steakphonophore - Untitled

heavy inconsistent art. no set style so anything can happen. this account is a mess while I'm messing around with it also on a more important note I'm not a minor so if you're not comfortable or ok with that then feel completely free to avoid . this account is still a work in progress for now and probably will be like this for a while.

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Steakphonophore - Untitled

steakphonophore - Untitled
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5 months ago


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6 months ago
"Where The Wind Takes Us" A Questionable Swagtre Wild West Inspired Fanfic By Steakphonophore.

"Where the wind takes us" a questionable swagtre wild west inspired fanfic by Steakphonophore.

This was not the day Entre was planning for himself maybe he should of just expected something like this by now, maybe he shouldn't of just taken Swag's word on anything at all especially him saying the two could work together from now on. He couldn' even give himself a moment to clear his damn mind with the situation he'd been quite mercilessly dumped into. His body being shook around. He'd have to lean himself and hold onto whatever was closest to him to steady himself. He was supposed to be the town sherif, a title he had taken on himself but still no less a role he had put himself into. It was in no way an easy task. It was made no easier by the fact he was being tossed around like a ragdoll and almost flying onto his surroundings. One of his surroundings unfortunately or fortunately being Swag.

"All this space in here and you're pretty much just trying to sit on my lap-." Entre's self loathing was interrupted by non other than Swag himself with a stupid grin plastered all over his face, in this moment Entre felt like he just hated Swag. He hated his his voice, He hated his attitude, He hated the fact that he couldn't stop himself from looking up to him, He hated the fact he managed to accessorise himself even in a time like this, He hated the the sound his boots made when he moved, He hated that he like the cow print he wore but right now the thing he hated about Swag the most were the thoughts in his head about him that refused to shut up about him.

"And why would anyone want to be on you're lap? I pity anyone who'd be anywhere close to doing that or even considering it."

"Well it all meakes sense then." Swag responded almost instantly. "Well that and the fact you're undeniably a-."

"Swag. Be real for just one moment.-" Not even ten words in and Swag had already spoke over him.

"Bitch, I'm the realest person here and it's not my fault I got us on the wrong train, you were the one rushing me in the first place. We got your supplies you wanted soo badly. What's your problem now?"

"I don't know Swag, maybe the fact we were supposed to bring those back to town with us??? Did you think of that?"

"The towns fine, it's not like they don't have supplies there, you're just being dramatic."

"That's great to hear coming from the drama queen himself. Next time, Swag, stick to your drama not giving us directions."

"You didn't ask for directions you asked for me to take us to a train. Blame it on yourself you weren't clear enough in what you wanted." Swag leans himself back he was still struggling between lighting up his cigar and stopping his own body from being frown around. Swag wasn't going to let Entre know this though. He wouldn't let him know if that was an option that was.

"Do you even know where we are right now, how are you so calm??"

"Maybe because we've been staying around thneedville and greenville they aren't exactly hard to miss on a map."

"I don't think you know how to tell North from South never mind reading a map, Swag."

"I can read a lot of things, your Mom being one of them."

"What are you even talking about?? We have pretty much the same Mom, dumbass."

"You're the dumbass. I mean what happened to the whole no gun rule? That's got to be a pistol in your pocket because I'm damn certain it isn't because you're happy to be spending time with me but knowing you maybe it isn't."

"That is not what is going on and you're the one thinking those things! I'll have you know I *NEVER* think about you that way *EVER*"

"Then why have you been spending this entire ride with your eyes in my lips like that? You really need to have a talk with yourself. Maybe that desert heats gone to your head."

"And what, made me gay? Is that what you're insinuating??"

"No I think you were born that way or you looked at me, I know, I know. Don't be scared. I know I look good and I know you know I look good to from that way your undressing me with those eyes of yours."

"I am *NOT* undressing *YOU* with *MY* eyes! I was just hoping by some miracle a tumble-weed would fly through here and take smash into you."

"Something tells me that's not the only thing you want to smash into me, and to think I was nice enough to treat you to this break."

"Don't tell me you actually planned this. You better say sike, right now because I've got a town to run I can't just be out here playing games with you, Dispte what you may think you're not priority number one."

"Quit complaining. Even if you *don't want to* it's too dark and far to far to get back tonight so you might as well quit your complaining while we're out and *relax*." Swag finally managing to puff on his cigar with one hand. While holding the sides of the cargo train walls. "You're always work yourself up over nothing."

Entre snatched the cigar taking a breath of it himself before passing it back.* "I can't fuking believe you. Do you even know where we're going..?" As the train gets onto less bumpy tracks he allows himself to rest back even if just for a minute.

"Where ever the wind takes us."

"You did not just say that-." he leans closer to Swag to share the cigar as he watched the sun faded into the distance replacing itself with a soft orange glow. "I hate you, Swag."

"I hate you to, Entre."

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