stop-asking-me-to-sign-up - Hi


276 posts

Stop-asking-me-to-sign-up - Hi - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

"The beef jump isn't even that hard" you fool, you fail to consider that to Evbo, it is REAL LIFE. If he misses, he dies for real.

He makes a 1 meter jump for chicken, everyday. The beef jump is 1 meter across and 1 meter up, tomgats around 1.4 meters diagonally.

Your nerves would shatter you like glass if you even considered an attempt.

It's why he uses 360. Nobody is crazy enough to turn around mid-air with the possibility of death at every turn.

5 months ago

At this point they can add just about anything to vanilla Minecraft and I'll just be like "oh alright cool!"

5 months ago

Cringetober day one I hate how this come out so much

Cringetober Day One I Hate How This Come Out So Much

Cringetober Day One I Hate How This Come Out So Much

Cringetober Day One I Hate How This Come Out So Much

The screenshot was me showing my friend that the episode was premiering😭

5 months ago


5 months ago

Legit so sad to hear how the Minecraft movie is going, like I don't go here, but as a devoted Terraria user, just know that we're all cousins and we feel for y'all

5 months ago
Another Year, Another Dye Block Texture Update! These Will Be In The Next Update Of The Squashed Mod.

another year, another dye block texture update! These will be in the next update of the Squashed mod.

5 months ago

The Creaking (minecraft) should be able to climb but reeeeeeal slowly. Also should maybe give you slowness that stacks on hit (up to III).

5 months ago
I Drew The Funny Tree Guy From The New Minecraft NotLive
I Drew The Funny Tree Guy From The New Minecraft NotLive

i drew the funny tree guy from the new Minecraft notLive

5 months ago

My Minecraft thoughts. Specifically on the update(s)

Let's get straight to the point. I don't mind them, some of them are good, some of them are mediocre. There hasn't been a single horrible earthquake shattering update that killed Minecraft, maybe except phantoms but that's because they're annoying.

Maybe it's a bit annoying waiting for an update but to put it into perspective at least we know we are getting an update. Minecraft is supposed to be a do it yourself, have fun, do whatever you want game. It always has been, you don't even need to be at the dragon to feel like you've 'completed' the world. That's the thing, the world doesn't even have to end! You can always continue to go back and explore more places and experience more fun.

Getting more random places, more biomes, ruins, shipwrecks, new mobs is nice. And adding mods is easy peasy if you feel that you don't have enough content! You can changed the texture pack if you don't like it, add shaders if it feels prettier to you! Minecraft as a base game is supposed to be easily accessible, especially to children just learning.

And I hate the argument, "just be grateful we get any updates!" I hate to say it but you should be a little grateful man. Not everyone is lucky enough to have a company that gives two fucks about their community and what they think. Mojang, while I don't want to pretend they care about anything but themselves and their image (bc you should always be skeptical about corporations) does at least have an open communication with us. They do give us teasers and input into what we wanna see going forward. Yeah the mob vote was always a little messy but at least they want our opinion? They have a history of actually listening to us and helping with any of our bugs and problems.

If you want to make a genuine post about the Minecraft update, be nice about it? Like, talk with someone higher up, it's unusually easier than you'd think. Ask questions, it's easy. If your questions are literally just complaints figure out what you're complaining about and then ask those questions!


On entirely different rant, people who say Minecraft is boring are uninspired, uncreative, pieces of shit. They want to make Minecraft into an linear action game sooo bad. Well, there are other action fighting games out there!! And if you want some "direction" for your game, do the fucking achievements!! I don't know man, can you not think for yourself, can you not have fun by yourself anymore?? Stop being a pussy and build a fucking house, fucking fish, or fight the fucking WARDEN without any 'cheats'. And fun thing about Minecraft, you can fucking cheat! And it won't matter because and the end of the day Minecraft is what you make of it.

Games that definite endings are just that, they have endings and then you have to start over. Minecraft isn't like that (as are many games but I'm talking about Minecraft) you "beat the game" and then you can skip the ending credits and move on with exploring. Sometimes that's the first thing players do is to beta the dragon. And that's fine! If you like a linear game that's also fucking fine!!! That's the thing about freedom, do whatever the fuck you want with it!!!! I'm not saying stop Minecraft because you just can't stand not listening to something telling you to do something, I'm just saying stop fucking complaining!!!!! There are other games that suit your needs just fine and you can even find rip off Minecraft games that might suit your satisfaction much better than the original. Maybe the Sims would suit you better (I like the Sims! I played with my older sister when I was younger I'm not dunking in Sims or whatever) if you absolutely need someone telling you what to do. It's a game about customization and life! Because that's what you fucking need if you're complaining about a game being boring when there other games out there that you could be playing to cure that boredom, a life.

5 months ago
Spent A Little Time On This One. I Think It Came Out Really Nice!!

Spent a little time on this one. I think it came out really nice!!

5 months ago

Why do i keep choosing things that have circles and angles in them?

I think im going to fill in the empty spots with animal pens or something, not historically accurate i think but whatev

Really just want to move onto the bronze age already

5 months ago

Do you guys like my minecraft house? I sure hope there's nothing creeping up behind me when I'm not looking!

Do You Guys Like My Minecraft House? I Sure Hope There's Nothing Creeping Up Behind Me When I'm Not Looking!
Do You Guys Like My Minecraft House? I Sure Hope There's Nothing Creeping Up Behind Me When I'm Not Looking!
Do You Guys Like My Minecraft House? I Sure Hope There's Nothing Creeping Up Behind Me When I'm Not Looking!
Do You Guys Like My Minecraft House? I Sure Hope There's Nothing Creeping Up Behind Me When I'm Not Looking!

I love this new wood type so so so much. And all of the gray blocks we have? Perfect for this biome. I especially think that the tuff is perfect because it has the subtle green in it that perfectly matches the grass in this biome

Here's some bonus daytime screenshots (the sky's gray. omg the sky's gray!!!)

Do You Guys Like My Minecraft House? I Sure Hope There's Nothing Creeping Up Behind Me When I'm Not Looking!
Do You Guys Like My Minecraft House? I Sure Hope There's Nothing Creeping Up Behind Me When I'm Not Looking!

And a screenie with a creaking

Do You Guys Like My Minecraft House? I Sure Hope There's Nothing Creeping Up Behind Me When I'm Not Looking!
5 months ago

Stumbled across a Minecraft edit video on my fyp, totally fine no issues

Except this fucking MINECRAFT EDIT was using 'Little Dark Age' as their fucking song

Actually fucking insane to me to use a song about police brutality to make sad Minecraft videos. How fucking awful and clueless are you


5 months ago

Stumbled across a Minecraft edit video on my fyp, totally fine no issues

Except this fucking MINECRAFT EDIT was using 'Little Dark Age' as their fucking song

Actually fucking insane to me to use a song about police brutality to make sad Minecraft videos. How fucking awful and clueless are you


5 months ago

Stumbled across a Minecraft edit video on my fyp, totally fine no issues

Except this fucking MINECRAFT EDIT was using 'Little Dark Age' as their fucking song

Actually fucking insane to me to use a song about police brutality to make sad Minecraft videos. How fucking awful and clueless are you


5 months ago
Um, So There Is A Boat Floating Above An Iceberg

Um, so there is a boat floating above an iceberg

5 months ago


tumblr: the creaking and the warden are yuri lol

5 months ago
A Curious Musical Lad In The Woods

A curious musical lad in the woods

A lil more whitepine *twirls*

5 months ago

what should his name be :3 (y'all get this because I was too tired to do ink/goretober today)

its a mooshroom centaur thingy^^

What Should His Name Be :3 (y'all Get This Because I Was Too Tired To Do Ink/goretober Today)
5 months ago
I Really Do This

i really do this

5 months ago

from skulk you came and to skulk you will return

5 months ago
Soo, I Partially Broke A Block And The Cracks Just Stayed

Soo, I partially broke a block and the cracks just stayed

5 months ago
The Zoo Sign. The Gate To The Right Of The Zoo Is The Bubble Column To The Surface. The Gate To The Left

The Zoo sign. The gate to the right of the zoo is the bubble column to the surface. the gate to the left has water for me to jump into from the surface.

5 months ago

What if, for Mojang's next Minecraft update, they just, don't tell us about it. Maybe not even announcing that they're updating the game.

Just randomly, an update appears, you think it's just a bug fix. Go to the loaded edges of your current world for the heck of it, then stumble upon a new biome.

Check the internet to see if you missed an announcement (you didn't). See if other people are seeing it. See the biomes that they've discovered. Rediscover the complete wonder and uncertainty of your first time ever playing Minecraft.