Digital Transformers! Storm Finishes Watching Digimon Xros Wars!
Digital Transformers! Storm Finishes Watching Digimon Xros Wars!
Yup, after putting it off for long enough, I have finally completed the sixth season of Digimon! You know the drill, probably some spoilers in this write up’ve been warned.
So the third part of Xros Wars is...different. I wouldn’t call it bad necessarily, but it is a step down from the first two parts. It’s very episodic in nature and doesn’t really develop a plot for a large part of the episodes. The plot and development was interesting when it happened, but there was too few of them on the whole.
Some of the more stand alone episodes were...iffy at best. One that immediatly comes to mind is the Betsumon episode, which my beef with can be summed up very simply by this paraphrasing of the plot.
Tagiru: Gumdramon! Fight for your friend! Gumdramon: He abandoned me and doesn’t even remember me, how about no? Tagiru: NO! *Punches in face repeatedly* FRIENDSHIP!
Speaking of Tagiru, him as a protagonist was...alright. I actually didn’t mind him as much as I thought I would and Gumdramon was a nice partner for him as well. I’m sure there were a quite a few people dissapointed in Taiki taking a bit of a back seat in this arc but I actually kind of liked getting to see him in more of a mentor/advisory position.
Also Shoutmon’s desgin upgrade for this season was awesome.
Something I haven’t talked about throughout these post’s but I really probably should is the music. I pretty much love all the insert songs that get played for each digixros/digivolution and some of the themes are absolutely great for getting you pumped for the epic moments.
So where would I rank Xros Wars out of all the Digimon seasons? Pretty favorably actually! I would probably have to put it in sort of an interchangeable depending on the day tie for second with Savers and 02 (And without the third season, it may be second by itself) with Tamers still my all time favorite. Really glad I finally got myself to watch the series and I enjoyed the experience!
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Going Digital! Digimon World Dawn Part 1
Hey, guess who’s got a new game? DID YOU GUESS ME?!?! BECAUSE IT’S TOTALLY ME!
Ahem, so yeah, my copy of Digimon World Dawn for the DS showed up yesterday and I got to start playing it today. I have a pretty long history with the Digimon games, playing all five of the playstation games and beating all but Digimon World 2. It’s very much a love hate relationship, as in I love them and then they try to tear apart my heart and soul with murderous, monotonous gameplay over and over again.
Anyway...we start our quest by selecting the Japanese pack, which consisted of Coronamon, Reppamon and Karatenmon. Apparently we are part of the light fang organization and all are running late for some kind of important battle. We’re in a hole, down 2 matches to none and need me to win three in a row...pressures on!
Except not really because everyone on our team is incompetent as hell and we wreck our three opponents in a row. This puts us in the final as we face off against another member of...Night Crow, I think it was? That battle is actually kind of difficult but nonetheless our team prevails! Partying and drinks all around!
However, this is short lived as some freaky dark energy egg that can’t stop cackling breaks in and dedigivoles pretty much everyone and crashes several parts of the city. Even our team is effected even though we are home, which forces Reppamon and Karatenmon to dedigivolve to Kudamon and Biyomon.
Anyway, our guild leader is completely at the mercy of the nightmare egg when we show up. It seemed like this would be a hopeless boss fight but it was actually very easy...quite the plot/gameplay segregation there. Anyway, rebuilding time and three members of Light Fang are not satisfied with this, so they run off into login mountain and completely ignore orders...I’m sure that won’t bite them in the ass.
Inevitably, we have to save their asses from a pissed/brainwashed Aquilamon (one of my favorites so I would have been perfectly okay with him murdering them, but alas) which was a relatively tough fight but not too bad. Our team mates are punished with doing the rest of the work themselves...serves those losers right.
Anyway, we are introduced to to the concepts of quests after this and our helpful Digimon at our home, Gatomon, apparently really loves yeah, that’s a thing. Rest of the time was basically just spent recruiting more Digimon and starting out my farm so I can raise my team to be the best it can be! There are a lot of mechanics in this game, so hopefully I can keep up with it all.
Anyway, enjoying the game so far and eager to see how it develops! Also, I’ll be playing this along with Gladius and not replacing that game (in fact i’m about to play that some more after I post this) worries for anyone who was enjoying that playthrough.
Anyway, current Digimon will be posted after a read more...see ya everyone!
Current squad
Biyomon: L17 Terriermon: L7 Kudamon: L18 Hawkmon: L17 Lopmon: L1 Coronamon: L24
Farm Digimon
Monodramon: L16 Kokuwamon: L12 Palmon: L7 Demidevimon: L6
So I have one of these now
Let's see how long this lasts : p
The Valkyria Chronicles...Chronicle! Part 1
Hey everyone, for now think I'm gonna use this blog to share my experiences playing games and other stuff, because let's face it, it can be fun to read about someone's first experience with something! So regardless if you have no idea what I'm playing, have mastered it, or are just looking for something entertaining to read, hopefully you can find something to enjoy here.
So yeah, as you may have been able to guess from the title, I am currently playing Valkyria Chronicles for the PS3. Valkyria Chronicles is a turn based strategy RPG with perma death features similar to Fire Emblem, though it's a little more forgiving on that note. Your characters die if you can't get another character to them in three rounds or before an enemy unit approaches them. As a note, I will try to keep spoilers to a relative minimum or at least not go into details much, but I can't promise there won't be ANY so...just be aware of that I guess.
I'm already on Chapter 8 of the game so I'm gonna do kind of a quick TLDR for what's happened so far in the game to kind of catch you up or at least give you a bit of a gist as to what's happening.
And that's the important stuff : p So anyway, the start of Chapter 8 has you as the main two characters (Welkin and Alicia) trying to sneak past enemy grounds at night to get to safety. The gimmick here, is that Alicia has a bum ankle and the enemy is firing Mortar shots at you every turn while you try to work your way through. There are also search lights that if you run into will cause a mortar to be targeted toward your current location.
So this level I actually game overed on several times before finally succeeding. The mission doesn't seem that hard overall and most of the game overs were stupidity on my part (Leaving Alicia in range of the Mortar without even thinking for one) and since you only have two main characters, either of them dying is a game over. Biggest hurdle was a section with a scout (Speedsters) and a Shocktrooper (Heavy Hitter) and I tried to face them outright instead of dashing right by to the pathway by them (Didn't see it at first). The first time I did that I completed the level so...failure by making things overly complicated : p
Following that, a couple of cutscenes happen, including Welkin and Alicia backstory, seeing how the rest of the team you are separated from is doing and a encounter with the opposing army. After all of that, it's time for the second part of the chapter, which you start on the opposite side of the map from your team and have to make your way back to the tank and operate it while the rest of your team defends it until you get there.
So you want to talk stupidity, that was how I lost this mission about 3 different times. There are a bunch of mines in the path of Welkin and Alicia as they make their way to the rest of the group and I was apparently blind and ran into pretty much every single one.
The mission becomes pretty simply once you get into the tank and can begin to really mount a counter offensive. That being said, I unfortunately did lose my first party member before that could happen by the name of Wavy. Put him up at a little outlook thing and I thought he was safe up there. He was not and got knocked down from there right next to an enemy sniper, who quickly ran over to him and assured my first casualty of the run.
But yeah, tanks. Bam bam, your dead. That was pretty much the rest of the mission.
So yeah, this was a fun little first edition of this. Hope you enjoyed reading this, I will probably keep doing it as long as I find it enjoyable. I'll put the current party and stats under a read more.
Current team and levels
Scouts (GOTTA GO FAST) Level 8 Alicia Hermes Nancy Susie Fresia
Shocktroopers (BAM BAM) Level 7 Rosie Alex Salinas Nina Dorothy Jane
Lancers (FUCK TANKS) Level 7 Largo Walter Yoko Elysse
Engineers (FIX TANKS) Level 8 Karl Nadine
Snipers (EAGLE EYES) Level 8 Cezary Marina Catherine
ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!?!?! Gladius Part 2
Hey everyone, been a few days since I was able to do an update but I feel like I’ve made enough progress that another one of these was in order.
Plot wise, there still hasn’t been a whole lot of development. It has essentially been, encounter witch, witch says ominous thing, Urlan tells witch to screw off and for Ursula to not listen. Probably the most interesting development was when we were tasked to go find a Galdr, Sigi, who is apparently responsible for singing or something to keep the dragon that the Mordare arena is hosted inside of dead. You have to trigger a random battle outside of Roanar where she is being attacked by 6 Mongrel Shamans and you know, keep her from dying.
Not gonna lie, lost that battle the first time and the second battle was cutting it close but I managed to succeed. After we return her, she and Ursula have a talk about sensing something in each other and Urlan interjects again,only for Sigi to maintain that she means Ursula no harm and wishes her well.
So yeah, outside of that I kind of stumbled throughout the area of the map I have access to going to each arena and knocking off their challenges one by one. I only have the Mordare tournament to go now to qualify for the regional tournament. Currently have a 5 member team with four of their levels maxed out at 5 (Level caps for current school rank, will go higher when I beat regional tournament). Let’s get a little more in depth shall we?
Ursula: Main character who is an interesting mix of a barbarian and a witch with her moves. She’s honestly pretty badass with her moveset right now, with multiple spells that can hit from range and multiple opponents at a time, as well as a move that buffs her stats (mainly making her super dodgy). Her biggest flaw for me so far is that her combo meter goes very fast and I have a hard time timing the button presses for her. Other then that though, can’t complain.
Urlan: The elder of the siblings is much more straight up brute then his sister, for better and for worse. A little slow and bulky but can certainly pack a punch. He doesn’t really have any super useful abilities at the moment aside from him being my first party member to get a three hit combo, which obviously wrecks shop. Not great but can certainly handle himself at the moment.
Zod: Bearrrrrrrrrrrr. Okay, he started kind of weak at first but could still take hits. Now he is an absolute murder beast and I love him. He is capable of shrugging off pretty much any blow that comes at him while dishing it back with interest at this point. He has a combo attack that can dish out good damage as well as a special move that wrecks that only takes 1 special point (did I mention you get 1 special point replenished each turn?) and has an ability that reduces the amount of damage he takes, making him even more impenetrable.
Oh, and did I mention he has a counter attack? He has a counter attack. Zod kicks ass and I love him and he will forever be my murder bear.
Bestla: My wolf buddy who just recently reached the current level cap. Very swift, but certainly not the most sturdy or effective from an offensive standpoint. Main use so far has been getting to top of the hill in the king of the hill battles or similar situations. Has been getting some more useful abilities, such as a combo attack, being able to heal herself...
Oh, and ripping throats out, so that’s a plus.
Sim: Saytr who I just recruited fairly recently. Still trying to figure out his strengths a bit but he’s definitely got some assets that I can use once I figure out how to use him. Seems very quick and deals decent damage for being a lower level then the rest of the squad. Has some buffs and some range attacks as well but neither of them seem super effective yet. Kind of a jack of all trades so we’ll see how he develops.
So yeah, that’s the update on gladiator land! Thanks for reading everyone!
So I bought some games
Went by a used video game store today and a few games for the PS2. These include...
Dragon Rage: A game I had literally never seen before but you play as a dragon so...automatically awesome
Zone of the Enders: A game I had at least heard of. It's some kind of space mech shooter and made by Hideo Kojima of Metal Gear fame so...could be good.
Gladius: A game I literally thought I had to be misremembering from my childhood. It's a Gladiator based Turn based strategy rpg that I played a demo of like...12 years ago. Very excited to find it again and at a pretty decent price.
So yeah, gonna test these games out and see what I think, may chronicle my progress throughout whichever one I decide to progress in first.
That's all, BYE PEOPLE!