Starshapedbandaid

7 months ago

pm dazai makes me so insane especially when you compare him to after he joined the ada and i have so many thoughts on him but all of them are going to sound completely incoherent if i try to explain them right now and part of me is like. i'm just turning him into me aren't i. and it's also the middle of the night and i'm still tired from school and i have to wake up at 6 tomorrow to do the english homework i didn't do today because i was stupid and decided to take ap so that's something

6 months ago

not to sound strange or abnormal but i think i might be losing it

7 months ago

isn't it wild how you can get a few years older and talk a little different and make people laugh every once in a while and eventually people will look at you and see something entirely different from what they saw before. you can have the same thoughts and see others the same way and be just as whatever-it-is-you-are as you were before, but if you crack yourself open and pour everything inside into a new container it can look almost as if you're someone else.

7 months ago

OHHH OK to answer the question yep i am lol

(i think smth is wrong with my notifs bc i didn't get one for this and tumblr is acting kinda weird rn in general)

i hate when tumblr says i have asks in my inbox and then i look and there's nothing there. why are you lying to me