stellabrycebusterbrown - My Fabricated Existentialistiic Saga
My Fabricated Existentialistiic Saga

To be completely honest this is pretty much a creative outlet for myself. So who knows how this will actually turn out because it is basically an experiment all in itself. If it is anything like what is in my head then it will most likely look like a huge tangled web of random and somewhat explicit and dark creative thoughts and ideas.... So don't really expect much from this, if you like reading whatever I post on this, great. If not then I guess that is cool too.

222 posts

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius By ~Yuhon

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius By ~Yuhon

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius by ~Yuhon

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12 years ago

This looks so stupid and horrible, but for some reason I really want to watch this movie...   

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12 years ago

Who wouldn't want Lopmon???  

Lopmon In Rabbit Year By ~HolyWiz

Lopmon in Rabbit Year by ~HolyWiz

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12 years ago
Seven Deadly Sins By *Procrust

Seven Deadly Sins by *Procrust

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