starswhisperwritershear - UnarticulateVoid

Just a blog to dump my writing thoughts from the last 15 years on

63 posts

The Way I Wish I Could Draw So Bad Cause I Have So Many Little Scenes That Would Do Better As Tiny Comic

The way I wish I could draw so bad cause I have so many little scenes that would do better as tiny comic strips

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More Posts from Starswhisperwritershear

Writing is like, type type type, clackity clack clack- and whoops im on social media now

To the author who first gave me the advice to rewrite not edit, you deserve more credit than you're given. Absolutely changed my life. Wishing you well, pookie

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Okay, so I know I'm like 20 years late, but I just finished watching Danny Phantom for the first time since I was a kid and I have a lot to say. (Most of it's been said already in the posts I've seen here.) But the thing I really want more than anything, is a reboot where they're in senior year instead and it's not tv-y7 where the darker themes they mention in passing can be thoroughly explored because can you imagine if they did it right?! (I mean the show is great and so so unique but the potential it had to be better!)

Like senior year going into college, the exestienal dread of having to figure out what you want to do with your life and then dying but not and now having to protect the ones you love from ghosts while making sure you finish with a high enough GPA to get into college cause you're from a family of geniuses and you're expected to but now not knowing if you even can because of the accident and the role you now have to play and watching all your peers get to have that choice and you can't even figure whats going on with your body and it's horrifying and ghosts are (actually) scary as shit (cause it's horror now not comedy) and no one around you really gets it and you learn your friends kind of suck but they're all you have and oh you have a whole realm of enemies who never really stop hunting you for sport on top of the guy who wants to fuck your mom and makes it everybody's business and oh yeah, you're kind of dead!

Oh yeah and the concept of how ghosts become ghosts and the sad truth that Danny's not fighting inherently evil beings but people who died including one five year old! And the fact that his parents would quite literally gut him alive if they caught him. That horror is brushed aside way too much in canon. And then when his parents find out in the two season finales that they do they just "oh Danny you should have told us you know we love you no matter what" like uh you just said if you ever caught his putrid, evil, ectoplasm being that you would rip him apart molecule by molecule but sure, let's pretend the son that you ignore more than speak too and literally couldn't tell that he'd been replaced by a robot that he would have been okay telling you that your ignorance and lack of safety protocol killed him and turned him into the very thing you hate.

Like, please, it would be so good.

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To everyone who's left comments on my silly little story, thank you! I've been giggling and kicking my feet about them. Might fuck around and frame them on my wall

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