To be completely honest this is pretty much a creative outlet for myself. So who knows how this will actually turn out because it is basically an experiment all in itself. If it is anything like what is in my head then it will most likely look like a huge tangled web of random and somewhat explicit and dark creative thoughts and ideas.... So don't really expect much from this, if you like reading whatever I post on this, great. If not then I guess that is cool too.
222 posts
The Elements Of Harmony By *jagg17

The Elements of Harmony by *jagg17
aufcat liked this · 12 years ago
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I am defiantly a Ravenclaw Aquarius...
Harry Potter Astrology: Aquarius
Aquarius is the eleventh house of the Zodiac and rules the circulatory system, shins, and ankles. Positive traits include brilliance, innovation, individuality, openness, social consciousness, inventiveness, practical skill, and self assertion; negative traits are eccentricity, lack of attachment to people and the “real world,” over-intellectualizing of the emotions, a crotchety temper, rigidity, intellectual arrogance, and stubbornness.
Gryffindor Aquarians are the social activists and loons of their House. They’ll picket for House Elf Liberation. They’ll wear their robes inside out because they spent all night reading, not pay attention to how they dressed the next day, and not care if their rumpled appearance is pointed out to them. They are intellectual rebels and will loudly defend their opinions, even if doing so makes enemies. They are apt to question authority. “Even Merlin was wrong, some of the time,” they’ll say, shrugging. While not particularly good at dealing with crisis situations (they stress out easily) they do tend to have enough foresight to see the situations coming, and prevent them from happening in the first place. They can be flamboyantly talented, but are less interested in using their talent to “make it big” than in using it to make a better life for themselves or other people. Because Gryffindor tends to be a flamboyant house, these oddballs (they are always odd) tend to stick out for being unusual.
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My two favorite things: Adventure Time & Mean Girls combined.
sorry for the messy text layout