stormanbates - StormanBates

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Today's My 27th Birthday, So I Made My Second AO3 Story Birthday Themed.

Today's my 27th birthday, so I made my second AO3 story birthday themed.

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works
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More Posts from Stormanbates

1 year ago
Turtle Tots Headcanon: Time Out

Turtle Tots Headcanon: Time Out


-He doesn't mean to hurt his brothers, which is his biggest offense. He doesn't understand the meaning of the word "gentle".

-Splinter will immediately put him in the time out chair to have him think about his actions.

-Raph hits a lot, mostly Leo. Splinter will get angry when Raph hits, to the point where he almost shouts and he has to put him in time out.

-Raph will cry for a bit, but he will stay in time out, because he's an obedient boy and does as he's told.

-When asked to apologize, he gives the biggest hugs.


-His biggest offenses are toy taking, waking up his brothers during nap time, throwing toys, not telling Dad when he's had an accident, and not listening.

-Ignores warnings.

-Will act surprised when Splinter puts him in time out, as if he didn't know that throwing a sippy cup at Donnie will hurt him.

-Leo will let out the loudest scream of all time and throw a tantrum that lasts the entire time out.

-Leo's tantrums consists of kicking and sometimes he will smack his own dad, which shocks the rat. Leo learned to never do that again when Splinter smacked his hand.

-He makes up things to make Splinter feel bad, like "I'm bleeding!" "I'm tired!" "I'm thirsty!" "I want my blankey!" "Daddy's mean!"

-Will tucker himself out and say sorry.


-The most challenging child.

-Most of his behavior comes from sensory overload and lack of motor control, but Splinter didn't know that.

-Throws tantrums, but he's so aggressive. He bites, kicks, punches, etc.

-Will not stay in time out, he will get up several times and screams when Splinter puts him back.

-His biggest offenses are hitting, name calling, pushing, and talking back.

-"I'm not staying in the corner!"

-Will only give a half-hearted apology just to get out, but we all know he's going back soon.


-Doesn't really break any rules, but if he does, it's usually to get back at a brother for doing something bad.

-Uses the excuse "I'm only two!"

-When he does go to time out, he sneaks a toy or his bottle to occupy himself, which Splinter never notices.

-When he REALLY wants to get out of time out, he will pee himself just so Daddy can let him out. It always works.


-Splinter leaves the discipline to her mother, but when she comes over and misbehaves, he'll have her face the wall.

-Her biggest offense is teaching the boys naughty words, as well as taking them on dangerous adventures.

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1 year ago
Donnie's Meltdown

Donnie's Meltdown

Fun fact about me: Because I was born with autism, when I was a baby, it didn't matter if I was dead asleep, distracted by a toy, or whatever, whenever my mom needed to go to Walmart, I would absolutely scream my head off as soon as she pulled into the parking lot and I wouldn't stop until we drove home, due to the fact that I hated bright lights, loud noises and strangers. It frustrated her to no end. Plus, my mom had twins and she would always have people come up to her to ask questions like "Are they twins? Are they identical? Did you know you were having them? Which one is older? Did you have them naturally? Have they ever done anything at the same time?" So irritating.

Here, Splinter is trying to get some shopping done, and most of his kids are cool as cucumbers, except for his autistic one. Splinter gets so frustrated when he's trying to get errunds done, but Donnie is having none of this. This was before he found out that Donnie has autism, before he would think that he was just fussy, and he would try everything. He tried making sure he was fed and well rested before the trip, didn't work. He tried to give him a toy to distract him, it didn't work. He tried to put pacifiers in his mouth to get him to quiet down, it didn't work. He tried to wear him with the baby carrier to make him feel close and hopefully calm him down, it didn't work. He tried to feed him or change him before they went in, thinking that was why he was crying, it didn't work. He resorted to just bearing through it until they left, when Donnie would magically stop crying.

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1 year ago



Based on my headcanon on how the turtles would react to stress because IM A FUCKING SUCKER FOR THIS KINDA COMFORT COMICS OKAY!!! SUE ME!!!

To recap the stress response headcanon briefly:

Donnie stress stims (scratching his arm, they give him fidget toys so he doesnt hurt himself)

Mikey hides in his shell, away from harm. You know, turtle istincts and all haha

Leo gets nausea and gags a lot (any strong emotion does that really)

Raph has a delayed panic/anxiety spike later on, because he wants to always make sure his brothers are safe first. THEN he'll crumble