stellabrycebusterbrown - My Fabricated Existentialistiic Saga
My Fabricated Existentialistiic Saga

To be completely honest this is pretty much a creative outlet for myself. So who knows how this will actually turn out because it is basically an experiment all in itself. If it is anything like what is in my head then it will most likely look like a huge tangled web of random and somewhat explicit and dark creative thoughts and ideas.... So don't really expect much from this, if you like reading whatever I post on this, great. If not then I guess that is cool too.

222 posts

Zodiac Sign: Libra By ~Yuhon

Zodiac Sign: Libra By ~Yuhon

Zodiac Sign: Libra by ~Yuhon

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12 years ago

I don't understand why this amuses me so much but it does... 

stellabrycebusterbrown - My Fabricated Existentialistiic Saga
stellabrycebusterbrown - My Fabricated Existentialistiic Saga

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12 years ago
Ready Player One By ~lerms

Ready Player One by ~lerms

Another one of my favorite novels, It is awesomely nerdy and filled with a bunch of 80's, early 90's geeky references and is about gaming.  It is sort of like Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory, but for Gamers.  "Ready Player One" by Ernie Cline

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12 years ago
Holden Caulfield By ~alexaaaaa

Holden Caulfield by ~alexaaaaa

"Don't ever tell anybody anything.  If you do, you start missing everybody."  

This is pretty much a classic and as of right now my favorite classic.  If you have never read "The Catcher in the Rye" by J.D. Salinger, I highly recommend it, especially if you are an angst filled person like me.  

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12 years ago
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Peacock Sanctuary by *black-dicefish

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